Finding roman..

By la_kinda67

36.8K 675 30

Hemlock grove, home of upirs, weres, demons and angels. Nadeline wasn't expecting nothing much from a cute li... More

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8.2K 118 6
By la_kinda67

The clock on the dash read 9:55. I sighed, we had been riding in this car now for 10 hours and i was growing hungry. My mom sat in the passenger seat sleeping soundly. The whole reason we had to make this move was that a few months back my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia, Godfrey industries offered us a refusal we couldn't deny. They promised they could help her, make her better, with some experimental help. Mom took the offer quickly, draining her account, packing us both up, and moving half way across the world. 

The road in front of me showed no signs, nothing. I pulled off into a drive way and pulled the map out. "where are we exactly." I whispered to myself. after 10 minutes of nothing, I sighed again and continued down the drive way. A house came into view, a nice house might I add. As I put the car in park I climbed out trying not to wake my mother. as my foot hit the ground a crack of thunder hit and it began pouring down, how nice. I quickly made my way to the front door, rain pouring down around me. 

I knocked on the door, who am I kidding these people are probably asleep at this time. I sighed and began turning around when I heard the door unlatch and open. I met eyes with the stranger, his green eyes showed an internal conflict. I smiled at him, "I'm sorry to have woke you up but I and my mom are trying to find hemlock grove, is this it? and how do I find Godfrey industries?" the man opened the door wider for me, "it's raining, come inside." I looked back at the car hesitantly. I stepped through the door, warm air engulfed me. the smell of chicken hit my nose and my stomach growled. 

"Are you hungry?" the strange man asked. an old woman came down the stairs and eyed me suspiciously. "get me a towel." the man said while looking at the woman. she nodded and walked away seconds later returning with a white fluffy towel. "you can have some if you like. id hate to eat in front of you." I smiled at him and followed him through the living room. "to answer your question yes, you are in hemlock grove. godfrey tower is about a 15 minutes drive, just keep going down the road you came in on, first right you come to will be it, you can't miss the tower. pretty tall and lit up." he cracked a smirk and slid a plate of chicken, mashed potatoes, and some mac n cheese my way. "thank you." I began shoving food in my mouth as the man watched me with anticipation.

"whats your name?" he asked walking to the fridge and bringing some red liquid out, maybe red wine? "im nadeline. but people call me nads." he nodded returning with a glass of water, he put it down in front of me. "im Roman." I smiled and finished my plate as fast as I could. "would you like more?" he asked examining the empty contents on my plate. "no thank you. I actually should get back to my mom, she's asleep in the car."

he nodded walking behind me to the door. "one more thing. do you think you could show me around sometime?" I asked standing at his door, he smiled and nodded his head. "meet me at the town's cafe tomorrow around 12. I'll show you all there is." I smiled again, "thanks for the hospitality." he nodded and held the door for me. I exited, running back to the car. 

"nads. where are we?" my mom asked while I slid back in the car. "had to stop and ask for directions. were almost there I promise." my mom nodded her head and placed it on the window drifting back off.


the Godfrey tower came into view, Roman wasn't kidding, it was all lit up and quite tall. as I pulled into a parking spot I got out making my way towards my mom. I opened her door and helped her out, wrapping an arm around her waist I helped her inside. a man walked up to us, dressed in a fancy suit. "hello. welcome to Godfrey tower. im doctor Pryce. who might you be?" I smiled at the man as a few others came to our aid with a wheel chair. I sat my mom down and looked back up at the doctor. "im nadeline, we talked on the phone about my mom's cancer." doctor Pryce nodded his head.

"of course. so we have set you and your mother up with a room while she will be getting treated here." I nodded my head as they began wheeling my mom away. "now if you could follow me." I nodded, he turned around making his way towards the elevator. we walked in, he pushed the 50th floor. after a few moments of awkward silence, annoying elevator music, and tension in the air the elevator doors opened.

the floor was spotless, it was so white it looked like daytime in here. "if there's anything you should need just press 1 and ill be here." we walked to a door and he opened it, it was as if it was a mini apartment. had a small kitchen area, dining area, a living room. "I hope everything is to your liking, I have some men bringing your stuff up here now." I nodded my head.

"thank you again, doctor Pryce. I appreciate everything you've done for us." he smiled at me. "you're a strong woman, nadeline." I smiled as I pulled him into a hug, "just make her better please." doctor Pryce walked out of the apartment as I made my way to the nearest bedroom, I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. after my father died my brother left us, and my mom was then diagnosed with bipolar depression and began slipping into a state where everything was fairies and unicorns, then that's when we found out she had cancer. 

everything was just crazy right now. My older brother, Ben, had not been heard from in almost 3 months. I laid back and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.


I stood in the middle of a field, a white gown flowed over my hips. I looked around trying to figure out where I was when I saw a wolf standing no more than 5 feet from me. I looked at him curiously. "well you're a big dog aren't you?" he snarled as I took a step back. he began itching towards me, fear sunk in. I knew I was dreaming but this felt so real, the grass beneath my feet started to feel as though I was sinking, it wasn't till I looked down that I noticed I was in quick sand. 

the wolf grew closer to my face, I closed my eyes trying to wake up but I couldn't. the wolf opened his mouth and a hand began coming up, what the fuck. the hand grabbed me and yanked me inside its mouth.


when I woke up I had sweat dripping down my forehead. I got up and grabbed some clothes from my bag making my way into the attached bathroom. I turned the shower on and stepped in. after I got out I dressed myself and made my way out the door, my mom sat on the couch drinking a cup of coffee. "hey mom." her head snapped around and eyed me. "nads. this place. I can't explain it but it somehow feels... magical." she laughed and turned her attention back to the tv, which was off. 

"I'm gonna meet up with someone. you going to be ok being here alone?" I asked making my way towards her. she nodded. "be careful. something seemed off last night." she said as I opened the door and walked out. 

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