Kirishima x Kaminari

By hyungwons_baby

120K 3.3K 9.9K

Kirishima and Kaminari are best friends, they're inseparable, but what happens when one has a crush on the ot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

11K 335 866
By hyungwons_baby

When Jiro had started kissing Kaminari, he was frozen, he didn't process what was happening and he didn't know what to do. When he finally snapped back to reality he pushed himself as far away from Jiro as he could. She stared at him dumbfounded. He felt confused and honestly kind scared. He'd kissed people before but never when he didn't want to kiss the other person.

"Listen, I would've been fine with you confessing your feelings to me, I would've been nicer about turning you down. But you made the decision to kiss me without any permission or indication that I wanted it. So I don't care if I hurt your feelings. I like someone else, not you, and I have absolutely no desire to be with you." He knew he was being harsh but he was angry, he only wanted to kiss Kirishima, why did Jiro have to go and kiss him? He felt disgusted by it.

She looked hurt by his words and would've said something in return if another student hadn't walked into the classroom, a green haired kid called Midoriya. He stared at us for a moment, hesitating to enter in case he was interrupting something and I simply smiled at him to tell him it was okay to come in, so he did and he sat in his seat.

Jiro went and sat in her seat, her head laid down in her arms, in sadness and frustration. Kaminari was still angry at her for what she did and he was scared in case anyone had seen it happen. What if Kirishima had seen them? Any chance of him liking him back would be out of reach.

Over the next 15 minutes, everyone had arrived in time for the bell to go. Well, everyone except Kirishima. He was worried about where he was, he'd never been late and he'd never had a day off and he at least thought he'd text him if he was having the day off. Where was he? Was he okay?

As if thinking about the red head had summoned him, he appeared in the doorway a couple minutes after the bell had gone. He looked tired and the aftermath of crying was evident on his face. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, his cheeks were also red presumably from wiping away tears and he just looked so broken. What could have happened to put him in that state?

He avoided eye contact with Kaminari as he slid into his seat behind him. He really didn't want to talk to Kaminari because he felt like he'd burst out crying again. Kaminari could tell he wanted space so he made the decision to leave Kirishima alone for a little bit. He'd hate to be too intrusive and make Kirishima feel like he was forced to tell people what was wrong.

When it was lunch time Kirishima walked out of the classroom without waiting for Kaminari. This really shocked Kaminari and kinda hurt him too, was Kirishima ignoring him for some reason? He walked to the cafeteria with Mina, Sero and Bakugou - Jiro was avoiding him for obvious reasons. He couldn't stop worrying about why Kirishima wanted to be alone, why he wasn't talking to anyone and why he was so upset.

"Do you know what's up with Kirishima? It was obvious he was crying earlier and now he's ran off somewhere without even talking to any of us. I thought he'd at least talk to you about what's going on with him." Mina was looking at me as she said all of this and I shrugged after she'd finished talking. He wished he knew.

"I didn't wanna bother him so I didn't ask what was wrong or try talking and I don't know why he walked off after class without talking to any of us. I'm really worried about him." He replied, he really wish he knew what was happening. he'd never seen Kirishima that upset. h'd seen him cry at movies many times, but he knew something was seriously wrong with him. But he clearly didn't want to talk about it and Kaminari respected that.

"I'll text him to see if he's okay." Bakugou muttered and we all agreed he'd be the best person to since he never really showed anything but anger but the concern he felt now would really show Kirishima how loved he is by us. Although Kaminari would definitely text him too, he cared too much about him to just ignore the whole situation.

While the group were in the cafeteria talking, Kirishima was once again was sitting alone in a toilet stall. He couldn't face Kaminari after what he'd seen. He couldn't face anyone - they'd all seen him the most upset he'd been in a long time. He hated people seeing him upset so he just wanted to avoid everyone.

As he was sitting on the toilet trying not to cry again, he received a text from Bakugou.

