The Perfect Guy (completed)

By lettieirvin

10.2K 681 64

My name is Gina. Im 24 came from a wealthy family. My father gave me his businesses when he passed away. I ha... More

Girls night out
The date
Gina and larry
When ex comes home.
Im coming back to reclaim whats mine
Top flight security
Helen and Laurent
Larry and Gina
New book
Bih is lying
Hello little baby
New Book Alert! 😁
Oh shit!
The wedding

The big move

262 25 2
By lettieirvin

Me and Lj are out right now getting him so new clothes. He's only one years old and he's already trying to talk up a storm. He usually just screams his words and its so cute. When he becomes a teenager i'll probably be more stressed out. Teenagers are a handful when they get to that age where they wanna start dating and they think about sex. I didn't lose my virginity until college and i cant have Lj getting a girl pregnant when he is a teen.

Gina: Lj you like this outfit for yourself?

Lj: wah bah aaaaaaaa

Gina: i like it to.

???: your son is so cute and energetic.

Gina: thank you. He loves to bounce around and scream.

???: is there anything i can help you with.

Gina: actually yes. I wanted to get him some dress pants or maybe a baby suit.

???: whats the occasion?

Gina: wedding

???: who's getting married?

Gina: me and his daddy. Aint that right Lj?

Lj: goo goo gaa baaag

???: congratulations. i have just the thing for you.

At home
Larry's in new york doing a workshop and i hate that he's not here but he has to make his money. I just wish i could see his face. Ouu he's calling.

Gina: hey baby.

Larry: hi wife to be? Hows everything and hows Lj?

Gina: he's right here helping me cook.

I turn the camera so larry can see Lj. His face was priceless. I love moments like this.

Larry: hi my little man.

Gina: say hi Lj. Look its dada.

Lj: dada dada.

Gina: larry i cant wait for you to get back home. I need my husband.

Larry: i'll be home in a few days. I miss you too. Im ready for us to get married.

2 days later
Me and gina have a been looking for another house since she has two more kids on the way and the house we are doesn't really have enough rooms. Im excited about this because when we first started dating i thought i was gonna move in with gina but she was living in an apartment. The girl is rich and she living in an apartment that she has yet to just sell. I mean she don't even live in there anymore but she still paying on it.

Gina: larry I'm hungry.

Larry: baby you just ate an hour ago.

Gina: i don't care i am hungry. I'm eating for three.

Larry: can you wait till we get home?


There she go with her pregnancy symptoms. She always acting crazy everyday. I wish she would stop but i know there's nothing i can do about it.

Larry: baby can you just listen?

Gina: no because she you never listen to me and you always make me listen to you. For peets sake I'm pregnant with your kids. Did you ever stop to think about that? 

I hate when she starts crying. I pulled her in my arms and patted her back. I know the babies are kicking her ass a-lot and i have to help her out because she cant always be on her feet. This is why we need to get this house soon.

Larry: i love you gina.

Gina: i love you too larry.

So he outs with this hoe going house hunting. I have to stop this. He supposed to be with me. Im supposed to be having his kids, I'm supposed to be getting married to him, I'm supposed to house hunting with him. Since I'm out i might as well pretend to be house hunting or i could buy a house close to theirs. Time to plan and capture prey.

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