Break My Heart, I Dare You. (...

By cuddleswithliam

8.1K 182 90

I suppose it all started when that curly haired boy asked those three words. Truth or dare. Who knew that jus... More

Break My Heart, I Dare You.
Three - This Feels Like Falling In Love, Falling In Love, Falling In Love.
Four - It's Strange, Falling In Love.
Five - Just When You're Starting To Be Happy, Fate Takes It's Toll.
Six - Sorry, I Messed Up.
Seven - Irrevocable.
Eight - Questions and Answers.
Nine - Kiss Me, Like You Want To Be Loved.
Ten - One More Night.
Eleven - Goodbye's Don't Mean Forever.

Two - One Boy a Thousand Feelings.

774 20 3
By cuddleswithliam


I awoke to hearing a loud shot of thunder and a bright flash of lighting, I jumped out of my bed, turning my head to my alarm clock, 3:27 am.

I let out a big sigh, slipping back to bed and trying to shield the loud noises with pillows, sheets and what not, but that didn’t help one bit. 

I heard the door to my bedroom creak open.

“Liam?” A voice whisper-yelled though my doorway.

“Yeah?” I muttered into my pillow.

The door shut and I heard the brushing of feet on my cosy carpet, coming closer to my bed. The bed dipped down and she snuggled under the blankets with me. A smile rising on my face.

“I’m scared, Li.” She whispered, her hot breath hitting the back of my neck making the hairs on my arms stick up in all different directions, sending shivers down my spine, fear striking through her angelic voice.

I rolled over to face her and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer into my chest. She pressed up against my bare torso and nuzzled her head into my chest, I could feel her gently pluck the hairs on my chest. I smiled as she placed her head onto my chest while I played with her hair. 

“Sh, it’s okay. You’re safe here with me, love.” I whispered back to her, pulling back so I could plant a kiss on her delicate forehead.

She nuzzled back down into my chest. I could feel her hot breath on my chest. We laid in a comfortable silence for no longer than 10 minutes, the lightning and thunder had died down a bit by now, but every few minutes it would hit again, making the poor girl almost jump out of her skin. I just pulled her in tighter and told her it was alright.


“Yeah Kaylie?” I whispered back.

She pulled away from my chest and lifted her head up so it was directly in front of mine, I admired her blue orbs and I could see her blushing whenever the lightning lit up the room. She planted a gentle kiss onto my lips. The way that her lips moved in motion with mine was perfect, her smooth lips rubbing against my big ones. I didn't want her lips to leave mine. She pulled away after a few seconds.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, babe.” 

She snuggled down, back into my chest. I could feel my eyes getting heavy now as I listened to Kaylie lightly snore. My eyes closed and within those ten seconds I drifted into the world of unconsciousness. Clutching onto the girl I’ve always loved, the girl that may even love me back, after tonight.


“Awe, look at those two!” I heard Louis’ soppy voice sing as my door creaked open. I still kept my eyes closed shut, pretending I was still fast asleep.

“What’s so cute?” I heard an Irish voice ring from down the hallway, before hearing the soft prodding of feet gradually get louder as they got closer to my room and the door opened the full way now, squeaking. 

“Awe Zayn! Come look at this!” The Irishman spoke up again, I heard Zayn feet lazily brush along the hallway floor boards and stop in front of my door.

“Vas Happenin?” He paused for a moment before breaking into another ‘awe’. 

“What’s all the fuss about?” I heard the curly haired boy speak before peaking his head through the doorway, over the top of all the other boys heads. 

“Awe, that’s sweet.” He said.

I slowly moved my arm from Kaylie’s waist and picked up another pillow, from the other side of her still peacefully sleeping body. I grabbed it in my hand and slowly moved it over her body, trying my best not to wake her up. I swung my arm back flinging the fluffy pillow to the door way. 

“Ow, Leeyum!” All the boys cried out and I giggled lightly. I watched Kaylie as she smiled, still unsure if she was awake of asleep. I heard the shuffling of feet and the door close lightly, the boys obviously leaving. I pulled my hand back around Kaylie’s small waist and dozed off back to sleep.



