The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITI...

By sooyoungexquisites

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↬ in which a fan brought a baby on a BTOB fanmeet and sungjae got a feeling ↫ More

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Special Chapter 1

➳ twenty two

13.6K 695 273
By sooyoungexquisites

Terrified is an understatement of what Joy is feeling at that very moment.

The peace she achieved after hundreds of difficulty, not just for herself but also for Areum, is running away from her like she doesn't deserve to have it.

Joy wanted to show Areum the bright side of life, which Joy herself hadn't experience so much when she still doesn't have Areum. She had always been desiring to remain as someone who's good in her daughter's eyes.

But what is this?

Why do life keep on showing Areum the people which Joy doesn't have a good relationship with? It's like life itself doesn't want Joy to be happy.

And if only Areum wasn't there, Joy won't even care to fight anymore.

But Areum is there, shouting for love, her presence is screaming for protection and Joy's mantra had always been; protect Areum at all cost.

And even though there's a voluminous fright inside her, Joy knows that there is nothing who can fight a mother.

Love is a Mother.

but War, can also be a Mother.

Finally, Joy turns around and to her surprise, her Father is now looking at her.

She can't even read the expression he have. Maybe it's the time? It's been so long since she saw him and so it could've changed.

Or maybe it's their relationship? The father-and-daughter relationship that dissolved like a dark poison mixed in their crystal clear of a relationship, dominating the good with the bad, ending it easily like it never really matter. It could also be that.

Joy suddenly wondered if Areum have a father, would things go to Areum the same way it gone to her? Hopefully not.

"Is she your daughter?" Joy's father asked, the way he said the word daughter had an emphasis Joy couldn't point a finger of what it means.

Her father didn't even wait for Joy to answer and darted his eyes back to Areum, a small smile leaving his aged lips.

Areum is just like Joy when Joy was still young. She's always curious and always beautiful.

"Don't," said Joy. "Don't smile at her, don't deceive her, don't look at her," Joy's body is trembling due to too much fury in her system, flowing like it replaced her blood.

Shocked, her father looked back at her. Joy's face is red and her lips are quivering with vengefulness on her expression.

Shame crept to his Father's as flashbacks of their dark past came back to his memory. He can't even look at her without this particular feel of disgust, not for Joy but for himself.

It was awful.

He is awful.

The old man pursed his lips, gathering all the courage to look Joy in the eyes, "Take care of her," said his father, with all honesty and care filling his intention.

What they are saying is true. Seeing your own daughter is such a wonderful feeling but when you finally saw your grandchildren, it was even more than that bizzare emotion.

"How dare you?" Joy's words are as sharp as the blades that almost took away her life. Those blades that Joy wanted to forget is now coming out of her own mouth with the aim to hurt the people who hurt her.

"You don't have a say about my life!" Joy couldn't control her emotions anymore, "You? You don't have the rights. . ."

Her father looked away. Even looking at Joy is so hard for him now, not because he hates her but because he feels unrighteous in front of her.

People who are passing by are giving them looks of interest with their little drama going on.

"Leave," Joy said.

It felt so wrong.

Joy, out of the four of them knows exactly how terrible it felt to be evicted and neglected and she told herself she will never do that to other people. But she's doing it now and even though they deserve it, she felt disgusted.

Is that how soft Joy is?

Is that why she's easily hurt?

Is that why it's so easy for other people to hurt her?

Then, must she turn into something hard? Something that would rather hurt that be hurt?

"Sooyoung, I'm sorry," said her father which didn't only shock her but also Dasom and her dad.

It's too unbelievable that Joy let out an absurd chuckle, "What are you trying to do?" Maybe Joy is really going crazy, "It's too late for that, I don't need that anymore,"

"My daughterㅡ"

Those two words triggered Joy.

Those two words that she always hear when she's still young, coated with sweet and loving tone.

She's hearing it again.

The difference is just, it's making her insane rather that feel okay.

Even though her father looked troubled, as if he's going to shed tears which on Joy's perception is too funny to be real, she already had her heart covered.

"Who's your daughter?" She asked, and she's smiling, "You don't have a daughter here, Ajusshi,"

"U-unnie," Dasom finally speaks up. She's on Joy's side but it broke her heart to see her uncle's pained expression.

Joy looked at Dasom, and the latter was surprised to see how strong Joy's image is like she's a different person now.

"I'mㅡ I'm trying to change now, Sooyoung, I want to be betterㅡ" Joy's father said, hope full in his voice. He sincerely hopes for Joy's forgiveness but if she wouldn't give it, he will understand.

"Oh please don't," Joy's chuckle is full of hatred, "You won't be better anymore, you're a failure for a father," She spits and she watched as the hope in her father's eyes diminishes.

His eyes are piling up tears which Joy refuses to acknowledge because what if it's not real? What of those tears are poison and if she took those, Areum will be poisoned too.

"Unnie, that's enough," Dasom calmly said. Knowing that her cousin have crossed the line but also hurt, "He's still your father,"

"Oh is he?" Joy replied sarcastically, "Father's don't kick their daughters out just because they made a mistake," Joy turned her glares to the old man who's looking down, he's crying, "He kicked me out."

Dasom sighed. She's not in the right place to interfere because both sides have their wrongdoings and the only she could do now is to nudge her father who can't even speak because of the battle happening in front of her.

"Hyung, let's go," Said Dasom's father. He walk towards his older brother, his arm wrapped on the older as he guide him to turn around from his spiteful daughter.

Once her father's face is not on her sight anymore, it's like her soul had left her body.

The two started walking and only then Joy realized that her Father lost a lot of weight and had a difficulty in walking.

There's a confusion in her feelings. She's furious but having those furious take out doesn't made her feel better and if to say it, it made her feel worse.

"You know hatred won't free you right?" Dasom said before turning around to follow the older guys.

Joy was left dumbfounded.

Her energy is drained and she feels awful. Her eyes are full of tears that are threatening to fall in any second.

"Eommaaa~!" Areum's sweet little voice called making Joy to look up and the tears feel sideways. "Where is Unnie going?" Asked Areum, not noticing the tears of different emotions that wrecks her mother into something probably dangerous in the future.

"Home," Joy smiled timidly, "To her home,"

everyone I wanted to apologize for the late update.

And it will probably happen frequently, I mean me, updating slowly.

college has come 😭

I'll try to update during Wednesdays and Sundays. But those aren't sure either. I hope u understand. ❤

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