Love Letters and Literature

By MissMaven

2.5M 86.7K 31.2K

Sophia Lane is the queen of oversized sweaters and perfectly brewed cups of coffee. She's beautiful and delic... More

Cast and Notes
Soy Milk and Two Sugars (Edited)
Old Books and Liquid Courage (Edited)
One Dance and Two Mistakes (Edited)
Chapter 3.5 - Thomas's Perspective (Edited)
First Day And First Encounter (Edited)
A Night alone and Trying Something New (Edited)
Phone Numbers and Jealousy
A Lot of Flirting and Something Unexpected
Familiar Streets and Deciding
Love and Loss
Cruel Irony and Tender Moments
A Little Time and Roses
Clingy and Curious
Plane Rides and Wet Dreams
Show Time and Apologizing
Truth and Heartfelt Lies
Questions, Confessions, and Nirvana
Snow Blizzards and White Sheets
Delays, Dickhead, and Duke
Spilled Beans and Bestfriend Duties
New Friend and Old Enemy
Frienships and Folly
Breaking Barriers and Bodies
Unrequited Love and Car talks
Explanations and Elightenment
A Story and A promise
*Bonus Chapter*
Three Women and Three Secrets
Clearing The Air and Something Fun
The Librarian and A Text
Mistakes and Pretending
Caught and Ultimatums
Quick Thinking and Falling Apart
Two hours ago...
Battered and Broken
True Feelings and Coming Clean
A Big Surprise and Moving Forward
New Years and Old Truth
Contractions and Hope
Stroke of Midnight and Promises
Happy Family and Bundles of Joy
Meetings and Memories
March 12th
What if...

Planning and Hotel Rooms

49.8K 1.5K 319
By MissMaven

Everyone takes turns meeting baby Ruby, and they all immediately fall in love with her soft little coos and whines.

I stand next to the coffee machine with Thomas, Gabbie, and Isaac as we refuel. It's three AM and both Gabbie and I know that we're in for a world of hurt tomorrow.

"We have to be on a plane in four hours." Gabbie says with a disappointed sigh. I rub my temples and yawn.

"Unfortunately." I add, but Thomas just cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Plane? Where are you two going?" Suddenly it occurs to me that I never told Thomas about my book.

"Oh my goodness, I haven't even had time to tell you. Gabbie's father is a publisher and he is representing my first novel, The Dead Dame. I'm getting published and our first meeting. Is tomorrow!" I say excitedly because I know Thomas will be just as overjoyed as I am to hear that.

He wraps his big bear arms around me and lifts me off of the ground, his head nuzzled into my neck.

"That's so amazing, Sophia! I'm so proud of you."

My feet touch the ground again and he kisses my lips.

"You should get home and rest for a bit then. You don't want to blow this meeting by passing out." He says, but I just shrug.

"I don't even want to go anymore now that Fiona's had the baby. I want to stay here with her." I admit.

"Don't be silly." Isaac says. "Fiona can live without you for a few days, I promise, I got this." I smile and hug Isaac. I've never had a brother, but even If did I think I'd be closer to Isaac. It was instant love between us. Not sexual love, but deep platonic admiration. We understood each other.

"Honestly I could reschedule. He is my dad after all." Gabbie says with a wave of her hand, but I shake my head.

"No, this is important. I need to make a good impression."

"Then let me take you home, darling." Thomas offers, and I smile. "Sounds good to me. I want to say goodbye to Fiona and my parents first though."

"Of course."

The four of us start walking back to Fiona's room there my parents are already standing outside looking rather groggy.

"We're gonna go find a hotel, sweetie." My Mom says with a yawn.

"Don't you have to be in Nevada tomorrow young lady?" My dad asks and I nod.

"Yeah, but I'm really just banking on being so excited that it gives me enough energy."

"I've been there. Twenty-two is a good age, you should be able to pull it off just fine."

"I should really just give my ticket over to Thomas," Gabbie says with a cheeky smile "Las Vegas is just a short drive away from where we'll be staying. These two could get hitched by Elvis." Gabbie and Isaac laugh at the joke, and my parents almost do until they see my head jerk over to look at Thomas who's already looking down at me with wide eyes.

