Love came last

By jiddaabkr

662 43 0

Just one lie ruined us, i ruined what we had but shouldn't have had, I felt sorry "you always pretend to be h... More

Chapter 2
What do i do
One akward encounter
Knight to love
The room is smaller
Missing home
My feelings for her
I met Ell
Catching feelings
Love started
A visit to LV
Kind gestures
Move on!
You should have been first
Bella is getting wed
Sam is back
Love happened
This place
Publishers note

Love happened

10 1 0
By jiddaabkr

It was a very hectic day, after stress from work coming back home was hectic to because of traffic jamb, but the good part is I'm going back to see my boyfriend, yes you heard me right my boyfriend and best friend also.
2 week prior ell and i made it official, it's been three since he's been transferred to Canada and we are living together in his beautiful mansion the first time he visited we got along so well, he took good care of me when i was sick without asking what's wrong or judging me,he became my shield and my best friend, then it was time to go back because of his job, after he went back to Seattle , after he went back to Seattle we were always in touch, video calls and chats.
After a call with Ell on a Sunday night , I felt asleep and woke up around 7;45, I realised I have  only 15 minutes to get to my decent job, or i will be done for i took a quick shower and ran to my new car, my little baby Benz that I bought only few months ago, thank my lord there wasn't traffic on the road, I ended up in my office a minute to 8  then I heard Sam's door open he walked straight to me "thank your stars you weren't late" then my phone rang is Ell and i saw  notice Sam staring at my screen "is there something you want me to do SIR" with emphasis to the sir, he walked out of my door, I picked the call "hey Ell" I said smiling like he can see me "lil guess what? I'm getting transferred to Canada I'll be there in a week after I'm cleared, I can't wait to see you" I don't know what to say at that moment, I felt so happy "Ell really? I can't wait to see you either love, i will await you bye.
And with that we end the call I finished work early and wait for closing time, i was dozing off when suddenly the door open what a jerk i look up to see Sam and what now "I didn't hire you to sleep"
"I know" i said smiling  because today my mood is great, I don't care what Sam will say actually since Ell i stopped "we're having lunch with some clients get ready see you in 5 minutes" i rush to the wash room and fix my makeup, adjust my jump suit and put on my jacket, i went down to my car "we are going with mine" Sam said walking to the drivers thank God we're not taking the chauffeur because I don't want to be stuck with him in the back sit, I hop in the car and we drove off, the drive was fast and in minutes we were in the restaurant, a very massive restaurant I've never been there before, when were in I surveyed through the restaurant and Sam was talking to someone who I assume is the manager, the waitress look so sophisticated and classy and the restaurant smells delicious food I can't wait to taste after Sam is done he draw my attention and led the way we made our way to the end of the hall a very secluded table we sat and I took the menu in my hand, and Sam did same, in a jiffy the waitress arrived and we placed our orders, our food were on our table and still no business partners I wanted to ask this grumpy person in front of me but what do i care i have enjoy this delicious food over here.
After clearing my plate i saw Sam looking towards me, i raised an eye brow then he turned back to his plate "this food is delicious" i said to MYSELF "what I didn't catch that" Sam says in a low voice, " isn't this suppose to be a meeting" I couldn't care less anyway "was it" I looked at him shocked isn't that what you said I gave him the look " yes you said so" i said " I just treat you lunch" why will he do that " and why" i raised an eyebrow "just" he said " okay thanks but can we leave" I think for months this is the most sensible conversation we've had.
Days past and things have been better with Sam. Ell is coming tomorrow I really cannot wait anymore, i went to the salon to get my hair and nails done I finished late in the evening, i ate the food I bought on my way home and called mother "hello mother" "look who has called i had her telling dad" and in a second i was on speaker we talked and talked and i miss those 2 then i hang off and went to bed after good byes and love you's
I wake up early this morning I took my bath wore my favourite jumpsuit suit because this days thats what i was fond of wearing I applied make up an change the colour of my lipstick to matt red I appreciate my looks in the mirror and left for work when I entered the office i saw Sam going towards the lift, I entered and saw him " good morning sir" I said looking through my phone "good morning, you look great" I always do and why will he compliment me.
Sams P O V
I woke up early took my bath and left for the office I went to the elevator and press the floor to my office before it closes i saw a manicured hand painted black stop the lift from closing so cute I thought to myself then Lily appeared in front of me my gosh she's changed she looked different " good morning sir" she says she didn't even glance towards me, this distance is killing me she doesn't even stare at me like she used to, I caused it I caused everything we've reached our destination and lily was still pressing her phone she was so oblivious and twisted her ankle she was about to fall and i was quick to catch her, she immediately regained her strength and stand back at her feet, she smiled and mouthed a thank you before leaving, i felt like kissing her when I hold her but I know better we are not in that terms anymore. By the way what's so important that she always presses her phone i wandered, towards lily's office I heard her talking I think she's talking to one of the employee I decided to eavesdrop "maya maya maya Ell is coming back today" she said in an amazing voice
" really that hot guy" maya replied
"Yeah cute sweet and sexy" lily says, oh that's the reason she's so happy I went to my office feeling annoyed, okay lets see how she will pick him up at the airport......

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