The Ghost Counselor [Ziall] [...

By lilacdreams-

821K 27.8K 10K

[COMPLETED] [MAJOR EDITING i am re-writing some of the characters and taking out parts and re-writing them, s... More

Disclaimer + Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
14~ Ploy.
15~ Astray.
16~ Enemy.
17~ Strategy.
18~ Casualty.
19~ Guilty.
20~ Betray.
21~ Friendly.
22~ Empty.
23~ Epiphany.
24~ Extraordinary.
25~ Fallacy.
26~ Responsibility.
27~ Ecstasy.
28~ Serenity.
29~ Bravery.
30~ Purgatory.
31~ Visibility.
32~ Fantasy.
33~ Theory.
34~ Infinity.
35~ Story.
36~ Tragedy.
37~ Reality.
38~ Fatefully.
39~ Sanity.
40~ Memory.
41~ Truthfully.
Epilogue #1
Epilogue #2
Epilogue #3
Just a little something. :)

42~ Happily.

6.1K 436 211
By lilacdreams-



September 2012.

I can now definitely see the angels meant no harm when they had put me back in the timeline of when I was alive. And am now again... God, this is still confusing. When I'd came to almost two months ago, and found found myself in my bedroom like I'd never died in the first place, my first worry was Zayn, and to get to him. But the biggest gift was getting my life back of course, getting my family and friends back, which never would have happened in the first place if that psychopathic dark angel Zamian or whatever hadn't been thirsty for souls.

But that was all over and done, and I was more than happy to put all that fucked up shit behind me. Up until two months ago, I had no idea on how I was going to approach Zayn, get him to fall in love with me again when he doesn't even know my name. 

But like Molly had advised, let it happen. And I had let it happen. We met again like fate has originally planned for us, and I felt my self bafflingly falling in love with Zayn again, even harder this time around. 

I was now viewing this timeline as more of a blessing. I now had more time to get to know everything about Zayn, and be there through all the important things in his life. I'll never leave his side again, that's for sure.

Like I said, It had been almost two months since Zayn and I had met, and yeah, so that meant two months since we'd been in a relationship.

And if I thought before that Zayn was adorable and thoughtful, caring and just perfect, sixteen year old Zayn is even more so. And I'm falling for him more day by day.

We spend time together almost every day after school when we didn't have plans with our friends. Zayn and I talked about everything and nothing, and sometimes just cuddled on the rooftop, which was our rooftop now. And honestly, I couldn't imagine being happier.

I know that happiness never lasts, something's bound to go wrong when you're this blissful-- like I've bitterly experienced before-- but I'm ready this time. I think I've been through enough shit that I deserve this. Deserve my happily ever after, no matter in what twisted way I got it. At least I have Zayn. At least I'm kinda sure he feels the same way...

I'd met Zayn's dad when I'd stayed at his house late one night after having a movie marathon. His dad was a cool guy, but pretty scary, and later pulled me aside and gave me the talk, warning me to not hurt his son and do it with him, because that would be illegal and I'd be put in jail.

Damn. Did I mention he was a lawyer?

But of course I could never ever hurt my Zayn. And I know our age gap is going to be a slight problem now, but we'll get through it. We got through dark angels trying to break us apart and me being a ghost... but Zayn doesn't know that. Fuck. And it's kinds hard hiding that from him. I always feel guilty knowing how oblivious Zayn is and that in two years, he's going to have to face angry ghosts. But this time, I'll be there. I'll be on the other side of the picture, by his side, but I'll sure as hell be there.


Yesterday, Zayn and I hadn't been able to meet up because he'd had a guy's night out, but I'd slept pretty late myself, on a school night. And I was regretting it as my head pounded when I tried to open my eyes. I fumbled with my phone as turned off my alarm.

Rubbing my eyes, I wearily lifted myself out of my bed, but jumped back in shock as my eyes focused, and my hair got in my eyes, ruffled by a strong gust of wind.

"Holy shit!" I braced a hand on my heart. "Don't you guys ever think to ring me or something before you drop by?" I muttered, still cranky from sleep. I had only gotten about an hour's sleep, because I'd been on the phone with Zayn and we'd hung up at 5 AM. Worth it though. So worth it.

