Unpredictable Love

By Daniillee

433K 6.9K 3.6K

Isabella is seventeen moving to Florida because her mom met someone new, after the traumatizing aspect that h... More

Chapter 1: New Home
Thanks for saving me
Your flirting with me?
New school, New trouble
Whos that?
Chapter 2:Secrets
The mistakes we make
was it worth it
prom? and lies
Chapter 3:The truth will set you free
The lions Den
Selfish needs
Chapter 4:Crazy life
Old habits
Heart breaks
Chapter 5:Tattoo
holy shit
What are friends for?
your what!
Nobody can ever know...TEASER!!!
Nobody can ever know....
Revenge is best served...hot?
A bunch of sex and a bunch of problems
Chapter 6:The Wolf And The Lamb
The Wolf And The Lamb Part 2
The Wolf and The Lamb part 3
keeping up with the Pace
Not an update😱
Arranged part 2
Arranged Part 3

I didnt know

6.6K 146 63
By Daniillee

I would love for you guys to follow my social media just Incase

Also rose is on the left and Kamrie is on the right...which one is prettier 😍😌



I was sitting In the hospital thinking about that Kaden said, I mean should we tell our friends...because I know of Maddison tells them first ever thing will be different they will start looking at us different and nothing will be the same

Apart of me wanted to tell them but what if they think of it the wrong way and tell everybody at school...I'll be known as the slut who fucked her stepbrother knowing he had a girlfriend

A million thoughts were racing through my head all at once that I didn't even realize the doctor came in

Doctor:so we got the scans back and I'll be happy to say that you are ready to go home bella

I smiled at him, atleast trying to hide my worried look

"Thank you, uhm do you know where my parents are"

Doctor:oh yes, Angela and Alex are just down the hall from you...don't worry they'll be fine there both resting but I wouldn't mind getting an alarm system after this

I nodded at him

And he left

I laid my head back still trying to decided wether or not I should tell our friends...I was about to go over everything again until I felt my phone vibrate

Bro😌😍-I talked to the doctor I'm happy to know that your getting out today, that's good because we're telling our friends at the mall

Me-I still haven't gone over things

Bro😌😍-I'm picking you up and taking you there so later on get dressed

Me-but kaden

Bro😌😍-get dressed

I rolled my eyes at the messages realizing that he doesn't take no for an answer apparently

A few hours pass and it was 2:05pm

They doctor came in an hour ago to let me know I can go home I stopped by my mom and Alex's room and he said Alex will be in there for a couple of days but my mom can go home later on today

I felt sad looking at them realizing that they were here for me so much and I wanted to be here for them

But since Kaden wants to talk to our friends I have no other choice but to go there and see what they have to say

I grabbed every flower people gave me and every candy also I grabbed my luggage and went outside of the hospital

I felt fine and surprisingly I felt healthy I saw kaden pull up in his car and he smiled at me

Kaden:look who's walking again

He said laughing


I said smiling looking at him

I put my luggage in the back seat along with the rest of my things and I got in the passeneger side

I still felt a little dizzy but most of the whole ride I felt good and it seemed like nothing was wrong with me

"Where are we going"

I looked at him and he looked back at me

Kaden:to the mall

I looked at him shocked

"We're going to tell them right now"

He laughed at me

Kaden:yes bella, it's better to get it out now then before Maddison do it

I slouched back in the seat feeling nervous all over again, I thought he would at least give me some time to think things over but no, I get nothing

We arrived at the mall and he got out first I stayed in the car clenching on to my seatbelt because in reality I didn't want to get out

Kaden stopped walking and started facing the car starring at me, he signaled for me to get out and I shook my head

He stood their with his hands on his hip and told me to hurry

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car it felt like I was starting middle school all over again

We walked in the mall and I seen all of my friends their I just didn't see Ethan and Grayson

Which was confusing because I expected them to be the happiest out of all to see me, it was kind of disappointing

We sat down and they already ordered food

I saw kids with them but I figured they were just rose siblings

Rose:so bella how are you feeling

"Fine now I guess"

I said trying not to give away that I'm nervous

I noticed a mark on rose wrist and I instantly thought to change the subject

"What happen"


She said looking at me confused while sipping her smoothie

"On your wrist"

I looked at her...

