On His Demand {manxman}

By not_just_a_dream

508K 23K 1.7K

(Book 2 in the Bodyguard Series) Jose Grazi is just a man looking for a good time, nothing too serious. He sa... More

OHD: Chapter One
OHD: Chapter Two
OHD: Chapter Three
OHD: Chapter Four
OHD: Chapter Five
OHD: Chapter Six
OHD: Chapter Seven
OHD: Chapter Eight
OHD: Chapter Nine
OHD: Chapter Ten
OHD: Chapter Eleven
OHD: Chapter Twelve
OHD: Chapter Thirteen
OHD: Chapter Fourteen
OHD: Chapter Fifteen
OHD: Chapter Sixteen
OHD: Chapter Seventeen
OHD: Chapter Eighteen
OHD: Chapter Twenty
OHD: Chapter Twenty One
OHD: Chapter Twenty Two
OHD: Chapter Twenty Three
OHD: Chapter Twenty Four
OHD: Chapter Twenty Five
OHD: Chapter Twenty Six
OHD: Chapter Twenty Seven
OHD: Chapter Twenty Eight
OHD: Chapter Twenty Nine
OHD: Chapter Thirty

OHD: Chapter Nineteen

10.2K 541 51
By not_just_a_dream

Dr. Jose Luca Grazi


I didn't know what to expect when Mikhail directed us to the house that Kaiden was using to train and progress his abilities. I knew that it would be empty, that's for sure, but I didn't know how empty. "What's the meaning of this?" We stood in what used to be the living room, nothing in it except the people that were standing in it: us. "Where the hell is everything?" I questioned and Mikhail sighed. "He sold it." He confessed and my eyes widened. "He only has his clothes and his necessities. Everything else is gone." I looked away from him slowly, coming to terms with the fact that this was all surreal. He really did leave. He really did. I had no idea what I should have done but at that moment, I kind of wanted to cry bittersweetly.

"But all that was left was this." I snapped my head over to Mikhail and looked his hand as he handed me a folded piece of paper, a look of solemn etched over his features. He looked so worn out and scared and it made me fearful enough to not want to read it. Nevertheless, I did. I opened up that folded piece of paper and no words could have prepared my heart for the turmoil that I was about to experience. Not one singular word.


You were right. I should have told Jose. I'd probably be better off than I am right now. It hurts too much to walk, let alone fight. I can slowly feel myself dying off and I have no one to blame but myself. I don't blame Jose for the way that he reacted. I probably would have reacted the same way. Can you blame me for not wanting to see that look of pain on his face when I tell him all of these things that come along with being the mate of a Chosen? I don't want anything but to see him smile.

But I can't. I have to leave now because my olf pack is in a war. Turns out Isak and Elias have back up. I know I'm not apart of that pack anymore, but I just can't leave them defenseless, especially when my father is no condition to fight. What kind of Alpha would I be if I didn't run to aid people in need?

Ha. I'm sure you know what me leaving means. I don't have a mate anymore, which means that my power is diminishing. Who's to say I'll make out of this war alive? It's okay though, the reason that they are being attacked is my fault so I'm willing to be a sacrifice.

Do me a favor, please. Can you just watch over Jose, my little spitfire, for me? I want to make sure that he gets the happiness that he deserves. You know he's so precious and so beautiful. I'm glad he was mine, even if it was a short period of time.

This might be the last that we speak to each other. Even if it was brief, you were a good friend of mine, even consider you my best friend. You did a lot for me than my own best would have. I thank you for that.

Stay cool.


P.S, tell Jose that I will always love him.

I didn't even realize that I was crying until one of my tears hit the paper and stained it, a remembrance of the moment. "Kaiden...." I whispered, shutting my eyes tightly. "You piece of shit, cazzo!" I cursed, clenching the paper in my hand. God damn it! I gritted my teeth in mere frustration. That figlio di puttana! That arsehole! That fucking idiota! How dare he think that his life is so inferior? How dare he think of himself as a sacrifice? Didn't he know what he was leaving behind?

Didn't he?

"I understand that you are still upset, Jose." Mikhail came and stood next to me as Nicca started to freak out. "I understand it all, but you must know that mates are only once and never again." Nicca stopped and looked at him curiously.

"Remember what I told you," Mikhail grunted out so only I could hear. "The blood moon is in less than 24 hours." I let out a harsh sigh, clenching my hands. "Since your mark is fading, it must mean the bond is as well and if that is the case," He put a hand on my shoulder and gripped it tightly. "He doesn't stand a chance." I knew what he meant and it scared me. "Alphas are always stronger with their mates. If you understand that, then you know what you need to do." He looked me in the eye and I could tell that he was trying to tell me to abandon all principle, all of my negative feelings and go.

I nodded in reply as Nicca walked around, panicking. "What's going to happen?" He screeched. "What do we do?" He murmured as I shook my head, having made up my mind. It was decided on a whim and I had no concrete plan but I couldn't let this happen, not when I could do something about it.

"I'm going to San Antonio."

Nicca sputtered like an idiot as if he couldn't believe what I was saying but I was dead serious. "Say what? Eh?" He tilted his head as Mikhail nodded in smug satisfaction, pulling out his phone. "I'll reserve the flight for you, that much I can do." He went to do that but Nicca stopped him with a wave of his hand. "It's no need." He said and Mikhail and I looked at him incredulously. Did this dick-sucking wanker have any more ideas? I was getting ready to complain in protest but he beat me to it. "I'll have my pilot take Jose there." He mumbled all nonchalant and crap and I stared, bewildered by what the fuck he had just said. What kind of rich boy was he? "That's nice." Mikhail ruffled Nicca's hair as he turned to me, nodding. "Go. We'll be waiting for you at 4:30." He stated and that was all it took for me to run out of the house and to my car.

