The Girl Called Red

By illuminacity

581 53 7

The world is a secretive place. Humans divided between Normals and hidden Psychics. Neither aware that the... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.

Chapter 19.

25 2 1
By illuminacity

The man in charge still held that stupid beeping machine in my direction as I took down more of his men.

Scientists and their machines.

Their love for pricking and prodding and measuring scars. Their obsession with specimens and hormones and blood and the physical wounds of rape.

The only thing they are good for is getting rid of the unwanted.

An image flashed in my head of a cold room, my legs spread apart. I refused to go under. Refused to be weak or subdued as the removed that which classified me as female.

They couldn't breed me if they tried.

As expected, the Rage spiked at the memory, screaming as it burst through the surface.

Teleporting, I landed on a genderless soldier, my dagger digging into their neck. Blood sprayed as I removed it and teleported again.

I fought as the numbers increased in a trickle that would soon become a flood.

My mouth was set in a permanent growl and as a hard piece of metal dug into my leg I opened my mouth-

And the scream that came out, was not mine.

It was male.

I swung around, my enemies ignored as blue-green energy ignited.

It-it is like mine. But how?

His energy came off of him in waves almost like a chemical flame. His brown eyes burned the same colour as his energy. But where mine burned in the irises, his burned completely, filling the whole eye socket.

The clicking of a gun brought me out of my shocked stupor and I could see James running towards the child.

Too late.

In an instant I was tackling the child, my body curling around his. His energy seemed to mix and mingle with my own. As if the energies knew each other.




My whole body shook as pressure started to blossom in my back. I could feel a knife pushing its way into my spine.

That is not a knife, young one. You know what it is.

"SCARLET!" A bloodcurdling scream brought me back into myself and I teleported back to Anastasia.

High pitched sobs filled my ears as numbness sprinted from my back into every cell of my body.

She is crying. Why?

I rolled off of the child and looked at her as she came running towards me.

"We we're taking him away but he got away from us!" She held her hands up to her face as she stared at me laying on the wet floor. The rain turned into red puddles underneath me. "Oh my god."

James' head was suddenly above mine but I looked away from him towards the boy who was staring at me in horror.

With a groan I got up. Shock would only protect me for so long.

I am finishing this.

My legs wobbled as I straightened, leaning on James. His arms clung to me.

The Rage pulsed through me and my body straightened suddenly as it burned on the insides. My vision activated and I was finally able to focus again.


I pushed past James who was staring at me in shock.

This was always going to happen, Sensei. I knew I was going to die today. I still have so much before and behind me, but it is time. I know I am ready.

The Rage ignited even stronger within me, burning even in the depths of me where there was only ice. The burning in my irises expanded as the "Second Activation" finally reignited.

This is it. Farewell.

All my enemies watched in a swarm as they saw me coming. You could almost call them shocked. 

A smirk formed on my face at that as I continued forward, spreading my arms.

A scream stronger and higher than any that had been ripped from my lungs filled the night as all the lights around quivered under electromagnetic interference. My energy escaped my body, copying the boy's only in my own unique way.

As I continued towards them, the lights began to explode around me.

I must have looked a terrifying sight as no one moved. My whole body was burning so badly I felt as if my skin was peeling off and my organs were liquefying.

But I did not stop.

Guns formed in my hands, red energy was their bullets. And one by one, they began to fall as I continued to walk forward.

It was an interesting sight, watching so many bodies fall in slow motion, and as I got closer to the Scientist, the sound of beeping got louder and more frantic.

No doubt, the sound of his heartbeat right now.

A sound whispered between his lips as the lights around us exploded.

My guns dissipated and my blades formed as I leapt at him with an unnatural snarl.

They dug into their homes and warm blood pooled and coated my hands as I landed on top of him, time returning to its rightful speed as my power slowly died off.

I pushed off of him with a growl as pain radiated all over.

My vision was dying and all was starting to tinge black as I turned.

My feet scraped the ground as I hobbled away, avoiding the many bodies strewn around the ground.

Knees buckling and giving out in a severe flash of pain, my body fell into a pool of blood and water.

Limbs refusing to move, I laid there. I did not even have the energy to lift my head. My breaths were harsh and shallow as I stared at one of my bloody hands.

Howls and bullets pierced the night as blue light found me.


Images swirled as faces passed me faster and faster until they all blended together.

And then settled on just one.

Blonde curls shining, and a beautiful young face staring at me smiling. Just like how she looked in life, she was just as beautiful in death.

A sigh pulled its way out of my throat as her warm hand graced the side of my face.

Her mouth moved.

Although there was no sound anymore, I could read the words "I love you" in her lips before she moved in to embrace me.

I am coming, Katya. 

I will not leave you again.

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