"What happen"

She laughed

Rose:oh nothing I just hit my wrist on the counter trying to feed the twins

She said looking at them

Tyler:Mhm happy I dont have siblings...but anyway bella what did you guys have to tell us, that brought us all down here


I looked at Kaden and he looked at me

"Well....I don't want you guys to look at us any different and I wanted to tell you before it's just the whole hospital thing and I really do love you guys it's ju-

Kaden:me and Bella had sex

~what the fuck!~

Baby dior:rosey...what's sex

I looked over at Kaden and he face plamed his self

We looked back at our friends and there faces was emotionless

Even Tyler and I'm surprised to even hear nothing  come out of his mouth

Tyler:oh my god

"Tyler pleas-


He said getting up and dancing

Me and kaden looked confused

He started twerking and Kamrie rolled her eyes


He said laughing

He walked back over to rose and Kamrie

Tyler:give me my money

He said holding his hand out


"Uh Guys"

I watched Kamrie and rose reach in their purses and both hand him fifty dollars each

"So anybody wanna tell us what's going on"

Tyler took a seat and Valentina was gonna speak but Tyler stopped her

Tyler:aht aht...let me do it sense I won the bet

He said whooshing her and Tyler looked at the girl twin

Tyler:honey sex is when two people fu-

Rose:Tyler!...I didn't mean that

Rose said hitting him

Tyler:okay okay gosh

Me and kaden was still confused and surprised at how they were acting

Tyler:we all bet that you two were gonna have

He looked at the twin and back at me



They laughed

Tyler:girl it was obvious he was giving it to you...you two couldn't keep your eyes off eachother at school

Kaden:so you knew the entire time


Gabby laughed

Gabby:even I knew and I just got here

A sigh of relief left me mouth and I leaned back in my chair I felt myself sweating and my heartbeat was fast

Tyler:so like when you two have babies is kaden gonna be the uncle or the daddy


I say looking at him disgusted

Tyler:who am I kidding you probably already call him daddy In bed

He said laughing and I crossed my arms looking mad at him

Then all of a sudden rose and val Burst our laughing and Kamrie followed along

Kamrie:come on bella it's pretty funny

"I hate you all"

Baby dior:hate is a berry bad word


I said looking at her and her little bows

"Well since she's hear I dislike all of you very much"

They smiled at me

Rose:the real question

Val:do you think Jake is going to find out

Kaden:hopefully not

Tyler:Yea because the last thing we need is for kaden to end up missing

I looked at Kaden and I gripped his hand under the table

Tyler:speaking up missing...have any of you seen Ethan and Grayson lately they didn't come home last night either

Val:no it's weird usually they would post something on Instagram..but it's been nothing these past two days

"It's weird"

Rose:very...I'm gonna text them and see what there up too

Tyler:I've already tried it...I've called and everything but still no reply and no answer, I expect Ethan to do that but Grayson...no

We all looked at eachother worried

Kaden:I'm gonna stop by their parents house and asked have they seen them alright

"That's a good idea"

I saw rose look at her phone

Rose:oh my god I didn't even realize what time it was I-I have to go

Tyler:what we just got here

Rose:I know but uhm I have to take the twins home..mom doesn't like when they're out anyway she gets super paranoid

We all looked at her and nodded

Rose:gabby do you mind giving me a ride home really quick

Gabby:Yea no problem

"Alright rose see you later"

We watched her pick up both twins

Baby dior:bye bye everyone

We all waved bye at the twins


I left early because I had a shift I forgot I called in for, for extra money of course I just used the twins as an excuse I was afraid to leave them there judging bye the fact Paul was there but hopefully my mom knows how to keep them safe

I was washing dishes trying to do over work hours when I heard someone come in

I turned around and saw Enzo

He smiled at me


I washed my hands off with a rag and took out my notepad

"What are you doing here, you know I don't need your protection right?"