"Niall," Castiel snapped his fingers in front of my face as I was drooping again, making me flinch. I looked up at him, and then at Molly by his side.

"Is this something bad?" I asked tentatively, because Castiel had came down here and I guess that meant something major.

The angel smiled and patted my shoulder. "No, kid. Everything's fine. More than fine actually," he said meaningfully and I blushed as I caught on.

Castiel continued. "So you were cursing us for restoring you back to your original timeline, eh? What do you think about that decision now?" he asked smugly, cocking his head to the side.

I grinned with a shrug. "Yeah I admit. I was livid. Why? Because I was freaking out. One second Zayn was so in love with me and then the next, boom! He doesn't know who I am! But..."

"But now?" Molly prompted with a small smile. I returned it.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "But now, I guess I'm seeing this as a good thing. When I'd met Zayn as a ghost before, I had fallen in love with him, the true kind. But... I didn't know much about him back then because I hadn't gotten much time to get to know him, his every quirk, his every flaw, like I'm finding out now," I said, settling down on my bed as the two angels present in my bedroom listened.

"And now it's been two months since I've met Zayn again, and I didn't even know if it was possible, but I'm falling for him even harder. This time, I'm getting to see a sixteen year old awkward Zayn, and how he'll grow into these two hard years and become the charismatic eighteen year old I met and fell for. And... just," I sighed, "do you guys know the best part?"

Molly bit her lip, hiding her smile as she shook her head. I grinned.

"The best part is that this time, I get to be by Zayn's side as he spends his high school life, and I'll even get to see and help him through the stage of his life when he'll get his ghost sensing abilities," I almost tackled on as an afterthoght.

Castiel laughed, which brought my attention back to him. "And I know it's been hard for you, keeping everything from Zayn, not letting anything slip, he said, more as an observation than as a question.

I groaned. "God, yes! I've been learning to control it, but I sometimes feel so guilty that I'm practically lying to him," I said in frustration.

"And before, your memories of you and Zayn were hurting you?" Molly asked softly.

I sighed. "They still are. But this time I'm getting to make new memories to replace the old ones," I smiled genuinely.

"That's a great way to think," Castiel nodded in approval. "But I think you've gone through enough, kid. I'm glad to see you're making the most of your situation even after your soulmate losing his memory. You're a strong one. So here's my gift to you," Castiel said, and I frowned.

"Wha--" Castiel pressed his fingers to my forehead and I instantly felt my mind get numb. The feeling passed seconds later, and I massaged my head.

"What was that?" I blinked.

Castiel smiled at Molly, who mouthed a thank you to her father, then stepped closer to me, taking my hands in hers.

"Niall? Who are we?"

I frowned. "You guys are angels, what did you do--"

"Who are we?" Molly pressed.

I shrugged. "You guys brought me back to life after I'd spent a year in limbo as a ghost."

"Do you remember Zayn?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, I met him about two months ago at a club's rooftop and now he's my boyfriend," I smiled.

Molly frowned, pulling back. "Dad? Did it work?"

Castiel smiled softly, shaking his head. "Yes. But I can't just erase his old memories of Zayn, Molly." He then turned to me. "Kid, the memories that you had of Zayn, the ones that hurt you will be gone now."

I froze. "What do you mean gone?"

'Meaning that you won't have to lie to Zayn. When someone will ask you reflexively about anything to do with your life as a ghost, you won't remember like you didn't when Molly asked you about Zayn just now. But in your subconscious," he tapped my forehead, "you do remember."

"Uh, okay," I frowned. My head was hurting, and not because of Castiel's mumbo jumbo.

"Try to remember anything about your past life," Molly said.

I conjured up one of the very first memories of Zayn and I, memory of me telling Zayn why I thought I couldn't cross over but it was hazy. And my head hurt to recall it.

"I- I can't remember it!" I panicked. Molly soothed me. "Now you won't feel guilty about lying to Zayn everytime. Think about it, Niall."

I did, and I saw her point. I know slowly losing those memories I had with Zayn hurt, but now I had new, better memories to replace those with. And now I wouldn't be lying to Zayn everytime we talked. I had to let go. I had a better life now.

