Bold Nalu lemons

By Better-to-be-unknown

99.9K 741 313

Mixture of AUs, made up situations, and rewritten scenes all including lemons of course ;) All will contain s... More

Friends with Benifits
Just a little fun
Stripper AU
Sleeping Together
Maid AU
Maid AU pt 2

Princess AU

15.6K 115 21
By Better-to-be-unknown

Lucy's POV
       I was rushing as quickly as possible to my room. I'm not supposed to be sneaking around! I should be training or be in my lecture! I'm the princess of Fiore! I shouldn't be breaking the rules and sneaking out! But I can't help it.. I have to go see him! I got in my room without hesitation then I locked my door. I opened my bedroom window then I climbed on it to the edge. I did hesitate to jump. Am I doing the right thing? Should I really be sneaking away from duties ? Should I really be risking it all for him? The answer is Yes because I love him!

        With that confirmation I climbed down the wall of my castle then I jumped down. I didn't land very gracefully though... I barely landed on my feet.. Yet my feet weren't able to handle my weight and force from the jump so I ended up falling on my side... "Ow.. well that could have been better.." I whimpered to myself. I pushed my self up then I noticed my dress had been ruined from the fall. "Great.. now I have to throw this stupid dress away so they won't become suspicious of my actions!" I scolded myself. I picked up my dress slightly and took of my heels getting ready to run off.

       "Princess?" I heard a voice call out. Oh no! I looked around there was no where to hide. The person that had called out to me found me and came to me rapidly. "Princess?? What happened?!" She said to me. I sighed half relief and half still panicked. "Virgo! I'm so glad it's you!" I hugged her gently then released. She looked at me concerned and said "Princess aren't you supposed to be in the library for your lecture?". Virgo was always one of my favorite maids because she was always so kind to me. She might question my actions but I know I can trust her in the end. "I kinda.. got something else more important. Look I don't have much time-" I said but she cut me off.

       "Princess you look injured did you fall from the window?! Do I need to take you to the nurse??" She asked as she looked at the window and me. I sighed and said "Virgo! I'm fine. I can't explain everything right now but I promise I'll tell you everything later. I just need you to do me a favor". She nodded in understanding and I continued to say "Take my shoes and keep them for me until I return. If anyone asks you if you seen me tell them you haven't!". She looked at me shocked and said "you want me to lie..?". I nodded slowly and handed her my shoes. "I know I'm asking you something dangerous but please do it for me. Just make sure no one finds out I left and don't get caught. Everything will be fine. I have to go now". I was about to leave when she grabbed my hand and said "Princess I will do as you say not only because you are my authority but because you are my friend. But you have to promise me you'll be safe!".

       She looked so worried for me and it made me feel guilty but in my heart I knew I had to go. I grabbed her hand gently and said "I promise I'll be okay. I love you Virgo! Thank you so much!". With that I ran off, I looked back at her as she watched me run off. She held my shoes close to her and I knew that was another sign I could trust Virgo with my secret. "I'll be back before you know it!" I told Virgo then I looked forward and ran faster. I remember seeing her nod and that's the last time I thought about her until I returned to the castle.

       The whole way there was my thoughts were on him! My love! My forbidden love.. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when I arrived. I couldn't wait to see his smile. I couldn't wait to see him! That's what motivated me to leave! My love for him! I can't wait to wrap my arms around him. I can't wait to feel him. I can't wait to be with him again. It feels like it's been too long. To be separated from my love.. How I wish we could be together.. I wish I could get married to him without being judged.. Why are people so cruel.. That doesn't matter though as long as he loves me we will be okay. Because Our love is unstoppable!!

       I climbed over the castle wall but my dress ended up getting caught on the top so I ended up falling once again. "You got to be kidding me!!" I said in frustration. "That's not the type of tone a princess should be using" said a man with a sly tone. I gasped in shook since I thought I was alone. I looked up to see who was speaking the me. "What are you doing here?!" I scolded him. It was him the dragon himself! Well.. in his human form of course but he still had his wings and horns. He smiled down at me and said "I was on my way to see you of course but I guess we both think alike since your on your way to see me. Aren't you?".

        "I told you a million times to stay away from the castle! Now go hide before someone sees you" I said sternly. Natsu looked at me with a hurt expression and that's when I knew I had been to harsh on him. "Are you ashamed of me?.."He said sadly. Natsu was always very insecure about himself. I understand why since people treat him like he's a monster.. but I never saw him that way. I saw his true beauty. "No, No! I didn't mean for it sound that way I just.. I just don't want the knights to see you or they will try to harm you.. You know I care about you!". He smiled gently and said "yea I know. I'm sorry..".

