Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed...

By Mariko_Akiyama

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[ Chapter 1 ]
[ Chapter 3 ]
[ Chapter 4 ]
[ Chapter 5 ]
[ Chapter 6 ]
[ Chapter 7 ]
[ Chapter 8 ]
[ Chapter 9 ]
[ Chapter 10 ]
[ Chapter 11 ]
[ Chapter 12 ]
[ Chapter 13 ]
[ Chapter 14 ]
[ Chapter 15 ]
[ Chapter 16 ]
[ Chapter 17 ]
[ Chapter 18 ]
[ Chapter 19 ]
[ Chapter 20 ]
[ Chapter 21 ]
[ Chapter 22 ]
[ Chapter 23 ]
[ Chapter 24 ]
[ Chapter 25 ]
[ Chapter 26 ]
[ Chapter 27 ]
[ Chapter 28 ]
[ Chapter 29 ]
[ Chapter 30 ]
[ Chapter 31 ]
[ Chapter 32 ]
[ Chapter 33 ]
[ Chapter 34 ]
[ Chapter 35 ]
[ Chapter 36 ]
[ Chapter 37 ]
[ Chapter 38 ]
[ Chapter 39 ]
[ Chapter 40 ]
[ Chapter 41 ]
[ Chapter 42 ]
[ Chapter 43 ]
[ Chapter 44 ]
[ Chapter 45 ]
[ Chapter 46 ]
[ Chapter 47 ]
[ Chapter 48 ]
[ Chapter 49 ]
[ Chapter 50 ]
[ Chapter 51]
[ Chapter 52 ]
[ Chapter 53 ]
[ Chapter 54 ]
[ Chapter 55 ]
[ Chapter 56]
[ Chapter 57 ]
[ Chapter 58 ]
[ Chapter 59 ]
[ Chapter 60 ]
[ Chapter 61 ]
[ Chapter 62 ]
[ Chapter 63 ]
[ Chapter 64 ]
[ Chapter 65 ]
[ Chapter 66 ]
[ Chapter 67 ]
[ Chapter 68 ]
[ Chapter 69]
[ Chapter 70 ]

[ Chapter 2 ]

971 27 34
By Mariko_Akiyama

*play song*

Y/n's pov. 

I enter the club and the music blast in the room and there were a lot of people dancing around, drinking too.

" Split up " Jeremy said and we did.

We all went separate ways and I walk off on my own. Walking towards the wall, leaning against it and something red caught the edge of my eyes. I turn and spotted a girl with red hair and brown eyes.


She's with a guy, he has dark royal blue eyes and navy blue eyes. Their making out and I gotta say they're into it.

I take out my phone and switch it on, a message immediately pops up. I tap on it and it's from the group chat

Gene : Found Adam

You : I found Nicole, she's making out with a guy

Jeremy : We need a distraction

Adam Willows is the guy the others are after, I'm after Nicole. My phone vibrates again.

Coraline : I got it

The music stopped and I look up as other people did.

The spotlight then shines down to a person and that is Coraline, she has a mic in her hand, great.

She sings in an angelic voice in that sexy song and I look around to see people dancing in a seductive and lewd way, I keep my eyes on the guy with raven hair and light orange eyes.

Adam Willows.

I walk my way to the bar stool and order myself a whiskey. I pay my drink and turn around to see Adam is still in one spot dancing with a girl, I see his eyes averted to me and I gaze at his eyes while taking a sip of my whiskey.

He smiles and I just keep a straight face, two or three minutes later, he moves away from the girl and start walking towards me.

Coraline then finish the last line of her song and people dancing following the beat of the song. She takes out her gun and aim it at Adam. Everyone screams as Coraline fires, but missed.

I finish my whiskey and slam my cup on the table.

I look up and see Dante and Nicole had stop and I see they got their gun out. I look up at the stage where Coraline is and she's fighting with a guy that has blond hair and baby blue eyes. It's the guy from the cafeteria.

Another gunshot was fired and I turn to my left to see Adam is on the floor, dead. I went up the stairs as people run down, giving way for them to run as I casually walk up and I stood by the balcony in the middle, watching the scene from up here. I got out my gun and aim it at Nicole.

