~~langst~~ (one shots)

By very_anxiety_noodle

338K 8.3K 8.5K

{FINISHED} I've decided to make a fanfiction solely based on angst (ok maybe a little fluff). Lance is my tor... More

useless (part 1)
useless (part two)
useless (part 3)
I cant
the missing make up
the note
we'll do this together
the note (part 2)
blooming (part 2)
blooming (part 3)
blooming (part 4)
ageless (part 1)
oops (read me)
shock (part 2)
shock (part 3)
ash (part 2)
worst memories
worst memories part 2
your fault
your fault (part 2)
hey guys
what am i? (part 1)
what am i? (part 2)
quiet (part 2)
a little update
what am i? (part 3)
can you guys halp
dear you.
come with me
another ask
to a friend

dont do it

11.2K 212 17
By very_anxiety_noodle

Keith walks down the path towards his and Lance's apartment block.

As he gets closer he notices a small group of people at the bottom of it staring up. They all seem panicked. The group is growing by the second.

Panic boils in my stomach as he lurches forward. He drops the groceries, not caring.

'Is someone trying to commit suicide?!'

Keith's mind is racing wildly. Everything is spinning round his head.

"Please don't be Lance please don't be Lance" he begs as he runs.

He reaches the group shotig and yelling.

He pushes and shoves his way through the growing group of people.

He looks up and his stomach drops to his feet. His face drains of colour and his body goes numb.

The unmistakable tanned skin and brown floppy hair, his signature blue long sleeved t shirt and his lanky body.... Standing on top of the tall, tall, building getting ready to jump.

"Lance!" Keith screams.

His words are carried away by the wind and never manage to reach Lance's ears.

Keith's legs start moving of their own accord. They proppel him through the front doors and up flights and flights of stairs.

'this is my fault. If I had stayed with him and not left. If I had pressed him on what was wrong. If I had talked with him and, and, and stayed with him. If I could have just been that little bit nicer. If I had just showed my boyfriend just how much I love him. How much I need him. I need him'

Keith's mind is whirring with thoughts.

"LANCE! LANCE PLEASE! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME! DONT JUMP! PLEADE JUST DONT DO IT!" Keith screams as loud as hi lungs will let him.

He sprints up another flight or two of stairs ignoring the burning in his chest.


After what seems like endless stairs Keith finally reaches the top. He bursts trough the door leading to the roof.

It's raining hard and the wind is pushing him everywhere.

He strains his eyes searching for any sign that the love of his life is still there, that he heard him shouting his name, that he relised what a mistake he was making.

But he was too late.....

Lance.... Is gone and he is never coming back.

And it's all. Keith's. Fault.

Sorry this is so short and crappy but I tried 😂😂😂 I don't even know if it's actually that angsty but like enjoy this steaming heap of shit everybody 😎😎😎😎

(I'm gonna sign
Off like that from
Now on okie)

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