He saved me (A Kakashi Love S...

By Saphirra98

285K 7.9K 2K

I'm going to be honest with you about this fanfic; it's a little crazy, a little cracky, but well written onc... More

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (finally!)
Chapter 38

Chapter 14

7.3K 232 83
By Saphirra98

~Kakashi's POV~

Come on, Whisper....Don't give up on me now...

I stared at her closed eyes, willing them to open and show her molten amber eyes...

Gia quickly knelt next to Gerilynn, placing his hands over top of Whisper's gash, gold light pouring into her body.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and Shane murmured, "If she still has a pulse, which I'm almost positive she does, they might be able to save her..."

I clenched my fists tightly, my muscles tensing as I stared and hoped...

Please, Whisper...

~Gerilynn's POV~

I shoved my silver magic into her body, pouring energy into her, barely able to keep up her pulse.

NO! I won't let you die!

I pushed more magic into her, and felt Gia's own golden light mingle with mine, working together to repair the damage and replenish her blood.

~Ten minutes later~

I gave her the last bit of energy I could, Gia finishing the job, making sure her heart was steady.

I sighed, my head swimming and my form shaking from exhaustion, while tunnel vision darkened my eyes and my stomach rolled uneasily.

"Well?!" Kakashi demanded, shifting around constantly.

"She'll be fine... But I don't know when she'll wake... it could be now or-"

"Sup, my homies?" I heard a soft croak, and my eyes snapped down to Whisper.

~Whisper POV~

I was floating... As if I were in a sea of darkness... just able to draw in the tiniest amount of air I could...

Am I... dead?

Silver light started to trickle towards me.

It seems so familiar... but... I can't... think....

The light covered my body, and slowly started to seep into me, tugging at my wound.

Why does it not.. hurt?

Golden light followed soon after, repairing my wound and filling my body, almost as if replacing my blood...

My breaths became less shallow, and my mind cleared.

The last few moments replayed in my head before the light receded, the red of my eyelids appearing, letting me know it was still light.

I heard murmured words, all serious and exhausted.

"Sup... my homies?" I mumbled, my eyes refusing to open on command.

"Whisker?" someone asked, something lightly brushing against my cheek.

"Hm? Why won't my eyes open?" I muttered, still trying to open them.

"You're exhausted and need to rest," Gia, I think, explained from above me, towards my legs.

"Hm..." I hummed, sleep tugging at my mind.

"Everyone... K?" I managed to get out.

"Just a bit battered and bruised," Shane explained from near my head.

"K... I'm sleep...." I slowly gave into the darkness, the last thing I remembered was being pulled into a warm chest, a sigh of relief escaping from him.


My hearing slowly returned first, the creaking of wood and almost silent foortsteps flowed through my ears. Then, my scent came, blowing frigid fresh air into my already cold nose.

I shivered as the slight gush of wind seeped through my warm blanket.

I licked at my chapped lips, which tasted odd, as if some sort of medicine had been trickled through my lips and down my throat.

I finally cracked open my eyes, finding the bare roof of a wagon.

"You're awake," a quiet voice remarked from the other side of the wagon.

My eyes snapped to the source, and my head cocked slightly to the side.

"I... I want to.. to thank you," Aniko told me, fiddling with her fingers. "So, thank you for saving me."

I stared at her, a bit stunned.

"Do you need some water? I was just making some tea to pass out to everyone..." she trailed off, pouring a bit into a cup and handing it to me.

It was simple green tea, but it was warm and liquid, so I quickly sipped it down, my parched throat feeling much better. "I was just doing my job," I grumbled gruffly, moving to sit up a little.

However, a slight twinge in my stomach stopped me.

"I'm just going to hand these out. I'll get someone to come check on you," she muttered, lifting a tray up and sticking her head out the flap, handing the cups to someone.

She stepped back in, followed by Gia.

"Hey, Whisker. How are you doing?" he asked, crouching beside me.

"Pretty fine, though my stomach is a bit sore," I told him honestly.

"I'll fix that up for you," he smiled, and carefully set his hand over my stomach.

His hand glowed for a moment, and I felt a slight twinge.

"Thanks..." I murmured, sitting up straight.

"I'll be going back now, but a certain shinobi has been quite anxious to see you, so I'll send him in," he winked at me, a knowing look on his face as he disappeared out the back.

I sighed quietly, and braced my back against the wall, relaxing in my position.

Hm... How long have I been out for?

Someone leaped into the wagon,and speed-walked over to me, sitting down next to me.

