The One I Love || Newt-TMR

Oleh mad145

28.8K 929 404

It was all a mistake. Rosie was scheduled to be sent into Maze B, however something went wrong, and she was... Lebih Banyak

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thank you!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Nearly there!!
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
A Celebration of Sorts
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Not an Update:
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 69

175 5 5
Oleh mad145

My eyes quickly shot to Newt, his face a scowl, however his eyes seeming pained.

"What do you mean?" Thomas called out, his face mimicking Newt's.

"The Glade is falling apart and meanwhile you guys are out here having a god damn tea party!" Alby shot back furiously. I felt myself frown at this, unsure of what he meant. What else had happened since we were gone? "The door, the shuck door! They ain't closin'!" Alby growled, answering our confused stares. My heart dropped, sinking low as fear ran through me. That means Grievers could come into the Glade, we were literally trapped.

"What? That can't-" Thomas began.

"You, you're going in the Pit until we figure out exactly what you're doing here," Alby stabbed a finger at Teresa, his eyes alight with a dangerous fire.

"What, no she hasn't done anything!" I refuted, immediately regretting it as all eyes fell on me, the last thing I wanted. I had to stay under the radar for a while, especially in these times of crisis. It was only a matter of time before they started to point the finger that me again, and this time I have a feeling I won't have the support I had last time.

"I'd shut you mouth now, unless you want to join her," Alby threatened.

'It's okay, I'll be fine,' Teresa assured. I let out a huff as a looked away, remaining in silence.

"Now come on, we're going now and you are going to help us prepare for hell," Alby ordered, Newt and Minho walking over to grab Teresa and leading her off.


It had been a long and stressful afternoon. People ran around like maniacs, pushing and shoving against me. Finally, we had been organised into the Homestead, Thomas, Minho, Newt and I assigned to the same level in which I stayed.

I walked down to corridor sombrely, thinking how screwed up our lives were, my stomach in a constant knot of fear. I stopped at the end of the corridor, two door on either side of me. I thought for a moment, turning left into my old room.

"God, it feels like a lifetime ago since I've been in here," I muttered to myself, looking around the room. It was just like I had left it, not that I had touched it much.

I took a seat on the hard mattress, deciding to lay down and at least try to sleep for a while. I knew it was a mere miracle for me to sleep at this point, but I hoped it would help clear my mind a bit. But instead of being met with exhaustion has my head hit the pillow, I was confronted with the echo of Teresa's voice in my head.

'What's going on in there?' She asked. I could practically feel her fear through her thoughts, something I didn't really need on top of my own.

'Nothing, people are just scared. Are you play down there?'

'No, I can here things, these horrible screams and screeches, what's going on?' I felt bad for letting her be sent there alone, with no one to help her through the night.

'Those are Grievers, ugly bastards. But don't worry, you're in the safest place in the Glade right now.' I assured, which was true. The Pit was nearly entirely concrete the height of me, hidden behind a mountain of shrubs behind the Homestead. I'd be shocked if the Grievers were even able to find the Pit. There was no response from Teresa, and I figured she had taken my words and left it there.

Meanwhile, I heard the sound of footsteps making their way down the hall towards my room. Naturally, I held my breath and tried to listen what was going on.

"Tommy, I don't wanna hear it, I've heard it enough from her." Newt said sternly, my heart aching with the way he refused to say my name.

"Listen, Newt, I know things have been pretty crazy since she came up, but you guys have been through so much together that I don't even know about. I only know what Chuck and you and Rosie have told be, and from what I can tell you guys were in love, I can still that you still are. You can't honestly tell me that you believe what happened. These Creator's are messing with us, trying to test us Newt, and you were one of them. Why would she go through all of that with you, and suddenly snap and say she hates you? It just sounds stupid," Thomas ranted as they walked into Newt's room.