Tilting my head to the side, she's fighting with Ivy right now and I can't get a clear shot. I felt something was place behind my head.

A gun barrel.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you " a deep voice that tells me it's a male.

I quickly duck and he fires, taking out my knife from my thigh I turn and cut him on his thigh as he yelp taking a step back. I stood straight and he had jet black hair and a blue streak on his bangs with his eyes in grey silver eyes.


I put up my gun and without hesitation I shot his shoulder, running to him, I leap and kick his chest, kicking his face as well and did a back flip. As he's on the floor I turn and jump off the balcony landing on my feet and I stood up as I aim my gun at Nicole, shooting, I got her on her thigh and she scream in pain. I see something on the edge of my eyes and I turn as I see the blond hair guy throwing a punch.

I dodge by moving to the side and punch him instead, he takes a step back. Looking up at me with wide eyes.

" It's you " He said.

I put up my gun and fire but he dodge, instead, I shot the vase at the far corner. An arm wrapped around my waist from behind and I reach my hand to the back griping the persons hair, he whines.

It's a guy, he lets go off me, moving so I can see him, It's a guy with snow white hair, he has green emerald eyes looking up at me in pain.

" Please!, It hurts! " He whines.

I let go and kick his face, knocking him out.

" Travis! " Ein shouts from above.

I turn back to Nicole and I see she's limping, I aim my gun and when I was about to fire, someone leap on me and we both fall down, I drop my gun and I yelp when my wound on my back had pressure on it. I see it's Ein and he raise a fist to punch when I raise my leg as my knees got him in between his crotch. He stop, holding in the pain and I push him off as I got up kick him in the same spot I kneed him.

" You got me the first time already, there's no need for the second one " He wince.

I see my gun was nowhere to be found, I take out my knife and I see Nicole has knocked out Ivy, I run to her and throw my knife at her shoulder. She screams as I came punching her, pinning her to the wall, I take out the knife from her shoulder, stabbing her down on her stomach, where it's not instant death.

" Nicole! "

She looks at me in pain.

" I'm doing this by force " I take out the knife and she slides down holding her wound.

" Lets go! " I hear Vylad shouts.

I turn around and help Ivy get up, she has a cut on her cheeks, Jeremy come running over and carry her bridal style.

I made eye contact with Ein before I started running. It's when I felt a sharp pain on my thigh, I scream and fall holding my thigh.

" Y/n! " Gene shouts.

" Go! " I shout, Sasha saw me I shook my head.

She nodded and grab Gene, I sit up and hold my wound, the blood staining my hand. Ein approaches me and I throw my knife away, he seems to be surprise when I did. Behind him, I see that Travis guy is waking up, the room was clear and there's no more guest. Just me and Ein's friends.

Ein grabs my by my neck and pick me up, pinning me to the wall, I grip his wrist with my hand that is stain in my blood as he puts pressure.

" Ein don't!, We need her alive, we'll interrogate her with Landon, right now call the ambulance! " the girl with light blue hair and blue eyes said as she puts pressure on Nicole's wound.

Ein lets go and I gasp for air. He throws a punch and I dodge, he punch the wall.

" Mother fucker! " he wince as he takes a few steps back holding his fist.

" It's not necessary " I said and slide down against the wall holding my wound on my thigh, I wince and I dig in my fingers.

Biting my tongue, I grab something inside and I rip it out as I hit the back of my head on the wall, I look at what I took out and it's a 22LR bullet. I sigh and drop the bullet, I look up at Ein who is holding his fist, looking down at me.

" What? " I asked and look away.

I hear sirens of an ambulance and paramedics rush in the place, one paramedic rush to me and she starts to treat my wound. She gave me a towel and I clean my hand. I see Nicole was taken away on an hospital bed.

" Do you want to go to the hospital? " The girl asked, I shook my head.

" Thank you " I said and she smiles walking away, I sigh and lean my head against the wall.

" Father's gonna kill me "

A bit crappy and funny.



~ Mariko

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