I still had the vague, important memories but not the tiny details that tortured me. I was thankful to Castiel for that. He understood and nodded at me with a smile.

"We're sorry for everything else. Have a nice life with Zayn, kid. You have a long time to get to know him better, trust me," Castiel grinned, adjusting the collar of his trench coat.

"Hey," I said. "So you guys came down here just to fade me memories?" I raised an eyebrow.

Molly laughed. "No. We are supposed to check up on all the souls that we placed back in their timeline. And so far, you're the one who's doing the best. And Dad here was so adamant we pay a visit to Earth immediately, I wonder why..." Molly hummed, smirking at Castiel who glared at his daughter.

"Be quiet Molly! I... I have... business to attend to," he said. "Good luck Niall," Castiel nodded at me, and Molly quickly engulfed me in a hug. Before I could hug her back, they both has disappeared, leaving only a gust of wind behind.

Still going over everything that had happened, I got ready for school, the usual routine. Greeting my mum, dad and sister, I had breakfast, dropped my little sister to school, then went to school myself. Thank God this was my last high school year.

I was avoiding Josg now of course. Sure, his betrayal or whatever you call it had hurt like a bitch, but I didn't give a damn about him now. He'd heard about Zayn and made fun of me dating a minor, and let's just say Josh has a bit of a crooked nose now.


After school, I texted Zayn as usual while standing outside his school. Minutes later he emerged, awkwardly tripping over his own shoes as he hiked his backpack up his shoulder, and yeah... I don't think I can be more in love with this boy.

Zayn tackled me in a hug, and I hugged him back tightly. Zayn pulled back. "What are we doing today?"

I smiled, tracing my fingers on his waist. "Anything you want to," I said suggestively, as I traced my lips against his neck.

Zayn blushed, then bit his lip. "Can we... prank people today?" I froze and pulled back, tilting my head in confusion. 


Zayn grabbed my hand. "C'mon, get in. I have the most amazing plan! We can even videotape the prank! I was going to do it with the guys but it'll be more fun with you, and then we have to plan your birthday! Well oops, that was s'posed to be a surprise," Zayn rambled excitedly as we got in the truck, explaining where we had to go and what supplies we needed, while I just stared lovingly at him. 

Zayn seemed happier than when I met him again two months ago, and I still was curious how this shy Zayn is going to turn into a party animal. 

I gave Zayn a sideways smile, and he smiled back at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're beautiful," I said simply, and Zayn bit his lip to hide his smile, looking outside the window, and I couldn't wipe the smile on my lips as I drove. With my one hand on the steering wheel, I took Zayn's hand in mine, entertwining our fingers. 

And yeah, I wouldn't trade this moment for anything, not even my past life as a ghost.

I still remembered Zayn was my ghost counselor in my past life, I still remembered I fell in love with him. I'll never forget that. Zayn had helped me then, and he is unknowingly helping me now. Helping me so much. And he says I'm doing the same for him. I hope so. I'll always be there for him.

Even though he won't get to know about his abilities for two more years, Zayn was and always will be the one who had guided me in my worst time, was and is my first love.

And Zayn was and always will be my ghost counselor.

----T H E   E N D----

[A/N] And so, the Ziall love story ends on a sweet note. Niall is content, everything is the way he wants it to. I hope you guys are happy with this final chapter and how I ended things. Do let me know what you think. And if you have any confusions, ask away! :)

(read on further it's important)

I know I didn't show much of Ziall's after relationship, so that's why, after this, I'll be posting not one but TWO full length epilogues.

Epilogue #1 will be two years from now, (2014) when Zayn finds out about his abilites, (basically the second chapter) but this time in Niall's POV

Epilogue #2 will be three years from then (2017) and Niall is going to give Zayn a surprise (predictible and super fluffy) 

And... that's it!

Thank you so much for supporting me through this book, each and every one of you guys are amazing. I love you. Thank you. <3

I'm going to miss writing this so so much. </3 And sadly, there won't be a sequel.

But after this, I'm starting a LiLo book titled "How To Act Gay" with Louis and Liam as actors. :P Meet ya there?

Sorry for the long A/N!

Bye for now!

~zarrycupcake xx

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