"Are you feeling better?" Kakashi asked, his eyes scanning down to my stomach.

"I'm fine. Are you?" I asked, scanning him over in turn.

He laughed, "Perfect. you shouldn't even be worrying about me! You're the one who almost died on me."

"Key word, almost," I grinned up at him, winking.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me into a hug.

I found myself relaxing into him, happily retrieving some warmth.

After a few moments, he sighed, "I should get back out there..."

"K," I mumbled, not making a move to release him.

"I really should go now..." he sad again, amusement laced into his voice.

I pouted, and reluctantly let go, settling back into my corner.

"Have fun in the snow... Shove some in Shane's pants, would ya?" I asked, smiling slightly at the thought of Shane hopping around, squealing, as everyone laughed...

"I don't know... maybe," his eye crinkled in a smile as he leapt out the back, leaving me alone with Aniko.

It was quiet for a while, and so I settled myself to fall back asleep when Anio suddenly spoke.

"You guys are cute together."

I blushed lightly, "I... we're just close friends..."

"Sure..." she dragged out, giving me a disbielieving look.

"Just let me sleep," I muttered, snuggling into the warm blanket, drifting off...

~Now stopped to camp~

When I next woke up, I had my blanket twisted akwardly around my body, myself seeming to have rolled to another side of the wagon, and had my face smooshed up against the floor.

"Ughhhh!" I groaned, rolling over, and falling out of the, now stopped, cart.

My brain slowly processed that I'd fallen out of the cart...

"Cold!" I gasped, twisting around, trying to wrap the blanket around me. 

I was unexpectedly lifted, my blanket cocooned around me, myself being cradled in Kakashi's arms.

I blushed lightly, "Thanks..".

He chuckled quietly, "I was just coming to see if you were awake and hungry."

My stomach snarled in respose.

I stared at my stomach with wide eyes... "I should probably eat... before my stomach eats me," I commented, still a bit shocked.

Kakashi laughed again, and carried me over to the fire, setting me in his lap as I grabbed a bowl of soup eagerly.

"Hey Whisker," Gerilynn, Shane, and Gia all greeted at the same time.

I noddded, not looking up from my soup as I ate.

"Hunrgy much?" Gerilynn muttered.

"It's either be rude or get eaten by my stomach," I mumbled in response childishly, going back to my soup.

Shane laughed at me, and they all easily started up a conversation, I being content with just sitting in Kakashi's lap after finishing.

"I can take first watch," I butt in to their conversation quickly.

"No. You should probably chill for the night. Get your strength back and all that," Gerilynn objected, the rings around her eyes betraying her exhaustion.

"No, you need the rest. You're not fooling anyone, Gerilynn," I told her firmly. "Besides, I've been resting all day, so I can take a longer watch."

She grumbled under her breath, rubbing her eyes, while the males sighed.

"She's right you know," Gia pointed out; his own face looked rather haggard. "I know I shouldn't be taking first watch, and if that healing tired me out this much, I can't even understand how you're still on your feet..."

"Sheer stubbornness," Kakashi put in, chuckling.

"Meh... Yeah... Maybe I should just..." She yawned expansively, settling against her big-brother's side. "Chill for a while..."

"Yeah, you should, sis. You're starting to scare me with the zombie look you have going there!" Shane added teasingly.

"Oh shut it... Whisker and... Fang... First watch... And I expect you to... actually pay attention. No...kissy face while you're... on duty..." Her eyes slipped closed at that, a faint smirk on her lips.

I flushed lightly, and Shane winked at me, giving me a thumbs up when Kakashi looked away.

I pushed myself up, keeping my blanket, and headed over to a wagon, where Shira was curled up.

"Hey Shira," I smiled, leaning against her slightly.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" she asked me, worried.

"Have you SEEN the others? I've been resting all day and-"

"Acctually, you've been knocked out for two days," she cut in quickly.

"All the more reason for me to take first watch," I remarked, a bit stunned.

She sighed, but kept watch with me anyways.

Soon after, Kakashi joined us, sitting next to me quietly.

I bet Gerilynn's remark really got to him.... hehe....

I knew he kept glancing at me, the same look in his eye as three nights ago...

"When will we reach our destination?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Tomorrow, around the middle of the day, as long as the weather doesn't get any worse. And as long as we aren't attacked again," he responded, shifting slightly.

"Eh.... I'd really rather not meet another sound nin..." I replied, one of my hands resting over my stomach.

