Somebody Else Max x Reader

By BeeTeethDotCom

1.7K 54 17

Someone new is at Camp Campbell but, they're hiding something. Max noticed and is now trying to find out what... More

Onto me..
Authors Note/Update

New Camper

798 17 11
By BeeTeethDotCom

    Y/N's P. O. V

I climb onto the bus with my luggage. My mother was making me go to summer camp to socialize and all sense all I do is draw. She also noticed that I draw a lot and signed me up for art camp. I shrugged it off but really I'd want to go to theater camp. I love acting and all that. Speaking of acting, that's a problem. Because of the way I've been treated at school and the way my parents have pushed me to be someone else, I decided to give the people what they want.

And what I mean by that is I don't act like myself. I act like a popular kid at school and dress up for everyone. I'm extremely nice and try not to punch everyone in the face. My parents have never took notice so I don't complain.

As I was thinking the bus came to a stop. I looked up seeing if we were there or not. I noticed the already broken pole with duct tape that was previously rapped around it. I grab my luggage and start my way down the bus aisle. "Kids here." The bus driver dude said. I sighed and faked a smile on my way down the steps. There stood a tall I think red head. He was wearing what I assumed to be the councilors uniform and a little vest. "Why hello! You must be y/n! Well I'm David! My partner Gwen is in the mess hall right now,  but I'll give you a quick tour and show you to your tent!" David said. I nodded "Oki doki then David lets get this show on the road!" I say and my most preppy voice. He smiled even bigger if that was even possible. "That's the spirit y/n!" He patted my back.

As he was giving a tour a female voice called for him in the mess Hall. David told me to follow him and I did. I skipped a little trying to show a little positivity. We got here and who I'm assuming is Gwen trying to get a kid with a helmet on off the ceiling fan. I tried not to laugh and kept it in. David was talking to some kids and walked up next to Gwen. The three others looked at me and walked up. Well sort of. The teal haired girl ran up to me while the one in the turtle neck just slightly jogged to catch up to the teal haired girl. Lastly was a kid in a hoodie. I felt jealous he was wearing a hoodie. I wouldn't because it would show as if I'm trying to hide something or some bullshit. I looked at the three in confusion but quickly shook it off and smiled. "Hello! I'm the new camper, y/n!" I said all jolly. The one in the hoodie seemed to cringe at the happiness and I freaked a little. The whole reason I fake this stupid persona is to make people happy and comfortable. I quickly fix it for the liking of them and wait for a response. "God you're happy. Well David over there told us to finish the tour for him while they get space kid off the fucking ceiling so, " what I'll just call Hoodie said. I nod and look at the rest. "I'm Nikki! This over here is neil-" she points to him with her thumb and continues " and this is Max!" she finishes and points to max. I nod in response and wave. Max rolled his eyes and began walking. Neil followed and Nikki grabbed my hand and ran. I felt excited for a moment and ran with her not knowing where the hell we were going but enjoyed it.

Time Skip

The tour was great because Nikki was running around and showed me all sorts of stuff. Nikki was the type who would enjoy my own self other then my faked persona so I enjoyed spending time with her. Max looked at me almost the whole time confused. He was talking to Neil too but I wasn't listening. It also turned out I'm sharing a tent with Nikki. Right now was lunch so I straightened up and went with Nikki. "And then Max got stabbed in the back with a candy cane!" Nikki states with a huge smile. She was telling me about a time they tried to escape 4 years ago. It also turns out they've been coming to this camp for four years. Makes me wish I was here sooner. We got to the Messhall as Nikki finished her story.

We got our food and went to an empty table. "Max and Neil aren't here yet so I'm assuming they're out making out" she winks and giggles. I laugh a bit too. Just then Max and Neil came up and sat by us. Max next to me and Neil next to Nikki. We both look at each other and giggle. "What?" Max asked a little annoyed. Nikki stopped giggling and looked at them. "How was y'all make out session?" Nikki asked. I laughed a bit but saw Max's face looked pissed and Neil looked like someone gave him an unwanted surprise party. I calmed down a bit and only grinned. "What the hell do you mean?" Max asked Nikki. "Yalls make out session. How was it? Y'all were late for lunch so, first guess" Nikki giggled. "We weren't making out! I was showing max how to make a chemical explosion for some prank. " Neil said a bit red from embarrassment and max was only red because he was pissed.

Time went by and me, nikki, max, and neil were in max and Neil's tent look at the chemical explosion they were talking about. "So, who are y'all pranking?" I ask slightly worried. " What do you mean 'y'all' you're joining us too y/n!" Nikki said. I shrugged and went a long with it. We took the chemicals and walked towards the cabins. I realized we're pranking the Councilors and got nervous. What if they think I'm a troubled child and send me home?
I thought I quickly waved it off before I got too into it. They did what they had to do to set it off and threw the 'bombs' into their cabins. We start running and hide behind a bush. "oh what the FUCK" we heard Gwen yelled as she ran out. We laughed and saw David run out his cabin too.

Time skip

We ended up getting caught but not in too much trouble because we were bonding or some shit. Though now it's night and we're going to bed. I fell asleep quickly.

The next day I was hanging out with Erid and a few others. I saw they liked and looked up to Erid so I acted like her for a bit. They didn't suspect anything just thought I was cool and normal. I grin knowing that and kept talking about things. I told them how I knew how to skate and I could do a few tricks. This was true because I've learned a lot about other things for shit like this. I miss hanging out with Nikki, Neil, and Max seeing as I don't have to worry much around them. "Wow y/n, you're pretty cool. " Erid says and winks. I chuckle a little and shrug. " Hey y/n, wanna play a game with me?" Nerris asks. I nod and follow her. Harrison was there too and we all just played until lunch.

Maxs P.O.V

I saw y/n talking with a bunch of other kids at a lunch table. I was confused seeing y/n wasn't that cool. I mean they're fun to hang out with, they have great jokes, but i don't get how they could hang out with all the others. Seemed unlike y/n. Nikki and Neil noticed my staring. "Max? What are you- ooh. OH OH do you like y/n? " I lightly blush and look at her in confusion. "No, we met yesterday Nikki. It's just. Look. It doesn't seem like y/n to be the center of attention.. " I said. "Yeah.. What's up with that?" Neil said. Nikki shrugged " I don't know. Here let me check!" Nikki got up and went over to y/n. I saw them talk and Nikki and y/n came over to the table and sat down. The way y/n sat down was strange though. They sat down delicately. Slowly and had a slight smile that looked as if it'd break any minute now. I realized I was staring when they were trying to get my attention. Y/n waved their hand in my face with a smile I could tell was fake. No one else apparently.. " Max? You okay?" y/n asked while Neil and Nikki stared concerned. I gulped a little and looked at y/n "Are.. are you okay?" I asked. They looked surprised and looked at Nikki and Neil. They looked at y/n realizing their facial expression and looked concerned. Y/n laughed "Yeah,  why wouldn't I be?" y/n said with a smile again. "I.. I don't know you just looked bothered. " I said " Is it because I dragged you away from them?" Nikki asked. Y/n shook their head a bit violently. "Nikki I could never thank you enough for dragging me away. Honestly I don't know if I could have survived that with out breakin-" y/n stopped there and looked at us before saying something else. "so how's lunch guys?" y/n asked. Soon the conversation turned to be what we've been doing today and the camp activity tomorrow.

Y/n  P. O. V


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