"Wait, I was kidding." Gabbie says, freaking out after she sees the way we're staring at each other.

"I don't like the Elvis part, but knowing that we could be married as early as this time tomorrow sounds so amazing."

"You wouldn't want a cake? A fancy service? All of your family there?" My mother asks with a worried voice, panic screwing up her normally pretty face.

"It would be nice to have family there of course," I agree "but I don't need any of those other things. Honestly I just want to be married to this man as quickly as possible."

"Well, Sophia has never been one for traditions, we've always known that." My dad says in my defense. I smile at him then turn my head back to Thomas.

"What are you thinking?" I ask, my heart beat like a base drum in my ribs.

"I want whatever you want, love. Wether it's eloping or a big ceremony, I don't care either way" He says, his blue eyes light with anticipation. He wants to know, everyone does.

Are we getting married tomorrow?

"Oh my god is this really happening?" Isaac asks, picking his chin up off of the floor.

"Fiona!" He suddenly yells and starts running into her room.

"Stop yelling, you idiot. Ruby is sleeping." Fiona's voice scolds Isaac, but he doesn't seem to even register she spoke.

"Thomas and Sophia are trying to elope to Vegas!" He shouts and Fiona is suddenly freaking out loudly. There's a bunch of struggling noises, but before too long Fiona appears in the doorway, looking quite frightening.

"How dare you! She says, pointing a finger at me.

"I have earned my bridesmaid duties, and I demand the opportunity to throw you a bachelorette party!"

"Get back in bed, baby, you just pushed out a human being." Isaac says as he tries to coerce Fiona back into the room, not banking on her actually getting up from his news. She shrugs him off, so I walk over to Fiona and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Do you think this is a bad idea?" I ask her in earnest and she bites her cheek.

"I dunno, sis. I just... I just want it to be special, you know? And if you up and elope Isaac and I can't come because we, you know, had a baby like five seconds ago."

My heart is aching for me to just marry Thomas as soon as possible, but my mother and Fiona are right. It's selfish.

"Fine, we can plan a regular service, but I want to pick the date right here, right now."

Fiona seems to relax. I turn to Thomas and walk over to him, his handsome smile making my legs feel instantly weak.

"When sounds good to you?" Thomas lifts his hand to move some stray strands of hair behind my ear, his tongue tracing along his bottom lip.

"March. Just as the flowers start to bloom, and the air warms a bit. I think three months is all I can wait." My heart flutters, and my mom starts audibly crying beside me.

This has been the most insane day of my life.

Gabbie pulls her phone out and stares at it for a minute.

"March 12th is on a Saturday. Would that work? One of my sorority sisters two dads have a planning service."

"Do you just know someone for everything?" I say with a surprised laugh. Gabbie gives me a proud smile.

"Yes. I have many connections!

"March 12th sounds amazing to me." I say, turning back to Thomas who nods in agreement.

"Perfect." He agrees and we pull each other into a warm embrace.

"What do you think, Mom? Can you pull off a wedding in three months?" I ask, a single happy year spilling down my cheek.

"For you baby girl, I can do anything."

We all laugh and talk for a few minutes before we decide we need to go our separate ways for the night.

Fiona and Isaac are obviously staying over night with ruby but all of our parents are shacking up in a hotel.

Thomas walks me and Gabbie to his car, my heart feeling so full.

"Would you still come with me?" I ask him as we all pull our seatbelts on.

"To Nevada?" Thomas asks me and I nod.

"If thats okay with Gabbie, of course." I turn my head to the back seat to look at her. She's already half asleep but she still manages to give me a big thumbs up of approval before her head slumps over on the window.

"I'd love to go, darling."

I smile brightly at the man I love, and watch him closely the entire drive back to my apartment. I memorize every detail of his beautiful face and bask in how purely happy I feel right now. All of my dreams are coming true all at once.


*Mature Content below, get some popcorn*

We arrive at the hotel that Gabbie's father is putting us up in with stars in our eyes.

"This is absolutely amazing, Gabs!" I shriek as I stare at the sky high maculate building.

Gabbie's home is currently being remodeled, so there's no room for us to stay there. Instead, her dad offered to put us up in the most amazing hotel I've ever seen.

