Married life Parent hood

By SammyLA88

720 0 0

On Snogoltog Astrid gives Hiccup two gifts one a very spacial gift that changes their life big time & also ef... More

Snogoltog eve
Hiccup's snogaltog surprise
Embarrassing the love birds
Anger & truths
The Little big surprise
The baby talk
Love & naughtiness
The bigger surprise & announcement
The gang's baby questioning
The house surprise
The pregnancy
Baby's room
The birth
The baby's introduction
Baby's day with dragons
Hiccup protects family
The amazing surprise
Hiczeler's problem
Stoick's & the village's over reaction
Relaxing Astrid
The kidnapping
Fun day out
The second birth
The second introduction

The rescue

23 0 0
By SammyLA88

Chapter 22

Around dragon island

At 10.00am Hiccup notices a ship leaving Dragon Island. "Dad, I see a ship leaving dragon Island & I can see Mildew on it" "Good... now he is going to get it for kidnapping my grand-kids" Stoick says angrily. "Um... cuz" "Yes Snotlowt?" "There's a man on the island that looks like Dagger" "What?" "Yes... & I just sore a Nadder picking two little moving blond & arbon things up that are not baby dragon & walk of with them" "Oh gods!"    

"Son, are you thinking the same thing I am?" "If you're thinking that Dagger has the kids then yes" "So, what are we going to do?" Gobber asks. "Well... um... ok, Tuff, Ruff you two go & keep a eye on the ship & Gobber you go with them to make sore they don't muck it up, dad you stay here with Snotlowt & deal with Dagger why I follow that Nadder" "Ok son" 

So they all split up & Hiccup slowly follows the Nadder to a cave in the canter of the Island, in the mean time Stoick & Snotlowt land in front of Dagger. "Dagger!" Stoick yells. "Yes... what can I do for you?" Dagger says as Stoick & Snotlowt get of their dragons. "Oh don't try acting like you don't now!" "What do mean?" "You know very well what I mean!" Stoick goes straight to him & holds him agents a tree with his axe. "Now where are my grand-kids!" "To tell you the truth I don't know"    

"Oh don't play Dagger... we know you & know what a lyre you are" Snotlowt says. "Ok... but for once I'm telling the truth" "Oh really" "Yes... & if you have to know the truth about what happened to those brats... I looked away from them for a second then I turned back & they were gone... all I sore was a Nadder walking off" "Right, Snotlowt tie him to a tree & I'm going to go & look for the kids & Hiccup" So Snotlowt goes & ties Dagger to a tree & Stoick goes off.    

Back with Hiccup he slowly gets deeper into the cave till he sees a light & hears some giggles then he sees a Nadder licking Hicsol's & Hiczeler's faces as they giggle, so he walks forward & the Nadder stands in front of the kids & growls at him. 

"It's ok girl I won't hart you" He says as he places his hand on her snout then the kids cruel to him "Dada-Dada-Dada-Dada" He picks them up & hugs them. "Oh, my baby's... thank goodness your ok... don't worry daddy's here" "Dada" "Yes Hiczeler" "Dragon ave us-Dragon ave us"    

He smiles at the dragon & pats the dragon. "Thanks girl, thanks for saving my baby's" Then he takes the kids out of the cave & as he walks fro the trees he hears sum rustling & hides with the kids then Stoick comes out of the trees so he gets out & goes up to his dad.    

"Son, thank goodness your ok & the kids?" "Their here, save & unharmed dad" "Oh, thank goodness... I was so warred... Dagger said when they vanished all he sore was a Nadder" "Yes dad... & that Nadder saved them" "Really son" "Yes, & when I found them the kids where giggling" "That's good... now let's go back to Snotlowt & Dagger"    

So they make their way back to Snotlowt & Dagger, when they get their Stoick puts a tied up Dagger on the back of his dragon & gets on himself as Hiccup gets on Toothless with the kids tight in his arms. "Now Snotlowt" "Yes cuz" "Me & dad are going to take Dagger & the kids back to Berk & you go & find Gobber & the twins & we'll meat you back at Berk" "Ok cuz"    

So they all take off, Snotlowt to find the twin's & Gobber & Hiccup & his dad to Berk. "Weeeeee, we flying" The kids giggle. "Their just like you son when it com's to flying" "Ha-ha, yeah" 

When they get back Stoick takes Dagger to the sells & Hiccup takes the kids back home, when they get back he finds Astrid crying in Fishlegs shoulders so before she sees them he goes over to her without a sound & puts the kids on her lap. "Mama" They say as they both tap her cheeks then she looks up & hugs them tightly.    

"Oh, thank goodness your ok... mummy mist you" "Mama, hungy, hungy" "Ok, I'll get daddy to get you some food" On hearing this he goes & gets two bottles of milk then gives them to them. & they start drinking fast then Fishlegs leaves. 

"So tell me everything... what happened? Because Mildew came back acting like he now nothing" "Well, it tuns out Mildew was just the delivery boy" "What do you mean?" "I mean he delivered them to Dagger on Dragon island & then he came back here" "What, Dagger?" "Yes" 

"But you saved them from him like I knew you would" "Actually they escaped him themselves" "What, how?" "Turns out when he was not looking at them they curled off behind a tree, & another thing, they found a Nadder who picked them up & hid them under her wing then walked of to a cave" "What? But how? That dragon was wiled, surly it would be weary & it cold of hart them" "Well, when I fond them the Nadder was licking their faces & the they where giggling" 

"But how?" "I think it's because their still only baby's so dragon's ant so weary of them & treat them like their own baby's, & the Dragon was a girl so she must of had her mutunal instincts on from what I sour" "So how did you get them back?" "Wel,l I slowly walked up to the dragon & showed her I meant no harm then the kids came to me, I patted the dragon & said thanks then I when't back to Snotlowt & dad who where dealing with Dagger" 

"& the others?" "Well, Snotlowt when't of to find them as me & dad came back here with Dagger & the kids" "Dagger's here" "Yes, his in the sells for now, & I must say the kids really liked flying they were holding their arms out & giggling"    

Then he smells something not nice & looks at the kids who smile at him. "Ha-ha, looks like two someones did a do-do" "No-no" They say as they shake their heads with a smile. "Oh yes you did" So he picks them up from Astrid's lap & tickles them. "Now come-on you two, lets go get you cleaned up" So he goes & clean's them up as she starts on dinner.

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