'Hey, I'm not sure where you are right now or why you're avoiding us all but we really just want to help you through whatever's going on. We hate seeing you so upset because it's so out of character for you, so if there's anyway we can bring that bright, contagious smile back on your face, we're here.'

Kirishima stared at his phone for a minute, in awe at the concern Bakugou of all people was showing. He began to cry again. He was worrying his friends, he should just pretend like everything is okay right? He hated worrying people.

'Thanks Bakugou, I'm thinking of asking my mum to pick me up and take me home because I feel kinda ill so I may not see you again til tomorrow. I'll be better by then, thank you for the concern.'

He was going to pretend like everything was okay even though it wasn't. It hurt so much but he had to deal with it if he wanted to keep Kaminari in his life. Anyway, if Jiro was what made Kaminari happy then at least Kirishima would see him happy, even if it's not because of him.

He texted his mum about feeling ill, which admittedly he did feel sick but he wasn't ill, just heartbroken. The endless thoughts buzzing around his head made his heart hurt and his stomach sick. He just wanted to lie in bed and cry. His mother agreed to pick him up and he made his way to reception to wait for her. When she arrived she hugged him and then took him to her car.

"Honey, are you actually ill? Or has something happened? I can tell you're really upset about something." She asked as she started up the car. She could always tell when something wasn't right and he was so thankful to have such a caring mother.

"Honestly, I'm really upset." He paused for a second, thinking of if he should really tell her or not, she'd been supportive over the past few weeks of his feelings for Kaminari and he knew she'd understand why he was upset. "I think Kaminari and Jiro are tog-" He was cut off by the lump forming in his throat as he began to cry again. His mother turned to look at him, her expression filled with concern. She couldn't hug him because she was driving but she was definitely going to give him the biggest hug of his life when they got home.

"Why do you think that? Has something happened or are you making assumptions?" He wished he was just making assumptions but he saw what he saw, he wished he hadn't seen it, but maybe seeing it was better than being oblivious to their relationship.

"They were kissing after Jiro confessed her feelings." He spoke with shaky breath as he tried to stop his tears. He wanted to be the one confessing and kissing him. It wasn't fair that his chances were taken from him. He wanted so badly to just text Kaminari right then that he liked him.

"Honey I'm sorry, maybe there's still a chance he said no? I know it's not likely since they were kissing but you didn't hear him say whether he liked her or not." She had a point, but Kirishima was so in doubt about himself even being likeable at that point that it seemed impossible for Kaminari to like him back.

Kirishima suddenly remembered the state his mother was in this morning and felt bad for having her worry about him once again. "By the way mum are you okay? You seemed to be in bad shape this morning." She remained silent for a few seconds, thinking of what to say.

"I'm okay honey, don't worry about me." She flashed him a smile and he decided not to question her further.

He remained silent, and so did his mother, and when they arrived home, his mother had to leave for work and he went to his room to lie on his bed, he wanted to sleep and forget everything that had happened that day.

As he was falling asleep he felt his phone buzz.

'Hey is it cool for me to come check on you after school? I'm really worried about you. I hope you'll be okay soon :)'

It was Kaminari, he wanted to see him so bad, he wanted to hug him for comfort and never let go. But he couldn't say yes, how could he comfort him when he was the cause for his pain? He was so conflicted and spent a few minutes weighing out his options.

'You can come over for a bit, I'm super tired though so I might not be awake when you arrive and if I am I won't be awake for long. Thank you for caring :)'

He decided to stay awake for Kaminari's visit so he'd hopefully fall asleep and cut their time together short. Now was not the time to end up confessing his feelings so he couldn't tell him what was wrong.

After a few hours of watching anime on the couch, Kirishima heard a knock at the door followed by the doorbell ringing. He stood up, slowly walking towards the door. He was hesitant and nervous. What if he started crying as soon as he saw Kaminari's face? And he knew they'd probably hug which would also be hard not to get sad over.