        I smiled back at him then said "well if your not going to hide can you help me up?". He looked back at me and quickly said "Oh! Yes of course sorry". He picked me up gently and I said to him "You don't need to apologize so much". He scratched his head nervously and said "haha.. Your right. I'm sorry". I giggled at him and hugged him. I loved being in his arms. He hugged me back and I said "We shouldn't waste anytime let's go". He nodded in agreement and picked me up. He flew me up and I yelped. "We could have walked!" I told Natsu. He chuckled at me and I blushed. "Yea but this is way more fun" he said cheerfully. "Yea for you!" I said and he laughed at me again.

         He flew us into the forest next to the castle then we walked the rest of the way. It was a very short walk since the cave wasn't very deep into the forest. This was our secret spot. It wasn't where we met but it was close to it. We met at the lake. I still remember that day so well. It was one of the best days. The beginning of the day I promised myself I would never escape again. That it would only be this once but I had met him that day. I couldn't stop myself from seeing him!

         When we got to the cave I sat down on a rock and grabbed his hand gently. "I've missed you" I said softly. He smiled at me. "I've missed you too" he said kindly.

        I pulled him towards me and gave him a kiss. I never understood why people could despise someone because of their appearance. Everyone told me to stay away from dragons. Who would have known I was destined to be with one? He's amazing. He's very good looking! How could I resist him?! He was my everything! We separated from our kiss. I looked into his eyes and then he said "Mmm.. Princess that was exquisite please tell me you'll grant me another kiss". I blushed madly and I pushed him lightly.

        "Don't say things like that in a moment like this.. And don't call me that!" I said as my cheeks flustered. He chuckled at me and said "I'm sorry I had to!". Natsu liked to joke about royalty and I enjoyed that. He was the only one that made me feel safe about sharing how I truly felt about being a Princess. I enjoyed his jokes, he always helped me escape from my stress and responsibilities of a princess. I puffed my cheeks at him and said "Fine you want to be like that". Then I collided my lips against his and kissed him roughly. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and swirled it all around. I moaned softly while we kissed as I felt him pull me closer.

         We separated from each other panting for air. My eyes were now clouded with lust. I looked at him, his face was now flushed. He looked away embarrassed and mumbled "you win". I smiled triumphantly and started to take off his vest. He started to undo the back of my dress then he said "Geez Lucy what did you do to this thing? It's all ripped up!". I smiled weakly and said "well.. let's just say the time you saw me fall wasn't the only time I fell today". He looked at me concerned and said "Your not hurt though, right?". I smiled softly and said "no I'm not but thanks for caring". He kissed me gently and said "Ugh I cant get this thing off!".

          I laughed at his frustration and suggested "Just rip the back it will be faster and easier". He looked at me like I was insane. "What? The dress is already messed up as it is" Natsu said in concern. "Just rip the back of it but not to much so I can wear it on the way back to the castle" I responded simply. He nodded and tarred the back. "Your a little eager aren't you?" Natsu said teasingly. I smirked at him and said "well of course when I have this hot dragon right in front of me". He licked his lips at my comment and dove right to my neck. He licked at my neck sending shivers down my spine.

         I moaned softly as he licked and bite my neck. "Mmm.. Natsu.." I said softly. Then he trailed kissed down my chest. He began to suck on my breasts gently while groping them as well. He increased his force, building up my arousal. He sucked harder on my nipple making me moan loudly. He bite it gently making me moan out. "Ahh!!" I screamed. He finished off with a final suck. Then me pulled off my under garments. "I hate to say this but try to make it quick I have to leave soon" I whispered. He shook his head in denial and said "I'll drop you off that way we can be with each other longer".

         I looked at him lovingly but I said "No Natsu you can't do that it's to risky. I don't want anyone to catch you". He kissed my cheek softly and said "Don't worry about that. I just want you to be with me longer..". I sighed in defeat and said "Fine but you better not get caught or I will kill you!". He smiled at me childishly and said "I promise I won't". Then he started to get himself in position. "Ready for this Princess?" He whispered and laughed. I hit him on the head and he rubbed it gently. "Sorry.." he said softly. "It's okay.. Now please continue" I said.

