Frerard ~ Back To Me

By EnnJen

2K 153 64

Frank's dead. Well not really, not since the first chapter anyway. Gerard and Mikey uncover forgotten and rep... More

Side note.


85 8 5
By EnnJen

Gerard always hated traveling backwards on busses or trains so looking out of the window made him queazy.

"Gerard." A quiet, childlike voice whispered.

Gerard raised his head from his online poker game and met Frank's gaze.

"What?" He spoke cautiously, he could sense something was bothering him.
Frank hurried over to the sofa, unbalanced as he sat down on the moving vehicle.
He sat upright and nervously as Gerard just waited patiently.

"Ive..." He started and then paused for second as he tried to remember what he was meant to be saying.
"I've... er... I've had this dream."

Gerard raised one eyebrow.

"Well. Actually I've been having these dreams quite regularly."

"W-what about them?" Gerard stammered as he sat up more to appear thoughtful.

Frank always struggled with spitting things out and getting the point of his speech.
"I-I-m scared Gerard."

Gerard didn't need to ask why.
Because he knew.
He'd had he dreams, he'd experienced the torment, and now his heart was braking because he knew Frank was experiencing it too.

"There's a man, in my dreams, he doesn't move. But I can hear his voice. He talks to me, he says things like 'not long left' and 'you should start preparing'. What does it mean?"

Gerard was speechless. In no way would any lie cover for everything, but at the same time how could he tell Frank the truth.

"Gerard what happened to me, that night?"

"Frank I..." Gerard stopped and realized he needed to reassure Frank, he'd been so ill recently and he must've been so confused with the night terrors and all.
"Okay. Frank, there's something I need to explain to you before I tell you anything about that night."

At that very moment a parade of BO smelling men hustled through the door, each one holding their own mountain of chips and other such bags of food.
One bag landed in Gerard's lap and the two made a silent agreement to continue the conversation later.

"Dudes." Ray wailed. "We've gotta... speed up."

The guys waited for Ray to continue, and after realizing that he was finished speaking Gerard asked him to explain himself.

"Our show is tonight." Ray droned. "And if we don't hurry up, we, will be late."

Everyone looked at each other for some sort of explanation of Ray's rambles while he sat content in his Dorito bag.

"Anyway." Mikey swerved the conversation. "Frank how're you feeling now? Do you think you'll be doing the show?"

"Oh yeah defiantly." He nodded almost offended that Mikey would assume he wouldn't be able to perform. "I'd never cancel a show, even if I ripped my scrotum."

Gerard almost spat out the drink from the can he'd been holding. "Right." He spat. "That's very noble of you." Gerard was still half wincing at the idea Frank had now put in his head.

"I'm just saying, I'm not a pussy. I don't see why'd you'd cancel a show if you don't feel up to it. It's not a test of character, it's you're fucking show." He takes a swig from a can of warm beer, cringes and then notices the silence.

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