Fated to Love (KimCop)

By Painful_Ends

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🔻C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E.D (KimCop Fanfiction) The CEO of Moonshine chasing an ordinary guy, he met by a chance. The... More

Prologue: Everything's Begin for a Reason
Chapter 1: Love at Second Sight
Chapter 2: Look at me, Only me
Chapter 3: 10 Reasons of Disliking
Chapter 4: Extra Luggage of Mine
Chapter 5: First Step, First Plan
Chapter 6: Signing In, Signing Out
Chapter 7: Stay with me, Stay in my life
Chapter 8: Love is in the Air
Chapter 9: Jealousy Incarnate
Chapter 10: Third Wheel
Chapter 11: Loving you is my Favorite Mistake
Chapter 13: Hard to say I'm sorry
Chapter 14: Pretend Until it Last
Chapter 15: Barrier, Separate us!
Chapter 16: Time is Over but Feelings is Never
Chapter 17: Keep Holding in Lies
Chapter 18: Love Grows, Decision Knows
Chapter 19: Stupidity Strikes
Chapter 20: Holding on, Holding off
Chapter 21: Foolish heart
Chapter 22: Gazing Love
Chapter 23: No Matter What Happen
Chapter 24: Bitter-Sweet Candy
Chapter 25: Back Off
Chapter 26: See the Light
Chapter 27: Lasting Love
Chapter 28: Time with you
Chapter 29: Stormy Night
Chapter 30: Brightest Light
Chapter 31: Fall from the Past
Chapter 32: Love that Bind Us
Chapter 33: Fated to Love
Chapter 34: Fated to Last Forever
Extra Chapter: Everyone Deserves to be Happy
Epilogue: Fated to End

Chapter 12: Where do the Heartbroken goes

608 47 22
By Painful_Ends


It’s been 2 days since that painful night. I don’t know why I feel like that. Every single words thrown from his mouth, never leave my head. It leaves a foot mark. Copter’s thought. Full grief and it torment his head.

“OK. Let’s dismiss!” Tee’s words that made everyone to hoot.

The 3 hours of meeting in Design department is already ended. Everyone’s sees the happiness written in their face but not to one person who’s busy in collecting and organizing some documents in his front. Tee walk towards him when he realize that there’s something wrong.

“Is there something wrong, Copter?” He puts his palm in Copter’s shoulder that made the man to back his real self.

Copter turn his head to Tee and see the wonderful smile. “Nothing.” His low-spirit response.

“Kim is back from his 2 days business trip. So, you want to join to us in lunch break?” Tee cheerful way of asking the man in his side.

“No. I already have an appointment to someone else.” His lifeless voice made the other man worried.

“Are you OK?” Tee place his palm in Copter’s forehead, just to check Cop’s temperature. “Your temperature is normal. What’s wrong?” Tee’s worried face drawn.

“No--.” Copter didn’t continue what he wants to say because his eyes focus in something. The stainless necklace wear in Tee’s neck that made Copter to look pathetic. “Necklace?” Copter pointed it.

“Oh? Yes. It is from Kim. He give it to me.” Tee pick the necklace that the pedant is in the behind of his white shirt.

But before Tee show it to Copter, his colleagues run away from him.




Copter slowly close the door of his daughter, just not to make a noise. He walk down in stair and sit in the couch. He look in the wall clock and telling that it’s already 10 pm. He’s already tired but he wants to wait Kim to come home.

He pick up his phone and dials Kim phone number. It took 2 minutes before the other man answer it.

“Who’s this?”



“Sorry for disturbing you. I just want to ask, what time are you going home?”

“I’ll be there later.”

Uhmm. Take care.”



Copter didn’t finish what he is saying since Kim hang up his phone. He sigh, deep. “I just want to say, I miss you.” He utter it to himself.

He lie his body in the couch and close his eyes. He fall asleep all of a sudden. Without knowing that this night, the night that he will learn something inside of him. Something that he’ll regret for knowing and accepting. Everything’s not will be smooth, just like before. It will be the start of hard times of his life. Maybe?

Fated to love? Or it will be fated to end?

Copter awake when something warm place in his body. He slowly rub his eyes, just to see who the person is. The smile drawn in his lips after seeing Kim’s face. He realize that the warm thing in his body is Kim’s red suit. He lift his body and sit properly in the couch.

“Did you wait me?” Kim sit beside Copter.

Copter didn’t response. He let Kim’s hand to intertwine in his hand. The shorter man look at Kim’s eyes. He sees that it is reddish.

“Did you cry?” Copter’s worried face.

Kim didn’t say anything and let himself to starts again. His expression of pain, crying silently.

“S-sorry.” His stuttering.

The other man, he let himself to listen in Kim, first. He stays quiet and never make any noise.

“I lied.” Kim continue. “I’m sorry. I still like Tee. No! I still love Tee.” He wipe his tears by those arms of him.

Copter patted Kim’s back, just to comfort him.

