Holding On (A Harry Styles Lo...

By LittleMrsStyles

4.6M 84.5K 28.7K

I've never understood love. I don't understand how you can have such strong feelings for one person. I don't... More

Holding On (A Harry Styles Love Story)
The Beginning
The Start of a Change
Time for the Fun
Unexpected Moments
The Life Changing Answer
The Time of My Life
Night to Rememer
Beautiful Eyes
The First Day of Many
Making Memories
Making Memories Part 2
Date Day
Be Mine, Harry Styles
This love is Ours.
Back Down to Earth
Closing the Distance
One Step Closer to My Love
Breaking down walls
"Today, Tomorrow, and Forever."
Little Moments that Matter
Goodbye, Again.
Too Real.
Never One to Leave
Beautiful Mess
Lessons, Love, and Innocence
Happy Birthday to Me?
"Please, Remember Me."
Slipping Away
Five Weeks
Two Years Later
Authors Note

The Beginning of the Best Days of my Life

109K 2K 1.1K
By LittleMrsStyles

Riiiiinnnggg. Riiiiinnng.

The shrill sound of the hotel telephone rang, waking me from my deep sleep.

Groaning, I turned over on my side and answered it. 

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Hello. This is your wake up call." A cheery voice answered from the other line.

"Wake up c-" Oh shit! That woke me up.

What of I don't have enough time to get ready?! What if I slept too late? Well, that's what the call is for...

I sat up on my bed automatically. "Yeah...uh, what time is it?"

"It's 8:45. The time you scheduled, ma'am."

"I didn't schedule a wake up call..."

I started, but I glanced over to Jessica's body beside me, still sound asleep. "Oh. Nevermind. Thanks!" I hang up quickly. The woman probably thought I was a lunatic. Oh well.

I stood up on our white, fluffy bed, and jumped on Jessica. She hated it when I did that, but it was a special occasion!

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" I giggled, sitting on top of her.

"Gah-Charlotte! Why are you so giggly? Go to sleep." she rolled over on her side from under me. I stared at her in disbelief...did she really not know what today is? I got off of her and sat beside her on the bed. She'd figure it out. Let it sink in...

"Oh my gosh!" she sat up immediately. "Are we too late?! What time is it?" she got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door.

"It's 8:45! We've got time, thanks to you and your wake up call! I yelled to her from my spot on the bed.

"Harry's coming at 10?"


I got up off my bed and went straight to my suitcase.

What should I wear? I didn't pack much...maybe Jessica did. I have to look good. I have to make a good...2nd impression.

I rummaged through my bag in search of the perfect outfit, just in case Jessica didn't have one. I came found my favorite white shorts, and a light blue shirt with a peter-pan collar. Bingo.

I immediately put on my outfit, and walked over to the mirror to examine it. Eh, I looked ok. Still a little plain, nothing special about me. It was safe to say that was my biggest insecurity. Being plain. I mean really? Who would ever fall in love with a girl who's just average? I don't want an average boy, why would anyone want an average girl?

"Don't do this to yourself." I coached to myself, "Be confident. Harry picked you for a reason." Trying to make myself feel better, I tried to take my own advice. But how could I? Why would Harry have picked me in the first place? He obviously saw something I didn't.

Jessica came out of the bathroom, perfect make up already applied. Soft pink lips, soft pink blush, and smokey eyes. Nothing too extreme, though. Just enough to make the boys fall in love with her, and ruin my chances. Ugh, why am I bringing her again?

"You look cute!" She chirped, making her way to her suitcase. "You're wearing that?"

"Planning on it. And you look amazing." I said self-consciously. True, the boys did pick me, but ther probably didn't even see Jessica. Do you know what it's like to have a best friend who's twenty-five times prettier than you? It's not fun.

"Thanks." she swatted the air like it was no big deal.

It was my turn to do my hair and makeup. I went into the bathroom, trying not to pay attention to how ordinary my face is. I applied light blush, pink lip gloss, and a touch of light pink eyeshadow. I actually did a pretty good job applying eyeliner, which I normally didn't. It was hard— I felt a strange pressure to make myself look prettier. Almost as if I had to keep Harry interested.

Not that he's already interested, I thought to myself, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I tried to correct my thinking, trying to stay hyped up. Harry picked me for a reason. If he ends up not liking the way I look, that's not on me.

Turns out it's hard to think that way when you're getting ready to go meet your forever crush AND an international pop star wrapped into one, but I digress.

I tried  to focus on finishing my makeup the way I usually did. When I was done, I actually didn't look too bad. Not as bad as I could look, at least. 

I decided to curl my golden blonde hair in loose waves, again. I guess you could say the one thing I liked about myself was my hair, although it was really nothing special, either.

