How can i live this way?

By BeautifulDisaster121

24.2K 932 142

this is a twilight fanfic that follows the life of Chloe Cullen the twin sister of Nessie Cullen and Daughter... More

How can i live this way?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28

Chapter 25

227 6 4
By BeautifulDisaster121

so another Chapter goes up which i must say i am proud of myself for doing because i am a very busy person

any mistakes i am sorry

so read on


Chloe pov

I had to pretend

I had to put up this great act like I didn’t care about my old life

I had to make Aro believe that I have the same passion for my future as he does but the path he is leading me down, I don’t like

I feel myself turning darker each day as I control something new

I feel the darkened edges of the building talking to me wanting to be free, the light is no longer my allied but my enemy

I feel my body creeping slowly into the darker part of me, the one that has been hidden for so long now, and my true self

I cannot deny any longer that I am completely pure because I am not, the pain and terror I have caused has my soul tainted and is only blackening with each passing moment of my teaching with this evil bastard

I can feel the darkness of the place we are going to

It calls to me

It knows my name

I saw this palace hidden in the trees before we even entered the tree line

It was as black as Aro’s soul I knew that for sure

“Why does it feel so dark Aro?” I asked as he set me down

“Because to have power you need to explore both Dark and light” he explained but I knew it was bullshit

“Now go and put this on, bathroom is up the stairs second door on the right” he said passing me a bag from under a small tree

“Thank you” I muttered as I ran into the place at top speed to my designated location


Aro pov

I walked in slowly as she raced to get dressed

“Everyone knows the plan to piss her off?” I asked raising an eyebrow

They just nodded at me

“You” I said pointing at the young lad who was 17 “Don’t fuck this up” I snapped

“Dam Aro…. You’re spending way too much time with her” Daniel said slapping me on the back while handing me a glass of scotch

“She curses at every damned thing, even if she knocks her hand off the wall” I said sitting crossing my right ankle over my left knee

I heard a few chuckles as we all heard Chloe swear at something which sounded like the zip on her dress

“Damn fucking zip. Fucking boobs in the way. Fucking Aro picking out a fucking dress that doesn’t fit” and we burst into laughter as a string of curses came my way

We soon hear the door open from the bathroom and we stood from our seat and located ourselves in our positions for when she descends the stair case


Chloe pov

I walked down the marble stairs after exiting the bathroom

The floor length red dress flowing behind me and my black heels clicking with every step I take

I let my hair go free and it cascaded down my shoulders and back to my waist

My eyes outlined with mascara and eyeliner making them stands out on my pale face and ruby red lips

“Here she is” I heard someone say making my gaze snap to theirs

I gave a small smile to him and blushed

Wait what? Blushed, I must be going mad, I have a mate for the lovey dovey shit

Yet he hasn’t found you? I heard my sub conscious speak out

Yet being the key word now shush I scowled at it

I didn’t hear anything after and as I made the last step my elbow was taken and a hand was on my hip

I looked for Aro but he was just smiling down at me

“Come on Princess” the person who held me said

“The name is Chloe” I said getting out of his hold and walking further ahead

“And a fighter clearly” He said smirking while openly checking me out

So this dress is skin tight and my boobs are suffocating from lack of air but I looked okay I guess

Which reminds me “Aro did you pick this dress?” I asked

“No, it’s Nessie’s” he said

“God no wonder” I muttered

“Why do you ask Chloe?” he questioned me further

“Because my boobs are about to fall out of the top and are lacking in oxygen” I said glaring at him

“Grow a pair woman” the same guy who held me said

“Oh I have a pair can’t you see?” I asked gesturing to my boobs

“Oh I can see them just fine. A might fine view” he said staring at them making me feel self-conscious about wearing this dress

“Can I order someone to kill him?” I asked looking at each individual who all shook their heads and chuckled

Seriously this guy was getting on my last nerve

I didn’t want any of this shit to happen but I knew just that question was going to change me

And I felt it

A sharp pain in my stomach, central and had me doubling over in pain making me cry out

“Shit” I cursed standing up

They all smiled widely at me as I started to shake

They knew something I didn’t

I knew it was going to bug me until I knew what they had all planned while I changed

The elephants dancing in the corner had me struggling to keep attention

Everything was a little fuzzy though no matter how hard I concentrated on the elephants figures

“Now Princess, you have to be a little nicer to me” the annoying guy said once again

“And why might that be?” I snapped my head hurting as I tried to move my gaze and avoid the black spots jumping into view

“Because I’m gonna be your future husband” he said smirking as he stuck out his hand “Brandon” he said


okay so dont hate me

i have a plan

okay i dont i'm plodding along but i have any idea

anyone has any please dont hesitate to message me




Chloe xx

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