LorEnzo:what a guy can't get anything to eat around here

I laughed at him

Rose:trying a little hard to impress don't ya think

LorEnzo:if it's worth it...I will

I can't believe it but I was blushing

Rose:uhm what would you like

He starred at the menu

LorEnzo:I would like to take you out

I laid down my notepad

Rose:I'm not gonna be available tonight or any
night...as you can see...now do you want anything else

LorEnzo:I would like chicken tenders and a don't be so rude sprite

I rolled my eyes at him

Rose:coming right up

Tony:rosey posey how about you hook me up with a beer toostie

"Sure tony"

Tony:atta girl

I gave the chef Lorenzo's order and I turned around to give tony his regular

But when I gave it to him he grabbed me

"Tony let me go"

He laughed and let go of my wrist and I rubbed them

I came around the counter and started to take orders I came back with a hand full of dishes and tony grabbed me by the waist again


I tried to get out of his grasp when he made all of the dishes fall to the floor and they cracked

LorEnzo snapped his head at me and got out of his chair

Rose:Lorenzo I'm fi-

But before I could finish he snatched me away from tony and punched the man out of the chair

Rose:oh my god Lorenzo!

Everyone was watching

Lorenzo picked the man up and slammed his head on the counter and I saw blood come out of his mouth

Rose:Lorenzo that's enough!

He kept smashing the mans head on the counter and I could see his muscles flex through his shirt

Rose:stop please

And with that he stopped and let tony drop to the floor

I saw my boss come out

LorEnzo:get someone to clean this up

And he did what he was told

I was surprised because usually Larry doesn't do what anyone tells him and years now he's been letting tony do whatever he wanted with me


LorEnzo:get your stuff we're leaving

Rose:but -

He looked at me and I didn't see that cocky guy I met before I saw a serious guy who was more dangerous then he looked

I went back and grabbed my purse and I clocked out

I went back to the front and Lorenzo grabbed my arm and lead me to his truck

I got in and I noticed blood on his shirt

Rose:you didn't have to do that tony met no harm to me

LorEnzo:hey but no man has the right to treat a lady like that rose

I looked out of the window and I he faced the rise while driving fast

LorEnzo:especially one as beautiful as you

I looked at him and looked back at the rode I don't know why but when he said that it made me feel relaxed...I didn't look at him the same anymore he was more attractive I don't know maybe I like the dangerous side of him but I like how he could be so sweet and bad at the same time

~good boys go to heaven, but bad boys make you feel like heaven on earth~

I smiled at the saying and I looked at Lorenzo I looked at his plump lips and how he looked so mad while focusing on the rode I looked at his hands on the steering wheel and how tight he gripped it, wondering will he ever grip me like that


He snapped me out of my imagination

Lorenzo:were at your house

I looked at my house and noticed something weird I saw guys walking out with bags in their hands

"Oh my god"

I jumped out the car and ran to the door before it closed

Paul:you stupid bitch why didn't you fuck then like I say huh!

He reached back and slapped my mother in the face and I saw baby Joey run up to him and started hitting his leg then he slapped Joey

I ran up to him and jumped on his back causing him to fall

Paul:stupid bitch

I started scratching and punching his face while pulling his hair

I heard the car door slam but I didn't even care

Paul started choking me and I scratched at his face

Then the next thing I know I got pulled up by my waist and someone put me against the wall

Lorenzo:stay here

Paul:who the fuck are you

He pulled Paul up and took out his gun and started beating Paul in the face with it

Mom:rose stop him!

Rose:Lorenzo stop before you kill him

"Get your brother and sister I got this"

I ran and picked up Joey and kissed his cheek I got dior  from out of her room

Dior:rosey where are we going

"Someplace babygirl Alright don't worry"

LorEnzo hit Paul with the gun one last time and he fell to the floor

I got the twins clothes and put them in a bag while throwing it over my shoulder

I came out and saw my mom crying in a corner and I saw Paul on the floor spitting out blood

LorEnzo:you ready

I nodded

He pushed me towards the car and we left from my house

I had both the twins in my lap and I looked at Joeys face and realized it was red

"You okay Joey"

He shook his head no and tears kept falling from his face

I wiped them for him and started kissing his cheek

"I'm so sorry for leaving you two alone like that it will never happen again"

LorEnzo looked at me and shook his head

"Where are we going"

Lorenzo:to a hotel

"I can't afford that"

LorEnzo:who said you were paying

I looked at him and smiled

He doesn't even know me and even though I know he likes me it was still the nicest thing anybody has done for me

We pulled up to a hotel that I figured was five star

LorEnzo covered the blood on his shirt and I took the twins out so they could walk by themselves

We entered and he had to pay 500$ just for a night

We entered the hotel room and the cool air felt good the twins instantly went on the couch and I looked around to see a king sized bed and a shower so beautiful I didn't even want to touch the glass out of fear it would break

