Be Alright(Sequel to Our Arra...

By -novacaine

70K 2.1K 166

Joanna and Justin just got married. They just got back from their honeymoon, and Justin's about to leave for... More

Be Alright
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 4

2.7K 81 36
By -novacaine

Chapter Three.

I opened my eyes slowly, and I was in my bed. What? I thought I fell asleep on the couch. I looked at the clock, and it was 12:30. Holy shit. I got up and walked downstairs, Austin was eating on the couch. "Oh. Hey"He said using the napkin to wipe his mouth. I walked over and sat next to him. "What time did I go to sleep"I asked. He shrugged. "You fell asleep like, half way maybe a quarter into the movie. And I carried you upstairs"He said. He carried me? That's so sweet. "I didn't want you to be down here by yourself"He said. I smiled. "Thanks Austin"I said. He nodded, and the doorbell rang.

Ryan, Chaz and Christian where at the door. "Where's Caitlin"I asked. "Still in the car"Ryan said. "I think she fell asleep"Chris said. I smiled and let them in. "We should do something today"I said. They all nodded, Caitlin walked in. "Where have you been"Ryan asked. "Shut up Ryan. You put the child lock on my door"Caitlin said. "You could have just gotten out on the other side"I said. She rolled her eyes, "Whatever"She said. "Well. Someone's in a bad mood"I said and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Let's go see a movie!"I said looking outside. It was poopy outside, so it was okay anyways. "Yeah!"Chaz said. "What do you guys want too see"I asked. They all shrugged. "Despicable Me 2!"Christian said. We all nodded, "We're ready. You need to get ready, J"Ryan said. I nodded. "I know"I said. I ran upstairs, and I heard them say it's going to take her a while. "I heard that"I said. I heard Austin laughed and I hopped in the shower.


I walked out of the shower, and into my room. "Uh. Hey"I said. Austin jumped. "Oh Hey"He said. "I was actually, looking for a sweatshirt Caitlin could borrow. No one wanted to come upstairs. So I said I would"Austin said. I laughed. "That sounds like Caitlin"I said. "They're right there"I said and pointed to the closet. He nodded and grabbed one randomly. I heard my phone go off, and I looked at it. It was Justin. I smiled, and Austin walked out and closed the door. I answered it.

"Hello?"I asked. "Hey baby"Justin said. "Hey! How's tour"I said "It's okay. I wish I was home. I saw that picture on Twitter. You looked gorgeous"He said. "How was Prom"He asked as I got changed. "It was okay, I guess. Austin came with me"I said. "I know. I saw"He said. Justin sounded grumpy. "You stayed up late last night didn't you"I said. "No.."Justin said. "Just come on, you know you have concerts and stuff. You should be getting rest"I said. "I was catching up with some people"Justin said. "Oh really like who"I said. I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled. I actually looked good for once.

"Justin?"I asked. "Sorry. What"He asked. I sighed, "I'm sorry!"He said. "I asked you who you where catching up with"I asked. I grabbed a brush and started brushing my long brown hair. "Selena..."Justin said softly. "What"I asked. I dropped the brush on my foot. "Ow! Fuck!"I said. "What! What happened"Justin asked. "I just dropped the brush on my foot. You're with Selena?"I asked. "Hey Joanna!"I heard an annoying voice say. I sighed, and rolled my eyes. "Hi Selena"I said. I know she apologized and everything. But, I'm still kind of mad. She used me, to get closer to Justin.

"Justin, I have to go"I said. "What. Joanna, come on"He said. "I'll call you later"I said. "Love you"Justin said. "Love you too..."I said and hung up. I growled, and walked over to my straightener and turned it on. I opened the door, I was so mad. I can't believe he's on tour with Selena! Holy fuck! Why didn't he tell me! I grabbed the spray for my hair and put it in my hair. I turned on the hair drier, and started drying my hair.

