Hard to Love (COMPLETED)

By kyrathewriter

75.7K 2.5K 103

Morgan Sampson is 24 years old. She works as a doctor at a local hospital and has little two year old baby bo... More

Awkward Meetings & Greetings
My Desire for You
Unexpected Visits With Parents
A Day With My 2 Girls:
Date Night:
Gone But Now I'm Back And Better
Got My Baby Back:
Church With The Family
Sunday Dinner
Maybe An Addition To The Family
First Big Argrument
Getting Ready To Pop The Question
Popping The Question
It's a..boy or girl?
Preparations For The Baby Shower
Shower For Lucas O. Mathews Jr.
Momma Has Love For Everybody
Fanily Picture Day And Preparation For The Mathews Wedding
The Very Special Wedding Day
The Wedding Reception
New Book Alert:

Keep it PG:

5.8K 220 6
By kyrathewriter

Morgan Sampson:
I chuckled at his response.
"Me?" I said, well asking. He looked at me, nodding his head, and then put his head back down. I tried to hold my smile, but I couldn't.
Lucas Mathews:
I looked back up to see her smiling hard as heck.
I smirked.
"What you smiling at mama?" I asked and she looked up at me.
"Oh nothing.... I ummm.. I gotta get going because I promised my baby boy that I'd spend some with him." She said smiling the whole time.
Her smile is mesmerizing.
I nodded my head.
"Oh if you don't mind me asking, where is his father at?" I asked and she got quiet and looked down.
Great job, you doe-doe!
"Uhh-umm... Miles father died in a car accident the day I found out I was pregnant." She said looking up from fumbling with her fingers.
How stupid can you be?
"I sowwy." I said sincerely and she shook her head smiling.
"Oh no it's okay. You didn't know." She smiled, biting her lips.
"Umm.. could Sam and I join you on your outing. My treat." I asked hopefully. She smiled and playfully rolled her eyes.
That's the smell of rejection.
"No.. because we're not going anywhere." I nodded my head sadly. "But you could join us at my place. And your treat could be some snacks." She added making my frown turn into a smile.
She got up and went to go to the trash can, and I followed her.
"Ok... well see you when we get back to the daycare." I said getting back in line to get Lisa's food. Morgan stopped.
"Why you getting back in line?" She laughed. I laughed too.
"Because I got to get your sister's food." I said and she smacked her lips.
"Greedy butt." She mumbled.
I laughed.
She's so cute.
"Umm.. why thank you.. and I'll see you back at the daycare too. You could just follow me back." She said waving and I waved back.
At the daycare: Morgan Sampson:
I walked in the daycare and was greeted by Lisa holding a happy Miles.
"Mommy! Mommy!" He screamed, basically jumping out of Lisa's arms.
Lisa got offended.
"Oh so it's like that nephew?" She asked looking down on him. He looked back.
"I love you too, but I haven't seen mommy in forever!" I laughed at his exaggeration. He came and gave me a hug.
"Hey duke... guess what?" I asked looking at him, and then started tickling him.
"What mommy?! Whattt??" He laughed.
"Samatha and Mr. Lucas are going to come to our house tonight and watch movies. How you feel about that huh?" I asked reading his expression.
He went from 0 to 100 real quick. He started jumping up and down.
"I guess someone got the memo that Sammie and I were coming to their house." I heard Lucas sexy voice say.
Ohhhhh.... myyyyy. Gonna be a long night.
"Yea..." I smiled. We were now staring at each other and I was slowly taking his clothes off with my eyes.
"Hello!" Lisa yelled, snapping me back into reality.
"Huh?" Him and I said at the same time and we both laughed.
"You know what! Get out of my daycare. But wait Morgzz!" Lisa said shooting Lucas. Lucas snickered and walked out with Sam and Miles and their bags.
"Morgannn. I love you, Sam, and Miles..." she looked at me concerned. I looked at her seriously.
"What is it?" I said trying to prepare myself for anything.
"Keep it PG sis." She said laughing. I was confused.
"PG? What is.... ohh! Man leave me alone bruh. See you later!" I said walking out of the daycare, laughing.
It's going to remain PG, I guess. I thought and smirked to myself.
Short chapter you guys I know😭😅

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