Lorenzo:settle in I'm gonna go take off my shirt

I saw him go into the bedroom and he disappeared all I heard was the water running in the bathroom

I looked at the twins and checked joeys face

"Does it still hurt"



I rubbed his cheek and took his hand I walked them into the bedroom and told them both to get on the bed I opened the window to see the moon and the stars I didn't know how close we were up to the sky but I knew it was where we could see the whole town

LorEnzo:beautiful isn't it

I turned around to a shirtless LorEnzo and I was surprised to see he had a six pack and v line he looked so sexy as he was leaning against the wall smiling at me

"Uh uh yea...the city is beautiful"

LorEnzo:I wasn't talking about the city

I blushed and looked at the twins

I started to tuck them in with their teddy bears and kissed them both on the cheek they smiled at me and before I could get up dior grabbed my cheek

"What the matter"

Dior:is he your boyfwend

I smiled

"No dior he isn't"

She started to whisper but it ended up being loud

Dior:he-he should be bwecause he is so nice

I smiled and nodded my head

"Get some sleep babygirl"

I kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes

LorEnzo:you know she does have a point

He says as I was walking past him

I went towards the kitchen and washed Paul's blood form under my nails

LorEnzo got beside me and I didn't realize but for him so be so young he was so y'all and he didn't act young he actully acted mature

LorEnzo:so do I get a thank you

I smiled

"You love this huh"

I say walking past him

LorEnzo:what do you mean

"Being able to swoop in and help...just so you could sweep me off my feet"

He looked down and licked his lips

LorEnzo:maybe I'm just in the right places at the right time love

I walked towards the window and looked out of it at the moon and stars

I was lost in my head for a moment before I felt him behind me

LorEnzo:some place you wanna go

I looked up at him

"Far from here...maybe Paris or England you know"

I saw his smile through the reflection on the window

"Or maybe California...or even Hawaii"

I chuckled at myself at how I rambled on about my dreams, I just figured no one wanted to listen

LorEnzo:go on

"why...so you can tell me I deserve it"

He looked confused

I moved away from him and sat on the couch

LorEnzo:why can't anyone be nice to you

"Because everytime someone is nice to me they want something...I'm just trying to get out of here and watch over my brother and sister...I don't need any distractions right now"

LorEnzo:and working at that Diner you think that's goin got get you out of this town

"If I save up enough"

She smiled at me

"Anything is possible"

LorEnzo:Your so ambitious

Rose:so I've been told...but really I just want what's best for them, because right now I feel like I'm not doing a good job at protecting them...hell im not even doing a good job at protecting myself

He leaned against the wall and I swear his body looked almost perfect with the moon shining on it

LorEnzo:maybe you need some one to help you get there

I let out a small laugh at what he said

"Yea right"

Lorenzo:I'm serious...maybe if you stop being so damn stubborn you would allow someone to help you

He said giving me a stern look

I saw him walk into the bathroom and grab his shirt and he put it back on but this time inside out so the blood can't be that visible

"Your leaving"

He looked at me and grabbed his keys

LorEnzo:I'll be over here tomorrow to pick up up...breakfast, dinner anything is free at this hotel just order

He was almost out the door

"Thank you"

He stopped and looked back at me

LorEnzo:anytime beautiful

And with that he closed the door and I laid back on the couch...I looked at the twins through the bedroom door and they were asleep

I rested my head on the couch and I went to sleep too



I was in the mall with Tyler shopping for some new shoes and clothes because ever since the baby my feet have been swollen and my clothes are barely fitting anymore

Tyler:any idea what your going to name the baby

He said while flipping through sundress with me


I said smiling at him

He looked at me with a wide smile

Tyler:I see you want a boy

"Yes, I really do...I can't deal with a girl right now"

Tyler: I can't deal with a girl anyway

I laughed at him we spent most of the morning shopping and we decided to stop at the food court because my feet were hurting

Tyler:so you heard the news

I looked at him confused

Tyler:bella is out the hospital...and Angela is coming home today


"Yea that's amazing"

I say sounding sarcastic

Tyler:aren't you excited

"Well....actully no because this whole time bella has been lying to us"

Tyler:what do you mean

I leaned on closer licking my ice cream

"Well for starters...her and Kaden...has something going on Tyler"

I looked at his face for any sign of shock but it was nothing he kept eating his ice cream