        "Your wish is my command" he said as he pushed himself inside me. I panted as he pushed himself all the way in. "Ready?" He said and I nodded in response. He began to thrust in me. I moaned in pleasure "Ohhh!!! Natsu!! Ahhh!!". His thrusts were so strong that they managed to hit the back of me almost every time. He groaned in my ear making me crave him even more. I wrapped my arms around his back as he pushed himself in me. I pulled at his hair, slightly touching his horns and moaned in his ear. He turns me on so much!! "You know Natsu.. Even though it's dangerous, part of me enjoys sneaking around to be with you.. it excites me" I said seductively in his ear. I felt him become slightly larger and I smirked. He got turned on by what I said. "My, My. Aren't you a little perverted?" I said teasingly in his ear. "So are you" Natsu responded. I smiled and said "thats true".

          By this time Natsu's thrusts have become sloppier but that didn't matter because we were at our limits. "Natsu!! I'm so close!!" I yelled to him. He panted heavily and said "Me too..". Because he was getting tired he used his wings as his strength. He flapped them so that it would bring more force to push inside. He trusted last time will all the force in him and we expelled our juices. "Ahhh!!! Natsu!!!" I moaned in pleasure. "Agghhh!! Lucy!!" Natsu moaned in my ear. He collapsed on me trying to catch his breath. Even now when he's all exhausted and sweaty I still saw him as attractive. He looked at me with loving eyes and said "I love you". I smiled happily and said "Me too". I kissed him right after and he returned the affection. As we separated from our kiss he said "I love you but.. I don't deserve you..". I looked at him worried and said "why do you say that?".

         He looked at me sadly and said "I can get you in a lot of trouble.. We can't be together.. A princess can't be with a monster like me..". His hands were holding his face in shame. I grabbed his hands gently so he could see me. "Oh Natsu.. I know people treat you differently but I don't. I don't care what other think I'll still chose you! And don't ever say your a monster because your not! When you start thinking that remember I love you! I didn't fall in love with a monster I fell in love with you!" I said sweetly. He smiled and said "Lucy thank you for your kind words. They will stay with me forever but.. how can we have a future together if no one will let us be together.. I love you Lucy and I want to be with you but not if I'm going to cause you hardships".

        "Our love can overcome anything! I believe in us!! I don't care about being a Princess! I want to be with you!" I said to him. He looked at me scared and said "But you should care you have a future but with me you don't! I'll only cause you pain.. You should stay away and focus on being a Princess..". I started to tear up at his words. I said to him trying to hold back my tears "Don't say that! Before I met you I was unhappy being a princess! You helped me through that pain! If you told me to run away with you I would do it without a doubt because I love you way more than I love being in that castle! Sure I would miss my family but I can't stand being apart from you! So please don't tell me to stay away! I need you Natsu!".

         He stared at me as I began to cry then he embraced me in his arms. "I need you too Lucy!" He said to me. I hugged him tightly and said "Then don't leave me! Stay with me forever!". I kissed him softly and said "When the time comes when we decide to get married I'll tell my kingdom and my father if they don't approve we'll run away together because you are my future! I can't live without you!". He kissed me tightly and then released me as he stared into my eyes. "I love you so much!" He said to me as tears slipped out of his eyes. I smiled at him and I cheerfully said "Me too".

         I started to put my clothes back on as fast as I could because me and Natsu were running late. After we changed he didn't hesitate to fly me up in the sky with him. He dropped me off at the castle wall. I kissed him goodbye and said "I'll see you soon my love". He nodded and said "I can't wait". Then I ran off I looked back and he was still standing there watching me run off. I smiled to myself and ran to the castle. Our love may be forbidden but I know it's good. He's the one for me! I reached the castle and climbed up the same way I climbed down the wall. I climbed into my room and changed out of the dress I had completely destroyed but I could care less about it. I shoved it under my bed for now to hide the evidence.

        I began to brush my hair so I could get ready for bed when suddenly I heard a knock at the door. I gasped and I nervously approached the door. I heard knocking on my door once again. "Princess are you here?" Virgo's voice said across the door. I sighed of relief and quickly unlocked the door to open it. As soon as I opened the door I pulled her right in. "Virgo! I'm so glad your here!" I hugged her cheerfully. She looked at me concerned and said "I'm so glad your here I began to worry about you princess". I smiled at her then I said to her excited "I have so much to tell you!!!". I squealed from happiness then I whispered in her ear "I met someone!". She smiled at me and said "Princess did you find love?!". I nodded gladly and said "I sure did" as I held my hand close to my heart.

        Hello it's me! I decided to do the typical Princess and the dragon AU. I'm usually not really fond of it but I actually like how this chapter came out. Tell me what you think of it :) once again feel free to leave suggestions for other chapters or comments. Thanks for reading :)

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