Since this house was only 5 minutes away from my actual home, it didn't take long for me to arrive in my driveway. I had no idea how long I was gonna stay, or if I even needed to stay at all. "Two weeks is a safe bet." I walked into my home, mumbling to myself as I pulled a large suitcase out of the closet and throwing it on the floor. I started to throw a bunch of clothes in there from my personal closet.

As I was just packing and packing, I couldn't help but think. What was going through Kaiden's mind when he was going through this? Was he scared? Was he okay? What? I hated to think that he was in pain and it might have been my fault. Was I in the wrong? I didn't know.

Kaiden, I'm sorry.

He most likely was taking the brunt of this pain and it made me feel so sad. Had he have just told me the amount of pressure that weighed on his shoulders, we could have gotten through this. The turnout would have been better and neither of us would feel so disconnected from each other. He would have had a back to rely on, a shoulder to cry on and someone else to place some of the burdens onto. He wouldn't have been completely alone. It sucks to say that he put himself in this predicament, though. Had he just relied on me and came to me about his problems, we would have come to a solution, or even more. We would have done something to make the situation better.


"I guess this is all the more real..." I murmured to myself as I touched the mark on my neck, noticing that it was fading, the two holes seeming like a mere memory. I remembered the way that they got there, the second time we had sex, he pierced my neck and it hurt, but I remembered the pleasure it gave me and the way that I felt after it., I felt rejuvenated, on top of the world and I remembered feeling his emotions, how elated I was. At the time, I didn't know just how much that bite meant or the risks that it carried with it, nor did I realize that with my own bite onto his neck, it would change the dynamic of things.

Because I marked him, I had a higher risk of death. So sad, dying is overrated anyway.

I looked at my clock, realizing that I only had a few minutes before Nicca and Mikhail came to get me. By now, I had my clothes and the necessary toiletries to complete my trip. I had money in addition to that, so if I needed anything else, I'd buy it down there. I had higher priorities in mind so as I zipped up my suitcase, I made a promise to myself.

I'd save Kaiden. He needed me. He may not admit to me or to himself, but he needed me. He couldn't fight with just the strength of the chosen. He needed that second amount of strength just so he could take care of his pack and be the leader that he was meant to be. Chosen or not, he needed me.

Just as I needed him.

"It's tough, eh? Trying to admit what you've been fighting for so long." Even if I was the one to break things off and was the first one to walk away, I admitted that a part of didn't want to do it. A part of me wanted to stay and try to see through to the end, despite the constant lies of omission, but it was that same part of me that had been killed off by Zy and his infidelity. It had been crushed to mere pieces with a sledgehammer, the moment I walked in and I knew from that point on, there was no road to redemption.

At least, I thought I did.

Turns out, there was a road to recovery, to pick up all those broken pieces and place them back together, to revive and fill with life and I was about to go save him.

Kaiden was my redemption.

"Stop stalling and move your ass!" Nicca barked from the doorway of my house and I grabbed my keys and phone, knowing that this would be the last time I would see this place for the next two weeks.

And I wouldn't be alone upon arrival.

Nicca pulled me to the car that he was driving, Mikhail having already put my belongings into the trunk. It was crazy how everything was moving so fast and there was no time to process anything. It was all a spur of the moment, spontaneous ideals. But we all knew in the back of our heads, that this was the only way to make things true again. The only thing that would change the way our dynamics shaped.

We all needed Kaiden.

"I rented a car for you," Nicca said after a moment of silence as we drove to the port where his pilot was waiting. "It's an Audi RS7, ya know, a small car for a good price and it's in black." He stated casually and I just wondered where he acquired all of this money. First, it was Kaiden with the Aston Martin, now it's Nicca with this Audi. Rich wankers and their money. "Thanks. I'll be sure to pay you's back, mate." I nodded in affirmation but he just waved it off. "If I see Kaiden with you in two weeks, I'll forget all about it." He said in a sickly and sweet tone and I cringed, sensing the threat behind it.

I'd fight tooth and nail to bring him back and once I did, I let him know how sorry I was.

That is if I wasn't too late.

"Once you get there, call me," Mikhail murmured. "I'll direct you to his pack location." He said all ominous and shit and I shuddered. It was a short drive to the port but the pilot was already there, waiting for me. Once Nicca parked the car, I hopped out with a elegance as Mikhail quickly passed off my suitcase to the attendant on call. I turned to say goodbye to my best friend and give him a hug, but he pushed me in the direction of the plane door. "Do not come back without Kaiden." Nicca squeezed my hand tightly and Mikhail gave me one of those nods as to say that he was agreeing as well. It was nice to see that they had faith so I wasn't going to discourage that.

"Roger that, homie." I saluted him goodbye as I entered the plane, surprised at how spacious it was. "Mr. Grazi, if you would please take a seat." The flight attendant motioned for me to sit down as she closed the plane door. "The plane will be taking off in a few moments." She smiled gently as I sat down, buckling myself into the seat. I had been on a plane, once, flying from the UK to the US and I didn't remember much about it. No one said it would be like this.

"Please prepare for takeoff." The pilot murmured into the microphone and I let out a sigh. I closed my eyes, slowly trying to come up with a solid plan but it was no use. I was just going to improvise. As I waved to my friends while the plane ascended, I couldn't help but think of what lied ahead. Who knew what would happen?

Kaiden, please wait for me.

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