I took one last look in the mirror at my finished project. My face looked natural, but it actually wasn't. So I guessed that was good. My hair fell in little ringlets down to my chest. So that was good, too. My outfit was perfect for the occasion, so that was better. 

"Let's do this." I mumbled to myself.

"What time is it?" I asked coming out of the bathroom, sliding on my silver TOMS.

"9:49. They should be here soon-Wow! Look at you!" Jessica laughed, coming over to hug me. "Awww you look soo beautiful." Jessica was a sentimental person, in case you couldn't tell.

That was a really great thing about Jessica. While I was over here being jealous of her stupidly extreme beauty, she was happy for me when I looked good.

When she pulled me out of the hug, I saw her outfit. She was wearing a flowy white tank top, tucked in to high waisted denim shorts.

I scoffed. "You look even better."

"No way. Not possible." she smiled.

I'm falling even more in love with you

Letting go of all I've held on to

I'm standing here until you make me move

I'm hanging by a moment here with you

I'm living for the only thing I know

I'm running and not quite sure where to go

"That's could be Harry!" I ran over to my phone, which was ringing on the bedside table.

Sure enough.

Call from:

My Favorite Member of One Direction

Play it cool. "Hey."

"Hey!" a deep, sexy voice answered,

"You ready?"

"Yeah! You got my directions?"

"Yep. And I'm...." he paused, "Here!

Mini heart attack on my part.

"Awesome. Let me get my bag-"

"Ok, but please hurry," he interrupted, "Some fans followed me here."

Fans? Oh gah, I'd be getting death threats soon. I didn't even think about that.

"Ok." I answered uneasily, and hung up.

"Jess, he's here!"

"Oh lord! This should be great. Just don't freak out and-"

"I know! But some fans followed him here, so we need to hurry." I reached for my back, and headed out the door. She followed me down the hallway.

I was walking in front of her, keeping my eyes on the elevator at the end of the hallway. I didn't even turn to look at her before I blurted out."I don't want to get death threats, Jessica!"

"I know, I thought about that." I heard from behind me.

We reached the elevator and got in. We were the only only ones, thankfully, and i pressed the lobby button.

"I wish there was some way to go and not be seen." I sighed hopelessly.

Jessica wasn't giving me her full attention up until now. Her eyes bore into mine, and her face showed pure shock. "What do you mean? You don't want everyone knowing about us hanging out with ONE DIRECTION?" She emphasized the band's name. Putting her hands on my shoulders, she continued. "What if everyone at school found out about this? They'd be so jealous! We'd be the coolest people in school!"

We weren't the coolest girls in school. Not at all. As a matter of fact, we only had each other. Jessica had the potential to be the most popular girl in school, but she hung out with me, and apparently I dragged her down. People don't hate me, but I'm pretty much invisible. It'd be nice to be popular, but that would be for the wrong reasons. How sick would it be if people only talked to me because I knew the boys?

"Well that sounds great, but that's stupid! I wouldn't want to hang out with people who only 'like' me," I made air quotations, "because I know the boys."

The elevator opened, revealing the cheap lobby. The couches were an ugly plaid, and the tables obviously need dusting.

Jessica nodded, considering what I said before adding, "Good point. I guess we can cover our faces? Cover it with your bag!"

"Ok...but-" We came to the door. Unlike most hotels, the door wasn't made of glass, and we couldn't see the other side. I took a deep breath.

I'm hanging out with the boys of One Direction. Why am I worrying about the fans and what they think? This'll be great.

I must be bipolar or something.

"You ready?" Jessica beamed.

"Beyond ready."

She pushed open the door, and I was overwhelmed by the sight in front of me.

I saw a black, shiny escalade, and I could barely make out Harry in the drivers seat. The surprising part was the girls. There weren't just a few girls, there were close to 100. How did they all know where harry was? This fandom is better than the FBI.

The girl were completely surrounding the vehicle, and they were lined up down the street. I was almost shoved to the ground by some wild girls, and that's when i notice some security guards who were trying to hold the girls back. It was extremely loud, and I fought my way to the car, with Jessica.

Harry rolled down the passenger window, leaned over the seat, and was talking to a security guard. "They're with me!" he yelled, and the security guard cleared a small path to let us through.

We got in the car, and the girls got louder. I'm pretty sure I heard a few colorful words, directed at me, here and there, but I tried to ignore them.

When Jessica and I were settled into the back seat, Harry started to drive away. A lot of the girls wouldn't move from in front of the car, but the security guards were trying to fight them back.

I finally got to take a good look at Harry. He wasn't wearing the usual beanie. His hair was natural, which was curly. Messy curls. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with blue jeans, and he had sunglasses on his shirt collar. He looked relaxed, yet stunning.

