Running from My Past

By AnxietyThnks2Society

7.7K 458 98

I'm not here for the reasons you think I am. Hopefully you never do find out the real reason for my sudden ap... More

Insufferable Emo Nightmare
How Could They?
For You, Emo Nightmare
Maybe One Day
As Good as You Need Me to Be
Revisiting the Past
Sleep is for the Weak
Monopoly Money
4:29 AM
A Path in the Roses
Everything Was Going to Be Okay
Knocks on the Door
The Mom Friend Override Kicks In
Never One of You
So Had I, Roman, So Had I
Dental Tools, Handy in a Pinch
The Punch Line
Happily Ever Never
Scattered in the Wind
The Red Sash
The Color of Paint
New Plans, New Worries
Back to the Barrier
Never Again
Home Again
Too Late
Farewell Brother

Disney Accidents

331 17 0
By AnxietyThnks2Society

I woke up to a knock on my door. I sat up and pulled my headphones off, sometime while I was sleeping my phone had stopped playing for some reason. I sleepily set my head on my face and it came away wet. I raced to the mirror to see that I had been crying. My eyeshadow had run in great streaks down my cheek and my hair was stuck up in the back. I groaned as I grabbed a makeup wipe.

I was applying the white foundation before quickly grabbing my eyeshadow when the knocks became more rapid.

"One second," I called. I was drawing on the second line when the door squeaked open. I whirled around. Princey was in the doorway, his lips curled down into a frown.

"Is everything alright?" he asked. I nodded before turning back to the mirror and smearing around my eye.

"I'm fine. I said I would be there in a second, you didn't have to practically bust down my door," I muttered.

"Well Patton sent me to fetch you. Movie night was about to start but you weren't there." I finished and shoved all my supplies back into the bag. I hated being late, that means that everyone's eyes would be on me.

"Yeah sorry. I fell asleep." I walked out and waited for Princey to follow before closing the door. My eyes went immediately to where the border was or had been. It was gone, now just another corridor. I let go of the breath I didn't know I had been holding in. The feeling of being so close to him had vanished. 

"You don't need the makeup," Princey said, surprising me. "It's just us and Thomas going to be there." I thought about it but quickly dismissed the thought. I didn't wear makeup to feel good, although it did help, no I used it to hide my face. It covered all of my imperfections and my constant blushing. In a way it was my wall.

"Whatever," I shot back. We walked the rest of the way in silence.

When we walked into the living room, Logan and Patton were talking but stopped as they saw us. Patton smiled and stood up. 

"Yay! We're all here," he cried. I gave a small grin at his enthusiasm, although sometimes it was a little too much, I couldn't help but to love the Dad Character. I shrugged before heading for the stairs while the others went to their spaces, They sank down like usual while I waited. I didn't ever let them see how I entered the real world.

Darkness curled up from the corners of the room and moved in smoky tendrils towards me. I held my hands out and concentrated. I commanded the black clouds to cover me completely until I sank into the shadows. I opened my eyes again and found myself at the stairs in Thomas's actual living room.

I then headed to the couch where everyone else had collected and took my place on the edge, next to Roman but still a good foot apart.

"Hey Virge," Thomas greeted with a hand wave. I gave a nod to acknowledge him before getting out my phone. It's not that I didn't like hanging out with them but in social situations I had no idea how to act. So I pulled up Tumblr and began scrolling through it when they started the movie. Mulan, of course, Princey had been singing songs from it all day.

I smiled as Roman and Thomas sang along to every word. Thomas sat back and sang quietly while Roman belted out the lyrics with full hand motions and facial expressions. 

"My favorite one's coming up," Princey squealed. Of course Shang's song while trying to figure out if he was gay. I glanced down at my phone but paid more attention to the screen as Roman once again acted out the full song. I turned back to read a conspiracy theory on my phone as the song was nearing the end.

"Mysterious as the dark side of the moooooooon!" As he sang, Princey threw his hands out dramatically. He smacked my hands hard which caused them to fling back and hit my face, phone and all. There was a moment of silence before I felt the warm trickle of blood down my forehead. I dropped my phone in shock as my hands shook.

"Virgil! Virgil, oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Virgil, please respond." I vaguely placed it as Roman's voice. My head hurt and it was so hard to keep my eyes open. Suddenly I was up on my feet running. I made it to the stairs where I sank down right before I blacked out. 

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