Love Letters and Literature

By MissMaven

2.5M 86.7K 31.2K

Sophia Lane is the queen of oversized sweaters and perfectly brewed cups of coffee. She's beautiful and delic... More

Cast and Notes
Soy Milk and Two Sugars (Edited)
Old Books and Liquid Courage (Edited)
One Dance and Two Mistakes (Edited)
Chapter 3.5 - Thomas's Perspective (Edited)
First Day And First Encounter (Edited)
A Night alone and Trying Something New (Edited)
Phone Numbers and Jealousy
A Lot of Flirting and Something Unexpected
Familiar Streets and Deciding
Love and Loss
Cruel Irony and Tender Moments
A Little Time and Roses
Clingy and Curious
Plane Rides and Wet Dreams
Show Time and Apologizing
Truth and Heartfelt Lies
Questions, Confessions, and Nirvana
Snow Blizzards and White Sheets
Delays, Dickhead, and Duke
New Friend and Old Enemy
Frienships and Folly
Breaking Barriers and Bodies
Unrequited Love and Car talks
Explanations and Elightenment
A Story and A promise
*Bonus Chapter*
Three Women and Three Secrets
Clearing The Air and Something Fun
The Librarian and A Text
Mistakes and Pretending
Caught and Ultimatums
Quick Thinking and Falling Apart
Two hours ago...
Battered and Broken
True Feelings and Coming Clean
A Big Surprise and Moving Forward
New Years and Old Truth
Contractions and Hope
Stroke of Midnight and Promises
Happy Family and Bundles of Joy
Planning and Hotel Rooms
Meetings and Memories
March 12th
What if...

Spilled Beans and Bestfriend Duties

55K 2.1K 1.2K
By MissMaven

A/N: Beautiful image above provided by Lucia858


"This better be an emergency or I'm going to kill you!" I scream at whoever is knocking at my door at four-thirty am.

I walk like a zombie towards the sound of banging, my eyes barely open.

I yank the door open and standing there looking handsomely exhausted is Thomas.

"Oh, hey. What are you doing here?" I ask sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

Im still half asleep which is evident by how calm I'm being about Thomas standing in my doorway.

"I know it's dangerous, darling, but I don't think I can sleep without you." Thomas's eyes beg for me to let him stay, as if I'd ever say no.

"Of course you can stay with me, baby." I say smiling as I gesture for Thomas to come in.

Thomas walks in and closes my door. A latching sound lets me know that it's locked, and we make our way to my bed

"I like baby much more than Professor," Thomas informs me and I bite my lip.

"You will always be both to me," I offer in return. "No. Soon you'll graduate and you won't be able to call me that anymore,"

'Ill always call you that' I think but don't say. I'm too tired to be sassy.

"I hope you want to cuddle, it's only a full size." I say with a yawn as I crawl in back under the warm covers. Thomas crawls in on the other side after pulling off his shirt and kicking off his shoes leaving him in a pair of sweat pants that I'll eventually steal.

"What else do you think I came for?" He asks with a love lorn smile.

His arms wrap around me and our knees bend creating the perfect side spoon.

I fall asleep within seconds.


Knock Knock Knock

"Oh my god, what now?" I whimper as I throw the blankets off of myself once more. The clock on the wall reads eight-fifty but that's still too early for me.

I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in two days and I think I'm in the verge of homicide.

Thomas doesn't even stir from the noise or me leaving which is quite impressive.

"What?!" I yell as I open the door. A surprised Fiona is standing there holding two coffees. "Jeeze, what's eating your ass?" She quips.

"I haven't slept in two days, go away." I reply and try to shut the door in her face but she blocks it with her foot.

"Don't you dare slam the door in my face Sophia Lane Dawson!" She responds, offended. "You can't just tease me with juicy gossip and expect me to patiently wait until you're ready to talk."

"Uhm yeah I can!" I reply, still not letting her in.

"Let me in, skank, I'm freezing and I brought you coffee. Clara made it special, just how you like."

"You can't come in."



"Because why?"

"Because... because. Fuck I can't think of a reason. Fine you can come in, but only if you promise not to freak out."

"Why would I freak out?"

I roll my eyes and am about to explain when a very sexy tired voice calls from behind me "Darling do you only have green tea? I'm a chamomile man."


"Who the hell is in there!?" Fiona shrieks but doesn't let me explain. She just pushes me out of the way and storms in.

"Holy morning wood batman! Professor Crane it's so good to see you like this. That bulge really brings out the blue in your eyes!"

"Fiona!" I shriek as I run between my best friend and my lover. "One, that's inappropriate, and two, quit looking!"