"He's trying to impress you." Gabbie says with a knowing shrug.

"Impress me?" I ask incredulously. Thomas picks up our bags and starts walking them inside with us, but a man wearing a fancy uniform walks up and takes the bags from him.

"Please, allow me sir." The man says and Thomas allows him to take the bags, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smile.

"Your book will make my dad a lot of money. Until you sign his companies contract you're a free agent. He has to try to reel you in."

I scoff as we walk up to the front desk.

"He has nothing to worry about." I say with an obvious snort.

"Name please." The receptionist asks me and I suddenly tense up.

What if were not on the register?

"Gabrielle Louise Rathbone." Gabbie says with confidence and the receptionist smiles.

"Two queen bedrooms, upper level. I have You right here."

This place is way too rich for my blood, and I can only imagine how out of place Thomas feels.

We get our key cards and the concierge shows us to our rooms while carrying our luggage for us.

We only have two hours before we have to meet with Gabbie's father, and we could all use a bit of freshening up.

We part ways with Gabbie and enter our prestigious room with bright eyes.

"Holy crap, Sophia. This is insane." Thomas gawks and I nod my head in agreement.

"I'm definitely impressed."

It feels like I'm in a different world all together as I stare at the gorgeous linens and flawless furniture.

Thomas turns to me and his gaze falls to my lips. He looks me over and starts walking towards me, his eyes burning as they pierce through me. I've learned to recognize when Thomas is reliving a memory. It always makes his eyes go hazy.

As soon as Thomas reaches me he drops to his knees and takes both on my hands in his. He kisses my knuckles and then grabs my hips, looking up at me.

Thomas is a solid 6'5 so even on his knees he reaches my chest.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a giggle as his fingers slip under my shirt, gripping my bare skin in his strong hands.

"I'm on my knees for you, begging for you to love me forever." Thomas says with a mischievous smile. His hands travel south and start unbuttoning my jeans. I raise a skeptical eye brow at him.

"Oh, is that what you're going?" I question with soft defiance.

He nods as he undoes my zipper, peeling my pants down my legs.

His lips start kissing down my thighs and I shiver from the heat then sudden cold as his saliva leaves wet traces on my skin.

"I also may be having flash backs from the first time I fucked you, My love." He whispers as his fingers dance around the waist band of my panties.

My head falls back slightly as I revisit those memories myself from nearly a year ago. The feeling as Thomas thrusted inside of me for the first time, the lewd slapping of our skin, the whole arousing forbidden essence of it all.

"I'm also picturing last night, and how if I had known you wanted to bare my child so badly I would have given you so much more... care." Thomas growls against my burning skin as he starts inching my shirt up over my stomach. I grab the hem and pull it off for him, my nipples hardening behind my bra.

"What would you have done differently?" I ask, begging for his perverted words to weave a fantasy behind my closed eyes.

This is almost like the first time we talked on the phone, when he guided me to an orgasm with only his voice.

Thomas starts inching my panties slowly down my thighs and I'm met with an instant undisturbed slick feeling, my body instantly reacting to his gentle touch.

Thomas reaches between my thighs and strokes my slit with a slow calculated finger, causing me to make a soft throaty noise that I've never made before.

"I would have taken my time. I would have drug out every single second with slow thrusts into your tight little-"

"Thomas!" I cry out, interrupting him as a thick finger slides inside of me. I tangle my hands in his dark hair for support as his finger curls inside of me, rubbing the most pleasurable part of my sex.

"Exactly." He says with a raspy register.

"I would have kissed every inch of your body, taking my time to taste every inch of your delicious skin... especially right here."

Thomas slips another finger inside of me as he speaks, my opening fighting him as he does.

"You're so tight, I don't honestly even know how I've ever fit." Thomas groans, mostly to himself.

I feel my legs getting weak as Thomas fingers me slow and deep, my own juices trickling down my leg.

"Th-Thomas I need to sit down." I whimper, and something absolutely savage passes over his face.

Thomas removes his drenched fingers from inside of me and grabs my waist, lifting me fully out of my jeans and shoes. He pushes me towards the bed, making sure to discard my bra before I get there.

