My Little Butterfly || H.S...

By TommoDelight

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ReavenJei Cruz is just a ordinary girl, first year of high school. One day something unexpected happen to her... More

My little butterfly ||h.s.
Ch.1- First day of school
Ch.2- Bruises..
Ch.3- Expectation
Ch.4- Saying our good-byes
Ch.5- London โ™ฅ
Ch.6- Daรจฤตvu
Ch.7- Day with the Boys
Ch.8- The Secret is out
Ch.9- Company and More News
Ch.10- I knew it
Ch.11- Misunderstood
Ch.12- Cards :3
Ch.13- All my fault
Ch.15- Secrets and more
Ch.16- Truth be told
Ch.17- Mistreated
Ch.18- Secret Surprise
Ch.19- Memories Made
Ch.20- I'm cured
Ch.21- Surprise!!
News :)
Haha Sorry Mix Up
Ch.22- Happy Ending?

Ch.14- I don't care

143 14 2
By TommoDelight

Reaven's POV

I was sitting on a coffee shop table and I was alone I guess their wondering where I am. I was drinking coffee to keep me awake I was wearing my Pajamas in a coffee shop filled with people. I don't care I needed to run away from everything. I looked around and I saw couples being playful and all. I sighed and I felt my phone buzz it was a multiple text messages from Ethel.

Ethel: Dude please tell me where you are Harry is freaking out where are you!!!

Ethel: REAVEN please we're really worried about you! you need to text us where you are or at least Call!!!!

I offed my phone and began to drink my coffee and then I had another message and it was Harry.

Harry: Reaven tell me where you are please.

Harry: Reaven I will look top and Bottom from London to find you.

Harry: Reaven please just tell me whats wrong.

I ignored all the text messages coming from him, I can't seem to think straight knowing people knows my condition. Suddenly I felt the seat cushion rise up a bit, I looked up from my cup and saw a boy with dark brown hair, and piercing light blue eye, he was wearing light blue stitched sweater.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked I looked at him and shook my head he sat across from me and looked at me, " okay?" I gave a nice fake smile and drank my coffee in front of me. He sighed and bit his lip, "Look I have friend who give me that smile every time, I'm sure telling a stranger like me wouldn't hurt your secret." I looked up at his eyes and it seemed sincere.

"Fine, Whats your name?" He smiled as I spoke.

"My name is Nash Greir and You are?"

"Reaven, Reaven Cruz." he smiled showing his dimples it reminded me of Harry.

"Well, Reaven whats a little girl like you doing here? I'm sure that problem must be really big for you to handle that's why your here." I sighed and nodded, he simply knows how to use his words.

Nash seems nice and sincere, trusting him wouldn't hurt. I took a deep breathe and bit my lip, "I'm with Harry Styles, well you know how he always have girlfriends and all? They all get hates from the fandom, it can be really harsh and one just kind of hit me." he crossed his hands and nodded

"What was the insult?" I bit my lip and looked at him, I hope he won't run away.

"I have butterfly skin Nash." his eyes went huge and looked at me with concern.

"Reaven, I'm so sorry, they have no rights to tell you those things, they don't know what your going through, letting them get to you would just make them have power over you, and that's not worth it." He got up from his seat and sat next to me and hugged me side ways. I leaned my head in his shoulder as he held on me.

His right, his a stranger and a really good guy.

As we were hugging, the cafe door open, it was Ethel and Niall. She looked around and as she met my eyes she sighed in relief out loud.

"This isn't what it looks like." I said instantly pulling away from Nash. Ethel took my hand and took my out of my seat and hugged me tight.

"I could really care less about what you guys were just doing, I'm just so glad I found you Reaven!" She said hugging me quiet tight. Niall was smiling behind her while she was hugging me. Seconds later she lets go, "But, who is he?" she pointed to Nash.

"Oh um..Ethel this Nash." she nodded and gave a smile towards him.

"Nice to meet you Ethel." Nash said, Ethel chuckled and nodded.

"Thank you for talking to Reaven while I went crazy." He showed his dimple smile and chuckled.

"My pleasure Ethel." He said not leaving his eyes of hers, suddenly it was blocked by the one and only Niall Horan.

"Hi I'm Niall Horan, I'm Ethel's Boyfriend nice to meet you Nash." Ethel looked over at him and Nash chuckled and took Niall's hand and shook it.

"It was nice meeting you to Mr. Horan." He nodded and wrapped his hand around Ethel's waist. She smiled towards the blonde and turned over to me, "Reaven why didn't you answer Harry's Texts his going crazy." Nash looked at me and I sighed.

"I really wanted to be alone, but Nash actually talked me out of it." Ethel looked over at him and he nodded.

"Thank you." Ethel said once again. Nash nodded.

"Your ever so welcome, but Reaven if you need someone to talk to again." He took a pen out and grabbed a napkin, and wrote something in it, "Here's my number." I smiled and looked at the napkin, cute hand writing. I gave Nash one last hug and we went to his car.

I'm sure Harry is going to be angry at me..

Harry's POV

I was pacing back and forth thinking about Reaven. Niall and Ethel hasn't texted me in a while they were searching in every coffee shop around London. I checked my phone multiple times for their responds and still nothing.

"Where could they be?!" I shouted.

"Harry Calm down I'm sure Niall and Ethel found her already." Liam said, I glared over at him and felt the anger in me.

"Calm Down? What makes you think I can calm down knowing my girlfriend is sick and she's missing because of me!" he put his hands in surrender and sat back down.

"Harry I'm su-" the door opened and I saw Niall and Ethel and Reaven.

I stood there for a while admiring her in her pajamas, looking adorable but also a hint of sadness within her expression.

"Harry..I'm so sorry I ran away like th-" before I knew it I ran to her and instantly wrapped my arms around her tightly, I pressed my lips against her and our lips moved perfectly. I let go and she had a smile on her lip as I pressed my forehead against hers.

"I'm just happy your okay I don't care where you were, I'm just so happy your in my arms now." tears went down her eyes as I said that, I wiped her tears and kissed her one last time.

"Harry I'm really sorry..." I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear

"It's okay love, I forgive you so much, I love you is all I want you to remember." she smiled and I hugged her.

After that Reaven Decided to stay over the flat as Ethel went home. We were in my room as we were watching a Movie she was laying down on my chest and I was cuddling with her.

"Harry?" I looked down at her

"Yeah?" she bit her lip and looked at me

"You know when I ran off like that I kinda was offended by one tweet from a fan." I shook my head

"I don't care what they say, I love them I do, but I also love you if your sick, I will be there if you die I will never forget about you, I don't care what they say, I am in love with you." she smiled and we continued to watch the movie.

I looked at Reaven and she was asleep, little snores escaped her mouth I put her phone down in the table side of my bed and I thought about this Nash Boy Niall told me about.

I sighed and I felt my phone ring and I answered it

"Hello?" I answered

"Harry, Its Emily." I looked at Reaven and she was asleep I slowly got out the bed and got out my room and Everyone was asleep.

"Emily, why are you calling?" she sighed

"Cause I miss you." I looked around the house and I checked the room

"I miss you too, But did you see the news?"

"Yeah I did and um..I thought we were together?"

"We are I just kinda forgot about you a little but I love you."

"I love you too." I hung up and sighed I cant do this...

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