I woke up in Liam’s muscular arms, my head still neatly nestled into his chest and I could still smell the faint aroma of his cologne, he always smelt good. I slowly unwrapped myself from his grasp, trying not to wake up the brown eyed boy. I wriggled out of the bed and walked over to the other side of the bed, taking a long glance at my button nosed friend. He looked to peaceful. A small smile crept up onto his lips and I couldn’t help but smile too. I turned on my heel about to walk out of the room to go downstairs when I heard the bed sheets ruffle and two muscular hands grabbed my waist, pulling me back down onto the bed. 

He started tickling me.





A shriek left my mouth as I tried to fight him off, he was just too strong. He pinned me down on the bed tickling me all over my helpless body as I wriggled from under him.

“L-Liam! Stop i-it!” I cried, but it was no use.

The brown haired boy still looked down at me with a devious smile on his face, he continued to tickle me until I finally flipped him over. He obviously let me do that because there’s no hope in hell I would’ve been able to do it any other way. He laid down on his back and I straddled him, my long brown curly locks draping over my face. He pulled his hand up and tucked one side of my hair back behind my shoulder. I leaned down over him. My face mirroring his and planted a soft kiss onto his plump lips. I pulled away from his and he leaned up to kiss me again. I put my finger on his lips, pushing his back down onto the bed.

“Uh uh, we have to go make breakfast now, silly.” I said back with a cheeky smile plastered along my face.

“You’re such a tease.” He said, before flipping me off of him and getting out of bed. I walked out the door in my over sized tea shirt that I always wore to bed and I could see Liam eyeing me as I walked out.

I felt the cool wooden floorboards touch the tips of my feet sending shivers up and down my spine, as I tip toed down the staircase, soon followed by Liam. There was a mixture of smirks and giggles as I walked into the living room, Liam not too far behind me. 

“What?” I questioned the four immature boys who were lounging around on the overly large cushioned couch.

“Oh nothing.” They all said back almost in unison. I rolled my eyes playfully as I turned on my heel and walked into the lavish kitchen. 

I could hear a mixture of cheeky and crude jokes as Liam walked into the lounge room, I giggled to myself rolling my eyes. The door creaked open and I lifted my head to see a tall muscular, shirtless boy standing in the door way with plaid blue and white long flannel pajama pants on. One hand scratching the back of his neck, slightly ruffling his hair as he brought it back down to his side. He smiled down at me as he inched closer to me. I smiled at the ground, blushing fiercely.

“Morning, love.” He said, smiling widely.

“Morning, Payne.” I said back, turning my body back to the kitchen counter, before bending over to grab a frying pan from the bottom cupboard. I pulled two out and placed them on the stove. 

“Eggs.” I ordered Liam and he shuffled his feet along the cool tiles, opening the fridge door, searching for the eggs. After a few seconds he found them and placed them down onto the bench. He was a good 13 inches taller than me. I was only 4’11, shush. I cracked two eggs into one pan. Slowly watching as the clear white liquid turned slightly white, cooking over.

“Bacon.” Liam walked back over to the fridge, pulling out a huge packet of bacon. He placed it silently on the bench and watched me as I oiled another pan, slapping the bacon onto the hot pan, hearing the oil almost clap as it hit the cool bacon. 

“Make some toast.” I ordered once again to Liam.

“Please.” He said back, raising his eye brows.

“Make some toast, please.” I said back, a smile creeping up onto both his and my faces. I watched him as he walked over to the pantry, grabbing out the loaf of bread and putting four slices into the flashy stainless steal toaster. He walked back over to the fridge, grabbing out the butter. He then continued to walk to the kitchen drawers, pulling out a butter knife and pushing his pelvis against the drawer, slamming it shut. The toast popped out of the toaster and he pulled it out and buttered all four slices. He placed another four slices into the toaster and turned to look at me. I quickly snapped my head back to the frying pan.

“Please Kaylie, instead of watching me, how about you watch the eggs, okay? They’re probably burnt by now, love.” He said back, I blushed fiercely and watched as he giggled at me. 