"Did you hear me"

Tyler:uh duh...everyone has known, they both told us this morning

~sneaky fuckers~

"You guys aren't digusted by that shit"

Tyler:I mean it's not like there related or anything...and it's not like there serious so what's does it matter

"There parents are about to get married Tyler...it's weird"


He said throwing his hands up

Tyler:if I had a stepbrother as sexy as kaden I would've fucked him too

I rolled my eyes

~well he isn't lien~

"Whatever, I still think it's disgusting"

~goddamit they beat me too it, I figured she would be out tomorrow~

Oh that's definitely not gonna stop me from taking them down

"I think I'm ready to go home now"

He nodded and pulled out his phone to call an Uber

Tyler:we need to get baby Tyler home

I laughed at him

We arrived their at 12pm and and I saw Angela car there

I thanked Tyler for coming with me today and I walked into the house prepared to look surprise and glad that's she's back

I walked in and heard loud laughter in the kitchen...I walked in

Bella:wow mom you really held your own

I saw Angela and Kaden laughed

Angela:well...I had to do something Mija...your mom wasn't about to go out like that

"Hi mom"

Angela:oh hi Maddison honey..your back early

I looked at bella and kaden

And they were literally starring me to death

Probably hoping I don't say anything to Angela right now about them two

Kaden:yea Maddison how was your day

"Good...well before"

I said smiling


"Anyways I have some news I figured you would want to hear Angela"

She turned around from the fridge wiping off her hands I noticed she had bruises around her neck

Angela:oh yea...what is it

I looked at Kaden and Bella

"Well Maybe you'll want to sit down and hear this"

Bella:Maddison can I talk to you for a minute

"Oh no bella this will only take a second"

Angela:Yea I wanna hear this bella

Bella:I really need to talk to you right now


Realizing that she wasn't going to stop and keep coming up with excuses

I walked out of the kitchen

Angela:what was that about

She said looking at Kaden

We walked out of the kitchen and she grabbed my arm and I snatched it away

Bella:what the hell is wrong with you

"Oh really says the girl who's secretly fucking her stepbrother"

Bella:this has nothing to do with you..what are you trying to accomplish

"It's wrong bella and they deserve to know"

Bella:are you serious right now...did I say that about your pregnancy

I looked in her eyes and knew she was right

Bella:when you told me to keep your secret I did!..I was there for you through everything...Maddison come on really why do you want to do this to us

I felt the pain in her voice and I realized I had control over them with just one little secret and she had control over me with just one little secret

"Fine...but you have until the wedding to tell them or I will"

I knew I was taking a risk of threatening her I mean she knew my secret but deep down inside I knew bella wasn't gonna tell anyway so that is what made me more powerful then her


I walked upstairs and went into my room


What the fuck just happen I thought we was good

I rubbed my hand through my head and heard my mom come in and I saw kaden through the kitchen door

Mom:what Happen

"Oh uhm nothing we just had a little talk and she said she felt tired and will tell you tomorrow"

She nodded and smiled at me

Mom:well since everything has been going on I felt like maybe you needed somebody to talk to other then us and your friends

I looked at her

"What do you mean"

And I heard the doorbell ring


She smiled harder and I went to open the door but who I saw on the other side almost gave me a heart attack because it was my old bestfriend Ethan

Ethan:long time no text

I looked at him and saw how much he's changed

"Oh my god Ethan"

I literally almost jumped on him to hug him but he didn't hug me back

Mom:I figured you missed him and you two could talk so I called him and got him a ticket down here to visit for a couple of days

I looked at Ethan and smiled

Ethan:nice house

He said but he said it with no emotion as if he didn't really mean it

Mom:how about you two catch up go out to eat or something and I'll cook dinner tonight and after I'll be at the hospital with Alex

I nodded

"Let me go get my coat"

Ethan stayed there and I went upstairs to grab my Gucci coat and slippers while headed out the door with Ethan

He followed me to my car and got in

Ethan:finally got a car huh

"My dream car at that"


We drove to the nearest cafe

And went inside we ordered the same thing and sat in front of eachother

It was quiet a little so I decided to break the silence

"So what you been up to how's school"

Ethan:I don't go to school anymore

I looked confused

"What why"

Ethan:they said I missed to many days so they expelled me

"Oh my god Ethan that's terrible"