“I’m sorry for using you. For showing that I already give up in him. But I can’t. I can’t get over. He’s mean to me so much.” Kim’s fist show, just to calm and relax himself. And also, to stop himself from crying. “Sorry for holding you so tight in my life. For pestering your life and giving a hard time because of my selfishness and greediness.”

Copter pull out his hand in Kim. That made the other man look at him. He shows his smile and brought something in his pocket. He put it in Kim’s palm and close it. “This is not belong to me. It’s better to give it to Tee. The right one, Kim.”

Kim grab Cop’s cloth when the other man, starts to walk away from him. Copter stop and turn his body to Kim. And shows his beautiful smile, just to say that he is OK. Until Kim, slowly loosen his hold when he realize that he made a huge mistake. But he didn’t see the pain in Copter. He is the same as usual.

(End of Flashback)



Copter stop from entering the elevator when he sees Kim and Tee are standing inside.

“Come!” Tee utter when he notice that Copter didn’t move.

Copter look at Tee first. The head department of Design team, shows his cheerful and optimistic character. Then, his eyes turn to the man who’s silent. Serious and somber. And he went inside.

“Are you not sure to join, Copter?” Tee ask his colleagues when Copter enter the elevator.

“It’s OK, Mr. Tee. I already have a lunch with someone.”

Kim look at Copter when he heard it. Then, he avoid suddenly because Copter look at him. Tee sigh when he witness the stupidity and silliness of the two.

“Can the two of you talk?” Tee look at Copter that focus to the other side. Then, he turn his head to his bestfriend that focus in the other side too. “So childish!” He murmur.

Copter went outside immediately when the elevator reached the ground floor. He walk without leaving a goodbye to the two. He didn’t look and continue to walk. Kim stop and let his eyes to see Copter that walking away in him.

“Did you talk him already?” Tee slap Kim’s back that made the other man to turn his head to his bestfriend.

“I didn’t see him in the house. So, I decided to come here.”

“He’s not Ok, Kim. So please, can you talk him. I am worried. Just like what happen in the meeting earlier.” He pause a bit. “He run when I am going to show this.” He brought the necklace and show to Kim.

“You found it.” Kim look at the necklace.

“Yes!” Tee put his arm in Kim’s shoulder. “I just misplaced it in my house. Luckily, I found it yesterday.” Tee added. “But I don’t understand why Copter run away. Is because this necklace with ring pendant?” Tee ask Kim with seriousness.

Kim look at Tee and try to comprehend everything. The little smile slowly showing from his lips.

“Maybe? He thought that was the thing which is given by my older brother. My most important thing.” The smile totally show.

“You gave it to him?” Tee yell because he’s surprise when he heard it. “I never hold that because you don’t want someone’s hold it. But you let Copter to take it. Actually, you gave it to him.” He protest.

“I gave it without hesitation. Without thinking twice. But” He pause. “But he gave it back to me.” Kim unhappy face came when he remember how he hurt Copter’s feeling.

“That’s the reason why I stop myself to love you, Kim. Everything’s that you didn’t do for me. You did it for him without noticing.”




Kim bend his knee, just to see nearer his daughter.

“Daddy will go somewhere for the business trip. So, be a good girl to your –.” He pause and look to Copter who’s standing a bit far from him.  “Be a good girl to your daddy Copter. OK?” Then, he look again to his daughter.

“Yes daddy.” Dhara kiss his daddy’s cheek and then, hug her daddy Kim so tight. “I will miss you daddy.” She added.

“Daddy will miss you too.”

Dhara pull out her arms that embraced to her daddy. “You’ll never miss daddy Copter?”

Kim sigh first. “I will, baby.”

Dhara place his both palm to his daddy Kim’s face and press it. “So, say it daddy Kim to him.” She command her daddy.

Kim didn’t say NO to his daughter. So, he stand up and look to Copter. “I will miss you, Copter.” The uncomfortable feeling of him.

Copter nod as his response and didn’t say anything.

“I hope, whatever relationship we had before. It will never change because of what happened.” Kim added.

(End of Flashback)



Tee put down the plastic tray that containing a lot of foods that good to fill their tummy.

“How long are you going to look at them?” Tee referring to Kim that didn’t take away his eyes in the two person sitting away from them, 2 table away.

“Did they always eating together?” Kim turn his attention to his bestfriend now.

“I don’t know.” Tee bite in his chicken sandwich. “Is Hara will join us?” He added after chewing his food.

“She said.” Kim sip in his drink.

Tee continue eating while looking to Kim. His bestfriend is busy in seeing Copter and Godt taking their lunch too.

“Just talk him. And this issue will resolve.” Tee mumble. He get the attention of the CEO again.

“How? It’s not so easy, Tee. I hurt him, already.” His lifeless response.

“Because you’re bastard, Kim. Just open your eyes and accept that you already like him for real.” Tee grab Kim’s food. “If you’re not going to eat, I will eat it this.”

Kim continue to look where Copter is while he sip in his drink. He sees Copter’s smile towards Godt. How happy he is with his ex-lover.

“What are you planning in the anniversary of the company?” Tee continue.

“Just like what I want before.”

“A huge amount will spend for that. 3 days cruise ship.”