"I won't let that happen again. Never, as long as I have the power to stop it," he vowed, suddenly sounding angry.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault! You were busy, like everyone else!" I whispered, scooting closer to him and hesitantly taking his clenched fist, smoothing his fingers out.

He looked down at our hands as if surprised and nodded vaguely.

"Yes, but... I've lost too many comrades not to feel this way..." he trailed off, his voice rather sad, his grip tightening slightly.

"Oh..." I murmured, wondering who it was...

I'm not going to bother him... now...

I leaned my head on his shoulder, as we continued our watch, until I started to feel tired and Kakashi's eye was drooping.

I stood up, pulling him with me, and carefully walked to the edge of the wagon, jumping off and landing liethly on the ground.

Kakashi soon followed after, and I walked over to Shane, shaking him slightly.

"But I don't want the pink polar bear..." he mumbled, his hand swatting at me weakly.

"I'm not a polar bear, nor am I pink..." I shook him again.

This time he bolted upright, staring around in confusion.

"Wha- Oh, it's you. Yeah, I'm up. I got it," he said, embarassed.

"Pink polar bear?" I asked him smugly.

"... I'm gonna go take that watch now," and he shot off.

I laughed quietly, turning around to see Kakashi waking Gia.

They spoke for a moment, and then Gia tried to get up... it didn't work very well.

Gerilynn wrapped her arms around her brother tighter.

"Nooooo.... Tedddddyyyyyy...." she groaned, and I stifled a laugh.

"...I hate it when she does this..." Gia carefully pried her fingers loose, replacing himself with his blanket-roll; she immediately curled around it and started snoring lightly.

"Awww, she snores..." I cooed.

Kakashi gave me a look, rolling his eye as he strode back over to me.

"What happened to my pack?" I asked, suddenly aware that this was not my blanket, but it smelled kinda like Kakashi's shampoo, so I'm guess it's his...

"Over by mine," he responded, leading me to it.

I sifted through it, finding everything there. I noddded to myself, as I unrolled my mat.

"I'll be back," I muttered walking into the tall grass. I quickly changed into some long, loose jogging pants, and slipped on a long sleeved shirt with a bunny on the front.

Rubbing my eyes, I walked back to my mat, which had been moved to be side by side with Kakashi's.

I smiled, and laid down, covering myself with a blanket.

Hm... Would he mind?...

I scooted over and snuggled into his back, his very warm and toned back...

He turned himself around, winding his arms around me and burying his face in my hair. "Much bettter..." he mumbled sleepily.

I blushed lightly, but made no move to escape, instead snuggling into his chest.


"Gerilynn.... don't wake.... so cute...." a few whispered words caught my attention, but I ignored them, pressing my face further into Kakashi's chest, trying to block them out.

"No time for that. We need to move out," a gruff female voice answered. "And besides, I owe Kakashi for that bucket of water last week."


I leapt up, swatting at my clothing frantically, trying to rid myself of the snow that had just been dumped on top of me. "Off, off, off, off!" I kept muttering, trying to keep quiet as I hopped around.

I stopped suddenly...

Snow is ice... Ice is frozen water....

I concentrated, and easily rid myself of the snow, something I'd only encountered once...

"Oh, right..." I quickly glanced over at Kakashi and almost fell over laughing!

He had a mountain of snow piled on his head and in his lap, a very uncomfortable look on his face.

"Brain...freeze..." he muttered, shaking his head like a dog to remove the snow as he jumped to his feet. "Brat..."

I laughed, and removed the rest of the snow, dumping it down Gerilynn's unsuspecting back....

"YIPE!!" A string of profanites followed swiftly, Gia frowning disapprovingly at his sister as she hopped around, clawing at her back and shaking her shirt out.

"You deserved that one, sis... They were so cute!" Shane whined, "I didn't even get to finish the drawing!"

"Oh, please! You were just adding little touches, I'm pretty sure you can complete it easily," Gia informed him and us, packing up.

I turned to Shane, a firm look on my face, "When you're done, I want that drawing."

He nodded quickly.

I smiled, and then frowned as I shivered.

Wait for it............"Cold!" I squealed, running to my bag and pulling on both of my jackets. "Ahhh," I sighed, warmth spreading through my upper body.

Everyone sweat dropped, and went back to packing up.

I rolled up my mat and blanket, shoving them into my bag. I slung it on my shoulder, and waited for Kakashi to finish.

He took his place beside me.

"Shall we?" he asked, gesturing at the turmoil in the middle of the camp as the siblings cleaned up.