It was finally dry, and I started brushing it and walked back into my bedroom. I ran the straightener through my hair a couple of times, since my hair is naturally straight. My graduation, isn't until 6 tonight. Then, I'm having a party later tonight. I guess, it's huge. That's what my mom, Caitlin and Christian mom, Ryan's mom and Chaz's mom said. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. My black v-neck Hollister shirt, looked okay. My white shorts looked okay. My black flip flops matched so everything looked okay. I put a gold head band in my hair, and parted my hair to both sides.

I checked my battery percentage, it was 78%. We're good. I grabbed money, and grabbed one of Justin's sweatshirts that said 'Bieber' on it. I shut off the lights and walked out. I walked down stairs "Ready?"I asked. They all nodded and shut the TV off. We walked outside, and into my car.
Ryan drove, and I sat next to him in the passengers seat. I went on twitter and scrolled through all my notifications. My soccer fans are amazing. I love them.

Going to see Despicable Me 2 with these losers. @AustinMahone Mackenzie Caitlin Beadles @ChristianBeadles odd future samantha

I sighed and locked my phone. I saw paparazzi running down the street for a picture of us. I sighed, and rolled my eyes. It was really raining outside too. That sucks. My phone lit up, and Justin commented.

Wish I was there... @JoannaBieber17

Yeah me too, but Selena's with you...So you're fine. @JustinBieber

I was beyond pissed at Justin. Why wouldn't he tell me that Selena's going on tour with him?! I rolled my eyes, and Austin touched my arm. "You okay?"He asked. I nodded slowly, and took a deep breath. "I'm fine"I said. My phone buzzed, and I looked down.

'What's wrong'

It was from Justin. Can he not freaking tell?! I rolled my eyes and locked my phone.

'Jojo...Tell me'
'You're on tour with Selena! Why didn't you tell me! You know, I hate her!'
'That's exactly why I didn't want to, but I just found out as soon as I got here. I promise'
'That's bull'
'Really. It isn't'
'It is, you did know that. That's why you said 'That's exactly why I didn't want too''

Justin didn't respond for a while, he thinks I'm not that smart. But I really am. I was in AP Math. I think I'm smart...

We got to the movie, and I put my hood up, "Joanna!" Joanna look here!" Everybody was silent when Austin came out. I waited for him, "AUSTIN! JOANNA!"They went crazy. "Joanna are you dating Austin?" "Austin, are you dating Joanna?" We walked together inside, "Jesus Christ they're annoying"I said. Austin nodded and someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and a boy was smiling. "Hey"He said. I smiled, "Hey"I said. "Would you sign this?"He asked. I looked down, and he had a paper and a pen. I nodded. "You're amazing at soccer"He said. "Thank you so much"I said.

"Do you play?"I asked. He nodded. "I bet you're just as good"I said. He blushed. Now that. Was cute. "I don't think so, you're one of the best"He said. "Like Abby Wambach, or Alex Morgan"He said. I smiled, "I don't think I'm that good buddy"I said and gave him the paper back. "Thank you"He said. I nodded and smiled. He walked away to his friends, and they all waved. I smiled and waved back. They smiled and started talking, I laughed.

"Can I have one ticket to see Despicable Me 2"I said. The man nodded "10 dollars"He said. Wow. Tickets are really expensive now. Austin gave the man ten dollars, he handed me my ticket. "Austin!"I said. He shrugged. "What"He asked. "Why did you do that"I asked. "Because I'm nice"He said. I smiled, "Thank you"I said. He smiled back and nodded.

We walked into the theaters, and Austin signed some autographs and sat down next to me. "You love your fans. Don't you"I asked. "A lot"He said. I gasped. "More than me?"I asked. "I'd have to think about that one..."Austin said. I smiled, and playfully pushed him. The movie started, and I took some of Austin's candy. "Hey!"he whispered. I laughed. "Hey"I said back. He playfully glared at me. "Are you ready to be free from school"He asked. I nodded, and he smiled. "Then you're coming with me to college!"I said. He smiled and nodded. "We'll have a lot of fun. We can buy a houseee"Austin said dragging the e. I laughed and nodded.

"Then sell it when I get out of school"I said. "What do you even want to be?"He asked. "A nurse"I said. He smiled. "Good choice"He said. I nodded and closed my mouth because the movie started.


