My Luna

By KahnaKahn

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"Get out." A voice suddenly boomed coming down the stairs, Rachel. What is she doing here? I thought Hunte... More

Mark Me
Who are you?
Mate Bond
Pending Heat
Author's Note
Book Completed
Tears of Blood
Alpha Conrad
Good Bye
Internal Battle
On no Man's Land
My Luna


921 12 0
By KahnaKahn

Hunter (POV)

Sitting in my Alpha office, I had returned to doing my Alpha duties.  There was a lot of paper works to file piled on my desk. 

As well as books.  Most of the books are about the mind and how it works. 

Half a year has gone by and my routine hasn't change.  Aside from doing my Alpha Duties, I tended to my mate who was still in the hospital.

My resolve was slowly weakening with no solution.  I couldn't get her to give me a slightest emotion or reaction. The only thing I could do is wipe the sweat off her brows as if she was fighting an internal battle.

Lisa has told me the mind is a complex thing and once it has broken, the damage could be irreversible. And suffering from post traumatic stress disorder is not helping.

Knowing this, I had broken her.  Her mind is no longer with us.  Even Tray couldn't get through to her. No matter how many times I have tried to enter her mind I just couldn't.  It's like Mia had blocked off all communications with me and Tray.

My mother has been a big help.  When I wasn't able to care for her during the day, she would.  In fact the only person who can get her to eat was her.  How'd she manage to do that is a miracle itself.  Or perhaps its the motherly instinct my mother has given her.  Something she hungers for and lacks during her years of child hood.

And at night, I'd sit with her.  I'd massage her legs just to get the blood flowing and talk with her after all that's what she is good at now, is just listening.  Or if she even listens.  Doesn't she hear my voice? Just being in her presence comforts me but that's not enough.

I was tired and I needed her to at least shout at me, cry, or yell.  I haven't heard her sweet voice in almost a year.  She continue to stare at the wall in front of her.

Sitting next to her bed side as I place a strand of her hair behind her ears.  Her hair much longer now. Not once has she even looked at me.  Her mind is no longer with me, and for this I am breaking.  How long can I take not bantering with her.

Lisa has told me to be patient but now I was starting to get angry myself.  No matter how many books I read, it was all the same thing.  That once the mind had gone through being abused emotionally and mentally there isn't any cure.  She will be damage maybe even permanently. I refuse to admit defeat. The only thing I could think of if she breaks free of whatever trap her mind is in.  My only fear is if she is reliving that torment I had placed her in.

Putting my arm around her, I pulled her towards my chest.  She just laid there breathing possibly hearing my own heart beat as it slowly dies for her.

"Taylor, please come back to me."  Though she may have waken a long time ago, her mind hasn't.  It's like her mind is dormant. 

I now understand what Clair had meant when she said the mind is the only thing she couldn't heal.

Fuck this, "Taylor."  I yelled.  "If you do not god damn look at me I will spank you ass red and blue." I threaten hoping my threats would get some sort of reaction.

It was short live when I got nothing.

"Hunter what is going on in here?"  Mark choose this time to enter, "Are you yelling at your mate?"

Yes, my father had accepted TY as my mate.  Why though?  Why couldn't he accepted her the first time.  Why now when TY is broken and all because of me.

"I just...I just need her to come back to me."

"I know son, and it takes time."

"Time!  How long more.  2 years, 10. It's already almost a year since I just got her back and the results are the same."  I ranted.

"Son, we have to understand the situation.  She's hurt, scared, depress, maybe more.  We don't know what she went through or what she's going through and no matter how long it takes she is your mate and we did this to her."  Mark gave me a sorrowful look.

I wanted to yell at him, blame him.  If he had accepted TY in the first place then she wouldn't be in this mess.  Truth is though I have no one else to blame but myself.

Few more days has pass and my anger and irritation grew as I watch TY finding the wall in front of her more interesting then outside of these walls.

That's it.  I don't care what I have to do, I will bring TY back to me no matter what.

It was late and the only thing that could be heard were a few nurses.

Lifting up TY from her bed I carried her out from the confines of her room.

"Alpha, where are you going with her."  A nurse stopped me.

"I'm taking her out."

"But Alpha, you mustn't."  The nurse looked up at me and when I made no attempt to put her back she called for a few guards.

What the hell can a few guards do? I am an  Alpha.  Even with TY in my arms I could easily decapitate them.

Didn't have time for that though.  Instead I ran outside and behind me were screams from the nurses and guards asking me to bring TY back.