"... Let's let them get it... They seem to be doing a fine job!" I added at the end, winking up at him.

"Heh heh... If you say so..." he answered, bemusedly watching Shane hop up and down on one foot, shouting about the coals from the fire being hot.

I quickly tossed some snow on his foot, using my kekki genkai, as I was too lazy.

"Lazy..." Kakashi muttered.

"Right back at ya," I bumped my hip against his, and started towards the wagons.

"Hey. Don't start something you can't finish," he growled good-naturedly, returning the gesture.

"I'm not. I'm simply saying that we are both lazy," I shot back playfully.

"No. I meant this." He knocked his hip against mine, harder this time.

I narrowed my eyes at him.


;I got ya;

I made to bump his hip, but jumped back in time for Shira's tail to bump him instead.

"Don't start something you can't finish," I mocked, watching him shaking snow out of his ears, sprawled on the ground.

"No fair, you used Shira," he pointed out.

"Never said I couldn't!" I laughed, reaching a hand out.

He narrowed his eye at me, then tugged sharply on my hand, landing me in the snow next to him.

"Ha. So there."

I pouted, sitting up, "Now I'm cold!" I quickly demanded him to 'Fix it'.

His eye rolled again, but he wrapped an arm around me anyway. "Better?"

"Much," I replied, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Alright, you two lovebirds. Hate to interrupt, but we gotta move. So. Get you're lazy butts up! Fang with Leo, Whisker with Pegasus. Move!" Gerilynn barked, in full-on drill seargent mode.

"AW!" I whined, getting up akwardly. "Meaner," I pouted at her as Shane dragged me to the back of the last wagon.

Everyone got into position, and we headed off, up the mountain.

I rubbed my butt with my hands, trying to get back feeling.

"What are you doing?!" Shane laughed from beside me.

"My butt is numb. What do you expect?" I asked him, acting like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Shira landed on my shoulder, smirking.

;Kakashi says he's sorry about your butt and he'd warm it up for you, too, if you'd like.;

)Tell him I'm good.(

I shook my head smiling, as Shira took off again.

"What'd she say?" Shane asked curiously.

"She said Fang heard me," I answered, only telling him part of it. "Now, let me see that drawing..."

He pulled it out and handed it to me. "I'm proud of it, and once it's completely done, you can have it."

I glanced over at him, smiling.

Kakashi had his arms wrapped around me, his chin resting on my head as I was snuggled into his chest, my hair splayed out around me.

"I love it," I told Shane, handing it back to him reluctantly.

"Yeah, thought you would!" he exclaimed eagerly, carefully putting the drawing away.

~While later~

My feet dragged slowly through the cold slush, the fatigue of almost dying catching up to me.

Shane repeatedly glanced over at me. "Are you-"

"Yes. I am sure I'm fine!" I snapped, making an effort to lift my feet higher.

"I don't think you should-"

"Pegasus," I warned, cutting him off again.

He held his hands up and fell back a bit.

I turned forward again, pushing on.

After a few moments, Gerilynn appeared alongside of me, a firm look on her face, "Get in the wagon and sit for a bit."

"NO. I'm FINE." I walked a bit faster, my muscles screeching their protest.

"Don't make me get Fang," she threatened.

"You ratted on me, didn't you, Peggy?" I pouted at Shane.

Guilty silence emanated from several feet behind me.

Sighing, I hopped up on the back of the wagon, setting my butt down. "Happy?!"

"No, not really. Ask again once we get out of this blasted cold," she grumbled back, picking up her pace to continue her patrolling.

I sighed loudly, bored. I sighed again, watching my breath turn white in the frigid air. I repeated this process until Shane gave me a look.

"You're going to make yourself light-headed if you keep that up," he warned.

"Yeah, yeah..." I sighed once more, then started counting the boy's steps.

~10,567 footsteps later~

"Can I walk again?" I asked hopefully.

"Eagle says no," Shane replied, sounding slightly amused by my complaints.


"...Why are you complaining?" he asked curiously.

"Because I'm naturally a hyper person, and when I sit still for too long, I feel like my head's about to explode, and it doesn't feel good." I spoke very fast, my hyper-activeness showing.

"...'Kay." His eyes were slightly wide.




Gerilynn's voice drifted back suddenly, calling a halt.

"Are we there?" I asked excitedly, peering around the side of the wagon.

"Almost. We've got to get through the gates and escort them to the headquarters, but other than that..." Shane trailed off excitedly.