I scraped the burnt eggs out of the pan and cracked two new ones into the pan. I placed all the already cooked bacon onto a plate and continued to slap more pieces onto the hot frying pan. 

Liam walked over with the all finished and buttered toast and placed them on the bench. 

“Here, let me. You can make the tea’s.” He said, taking the handle of the frying pans out of my hands, ushering me over to the other side of the kitchen. I’d lived here a long time but I still seem to forget where the mugs are, considering the boys put them anywhere they want to, really.

“Where are the cups?” I asked sweetly and he pointed his spatula up to the top cupboard, motioning that they were in there.

I flicked on the kettle and let out a big sigh. Who’s idea was it to put the cups right on the top cupboard. I could never EVER reach the top cupboard and I always ended up climbing on top of the bench like a monkey because I was so god damn short. Pushing onto the very tips of my tippy toes I reached up to grab the handle, my top riding up to just cover my bottom. I heard Liam’s feet shuffling as he got closer to me, obviously noticing my struggles and stood right behind me. His junk rubbing up against my bum. He reached up to the cupboard, barley reaching at all. He opened the cupboard and took out six mugs, bringing them in front of me and putting them down lightly on the bench. I spun around, still on my tippy toes, motioning my head to his lips before swerving my head to his ear.

“Thank you.” I whispered, my hot breath against his ear. 

I turned on my heel, gently pushing his chest, moving him out of the way, I slid the six coffee cups across the bench, closer to the kettle. By now the water had boiled and I already know what all the boys want. Tea for all of them. For Lou it’s just straight tea with a bit of milk. Harry, Liam, Zayn and myself are tea with milk and two sugars and Niall, that boy has three sugars in his tea, topped up with heaps of milk. I finally stirred the hot cups of tea and dropped the spoon into the sink. By now Liam had finished with the bacon and eggs and had already brought them over to the table. I carried the cups to the table, two at a time and placed them in front of each boys’ seat.

“COME ON BOYS!” I yelled from the kitchen, hoping they’d hear me from the lounge room.

No more than ten seconds later I heard the loud shuffling of feet on the wooden floorboards and all the boys came running in, taking their specified seats that they’d always sat it. It’s funny how you can hear the boys way before you see them. It didn’t take long before they all dug in to the pile of bacon and eggs that were sitting neatly in the middle of the table, Niall obviously being the first to gobble up his food and go back for seconds. We all conversed and the boys took the mickey out of myself and Liam because of the state they saw us in this morning.

“So how was last night you two.” The curly haired boy questioned as he wiggled his eyebrows and all the boys smirked.

“Oh my gosh, I was scared of the lightning and thunder last night... So I went to go sleep in Liam’s bed.” I said back, blushing a tiny bit. Looking over to Liam who nodded in agreement.

“Oh yes, I’m sure that’s all that happened.” Zayn said before stuffing another piece of bacon into his mouth and giggling silently to himself. 

All the boys soon finished their breakfast and put their dishes in the sink. We all washed up together and decided we’d all head down to the beach.

I rushed up to my bedroom, having a quick shower and letting my hair dry out naturally, there’s no point in putting any effort in today if we’re just going to go to the beach. I put on my cute floral bandeau bikini top and matching bottoms with cute bows on either side, before slipping on my faded denim high waisted shorts and a flowy beachy singlet. I had one quick look in the mirror, my brown curly locks falling just above my bum. I spun around on my heel and walked down the stairs. The boys were all ready and were huddled at the door. We all filed out the door and into Liam’s black SUV and headed down to the beach.


This was a pretty long chapter! wooop.

Comment and vote and the next chapter will be up even quicker!

I'm going to be greedy and ask for four votes and i'll upload the next chapter.

Please leave me lots of comments and criticism, i really like to know what you guys think of this. 

Otherwise i will probably drop it.

So pretty please, vote comment and whatever.

You guys are all so sweeeeeet!

and omfg, have you guys seen Ted?

It's so funny omfg, i couldn't stop laughing, funniest movie i've ever seen in my life.

have a lovely day!

Big love, Tayla! X

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