
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 45

756 36 6
By Haddassa

Hope u all enjoy!

Chapter 45

Finals came and went, and school was out. A few days after the new girl came I got her to talk. She didn't say much, but I discovered her name was Mia after a long walk through the woods. She opened up to me, but still kept her guard up. I discovered she enjoyed drawing, and was actually rather good at it. So while she would draw, I would get her to talk. Mia was actually really smart for a five year old. I would never have guessed, but behind those big dark eyes was hidden knowledge. She became attached to me, just like I became with her. Almost like a little sister I never even realized I wanted.

One day, some girl made fun of her for only ever talking to me. I had been walking past, and before I could interfere Mia fought her own battle. Tiny Mia had the second grader pinned to the ground. After a few whispered words Mia released the girl, who scurried off as soon as she was released.

Because of our attachment to each other, it made going to meet Jace a bit harder. Jace and I would continue to hang out every few days so we wouldn't get sick. Sometimes dates would be canceled for a few days, and I would start to feel the effects.

One date we lost control of ourselves, and ended up sleeping with each other again. Not that I minded, but it brought back my previous fears of us going too quickly, and being hurt. Jace and I got into a fight, when I asked him to slow down again. After that we went for an entire week apart before I started to feel sick. It seemed that after we slept together we could go for longer being apart. That didn't help my side in the fight, but eventually I won. I had a series of nightmares of being hurt by Jace, and of course followed by the usual one of the rouge. I didn't tell Jace about the nightmares, but it helped fuel my side of the battle.

After that we continued to meet like we did before. We met up every few days if we could, and the argument never came up again.

"How about the park then?" I asked into the phone, while searching through my drawer for some shorts to wear. Fricken unorganized drawer. Clothes were spilling out all over the place, and the floor around my bed was covered in clean and dirty clothes.

"Sure, I'm right in your area so I'll just pick you up from our usual spot in ten minutes. That work?" Jace asked.

"Ha!" I yelled in success while waving the pair of shorts up in the air in victory.

I heard Jace chuckle on the other side of the phone. "What was that for?"

"I found some shorts!" I said proudly.

"Ok then. So ten minutes work?" He asked.

"No way!" I started that awkward dance that every girl had to do to get into their shorts while holding a phone between her cheek and shoulder. "Did you miss the fact that I just found my shorts. I still need to find a shirt, manage to find my shoes in the Mountain, do my hair, and then do my makeup. I'm going to need more than ten minutes."

"You don't need to put on makeup. Your beautiful just the way you are," Jace complimented, but I could hear the teasing in his tone.

"So flattering," I muttered sarcastically, "But who ever said that make up was for you?" I teased.

"It better be," He growled.

I slipped on something on the floor while hopping up and down, and came crashing down onto the ground, so I landed awkwardly on my butt, and banged my elbow on my bed frame.

"Shit!" I swore.

I guess it's a good thing no one else was in the room to witness my embarrassing dance and fall. I quickly searched for my phone, which fell to the ground with a loud clatter. I snatched it up from the floor, and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just slipped on something," I muttered searching for whatever it was I had slipped on. I found shirt laying on the floor under my foot.

Jace started laughing at me. I rolled my eyes, and picked up the shirt. It was an off the shoulder white top.

"The culprit seems to have just helped me."

"The culprit? How?" Jace asked, still laughing.

"Well I just found what top I'm going to wear. And stop laughing! It's not that funny."

"Sure it wasn't. I'm at the meeting spot. So I'll let you go so you can finish getting ready."

"Ok, see you soon."

"See ya," Jace said, then hung up.

I finished getting dressed on the floor, because I was just too damn lazy to get up. Once done, I glared at the bathroom door. I had to get up, and go in there to get my makeup. After a few minutes of an intense stare down with the door, willing my make up to fly through that door towards me, I got up off my lazy ass and walked over to the bathroom.

I quickly finished getting ready, and headed downstairs. I could hear the cook starting on dinner in the kitchen, while chatting away with a girl. Aside from that, it sounded like the house was nearly empty. Emily and some of the other assistants took most of the younger girls out to some museum. The older girls went out and did their own thing. Whoever was left was staying with some of the other assistants. During the summer we had a surplus of assistants to help us out. Enough for everyone to have three girls.

I made my way over to the mountain of shoes. Due to the fact that there was no organized time everyone was coming and going, the shoe rack was left abandoned, and all the shoes just made their way into a giant pile by the door. I found my flip flops, and started my walk to the small cafe a street over. I saw Jace's car waiting in the parking lot. My heart started to flutter, and I felt the excited buzz I always got from being around him. I sped up my walk, and a small smile graced my lips.

As I neared, I saw Jace leaning out his window talking to somebody. I recognized him as a boy from school. My steps faltered, and the smile slipped from my lips. I slowed down my pace, as I watched the boy. He must have smelled me, because he spun around to face me. I sped up my walk, meaning to walk right past Jace and the boy and into the cafe, but the boy called out to me.

"What's the enemy doing on our territory? Oh that's right, your family doesn't want you anymore," The boy chuckled.