"CAN I WALK NOW?!?!" I shouted up to the front.

"If you keep SHOUTING, then NO. If you shut up, then yes," Gerilynn hollered back.

"Why was she sitting in the first place?" I heard Kakashi ask Gia.

"Because she looked dead on her feet. So...she took a break."

"I was forced..." I grumbled, loud enough for them to hear.

"Stop complaining," Gerilynn ordered.

Fine... I'll be a good little minion for once...

"So I get to walk?" I clarified.

"Yes, yes, yes! Now let me deal with people... I hate dealing with people..." she mumbled the last bit as the gates rumbled open.

I hopped down eagerly, stretching my limbs, accidentally letting out a purr of satisfaction.

"You purr?!" Shane asked incredulously.

"Ummm.... Yes?" I muttered, slightly hesitant.

"Whoa! I thought Gia was the only one who did that!" he exclaimed as we walked side-by-side through the humongous gates.

"He purrs?" I asked, in a low voice, a bit confused.

"Yeah! He can-" he stopped abruptly, wincing slightly. "Nevermind..."

I laughed slightly, slinging an arm across his shoulders as we walked along the road.

~makes to destination~

"Thank you very much for your assistance," Lord Akihiro thanked us, all of us bowing slightly. "Most of all, thank you to you. You saved my daughter's life and I owe you," Lord Akihiro bowed slightly to me.

I bowed slightly in return, "I was just doing my job, sir."

Aniko then stepped forward, "Thank you, again. I'm sorry for being rude before."

I smiled at her, "Forgiven."

We then bid them fairwell, and quickly searched around for an inn to spend the night in.

We found one, and rented two rooms.

"Now, the question is, Are the guys going to share a room, and the girls the other, or..." Shane trailed off, glancing at Kakashi and I.

I shrugged, "I'm good with whatever, so long as I can get a shower and sleep in a bed."

"I think I'd rather stay with you guys..." Gerilynn trailed off. "It would be... awkward... No offense."

"None hardly ever taken," I replied brightly.

"...Good?" she responded, unlocking the room she was to share with her brothers; she tossed the other room's key to Kakashi.

"Hey. Why don't I get to hold the key?" I whined.

"Because you'd probably lose it within five seconds," she snapped, ducking into the room.


"She's right you know..." Kakashi muttered.

"She's just a bit grumpy. Ignore her," Gia commented wearily. "'Night." He followed his sister into the room.


Shane winked, waving at us as he followed them. "Good night, you two..."

I flushed slightly, mouthing a mean word to him.

I turned back around, following Kakashi into our room.

I dropped my pack on the ground, flopping onto the huge, fluffy bed, bouncing a few inches into the air.

I giggled and got off, flopping onto it again. The result was the same.

Kakashi flopped down next to me, sending me much higher above the bed.

"Whoa!" I squealed, gravity pulling me back down. "You must be fat to have sent me that high..." I muttered, my voice muffled.

"Hey... It's all muscle," he retorted, wounded.

"Uh-huh. Suuurrrre it is," I goaded, flopping once more; he didn't move an inch.

"....Poo..." I pouted, staring up at him.

He chuckled, "You're too much of a light-weight."

"AM NOT! You're just fat!" I smirked.

He glowered at me.

"I am not fat. Not even close."

"Prove it," I challenged, turning my nose up at him.

His eye narrowed.


A second later, his shirt and vest smacked me in the face, knocking me over backward with the weight of the weaponry in the clothing.

I groaned, throwing the things aside. "That hurt... How much do those books weigh?" I grumbled, puling myself up the side of the bed.

Of course, when I did, I had to try hard to stop myself from drooling.

He raised an eyebrow at me, I think, and smirked, again, I think....

Stupid mask...

"Fat, huh?"

"...... WHY DO YOU ALWAYS WIN?!" I cried, throwing myself back onto the ground, my face thoroughly flushed.

"...Your face is on what I would say is probably a vomit stain..."

"ACK!!" I leapt back onto the bed, scrubbing at my face frantically. "Shower time!"

"Not so fast; I'm already half-naked. You can wait your turn," he disagreed teasingly, tossing me back onto the bed as I made a mad dash for the shower.

"I... No. Go ahead. I'm not taking any clothing off," I mumbled the last part, cuddling into the covers.

"...K. Bye." He strode into the bathroom, then walked back out, picked up his pack, and walked back in, his face rather redder than it had been.

"heh heh, loser..."