"Damn girls... This is dangerous." Harry mumbled to himself. "They're going to get hurt." He added a little bit clearer. How sweet is he?

I was having an aneurism on the inside, and it was obvious Jessica was too. We were in a car with Harry Styles. Who wouldn't be freaking out?

"I'm sorry, I'm being rude. Nice to see you, Charlotte!" he smiled into the rearview mirror, and I could see his reflection looking at me.

"You too!"

"And you are?" Harry motioned to Jessica.

"I'm Jessica! Charlottes best friend." she drew in a deep breath as if she was about to keep talking. She probably would have, too, if i hadn't shot her a look that told her to shut up.

"Nice to meet you! You girls want to know what we have planned for today?"

"What?" I asked, eager to know what world famous pop stars do on their day off.

"Absolutely nothing." he laughed.

"Sounds fun!" Jessica chirped. "So how do you like Florida so far?"

I tried to send her a mental message that said:

Don't you dare make him fall in love with you. Don't be charming, don't be lovable. Stop.

But apparently she didn't receive this one. She kept up a conversation with Harry for the rest of the drive. She was funny, and he laughed. She asked questions, he answered enthusiastically, and even asked her questions. And of course, my shyness kicked in and I barely said a word. Great.

Of course I loved Jessica and wanted nothing but the best for her, but she was so stupidly wonderful that she could out-do me in just about EVERYTHING. I wasn't jealous... well maybe I was. But I just wanted someone to love me more than they loved Jessica. For once.

"You haven't said much, have you Charlotte?" Harry interrupted my thoughts, and I notice we were pulling into a McDonalds parking lot.

I chuckled nervously. What do I say that makes me sound not-awkward?

"Yeah...um, why are we at McDonalds?" Way to change the subject, loser.

Harry laughed to himself...at me? Gah, I hope not. "We're waiting on the other lads, but they should be here by now. They left before I did, and I had to get you two."

Ignoring Harry's comment about the boys, Jessica and her charming self chirped in. "I thought there weren't any plans today?"

"Well, I don't know if McDonalds really counts as plans...just breakfast. Have you two eaten?"

"No, not yet." I answered before Jessica could.

"Ok, well I guess we'll just have to wait for them. Maybe they got lost..." Harry trailed off, followed by a brief silence.

"So," Harry said, unbuckling, turning around in his seat to face us as best he could. "How can I get to know you girls?"

"Quickfire?" Jessica giggled jokingly.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "hmm, I haven't done that in a while! Let's go."

Jessica laughed "Do me first!"

Harry flashes her his infamous flirty smile. Crooked, subtle, just enough to show his dimples. I felt a pang of jealousy in my stomach, even though i had no right to. Harry was never mine.

"Ok," Harry flipped his hair. "In 3...2...1... How'd you like the concert?" Harry asked quickly.

"It was amazing." Jessica answered without hesitating.

"Who's your favorite member of the band?"

"All of you!"

"What's your favorite food?"


And it continued that way for a while. I payed zoned out about 30 seconds into the game, and I stared out the window. When would the boys get here? I can't wait to meet them again. Maybe they'll rescue me while Harry and Jessica go snog in the backseat.

"You turn, Charlotte!" Jessica giggled, interrupting my thoughts once again.

I was caught off guard. "Oh, I'm not really good at things where I have to...think...quickly." I trailed off awkwardly.

"Come on, that's the point of the game! You'll do fine!" Harry playfully reached over from the drivers seat and hit my knee

I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance, "Alright."

Let's do it Char. Don't make a fool out of yourself...

"3...2...1...What's your favorite One Direction song?"


"What was your favorite part of the concert?"

"Being pulled on stage, obviously!"

He laughed. "Where's your favorite spot to be kissed?"

"Wait, aren't you supposed to ask Jessica and me the same things?" I laughed.

"I'll ask the questions here," he winked. "Now answer it."


He smiled cheekily, "Who's your celebrity crush?"

"You. And the rest of the boys."

I spit out without thinking, and I immediately blushed. I know he's used to girls being in love with him, but I still felt as if I'd just told my long-time crush that I like him. There was a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, and an overwhelming fear of rejection.

But Harry's already wide smile got even wider. I could've sworn I saw him blush, too. 

"That's enough of Quickfire. I win." he said slowly, as of he was thinking through every word carefully, like it was his last. He was staring at me.

"Maybe the boys got mobbed somewhere? Does that happen often?" Jessica asked, trying to change the subject.

Harry was still watching me intently as he answered her. "Yeah, it does. A lot."

I began to feel uncomfortable, with him watching me like that, but I also felt like screaming. Harry Styles was looking at me. Not just looking, staring.

It was surreal, awkward, and terrifying all at the same time.

Much like our relationship would be.

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