Ouch, that hurt. I quickly covered up the emotions rising to the surface. I shot a quick glance at Jace, before turning my full attention onto the boy. It was hard to do with my mate just a few feet away. I rolled my eyes, and smirked at the boy.

"Is that the best you got? Cheap shots about my family? Come on I know a wittle pup like you can do better." I cooed.

"You better watch who your calling pup!" He snarled. The beauty of a werewolf, their tempers made aggravating them so easy.

"What are you going to do? Hurt me? You're alpha won't allow it, because I'm no longer associated with the Jenners. All that I'm trying to do now is lead a normal human life, and by law you can't do anything to me for that. So if you don't mind, I have a date with someone."

With that said I marched off, and headed into the cafe. Not much of a comeback, but I really didn't feel with arguing. I had a whole showdown with Jenna the night before. It ended up with her trying to slap me, but I caught her arm and twisted it. She started screeching, and then stomping out of the room when I released her.

I quickly got in line to order something cold. When my turn came up I ordered a smoothie. I reached for my pocket to pay, just to realize that I hadn't planned on buying anything, because we were just going to the park, so I had no money on me. Great.

"Um... I just realized I left all my money at home. So-"

"I'm paying," I heard a voice say from behind me. "But make it a double."

I felt goosebumps rise on my skin. I turned to face Jace. He wrapped an arm around my waist, and sparks erupted where my shirt rose up, and his arm was touching my bare waist. I quickly glanced around the store for anyone we knew. Then turned back to the cashier, who was waiting for my reply.

"Cancel my order," I told the cashier, then turned to Jace. "I'm not letting you pay for me."

"Come on, it's the least I could do for what just happen outside."

I debated it, before agreeing.

"Fine. In that case, toss in a muffin, because I slept in so I missed breakfast and lunch."


We got our smoothies, and headed out to the car. Jace started up the engine, and then we headed off to the park.

"Sorry for what happen," Jace apologized.

"It's not your fault. He was just acting like an ass. Besides, it wasn't like you could have stood up for me. Nobody can know about us." I muttered.

I stared out the window, watching the scenery change around us, and sipping on my smoothie.

"What's his name?" I asked, after a moment.

"Luka. And I agree. Even as a kid he was an ass. He used to try to steal toys from me, but I would knock him to the ground."

"Ha, serves him right."

I clicked on the radio, and let the music fill the car. I just watched the road ahead as Jace drove up to a suburb where we always went to, because we never crossed any pack members there.

Jace looked a bit disturbed. He kept glancing at me, narrow his eyes, and then look back ahead. That crease that always formed between his eyes when he was thinking about something intense appeared. I don't know if it was my imagination, but his eyes kept turning a bit darker, before lightening up. I saw that a lot whenever we would hang out, but always decided it was probably just him fighting with his wolf. But today the atmosphere in the car was much more different.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah... Just the talk with Luka."

"Want to talk about it?" I asked.

"It's nothing big, I'm just trying to sort through some things.

"Ok...?" I muttered a bit confused.

I wasn't too sure if I should push it, but I just left it be. After a long moment of just listening to the radio Jace spoke up.

"So who's that makeup for?" Jace asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Before, I told you that you didn't need makeup. You said the makeup was for someone else."

"Oh, this really cute guy I'm meeting at the park. He's really tall, dark hair, perfectly toned body, gorgeous green eyes, and the finest ass that belongs to me," I smirked.

"So you're still on that ass thing?" he asked me.

"Yup," I said popping the 'P'.

Jace just rolled his eyes, and turned up the radio. We eventually arrived at the park. We just walked around while talking. I felt like Jace was being a bit distant with me, but I just chalked it up to his talk with Paul. The strange thing was that it felt almost normal. It didn't feel strange, almost like I was used to it. I decided to ignore that feeling, and just enjoy being with my mate.

When the swings came into view, I practically took off running to them like a little kid. I plopped down on it, and started swinging myself gently, while sipping on Jace's smoothie. During our walk he complained the smoothie was gross, so I took it since I had already finished mine. Jace followed not long after, because he walked at a normal adult pace.

"Why so slow?" I teased, when he sat down next to me.

"I wasn't walking slowly. I was just walking like a normal mature person."

A game of soccer was going on in the field. Kids were playing all around us on the playground, in the sand box, and in the trees. I smiled at the kids running around us, screeching and just having fun. Parents were chatting on benches, but keeping a watchful eye over their child at the same time. I wished I had a normal childhood like all of these kids.

"It's so nice here," I muttered.


"I don't know. I just find it relaxing. It's so normal. This is what a normal life is supposed to be like. Parents take their children to the park during summer vacation. No foster homes. No crazy pack drama, no offence."

"None taken. I can understand where you're coming from. I always wished my dad would take me out to the park when I was younger. He was always busy with the pack business, and told me it was pointless going someplace when there were tons of kids for me to play with."