"I heard that," Kakashi called through the bathroom door.

I rolled my eyes, and went to the window.

I should probably let Shira and Ringer in now... Or not....

)You guys 'kay with staying out there?(

;Sure. I promise not to eat the flea ridden fluff ball... much... I want to know what happens...;

I turned red.




I went back to my pack, and pulled out the things I'd need for the shower.

Then I spread out on a clean spot on the floor, waiting.

~5 minutes later~

Kakashi walked out of the bathroom and I darted in, not sparing him a glance.

"I left my shampoo for you," he called through the door.

"Good!" I called back, setting my stuff on the counter.

Now I won't have to wrestle him for it...

 I quickly yanked off my clothes and jumped into the shower, turning it all the way to hot.

I sighed happily, and quickly washed up, squeezing a big glob of Kakashi's shampoo in my hand, just to annoy him.

After rinsing off, I stepped out, using my kekki genkai to dry off.

I slipped into my pjs, which consisted of some white shorts and a baggy pink shirt.

I yanked my brush through my hair quickly, and brushed my teeth.

I then gathered up my things, and pushed through the door, yawning tiredly.

I dropped my things by my pack,and turned around to get into bed.

I froze.

Kakashi was in the bed, reading a book, shirtless.

"Eharooervg ginn clothes?" I stammered, my eyes glued to his chest.

"What?" He didn't look up from the book.


 "Huh? Uh, yeah... Pants," he mumbled distractedly.

"Yeeaaahhh... What about a shirt?"

"Over-rated." He turned a page.


"Yup." He turned another page.

Fine, if that's how he wants to play....

I walked back into the bathroom, bringing my pack with me.

I quickly changed into really short shorts, and a tank top.

I walked back out dropping my pack on the floor after grabbing out my own book, and settling next to him.

It was mere seconds before I felt him stiffen beside me, his eye staring at me. He had apparently tried to glance over at me covertly... It didn't work.

"...What are you wearing?"

"P-jammas." I smirked slightly, shifting.

"...Those aren't what you were wearing before," he mumbled.

I shrugged, distractedly mumbling, "It was too hot..."

"...You've been complaining about the cold since we left."

"Yeah, but it's warm here," I replied, turning my head slightly towards him.

"..." A page turned.

I continued to read my book, slowly losing myself in it...

"What book is that?" he suddenly asked, making me jump.

"A book," I replied, moving slightly away from him.

"What. Book?" he asked again.

"Gerilynn lent it to me," I shrugged.

"Oh. One of her weird fantasy books. Nevermind."

I rolled my eyes, marking my page and putting it down on the nightstand.

I curled up on my side, back facing him, and tried to get some sleep.

He shifted closer to me, his elbow just brushing my back, and continued to read.

I squirmed slightly, moving an inch or so away.

A few seconds later, his elbow was back.

I reapeated this process twice more, the results the same.

I got out of the bed, walked around to the other side, turned the light off, and crawled in.

Oh for the love of...

His elbow was back.

I sat up straight, and shoved his arm, "Stop it!"

"Stop what?" he asked innocently.

"Fine." I got up and laid down on the floor, sighing.

He flopped down beside me, very deliberately placing his elbow on my side.

"That's it!" I told him, standing. "I'm going to Gerilynn's room!" I started for the door.

"Nope." He appeared in front of me, leaning against the door. "You stay here."

I crossed my arms, "I'll jump out the window..."

He wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. "I'm sorry I annoyed you. Please stay here."

Damn him...

I huffed, "Okay..."

"Hm. Good." He lifted my feet off the ground, his arms still wrapped around me, and lugged me back to the bed. Then he released me and flopped down on the bed.

I sighed, and snuggled into his side, my eyes closing swiftly.

He sighed contentedly. "Good night, Whisper."

"Night, Kakashi." And I fell asleep, his chest rising and falling rythmically, lulling me to sleep.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Bet you can't guess what I did today? C'mon. Guess! Seriously. If you can guess, and your answer is not 'updated', I will give you a prize...which may or may not be a request fic.... ..... Anyway. What do you think of our chappy, eh? Come on you little parasites of the internet... Tells us. Enjoy, and thanks for the read (and the comment (and the vote (that you will post))) Byyyyyyyyyyyye. -Prodigious ^.^

Hey! Yeah... we haven't spoiled you with many updates in one day, but this is a lllllllooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg one! Let me know what you think and vote! Kakashi and Whisper demand it! Thnx for reading! -Saphy ;P

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