"Friend of yours?" Thomas jokes from behind me. "Best friend actually, it's nice to finally meet you instead of stalking you from a distance." Fiona responds and sticks out her hand, but I slap it away.

"Fiona! This is why I wouldn't let you in."

Both Fiona and Thomas start laughing at my expense but I don't really find it all that amusing.

"I'm going to go put on a shirt, it looks like you two have a lot to talk about." Thomas says and dismisses himself.

I yank my coffee out of Fiona's hands and take a long drink.

"So how the hell did this happen?" She whisper hisses at me in complete awe.

I set my coffee down and go to the the kitchen to find the chamomile tea for Thomas.

"I sort of accidentally outed myself. One thing lead to another and we ended up having sex six times in less than two days." I say casually as I add water to my kettle.

Fiona suddenly starts faking a heart attack in the middle of my floor.

"My baby is all grown up!" She cries dramatically and I want to pour some of this water down her shirt.

She drapes her hand over her face and holds completely still, but eventually one eye pokes out and she opens her fat mouth.

"How big is it?" She asks while still laying on the ground. "I mean I can see it's big but like... gimmie a number. 7? 8?"

"We are not going to do this right now!" I yell, kicking her the the thigh.

"Closer to nine actually!" Thomas calls from my bedroom, and I just throw my head in my hands.

How do I find these weird fucking people?

"Thanks Tommy boy!" Fiona yells. "See Sophia? Was that so hard."

"I need a drink," I groan.

"I brought you coffee remember?" She asks and I roll my eyes. "Not even coffee could help me with this."

I pour Thomas his cup of tea before leaving Fiona on the floor to venture to my bedroom.

Thomas is sitting on the edge of my bed with a stupid grin on his face.

"Here's your freaking tea," I say, feigning an attitude.

"Come here darling," he calls me in a cute voice, so I set the cup down and walk into his open arms.

"That was dangerous you know? If that had been anyone but Fiona we'd have been - "

"Calm down, I already knew it was her. I've had my eye on you for quite some time now, Fiona's voice is very recognizable."

I can't help but laugh at that. It really is.

"So you've been stalking me too?" I tease.

"I like to call it doing research."

"Well I'm glad you aren't a scientist because you couldn't even figure out your two dream girls were the same person,"

"Oh so that's how we're going to be?" Thomas asks as he puts his hands on my hips and kisses my neck.

"If you're going to hurt my feelings you'll need to be punished."

I feel my face grow hot just thinking of all of the things punished could mean but Fiona's voice cuts through my fantasy.

"If you're about to fuck again can I at least record it? Pervs pay top dollar to watch pretty people go at it."

"Why am I friends with you again?" I sigh.

"Because I'm amazing. Now why don't you go take a shower while Ichabod and I have a chat."

I stare at Fiona in confusion. "What are you my dad?"

"No but Clara calls me mommy so close enough."

I throw my hands in the air.

"Okay I'm out of here!"


Fiona POV:

Tommy boy sips his tea across from me in the living room, looking all innocent, but he can't fool me.

What kind of weirdo drinks chamomile in the morning anyways? Everyone knows chamomile is a sleepy time tea blend!

He's like a grandpa already that just so happens to still have a tight body and bitchin' weiner.

"You know why we're both here," I stare with a very powerful head nod. I have to portray dominance or else he won't take me seriously.

"Uhm, happenstance id guess?" Tomato sauce replies, playing dumb.

Happenstance? Pshhh Bullshit.

"Look, I'm just gonna say it. What's your intentions with my little girl?"

"Little girl?" Tomegranate juice laughs, like this is a joke.

I make my face look more serious incase it accidentally looks like I'm joking.

"Her dad is awful at these intimidation talks so it's up to me instead. What are you here for? Some ass? A baby maker? True love? Spit it out!" I prompt loudly, leaning towards Crane Machine to show that I mean serious business.

"I can see a future with her. More accurately, I can't see one without her. This isn't just some two day sudden romance. We've technically been talking for half of a year." Tom Hanks thinks he's won me over with his response, but I can't be swayed so easily.

"Got any crazy ex girlfriends?"



"Jesus, no."


"Absolutely not."

"When was your last flu shot?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Hey, I'm the one asking questions here pal!" The nerve of Tom Sawyer, I swear.

"Are you always so thorough with Sophia's boyfriends?" He asks me and I shake my head no.

"She's never used the "L" word before so I've never had to. She really loves you so watch your back, Tommy Hilfiger, because if you hurt her I'll kill you probably.

A/N: Needed to get this chapter out of the way, and I admit I had a lot of fun with this :,)

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