A ball came rolling towards us, and landed right in front of Jace. We both looked up to see where it came from. A little four year old boy came running after the small ball. He stopped when he saw it by Jace's feet. The boy looked up at Jace, and Jace looked at the boy. Both looked very confused, not sure what to do. Kind of like a deer staring at a human, both afraid of what the other would do. It was actually really funny to watch how confused they both looked with each other.

"Pass him the ball," I muttered to Jace.

Jace shook his head, before picking up the ball. He handed it to me.

"Really?" I asked.

Jace nodded his head, still watching the kid wearily, like he was afraid the kid was suddenly going to explode into a tantrum. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity, and walked over to the little boy. I kneeled down, so I was at eye level with him.

"Here you go," I said with a bright genuine smile on my face.

"Thank you," the boy said happily. All signs of his wariness when he was watching Jace had vanished.

"No problem. What's your name?" I asked.

"Caleb. What your name?" He asked.


He cocked his head to the side, before giggling.

"That's a funny name."

"Thank you. I like it," I said.

"I do. Your friend is scary," the boy whispered, while sending a glance at Jace. I could see where he was coming from. Jace was staring at him intensely, and was over six feet tall with a lot of muscles.

"He is, isn't he," I agreed while laughing a bit.

He nodded his head, giggling.

"Caleb!" A little girl maybe a year or two older then him called out.

"Bye," He said, waving goodbye to me.

I waved goodbye, and watched him run off to the little girl. I stood up, and went back to the swing.

"What's wrong with you? Why didn't you give him the ball?" I asked Jace.

"I don't know what to do with kids. What if I scared him, and he started crying. I wouldn't know what to do then," Jace explained.

I rolled my eyes at how childish he was acting.

"You were looking at him like he was going to explode."

"What if he was? I don't know how to deal with them. They are like little master minds. They know how to get anything they want by aggravating us with their complaining,their crying, and those faces they pull. They are scary!"

"Well it seems Caleb and you are in an agreement. He also thought you were scary," I told Jace.

"How did you know what to say to him so he didn't start crying?" Jace asked.

"He isn't a bomb, where if you press the wrong button he will explode. He's just like us, except with less understanding of everything around him. If you say or do something mean he will get upset. I'm guessing you've never had to take care of a child before?" I asked.

"Actually I did take care of a kid once. He just watched tv, but when he got bored it turned to hell. I didn't know what to do. The kid started tearing apart the dining room. Then he started crying, so I called John. John gave the kid some food, and that shut him up right away. I made John stay with me until the parents came to the pack house to come pick him up. I have no idea how you get along with kids."

I was laughing when Jace was done telling me the story of having to take care of a kid. His facial expressions were hilarious. Like he was reliving the scariest memory he had.

"A few months ago I would have probably found all the kids here to be really annoying. But the orphanage has so many kids, I'm just kind of used to it. Plus being around Mia all the time helps. She's so cute! She has definitely brought out that maternal instinct that everyone told me I should have," I said.

"What? You used to hate kids?" Jace asked.

"Not hate them, just couldn't tolerate them. Trust me there are still many kids at that I can't stand at home. I'm known to be one of the mean older girls to some of the bratty girls. But that's just because they pick on some of the nice girls," I explained. "So you really don't like kids?"

"I just can't figure out what to do with them."

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket, and saw Cole was calling.

"Hey, wassup?" I asked.

"Well you know. I haven't seen my twin in a while, and the separation has become too much," Cole answered dramatically.

"We were separate for fourteen years, I think a couple of weeks is nothing in comparison."

"A couple of weeks? Try a month. I hadn't seen you since I took out your stitches!" Cole said.

"What? Really?" I asked. "I'll have to come by tomorrow then."

"Why not tonight? We are all going to be out tomorrow," Cole explained.

"I'm busy tonight. Wait so nobody is going to be home tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have some business to take care of tomorrow. So how about the day after that?" Cole asked.

A plan started to form in my head, and one of my mastermind grins filled my face. I just had to make sure I still had the key to his apartment.

"Sure," I answered, already knowing I wasn't going to come then. "So I'll see you on Wednesday then. Bye."

"Wait where are you going? Did you just missed that part where I said I hadn't seen you for a month?" Cole asked.

"No, but we have been talking in that time. Besides I'm with Jace right now. I'll call you after, ok?" I asked.

"Sure you will," Cole said skeptically.

"I will!"

"Bye then."

"Bye," I said, and then hung up.

My stomach started to growl.

"You hungry?" Jace asked.

I nodded my head, and glanced at the time on my phone. Dinner would be starting in a bit over half an hour.

"I could make it back in time for dinner if we leave right now," I said.

"Or I could take you out for dinner," Jace offered.

"Sure, I'm getting tired of eating dinner with so many people."

"Any restaurant in mind?" Jace asked.

"Nope. Any place works. I'm just starving!"

Jace took me out to a diner, where we got burgers and milkshakes. It was a small cute place, and had amazing milkshakes. We both ended up with a giant brain freeze. He drove me back after, and we had to go our separate ways with promises to see each other in a few days.

Soooo... what did u guys think?

Thanks everyone who reads, votes, and comments on my story. It means so much to me when I see that people vote and comment So thank you.


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