Wasn't going to do that.  Entering my car I carefully strapped her in.  Her eyes giving a blank look.  Does she even know what's going on?

On the road, it has been days since leaving the hospital.  My father and mother tried to mind link me but I had blocked them off.

If I'm going to get through to TY I needed to do this.  I need her to come back to me.  This can't go on.

Finally I reached the pack lands that was once run by the Red Moon Pack also known as Alpha Conrad's pack.

Getting out of the car and once again carrying TY across the field towards the cell that was held to torture her.  Sure I may have tortured her but they were mostly whips which I am not overly fond of that memory being stuck in my mind.

Sitting her down gently, I gazed at her coldly, "Taylor."

Taking a sniff her head had spun from side to side. Finally she moved on her own.  Taking out one of the devices I assumed was used on her I held it in front of her face using it not on her but on the empty air.  "Is this where they held you captive.  Is this where they had burned you."  I growled.

Looking at TY she blinked before curling her self up into a ball and rocking her self back and forth.  Her breathing had hitched.

Taking out a long metal rod I banged it across the cold metal floor.  It resonated of the walls with echoing sounds it produce.

TY had covered her ears, her eyes now shut as tears had stained her face.  She shivered and trembled as if she was reliving those horrible memories.

How can something so bad felt so good to see.  I was getting there.  Every time I had made a noise, she flinched.  "Taylor look at me."  I shouted using her full name that I'm now overly fond of.

Feeling scared she only had her eyes shut with no plans on moving anytime soon. 

Harshly picking her up, I set her on a table that had straps at the end.  I must say Alpha Conrad probably made this room solely for his only daughter because it was made according to her size.

I could only shake my head at the thought trying to simmer down my anger. "Taylor look at me."

I place myself in between her legs, her hands on her ears, her eyes close shut as my hands griped the sides of the table, "Taylor! Open your god damn eyes."  I demanded. 

She shook nervously at the sound of my voice.  Right now I could care less.  Removing her hair from her forehead, she cowered at my touch, "Taylor!" I barked in my alpha tone.

Slowly opening her eyes she stared at me and at that moment I wanted to jump for joy as I had seen different emotions plastered on her face.  Mostly fear.  Finally I thought.

"Tell me, how did you feel when you were being captive here.  Did you like it, did you enjoy it."  I voiced out trying to antagonizing her.

"Which was your favorite torture device."  Walking away I picked up another instrument with a funny looking shape.  What the hell was this for I thought to myself.

Holding it in front of her, tears more tears had spilled from her face.  It hurt me so much to see her in this much pain but she leaves me no choice.

Even if she hates me even more, even if she punches or slap me that is what I am hoping for.

The same reaction, picking her up again I this time placed her on a chair which looks like it was use for electrocution.  It was unplug but she had clung to me like she didn't want to be no where near that chair none the less I put her in it.

"This is an interesting chair.  I wonder what's its use for."  I taunted.

Though it was unplug, I had attempted to push the button that was made for that chair, "Stop! Please!"  My eyes widen.  It wasn't me that said that, and I smiled.  God I miss her voice even if it was just a few words.

Soon she had bursts into tears as I heard her cries of pleas.  "No more please stop."  She continued.

I didn't stop however, I continue to hold up these different types of instruments, "Why are you doing this?  Haven't you done enough now please leave me alone."

"No!  I will never leave you alone."

"Why, you wanted me gone, you wanted me dead. This all this is your fault."  Slowly catching her breath she struggled to stand, which had brought another smile on my face.  Not once has she made an attempt to stand on her own during her time in the hospital.

This is progress.  "You should've just left me alone.  I hate you, I hate you."  She sobbed while pounding on my chest.  And I let her.  Then she slapped me, "I hate you so much.  You did this.  You did this to me!"  She screamed and sobbed her tears were now overflowing.

"I know."  I said as I stood there letting her attack me. 

Pounding my chest her breathing had wavered as she crumpled towards the floor, "You should've just killed me.  I was...I was..."

Kneeling down, "You were what?"  She paused, "Tell me."  I had ordered.

"I was scared and alone.  They hurt me, you hurt me.  You were suppose to protect me but you didn't.  No one was there, not even you.  You were suppose to come for me.  I waited but you didn't come.  You didn't show up.  You didn't care."

I was now crying as I had wrapped my arms around her pulling her towards me, "I know, I am sorry.  I will never forgive myself.  Please Taylor, please don't hate me.  I am here now.  I don't care how long it will take but please let me help you."  My forehead pressed against hers.  Both crying, both relieving these past horrible memories.

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