By ObsessedwithTivi

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The story continues to book 3. Follow the lives of Patches/Patch, Kirstie, Tim, Jenika, Adam/Henry/Chloe, Kev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 20

451 34 27
By ObsessedwithTivi

** Okay. I wasn't planning on updating anything today because I haven't been able to finish a chapter for the books that need updating. I've had this chapter written for awhile and have been dying to publish it. So here it is. 

The sh*t hits the fan!!


Tim doesn't even remember driving home from the doctor's as he sits in the driveway and stares at the beach house. His whole body was numb as the doctor's words rang in his ears. 'Tim, there is absolutely no change from your last check-up. There is no way that you can father a child. I'm so sorry.'

What little hope that he had of being the father was shot down.

He closes his eyes as tears stream down his face. Sadness, anger, hurt, betrayal. You name it. He was feeling it. His heart beat hard in his chest as he tries his best to calm his emotions and regulate his breathing.

Wiping his eyes, he nods to himself as he slowly gets out of the car. Each step he takes up the walkway toward the front door was as if he was trying to walk in wet cement.

Patch and Kirstie look up as he makes his way into the living room. They could tell by the look on their friend's face that the news he had received at the doctor's office was not what he was secretly hoping to hear.

"Tim?" Kirstie says quietly.

"Where's Adam?" Tim asks without making eye contact.

"Kevin took him for ice cream and then they were going to the souvenir shop." Kirstie answers.

"Okay, good." Tim nods then turns his eyes to the upstairs. "Is Jenika upstairs?"

"Yeah." Kirstie says. She notices the anger on his face and gives her husband a worried look. "Tim, please, calm down before you go up there. You don't want to do anything that you will regret later."

"Oh, I'm not going to hit her if that's what you mean. I want to. But I won't." Tim says before heading toward the elevator.

Tim stops outside the bedroom door to try to once again calm his anger. He could hear her talking and laughing on the phone. He reaches into the pocket of his light jacket and pulls out his phone. Should he or shouldn't he. He sighs as he presses the record button. He should.

"Stop, Darrell. (giggles) I miss you too." She says. "No, he's gone to town right now."

Tim quietly opens the door and walks in.

Jenika was lying on her stomach on the bed as she talked to her lover.

Tim snatches the phone from her hand.

"She'll have to call you back, Motherf*cker!" Tim growls into the phone before throwing it against the wall.

"TIM!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?? THAT WAS MY MOM!!" Jenika yells as she jumps up from the bed.

"OH! YEAH??!!" Tim shouts. "Since when did you start calling your mom, DARRELL!!??"

Jenika could only stare at him, not knowing what to say.

"START TALKING, JENIKA!! I WANT ANSWERS AND I WANT THEM NOW!!" Tim yells as he points his finger at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jenika says, shaking her head.


"Honey, you just need to calm down. Remember your heart." Jenika says.


"You're upsetting me and I don't need that being pregnant." Jenika says, shaking her head.

"PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD!!!" Tim shouts as he slams his fist onto the dresser. "I JUST CAME FROM THE DOCTOR! NO CHANGE!! NONE, WHATSOEVER!!"

"ALRIGHT!!" Jenika yells as she covers her face with her hands. "IT'S HIS!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR??!!

"Well, I'll be d*mned." Tim says as he calms his voice. "I do believe that's the first truth that you've told me since we've known each other."

Jenika watches him as he limps over and sits down on the bed. He takes a couple of deep breaths before speaking.

"Before you say another word. Let me tell you what I've learned." Tim says as he glares at her. "I found out that while I was working on the oil rig that you and Darrell were f*cking in our bed." She opens her mouth to speak but is silenced when Tim holds up his hand. "Just a minute, I'm not done. There's more. After my accident and I was fighting for my life in the hospital, you continued to f*ck him in our bed. After you and I moved to New York, your lover was overheard bragging about his girlfriend coming into a lot of money. Let me see... am I forgetting anything...Oh, wait. Let's talk about your little girls night out while we were in Texas, shall we? Uh, I believe you told me her name was Carol but slipped up and told Kirstie it was Linda. Well. As luck would have it, Patch and I just so happened to run up on Carol at the club the last night we went. She told me that none of the workers had heard from you after you quit and we moved to New York. She also told me that they had a baby shower for a co-worker the night YOU were supposed to be having a girls night out. You remember, don't you? The night you got pregnant by your MOTHERF*CKIN LOVER!!"


"No. No, actually it's not." Tim says shaking his head. "I was praying that it was all just nasty rumors. A simple misunderstanding and that I still had a faithful wife that really loved me."

"I tried to love you, Tim. I honestly did. I care about you, I do. But I just don't love you." Jenika says as she sits down on the bed. "You couldn't give me what I wanted. A family."

"Wow." Tim says, shaking his head. He had asked for her honesty and he was finally getting it even though it felt like a knife going into his heart.

"And you want the truth? I love money. I loved the idea of being rich. I left a man that I loved, one that could give me children for a rich man that wasn't man enough to give me what I actually wanted." Jenika says with a slight smirk as she rubs her stomach.

"Well, thank you for your honesty. I guess we're done here." Tim says as he quickly wipes away a tear before she had time to see it. He gets up from the bed and makes his way to the door. "Oh, by the way." He adds as he turns around to face her. "Pack your sh*t and get the hell out of my house."

"What??" Jenika asks with a somewhat shocked look on her face.

"Seriously? You have to ask?" Tim says. "You act surprised that I'm kicking your ass out."

"But where am I supposed to go?" Jenika asks as she stands up from the bed.

"I honestly don't give a d*mn where you go. Hey, here's an idea. Go back to Texas to your lover. Raise your happy little family. I don't give a sh*t anymore. Adam and I will be just fine without you." Tim growls. "I'll even buy you a one-way plane ticket. But sorry, it won't be first class. You don't deserve it." As he turns to leave, he sees her purse setting nearby. He opens it up and digs around until he found what he was looking for.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asks, placing her hands on her hips.

"You won't be needing these anymore." He states as he holds up his credit card, bank card and checkbook.

He walks out and slams the door behind him.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!" She yells as something that she threw crashes against the door. "I HATE YOU, YOU SON OF A B*TCH!!!"

Tim breathes heavily as he makes his way to the elevator. He walks in and punches the wall angrily as the tears begin to fall. The door closes as he slides down the wall into a sitting position. He sobs heavily as all the emotions come crashing down on him.

He looks up as someone takes him by the arm. His eyes meeting the sad green eyes of Patch. Patch helps him stand and then pulls him into a tight embrace as Kirstie rubs Tim comfortingly on the back.

"It's over." Tim sobs into Patch's shoulder. "My marriage is over."


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