I said trying to grab his hand but he moved it off the table

I noticed and I cleared my throat

"So what does your aunt think about it"

He starred at me

Ethan:my aunt...she's in the hospital she has cancer

I couldn't believe what he just said...his aunt was like another mom to me she always took care of me


Ethan:crazy what you missed when your having a good time with your new life


Ethan:no bella save it honestly I don't wanna hear any excuses....I mean look at you and your almost five hundred thousand dollar car...you Gucci cost that almost cost two hundred dollars

I couldn't say anything because I never heard or saw Ethan upset with me before

Ethan:trust me I'm happy with what you've got and I don't want a dime but damn it would be nice for my BESTFRIEND to text me back or atleast even read the damn messages I send her


Ethan:my aunt has cancer and I have to work just to keep her at the hospital because we don't have insurance

"I was in the hospital"

Ethan:Yea I heard

He said looking at me up and down

Ethan:but what about me bella

I heard his voice crack

Ethan:what about before the hospital bella

I looked down

Ethan:but no....I see you all on Snapchat posting pictures in the Bahamas...going to the club...at the beach...at parties...what about me bella

"I'm sor-

Ethan:save it I don't want your apology...throughout your whole life I've been there for you emotionally and physically, I loved you like a sister anything you wanted I made sure you had it...bella you meant the world to me...but when you move out here you just forgot about me how could you do that

I saw his eyes starting to tear up and honestly I almost did too

Ethan:I'm almost homeless bella I have two jobs just to pay the bills and keep my aunt alive!..and all you have to say is your sorry...the least you could do is look at my messages even if you don't respond at least look at them!

I felt guilty and I felt sad I never meant to let down Ethan like that he has been there with me through everything and I never knew how he was living

Ethan:did you even open the birthday gift I got you

I looked at him and shook my head no

He stood from the table and walked out the door


I saw him pull out his phone

I left the money to at least pay for the food and I ran out the diner

"At lest let me take you home"

Ethan:don't worry I'll walk, I'm used to it anyway

"Ethan please"

I watched him walk away and I stood there with both my hands on my head I felt dizzy again and I didn't like it I ran back to my car and I drove down the street Ethan went but I couldn't find him anymore

I tried calling him but he didn't answer his phone

I stopped the car just so I could take a breather because everything was spinning

I decided to drive him and I got there around 5pm

It was almost sunset out here I walked into the house and felt even more dizzy

Kaden came from the kitchen

Kaden:whoa bella you okay

"Ye-Yea I'm fine just a little dizzy"

He wrapped his arm around me and walked me towards the kitchen he whispered In my ear

Kaden:don't worry I got you baby girl

He sat me at the table and I saw mom come from the living room checking on the food

Mom:don't worry you guys it's almost done

We smiled at her and I looked at my phone

I can't believe I didn't even think about Ethan

I mentally face palmed myself I didn't even read his damn messages


I was out with Michael and Thomas eating

"I'm worried guys"

Thomas:what do you mean mate

"Well what if Bella's robbery wasn't just a break in"

I said eating the shrimp

Michael:you heard kaden...he said it was his mom and her boyfriend

I looked down at my plate unsure about what to believe

"Your right...atleast I know I can trust you guys...ever since my dads been back I don't know who to look at the same anymore"

Thomas:you know we will always be honest with you Jake...no matter how much it hurts

I nodded

"I will admit I do miss sitting in that chair"

Michael:atleast you had a chance to sit...your dad is making us stand so much my feet are killing me

Thomas:maybe you should have Kamrie massage them for you

I started laughing

Michael:fuck off

Thomas:or maybe cut your steak again

"That's true"

I watch Michael suck his teeth tryin to get the steak he ate earlier out

Michael:the girl can cut a steak

I laughed at them

Michael:but like I said she's far to young

"Yea Yea whatever I saw you watching her walk up those stairs"


He said looking confused

Thomas:Yea...those eyes were doing more then starring if you ask me

Michael:whatever I have no idea what you guys are talking about

"You were eye fucking her"

Michael:I was not

Thomas:you were too

Michael:I was not

He said looking serious and shocked

We started  laughing

Michael:I was just making sure she didn't have any gum on her shoe

Thomas:oh she's gonna have something on her Alright but it's gonna be sticky and white like gum