"You're right Tommy- I do love her, and you don't know what we've been through. So you don't know how it feels right now for me to have finally trusted someone and opened up to the for them to snap and break me down. I'm not saying I don't believe you, and honestly I'm hoping you're right, but right now I just need time and space to think. Even if this was all just some cruel sham from the Creator's, it still effected me and I need to recover from that," Newt retorted, his voice sounded heavy and tired. After that, I heard the door shut and a pair of footsteps leave the room, I assumed it to belong to Thomas.

And with that, I felt the heavy weight of exhaustion play on me, and could barely keep my eyes open. Despite hearing all of that, I couldn't keep myself awake any longer, and felt myself slipping off into unconsciousness.


After what felt like years, I came to again, disorientated like the day I woke up in the Box. Fear struck me for a moment as I couldn't remember much, but soon it all came back to me. I couldn't help but notice the eerie silence that loomed over the Homestead, the distance screeches of Grievers approaching. Once again, my body was filled with fear as I realised what was happening.

Quietly, I left the room to find everyone else, not particularly wanting to be in a room that had a window. I checked Newt's room to find it empty, walking down the stairs to find it packed with boys. Through the darkness, I scanned the crowd and spotted Newt, Thomas and Minho in the corner, on a bed. Strangely, my face lit up seeing that they were all still safe. But it was wept clean from my face too soon as the crashing sound of wood and glass pierced through the air beside me, the room filling with screams of horror. I watched Newt's face contort with absolute horror as I felt cold metal wrap tightly around me and yank me hard outside.

I hardly realised what had happened until my body was flung along the grass hard, knocking the air clean from my lungs. As I gasped for air desperately, creatures from hell began to appear in my vision. Absolute terror froze me as about 6 of them trapped me, getting closer and closer. I no longer felt like myself, feeling detached from my body as I let a blood curdling scream rip from my throat.

The creatures which I could only assume to be Grievers got closer, one trapping me to the ground with one of it's limbs. The spider-like creature extended one of it metallic limbs, revealing a small dagger like point to it, and before I could let out a cry, it brought it crashing down into my leg, burying it deep within. A fire like none other spread through my leg as more screams made my throat raw. I writhed around on the ground as the Grievers quickly left my view, soon replaced by the blurred faces of Newt, Minho, Thomas and Clint.

Hot tears streamed down my face as I felt my body going cold, a warmth seeping down my right leg. I could hardly see anything clearly, feeling dizzy as I heard the distant screams of commands.

"Hold her down now, stop her from moving!"

"Get something to stop the bleeding dammit!"

Newt was right by my side, cradling my head so I wouldn't bang it no more on the ground. I could feel my body weakening, and the pain began to subside, my screams decreasing to a sob.

"N-Newt," I began, trying to make out his face. Through the dizziness and blur of tears, I could make out his fear stricken face, filled with tears as he sobbed above me. I began to close my eyes, feeling extremely tired.

"Rosie? Rosie no! No stay with me okay? Medjacks!" Tears streamed down Newt's face as he looked down.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Newt. I never meant a word I said, it wasn't even me, but I'm sorry. I-I love you Newt." I struggled to say through sobs. Slowly, I felt myself becoming weaker, and as I realised this was probably going to be my final moments, I knew I had to tell him. "It's always been you. From the beginning; you've always be the one I love." I sobbed, not ready to say goodbye. I could still hear the cries of Thomas and Minho around me. I struggled to open my eyes again and weakly smiled, quickly sobbing and wincing as I felt something press down onto my leg.

"No Rose, don't you say that! You're going to be alright, you hear me?" Newt sobbed, his body shaking.

"I-I love you" I repeated, my eyes feeling heavy. "Get them out of here, help them escape." I barely murmured to Thomas, but saw that he nodded, his face scrunched up as he too sobbed.

"I love you too Rosie! I'm sorry I didn't go and talk to you, just please don't go. Stay with me Rose!" Newt screamed, the tears streaming down his face and falling into mine. Finally, my eyes fell slowly down, and everything felt peaceful, the pain subsiding and disappearing completely, everything going silent.

I'm just going to leave this here and say that I'm not done.

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