Melting a frozen heart

By flowersandacidpops

5.5K 216 31

Lucy has a crush on Natsu but when he and Lisanna announce at the guild that there dating before school start... More

Melting a frozen heart chapter one
Melting a frozen heart chapter two
Melting a frozen heart: chapter three
Melting a frozen heart: chapter five
Melting a frozen heart: chapter five
Melting a frozen heart: chapter six
Melting a frozen heart: chapter seven
Melting a frozen heart: chapter eight
Meltig a frozen heart: chapter nine
Melting a frozen heart: chapter ten
Melting a frozen heart: chapter eleven
Melting a frozen heart: chapter twelve

Melting a frozen heart: chapter thirteen

358 17 5
By flowersandacidpops

*Lucy's p.o.v*

I woke up to the sun dazzling in my face and I felt the warmth I then realised that I was in Gray's arms he was still asleep he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. I ran my fingers through his spiky raven coloured hair it was so soft like touching a cloud I'm just glad I can spend my first Christmas with someone I love I smiled at that thought and I removed the covers from over me trying not to wake Gray up but it was too late he woke up and said "Hay where are you going?" as he pulled me back down with his arm wrapped around me I just giggled and said "I got up early to go and go shopping for some things for Christmas and then wake you up to go to the guild together so if you don't mind I'll be getting changed in the bathroom" and I got up grabbed some cloths and walked into the bathroom and do my daily routine and walked out of the bathroom and gave a hug to Gray as I went out of the house and told him to take his time and I'll meet him at the guild soon.

*Gray's p.o.v*

Lucy walked out of the house but not before giving me a hug and saying that she'll meet me at the guild soon but I couldn't help but think something was up so after she left I quickly got changed and followed her to this weird shop and went straight to the desk and said "Is what I asked for ready yet?" he took out something from behind the desk and showed her this strange object and she just smiled and said "Thank you so much how much will it be?" and she got out her money ad the guy behind the desk said "No charge that boy you are giving it to seems very special to you so I'll let you have it for free" with a smile on his face she said thanks but not before putting the money she had in her hand in the tip gar and walked out with her head high I guess there was nothing to worry about she is a kind hearted person I'm so lucky to have her and I walked out behind her now I couldn't wait till Christmas.

~Time skip to Christmas Day~

*Lucy's p.o.v*

I couldn't wait to go to the guild and meet everyone it would be my first Christmas in a long time with a family that cares about me and whilst I was in my trail of thought I was already at the guild with my presents for everyone and I opens the door only to be greeted by all my friends and Happy said "Merry Christmas Lucy" and he gave me a present I opened it to see a fish and Happy said "I hope you like it it's a fish" and started drooling he was probably thinking about fish himself and while laughing with Levy I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see who it was and it was Gray I then looked at him with a smile on my face and said "Hay Gray Merry Christmas" and he kissed me on the check and grabbed my hands and said "I've got something for you come with me" and we walked out the guild and to the park and sat down on the bench and he said "Close your eyes I have something for you" I obeyed and closed them I then felt something being placed on my lap and Gray say "Alright you can open them now and I did to see a bag on my lap and he said "Well open it then" I nodded and opened it and it was the dress I wanted from the mall I looked at him with a huge smile on my face and said "Oh Gray I love it now for your gift" and I gave him the small blue gift bag and he took it and opened it and took it out his face looked shocked and he said "You didn't have to do this for me" as he held the snow globe with a moving image of the both of us in ice" and he kissed me on the cheek and pulled me into the hug and we stayed like that for a bit and after a while we let go and walked back into the guild hand in hand this was the best Christmas ever.

To be continued.....

I'll update as soon as possible I'm working on my other story as well as this one. The summer holidays are coming up so I'll probably update then thanks for the reads minna




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