That movie was really funny. I couldn't stop laughing at one point. It was really really funny. I put my hood up again, even though it wasn't raining. I don't like the flashes. The reporters where waiting, and I went to walk with Christian this time. "Ready to graduate"I asked. "No!"He fake sobbed into my shoulder. I smiled and laughed. "You're a cry baby"I said. He gave me a frown, and I laughed. "I love your laugh"He said. "Thanks"I said and laughed again. He smiled and pinched my cheeks. "Ow ow ow ow"I said as we walked out of the door. He let go and I rubbed my cheek.

"Joanna! Christian! Look here!"A man screamed. I've always hated paparazzi's. It's weird... I think it's just strange, having grown men following you around. Don't you? I sighed, and Christian put his hand on the small of my back. And he let me get into the back first. Since Caitlin took the front seat, she stuck her tongue out at me. And I stuck my tongue out back. And she laughed. I sat in the middle of Austin and Christian. Chaz sat in the very back, and Ryan was driving.


I changed into this pink dress and I slipped on my white heels. And I slipped on the grey shawl (is that what it's called?) I sprayed on perfume and walked down stairs Austin smiled. "Someone looks good"He said. I smiled and hugged him. "Thank Austin"I said. "You smell really good too"He said. I laughed. "Thanks Austin"I said. I texted my mom to meet us there and we got in Austin's car this time.

We drove too, my school and got out. "I'm scared"I said. "Don't be. Just pretend you're on the soccer field"Austin said. "You want me too shove people down?"I asked. He chuckled. "Go right ahead"He said sarcastically. I laughed and pushed him, he smiled. "Go take your spot"He said. "I'll chill with the hot girls mom's"Austin said. I laughed and waved bye to him. He smiled and waved back.

I took my seat as one of the ..whoa first ones. I totally forgot. I'm Joanna Bieber now. I took my seat, right next to Christian. I smiled and sat down next to him. Caitlin is the other way, and Ryan's to my right. "Best seat EVER!"Christian screamed. Everyone looked at him, "Christian"I said. He chuckled and his arm went around me. I took it off, and he kept putting his arm around me. I just left it there, I really don't care now. I don't want to make a huge scene. "Christian, please take your arm off me"I said. "Nah"He said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Welcome to Bay View High School. I'm your principle, Michael Rivers" I just tuned him out, I think everybody did. I looked behind me and tried to find Austin. He looked at me too and smiled. I rolled my eyes. And he smiled, I turned back around and tuned Mr. Rivers out. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Now let's get to the exciting part"Mr. Rivers said. The students cheered, we all know why. It was because he was done talking. The parents laughed, and he started. "Julia Amadima" That's a weird last name, for a weird girl. It makes perfect sense. But, it's also weird that there is only one last name that starts with A in this grade.

"Caitlin Beadles"
"Caitlin will be attending The University of Buffalo in the fall, she wants to become a vet" Mr. Rivers said.

I screamed and stood up, along with her mom, my mom, Ryan's mom and Chaz's mom. Other people just clapped like normal people. "Yeah Caitlin!"I said. Everyone was looking at me, and I sat down quickly and hid my face in Ryan's shoulder. He chuckled.

"Christian Beadles"
"Christian will also, be attenting the University of Buffalo in the fall. He wants to become a doctor"

"Yeah Christian!"Ryan and I screamed. Christian smiled and got up, he grabbed his certificate and shook Mr. Rivers hand. The cheers were louder, some of the girls actually cheered for him."Thank you for doing it with me"I said. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. Here we go...About to become an official graduated high schooler.

"Joanna Bieber"

The screams where louder than ever, my ears hurt so bad. I smiled and walked up, all my friends where standing up. My mom was, all my friends moms where. And Austin. I smiled and took my certificate.

"Joanna will be attending the University of Syracuse in the fall, she has a scholarship for soccer, and is planning to be a doctor"

The screams where still going... I couldn't believe it. I was so proud of myself. I shook Mr. Rivers had and thanked him. He nodded and I walked back to my seat.

"I give you, the graduated class of 2013!"

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