My Arrogant Roomate

By KimChiPeach

82.8K 2.3K 492

Kim JaeEun. Park Jimin. A very unusual and heartbreaking beginning leads them to have an encounter they'll... More

Before We Start...
House Info and Rooms
Pictures of..
Fan Girls
New Short Story
Tree Branch
my wit account !!

New Roommate

5.1K 196 55
By KimChiPeach

(Short chapter -KimChiPeach)

JaeEun POV

I caught my breath after sobbing for so long. It was already dark out. I began to get ready to go to bed, so I walked into the bathroom that was inside of my room. I'm lucky to not share a bathroom with that ice cube across from me, I thought. I walked inside and it was beautiful and simple! The bathroom was the size of my old room!

I took a relaxing hot bath to calm myself down from all the crying. I then stepped out 20 minutes later and brushed my teeth. I saw a basket of face masks so I decided to use the one that makes your face glow. Hopefully, it will remove my eye bags from under my eyes, I thought. I placed it on my face after cleansing and walked out of the bathroom. I found a MacBook, an iPhone something, and a note on my bed. It read,

"JaeEun-ah, this is Imo (Mrs.Park), I wanted to gift this MacBook and iPhone X to you as a welcoming present. I hope you like it and I want you to know that we will always care for you! We always will and we always have since you were little! Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay here! <3 saranghe JaeEun-ah!"

Oh~ so it was an iPhone X.. Well this is all to much for a welcoming gift, but I'll accept all I can get since I only have enough belongings to fit a small backpack. I opened up the iPhone and set it up, as well as the MacBook too. A couple minutes after surfing the web, I went to take off the mask and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Next Morning

I woke up and went to the closet that was filled with clothes and chose something simple to wear.

I walked out of my room and noticed the ice cu- I mean Jimin has too. We both continued walking down to the kitchen without speaking a word and I decided to make breakfast. I took out all the ingredients to make Egg Benedict. It was an English breakfast, but it was yummy. I know how to cook because I made food all the time at home before. Anyways I was getting ready to make the egg when..

"What are you making?" Jimin asked curiously

"Egg Benedict" I replied simply

"Could you make me one? I never had one" he asked

"Sure" I answered

I got back to making the dish, but I could feel Jimin's piercing gaze never leaving my form.

"Could you stop staring at me please?" I asked politely

"Why?" He answered with a question

"I can't focus!" I stated

"No." He replied

I ignored the ice cube and continued making breakfast. When I was done I served the dish to Jimin and left four other ones for Imo, Samchon, eomma and JiHun. This is what it looks like..

Adults: Salmon Egg Benedict

Me, Jimin, and JiHun: Ham Egg Benedict

I started to eat, but I also was looking at Jimin to see how he likes it. He took a bite and his eyes widened.

"Is something wrong? Does it taste bad?" I asked worried

"No, no, everything's fine and it tastes.....good" he answered

"Oh.. Okay" I replied relieved

Jimin POV

I was walking to the kitchen and I was shocked to see JaeEun also going out from her room. We silently walked to the kitchen and JaeEun went right to work. She was making something that I didn't know of at the moment so I asked,

"What are you making?"

"Egg Benedict" she replied simply

"Could you make me one? I never had one" I lied

"Sure" JaeEun answered

I was watching her every move and thought if she could be Buttercup. Until,

"Could you stop staring at me please?" She asked politely

"Why?" I answered with a question

"I can't focus!" She stated

"No." I replied smugly

She ignored me and went back to cooking. She didn't even see my killer smirk. She didn't even look at me. Ugh. I was still staring at her and spacing out at times. Then she turned around and served the food. I went to pick up my fork and took a bite. My eyes widened at the taste. It was so....good. It tastes just like the one Peanut's mom used to make.

"Is something wrong? Does it taste bad?" She asked worried

"No, no, everything's fine and it tastes.....good" I answered still in a daze

"Oh.. Okay" She replied relieved

I continued eating then my parents and her mom came down.

End of Jimin's POV

JaeEun's POV

I went back to eating and my mom came in with Jimin's parents. I got this recipe from my mom when we were a happy family and she taught me to cook all kinds of recipes. This was my favorite breakfast to eat and I'm planning to make all my favorites today.

"Oooh~ someone made breakfast!" Imo exclaimed

"Did you do all this JaeEun?" Samchon asked

"Oh, nae" I replied

"Well let's try it" eomma said

I was nervous on how they will think of it. It was mom's recipe so hopefully it will at least taste similar.

"Hmmmm.. Well it tastes.." Imo started

"Really good" Samchon finished

"I agree!" Eomma stated happily

I smiled seeing her happy again. We all finished breakfast when I realized that JiHun wasn't here.. Where was he?

"Where is JiHun?" I asked at the table

"I think he is still sleeping" eomma suggested

"I'll go check when I'm done washing up then" I replied

I walked up to his room and opened the door. I looked inside his room and....


Wow.. A simple cliffhanger.. This isn't much of a cliffhanger, but it still is. Ant ways I like this chapter and was excited with it!! I hoped you liked it!

-KimChiPeach <3

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