Goddess of Wisdom (Artemis Fo...

By K_Mooney

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Athena Murray was accurately named after Athena the Goddess of Wisdom. Considering the fact that she has the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Happy Birthday Arty!!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

734 21 31
By K_Mooney

A/N: I made a new cover as you can see. This is a more accurate picture of what Athena is supposed to look like. Plus this one is wayyy better in my opinion.


~~~Athena's P.O.V.~~~

I stand in a large, circular room that has a dome ceiling, and no windows. Opposite me is some glass that Foaly, Holly, Artemis, and Blade stand behind. Blade is still handcuffed, but isn't strapped down to a chair anymore.

"Okay, Athena." Foaly's voice comes out slightly glitchy through some speakers up above me, "From what I know a witch's powers are varied. But I know for sure that a witch can control water, air, fire, or the earth. Lets see which one you control. First test: earth."

"How do I exactly do this?" I ask.

"Concentrate. Think of the earth itself: plants, trees, animals. If this is your power something should happen." Foaly answers.

I nod my head and follow his instructions. I close my eyes in concentration.

Nothing happens.

"First test: fail." Foaly sighs, sounding disappointed, "Second test: air."

I tried again but got the same result, and the same thing happened with water.

"Forth test: fire." Foaly says, sounding hopeful.

I once again close my eyes, letting my thoughts be consumed with things related to fire.

I feel a tingling sensation in my right hand. I push harder, this hasn't happened yet.

I hear a series of gasps from the speakers. I open my eyes, the tingling sensation still present.

"Did it work?" I question staring at everybody's shocked expressions.

Holly suddenly smirks, and steps forward towards the speaker Foaly was speaking into. "Why don't you see for yourself Athena." She says gesturing towards me.

I raise an eyebrow, but look down at my right hand.

"Woah..." I murmur and hold my hand up to my face.

Purple flames were dancing across my fingertips. I clench my fist, seeing if I could extinguish the flames. Instead, they consume my entire fist, making my hand completely on fire.

"Seems like your power is fire." Foaly states smugly.

"Why are the flames purple?" I ask my eyes glued to the flames.

"Royalty." Foaly responds, now walking out of the room, "The queen always had to have something to show that she was royalty, otherwise she seemed like an ordinary witch."

I nod my head, tearing my gaze away from my hand. "Makes sense."

Blade walks out with Holly and Artemis beside him. He looks at my hand with wonder then confusion. "Why is this happening now? It's never happened before."

"How old are you Athena?" Foaly asks me.

"16. I just turned 16 a couple days ago."

Foaly nods his head, a smirk tugging at his lips. "A witches powers don't start surfacing till they are 16."

Blade nods his head, "Also, can I please be freed."

Foaly nods his head and Holly starts reaching for something in her pocket. Foaly puts up a hand to halt her actions and points the other at me, "Athena can do the honors."

"But I don't have the keys." I argue.

"No you don't. You have fire." Foaly says, "Burn his confinements."

Blade pales, "I'm all for Athena's new powers and all, but I really don't want those flames near me. I choose life."

"I'm just testing a theory." Foaly states, "If my theory is correct, you will not be harmed in this process. And if it isn't..." he trails off, "Well, we see what happens."

I approach Blade. I put my none flaming hand on his shoulder. "I won't hurt you. On purpose."

"Thanks for the reassurance." He grumbles.

I circle around him to the handcuffs behind his back. I cautiously touch his restraints. They soon start to melt, making a pool of substance on the ground.

"Done." I announce, examining Blade's hand for any damage. Thankfully I find none, it looks completely normal.

"And my theory is correct." Foaly says triumphantly.

"What's the theory?" Holly questions.

"That if Athena doesn't want something to catch on fire it won't." Foaly answers, "She didn't want his hands to catch on fire, but she did what the handcuffs to."

"So, I can control what I want to burn and what I don't want to burn." I muse.

"Yup." Foaly nods his head, "But I want to see what else you can do. I would assume there's more to you then fire."

