The Crown United (Afterdeath...

By randome_writes

4.7K 253 120

With East no longer standing and South on the brink of falling Error attacks mercilessly making it quickly... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

309 17 10
By randome_writes

(Reapers POV)

I struggled holding the skeletons arms tightly behind there back though they fought valiantly and wasnt making my job pinning him down any easier I heard Goths small voice sound behind me and the skeleton froze "Father whos that?" I looked back at him he clutched a book in his arms and was staring at me wide eyed "Goth go back to your room this dosnt concern you" Goth gave a long look at the skeleton underneath me who was watching the child his eye lights changing rapidly going from grey to amber to black then to blue as he relaxed his shoulders "Goth. Please just go back to your room" i said trying not to sound annoyed He blinked "O-okay father." then he hoped back up the stairs Then not to long after Geno rushed down the hall with two guards who imidently grabbed the skeleton which he began to struggle again "take him down to the cells ill talk to him after" The nodded and dragged the now prisoner out. in the corner of my eye geno shivered lightly.

(Genos POV)

Gosh i hate the cells "Cold?" I looked at Reaper and shook my head "No i just dont like the cells" He nodded "Geno may i have a word?" i gulped nervous but complied and followed him back to the study where the note laid on the desk. Reaper sat with a sigh and picked up the note folding it neatly "I-i can explain he threatened me using goth and..." "I trust you geno I know that you wouldn't have done with with out good reason" I relaxed and smiled gratefully "Oh thank goodness I thought you would hate me and" he grabbed my hands gently "I would never hate you my love" I held on to his hands tightly "But we have another matter to address first of all The you know who and second we need to worry about What Error will say." i nodded "But ill go talk with the prisoner you stay up hear okay?" I nodded again He put his hand on my cheek and gave me a quick kiss "Ill be back before supper" I waved him off i stared at the note before getting up and heading to our room The box from fresh laid on the nightstand where i left it before i forgot all about it again.

Taking off the lid carefully In the box was non other then a key. Confused i picked it up The black key had a unique pattern in it i traced my hand over it before noticing a note a the bottom 

"You will know what to do with this -G"

I was baffled whos G? and whats this key for? why did fresh have it? sighing i got up and walked to the garden supply closet and found some string usually to tie up the flowers that start to get droopy, Lacing it through the key i made a necklace and put it on my neck securing it with a knot "I guess its important" i mumbled  dropping the key so it hung loosely on my chest. I strolled through the castle and played with goth for a bit who insisted i read a book to for a child of his age hes quite the book worm.

two days pass and we finally know what Error was saying.

He told the people who i really was,

and the haunting truth came back that no fancy castle  nor the servants and maids and amazing expensive food can no longer hide that im nothing more then a mere street rat

(Hello people i want you all to take note that the prisoners eyes changing color do have meaning there actually representing a mood ring  so his eyes meaning these emotions when they change.

Amber: Nervous, unhappy, coolGreen: Average, calmBlue: Emotions are charged, active, relaxedViolet: Passionate, excited, very happyBlack: Tense, nervous (or broken crystal)Gray: Strained, anxious

Also i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and i want to thank you for all the votes and how many people read this series it means alot to me how many people like my book so i hope you all have a good day/night! )

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