He breathed in deeply and opened the door and was met by a smiling Kaminari. His smile wasn't as big as it usually was, and it didn't seem to have much happiness behind it at all. Kirishima's smile was like that too however, he wasn't happy at all but he still was at least a little bit happy to see Kaminari.

Even though he was scared of hugging him, Kirishima pulled himself towards Kaminari and embraced him in a tight hug, he wanted everything to seem normal no matter the pain he was in. He felt Kaminari's arms grip him back tightly. They both wanted it to last forever, they both wanted more than to hug, but in fear of rejection by the other, they both reluctantly let go.

"I brought you some food, I know you said you feel sick but ice cream and cookies are always the best comfort foods for when your sad." His smile was brighter this time, and he handed the bag over to Kirishima. "Go back to the couch, I'll get us two spoons." Kirishima nodded and walked back over to his couch with the food. Seeing Kaminari did hurt, but he was willing to be in pain if it meant spending time with his best friend.

Kaminari appeared again with two spoons and they began gorging on ice cream and talking about random crap like they always did. Kirishima was definitely happy that things were normal between them. He just had to keep blocking out the thoughts of Kaminari being taken.

After around two hours, Kirishima had fallen asleep and Kaminari saw that as his time to leave. He got a blanket from Kirishima's bedroom and put it over him to prevent him from getting cold. He smiled at how cute Kirishima looked while sleeping and resisted the urge to take a photo of him. He lost that internal battle however, and he quickly snapped a photo before gathering his things and leaving.

When he shut the door he was surprised to be met by Mina standing there when he turned around. "What are you doing here?" Kaminari asked in surprise.

"I came to check on Kirishima, but I guess you beat me to it. How come you're leaving so early? You normally stay here til late." She questioned him and Kaminari mentally smiled at the image of Kirishima sleeping. He was so damn cute.

"He fell asleep, and I decided rather than being a creep and watch his cute ass sleep I'd leave." Kaminari quickly realised what he had said and froze. He just called Kirishima cute in front of Mina, she was definitely not going to let that slide easily.

"Cute? Do you like him?" As she asked this, she looked so hopeful and excited, what was she so excited about? Did she ship them like everyone else did?

"I.. I do like him." He didn't want to lie to Mina, she was always so nice and he knew she wouldn't judge him for that. He wasn't looking at her as he confessed to her, he was staring at his feet. He felt awkward.

"Oh my god! Yes! You have to ask him out!" She said, trying not to yell in all of her excitement.

"I can't do that, are you crazy? He probably doesn't even like me back!" Kaminari had many doubts about Kirishima liking him back and he could never have the nerve to ask him out.

"Well he could! Maybe you could do something to test whether he does or not? Like make him jealous or something?" She had a good idea but Kaminari didn't want to flirt with strangers or anyone he didn't know in case they really fell for him, which he doubted anyone would, but still, he'd feel like a bad person.

"Like flirt with people? I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea." At this, Mina's eyes lit up like she had the best idea she'd ever had in her life.

"Flirt with me and then pretend we got together! You know I won't fall for you, and we'll get to see Kirishima's reaction since he hangs out with us a lot." Mina of course knew Kirishima's feelings and she knew he would get jealous, she hoped it'd be enough for Kaminari to realise how Kirishima felt and ask him out. She knew neither would make the first move on their own but she also couldn't tell either of them that the other liked them back. With this plan she hope Kaminari would have enough courage to ask him out.

"Okay.. Over this week I'll flirt with you and you'll flirt with me and at the end of the week I'll ask you out." She nodded along with what he was saying and she was excited to see how their plan would play out.

The two of them walked their separate ways to get home and Kaminari couldn't stop thinking about Mina's reactions to this whole scenario, did she know something he didn't? Or was she just hopeful that Kirishima liked him back. It was probably the latter since everyone thought they liked each other anyway.

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