"First I want to figure out how to get rid of this." I state motioning at my flaming hand.

I bite my lip and stare at the flames. Maybe if I concentrate again.

Instantly, the flames go out, leaving my hand unscathed.

"Neat." Blade says grabbing my hand, "You can't even tell that it was on fire."

Holly nods her head, "That's one word to describe that."

I smile at Holly, "I think we need a do-over, since we're going to be working together." I hold out my hand to her, "Athena Murray."

She takes my hand firmly, smiling back, "Holly Short."

I look at Foaly, "What else do you want to test out?"

"How powerful your mesmer is." He answers.

"How powerful my what is?" I ask utterly confused.

"Mesmer." Foaly says, "The ability all fairies are gifted with. It's the ability to mesmerize others. In simple terms to manipulate them. But considering the fact that you're a witch, you will most likely have a much more powerful mesmer than other fairies."

"Okay?" I say slowly, "How do I test this out?"

Foaly points to Holly, "Holly, please step forward."

Holly looks skeptical but steps forward anyways. "This won't work. If she uses it on me it would be going against the Book."

"Well, good thing Athena's kind does not have to follow the Book." Foaly states smugly.

Holly looks dumbfounded.

"You can't be serious." Artemis speaks up, surprised.

"Oh, but I am Mud Boy." Foaly responds smirking, "The witches have their own Book, that has been lost since they went 'extinct'." He uses air quotes when he says 'extinct', "So, lets see just how powerful you truly are Athena."

"Why me?" Holly whines.

Foaly sighs dramatically, "Because Holly, you're a fairy much harder to mesmerize than Artemis or..." He looks at Blade, "What's your name again?"


"Blade." Foaly finishes, "Humans are much easier to mesmerize. You will actually put up a fight."

I step closer to Holly. I have to admit I'm pretty skeptical about this.

"So the main thing Athena is to keep eye contact with your victim." Foaly says.

I look into Holly's hazel eyes, not breaking our eye contact.

"Now just think about what you want her to do and concentrate on it. Then voice it aloud."

I nod my head. I take a deep breath and speak, "Sit." my voice sounds so...different when I says this; almost musical.

Almost instantly, Holly plops down on the ground, her eyes glazed over. Then something unexpected happens: Blade sits down as well, with the same look in his eye.

"Why did Blade sit down as well?" Artemis mutters.

"Apparently Athena here is more powerful than I thought." Foaly says impressed.

"But why didn't Artemis sit down?" I ask.

Foaly shrugs his shoulders, "Probably because he wasn't quite close enough."

I nod my head. I look back towards Holly, "Stand."

Her and Blade stand up instantly. This is when I realize I hear voices in my head, that sound strangely just like theirs.

I zone in on the voices, listening to them.

What's happening?! Blades voice just keeps repeating in a panic ramble.

Gods this girl is strong. I can't fight her off. Holly's voice sounds frustrated.

I jerk when I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. I lightly shake my head and blink my eyes seeing blue eyes staring at me worriedly.

"Athena?" Artemis questions softly, "Are you alright? You didn't look okay."

I stare deeply into his eyes, seeing if I can get it to happen again. I hear a little voice, and once again zone in on it.

Her eyes. I could stare into them all day. They are the most beautiful blue.

"Thank you for the compliment, Artemis." I say smirking slightly.

He jerks backwards rather quickly. "How..." He mutters, blushing slightly. 

Foaly looks between the pair of us. "What happened?"

"I can read minds." I declare, smiling.

Foaly looks shocked, "Really?"

I nod my head eagerly. The things I can do with this power.

I hear groaning next to me. I turn my body to face Blade and Holly. Both of them were holding there heads.

"It feels like there's a tiny rocket flying inside my head and banging up against it." Blade groans, massaging his head. Holly nods her head, apparently unable to speak a word.

"This is amazing." Foaly says, "We need her. Imagine what we could use her for..." he mutters.

"But right now we're using her for help. Right?" Artemis says glaring at Foaly.

"Oh, yeah." Foaly sighs. He motions towards the exit, "Lets go back and get more information."

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