My eyes are glossy as I look at Thomas, completely seduced by how powerful and controlling he's being with my body.

He pulls his own shirt off over his head and then rushes out of his belt and pants. Once he's naked he gives me a devilish grin.

"Sit on my face, darling." He instructs and I feel my body stiffen from nerves. I've never just blatantly sat on anyone's face before.

Noticing my hesitation, Thomas lays down on the mattress on his back and pulls me until I'm straddling his chest.

"Don't make me beg, Sophia, because I will." He says, his mouth practically watering.

I swallow back any hints of doubt and just let my body take over. I maneuver my sex until it's hovering over Thomas's face and he instantly goes to work, pulling my thighs further down until I'm completely seated over his mouth.

My head instantly falls back in unparalleled pleasure as Thomas's tongue fucks me in a way I've never felt before.

It flicks over my clit and plunges into my hole, tickling my insides with its soft wet strokes.

"Oh my god!" I gasp, my body already shaking. I can feel that I'm already going to come and I don't want to do that on Thomas's face. I try to climb off before my release comes but Thomas holds me firmly in place.

It's out of my control as my muscles seize and core burns. My orgasm is hot and powerful, and so incredibly perverse.

Thomas lets me dismount once's I'm done and he stares at me like a man depraved, my wet orgasm gripping down his chin.

"Did you like that, my naughty girl?" He says as he licks his lips, practically moaning from the taste that lingers there.

He's so different right now, and I think I know why. He doesn't have to look over his shoulder. He doesn't have to feel bad because he's fucking a student. He can just be himself, and holy fuck is this man incredible.

"It was unbelievable," I gasp out.

"But I need more." My eyes dart to his massive erection that's so full it looks like he could burst. It's long and otherworldly as I stare at it. I'm almost intimidated by how hungry for a release Thomas must be, but I don't have time to vocalize my concerns before Thomas has me pinned under his flawless body.

"More? You mean this?" He asks me in a teasing tone, the tip of hick cock at my entrance.

He guides himself in just about an inch and I start to whimper, his immense girth stretching me slowly.

"Yes, oh fuck yes." I cry as he gives me another generous inch. Thomas's face is a canvas and his enjoyment is painted all over it.

He loves coming, but he loves pleasuring me even more.

"Do you want all of it, darling? You have to tell me." He says in a controlling tone, his cock literally throbbing inside of me.

"Please. More." I beg, my body aching from anticipation.

"How much more?" He says with a sinful grin and I wrap my arms around him, my nails digging into his back and my hips bucking on their own.

"All of it!" I moan desperately against his ear. Thomas immediately buries his erection as deep inside of me as it will go, hitting all of my walls and setting fire to my belly button. He has to be practically all the way up to my womb with how deep he is, and he just holds there for a moment while I'm driven mad by the subtle feeling of his cock twitching inside of me, making my whole body erupt in pleasure.

Thomas starts rocking his hips deep, his voice a low hungry growl.

"Are you clenching? Fuck Sophia that's not fair!" He cries out, and he's right. My whole body has seized from the amount of pleasure I'm receiving as he fucks me. My sex tightens because I genuinely think I've been having an orgasm since he filled me up.

"Does it feel good?" I moan, wanting to hear him say it out loud.

"Does it feel good?" He repeats, his voice dripping with disbelief and raw enjoyment.

"It feels so good I can't fucking stand it," He says through a tight jaw and a deep groan.

My eyes roll back in my head and he fucks me faster, my sounds and his mixing as I come again and again all over his ungodly cock.

"I'm coming," He seethes through clenched teeth, and not even a second later I feel the hot sticky sensation pool inside of me to the deepest parts of my sex.

Thomas seems to take longer to finish, his hips grinding against mine until every last drop of his orgasm has been released.

And he doesn't pull out.

He leans down to whisper in my ear, his heavy body keeping me possessively in place.

"And I definitely wouldn't have pulled out yesterday until I was sure you were filled with every drop of my come." He admits, his humid breath tickling my sweaty skin.


A/N: So I've recently read this quite naughty book, and I was inspired to write a much more......... intense sex scene. This was entirely spontaneous, this chapter was supposed to involve the publishers but OOPS!

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