I laughed at Thomas especially when Michael through a shrimp at him

Thomas:watch it

Michael:Yea I bet your used to shrimps

"Alright guys cut it out"


I was sitting in the hotel and it was 7pm I got the twins things packed and I was waiting for Enzo outside

I saw him pull up and I grabbed the twins hands to put them in the truck

We drove back to my house to get the rest of my things

Lorenzo:so...what do you plan on doing after you leave

I looked at him

"I have enough saved up for a one bedroom apartment, the twins can have the bed and I'll sleep on the sofa"

He nodded

Lorenzo:maybe I can visit sometime to check on them

He said smiling at me and driving

"Maybe I will like that"

I saw his smile grow wide

"Don't get cocky"

He started laughing

LorEnzo:Alright Alright

He looked at me and back at the rode

Lorenzo:but really when are you going to let me take you out sometime

I looked out the window trying to hide my smile

"Maybe when I get settled in"

I felt him take my hand and I looked down I didn't even realize how cold my hands were until I felt his warm hands and he looked me in my eyes and smiled while rubbing his thumb over my hand

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes

A few minutes later we pulled up to my house and I got the twins out to go get their things

LorEnzo:I'm coming in with you

I nodded

We got out and went into the house the door was cracked and I saw drugs on the table and Paul sitting on the couch watching tv

Paul:get your shit and get out

My mom came from her room

Mom:oh my god mija where have you been

She started hugging the twins

"Were leaving ma"

Mom:leaving what no

She said holding on to the twins

I looked under my mattress and grabbed the money I stashed on the inside

Mom:you had that kind of money this whole time

I looked at her and went into the twins room I watched as paul watched Lorenzo and I'm pretty sure if He wasn't here Paul would have tried something

"Move ma"

I started packing the twins things and she snatched it away from me

Mom:you are not taking them away form me..you can barely take care of yourself

I looked at her

"I did fine on my own these past years"

She started snatching things away and I pushed her off


Ma:no these are my babies no!!

I pushed her down and she laid on the floor crying I looked at her eyes and saw both of them bruised and her eyes were red and her hair was messed up

~crazy what a drug can do to someone~

I dragged their bags outside when I saw neighbors standing out there and the police cars showed up


LorEnzo hid his gun and they came towards me with a woman in a suit

Ms Lopez:is that your mother on the floor crying and screaming

"Uhm yes who are you and why are you here"

Ms.lopez:were child protective services and were here to take the twins away for a while

"What! No"

The police tried to take them away but I backed away and held on tight baby dior started to cry and Joey also

The police went inside the house and Paul ran and they handcuffed my mother

LorEnzo:you can't do that

Ms.Lopez:oh yes we can

Police:they have drugs in the house

Ms.lopez:drugs around children...

She tried reaching for them

"No move!"

They snatched Joey out of my hand


He said reaching towards me


I started screaming and crying holding on tight to dior with my eyes close

I felt hands trying to take her from me

"No please there all I have!!"

I said reaching for them back but police tried to pull me back and I was hitting against their arm

"Please don't take them from me!!"

I saw dior crying

Dior:rosey! Noooo!

Joey dropped his teddy bear trying to reach for me and I picked it up

"No give them back please I'll do whatever I can please!! don't take them from me"

LorEnzo pulled me back

LorEnzo:rose calm down before they lock you up next


I saw them put them In the back of a black truck and I saw them beating on the windows crying

I ran to the window and put my hands on theirs

Trying to at least feel their touch

"I'll be there Alright!...."

They nodded

"I won't let them take you from me"

I tried to pull on the door handle but it wouldn't open and I started beating on the window

"Let me see them!"

The police pulled me away from the car and gave me to Lorenzo and they got in the car along with that lady and they drove off I tried to run back to the car but Lorenzo held me back


LorEnzo:rose calm down

"dior! Joey!"

I felt like I could hear them cry I felt like I could feel their last touch In my arms I held on to joeys teddy bear as tight as I can and I was shaking

"Please bring them back"

I said almost out of breath

I fell to the ground and Lorenzo was holding me


I looked at my mother as the police had her

"This is all your fault!"

SO HOW DID YOU GUYS LIKE THE CHAPTER❤️I really enjoy writing this book for you all and I hope you enjoy reading my story don't forget to vote and comment because I love when you guys do that it keeps me motivated 😘😘I even made a trailer for my book and I might post it soon..😌

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