“I already talk Hara for that. Then, we will going to celebrate my father’s birthday too.”

“Oh!” Tee shock and cover his mouth.

Kim’s furrow head came. And trying to understanding Tee’s action.

“I almost forgot that.” Then Tee laugh.




Kim grab Cop’s cloth when the other man, starts to walk away from him. Copter stop and turn his body to Kim. And shows his beautiful smile, just to say that he is OK. Until Kim, slowly loosen his hold when he realize that he made a huge mistake. But he didn’t see the pain in Copter. He is the same as usual.

Kim sigh after Copter is gone in his sight. He mess up his hair because of what he did. He mess up everything. His stupidity and folly, ruined all.

He stand and walk upward. He want to rest for the exhausted day of him. But his feet has own mind, he let it do what it wants. He’s ended up in front of Copter’s room. A minute passed before he lift his fist to make a knock, but before it landed, he stop and breathe so deep.

He didn’t knows what’s happen behind these door. But his mind made it, he knocks three times but no one answer him.

“Copter?” He utter. The other man didn’t response. “Copter? Did you already fall asleep?” He continue. “I’m sorry for being so insane. I will never force you anymore to continue the contract if that you want. I’ll let you to do whatever you want to do.” He pause a bit. And continue to knock again. “If you hate me, then show it, Copter. Slap me, hit me, or throw on me a punch. Cause I lied. I am a liar! I am a selfish!”

He stop when he realize that Copter didn’t want to talk him. He open his palm and see the necklace with ring pendant. He stares in it for a minute before closing it and put it in his pocket. He turn back and starts to move. But before he made his first step, he heard something that made him to look back. He witness Copter standing over the door.

“I will continue the contract. I don’t want to marry a liar man.” Then, he close the door before Kim do his response.

(End of Flashback)



Copter laugh a bit after Godt making funny facial expression.

“Finally!” Godt say. “You laugh again. It’s been 2 days that I didn’t see it.” He added.

“Thank you. Thank you for doing it. Just to lessen what I felt.” He smile.

“That’s good! Show your smile and laugh when he’s near at you. Prove to him that he’s wrong for letting you go and come back in my life. I’ll prove it to that jerk, CEO.”

Copter’s furrow head came. “How did you know that?” He didn’t continue because Godt smile to him.

“I saw the two of you. That time, I was looking at the monitor of the company’s CCTV. Mr. Kim, hugged you inside of the elevator.” Godt’s explanation. Then, he chew the last bite of his food. After, he continue. “That’s time, I realized the difference between me and my rival. I can’t compete in terms of position and money since he’s the CEO. But I will protect you in my own ways.”

Copter can’t stop from smiling until it erase when his eyes turn where Kim and Tee are sitting. Kim is looking at him.

“Don’t mind him. I am here, Copter.” He got the attention of this man.




A minutes passed by and already pass the floor where Cop’s work place is. Kim smile all the way until it already reach the floor where his office is. He walk outside while holding Copter’s hand and they straight to the CEO’s office.

“Why we are here?” Copter ask while looking around.

“Nothing! I just want to spend a time with you before going in the party.” His respond while taking a sit beside Copter. “I’m sorry if I am really so obsess in you.”

Copter head turn to the man in his side. “I am the one who need to say sorry for not following our contract. For having a lunch date with Godt.”

“I am envy in him. But I don’t get it why he left you before and getting you back now.” Kim’s head rest in Copter’s shoulder. The place where he felt the peace he wants. He bring out something in his pocket. And lend it in Copter’s palm. It was a necklace with a ring pendant.

“What’s this?”

“My most important thing in my life. It is special to me. That is given by my older brother. And today, his death anniversary. If ever our ways parted away, I have a reason to find you over and over. So, keep it.” He smile.

“I don’t want to see you like this. I think that I am a bad person and I didn’t deserve your love, even a single amount of your love.”

“I already told you, I don’t care if you still love him. I just want you to stay in my life. Just stay.” Kim intertwined his fingers to Copter.

Copter smile to him as his response.

“I will be going now. They’re waiting for me.” Kim stand and fix his suit.

He walk and didn’t look back to Copter. He continue until in the elevator. The moment he step outside after it reached the ground floor, he see Godt standing in his front.

“Are you going to say something?” Kim ask the Chief Security Head.

“Stay away to my boyfriend.” Godt response with the serious tone.

Kim look at him so alarming to start a war. “How could you say that he’s your boyfriend? When the truth is, you already ended your relationship in him.”

“Yes! We’re friends for now. But--.” He pause. “But if you'll hurt him. Surely, I’ll take him back in mine. I will protect him, especially from you, Mr. Kim.” He warn the CEO.

“Then, may the best man win.” Kim tap Godt’s shoulder, repeatedly before continuing his walk.

(End of Flashback)



My Note:

Chapter Updated.


Who will be? Of course! I am bias! I am KimCop fan. Hahaha. But we will know soon. Another rival will come soon in their life, Ms. Pim –Kim’s fiancé.

Enjoy this for now. Love lots! And thank you for votes and comments.

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