The Curvy Bet

بواسطة katara852

593K 17.8K 3.6K

Olivia Johnson was a normal typical teenager, she has two best friends whom she loves, a caring family, what... المزيد

The Curvy Bet
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 13

18.9K 554 165
بواسطة katara852


He brought his lips to mine, I was shocked at first but the kiss felt so natural. I let him continue he had his hands cup my face but moved it to my neck to pull me in closer. I realized what we were doing once he had bit my lip asking for entrance in my mouth,I pulled away and pushed him back. I touched my lips with my hands, that kiss was just simply amazing. There were sparks and even though the kiss was over my lips were still tingling.

The look on his face was priceless when I pulled back, his face was in utter confusion battling himself mentally. Once he composed himself he started talking to me again

"Olivia I'm so sorry I did that, I don't know what came over me" he said walking in circles with his hands grabbing a fistful of hair.

I knew at that moment was do or die, I needed to be bold and stand up for myself. No more little nice and honest Olivia. "Well I'm not sorry at all" that saying I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and brought him down to my height and kissed him. This time I was in control, I nibbled on his bottom lip practically begging for entrance and he happily obliged. Our tongues danced continuously until both of us pulled back gasping for air.

"Wow" was all he muttered

I chuckled "ditto"

There was an awkward silence again. I'm seriously fed up with Blake and his antics, what did he want from me?

"So where does this leave us Blake? I mean yesterday you basically told me that I'm fat and I need to lose weight but then you go around and make out? I don't get it" I told him

"I don't know Olivia, I mean yesterday I made a mistake and I wanted to make up for it with this " he said gesturing to the picnic. "When I saw you in that light... I don't know what came over me.. you just looked really beautiful."

I looked him in the eye and I could tell he wasn't lying this time... "Could this be our make up date?" he asked earnestly his eyes pleading with me.

I brought him back down for another intense kiss "yes' I said breathlessly. He looked up at me in disbelief.


"Yes" I said smiling

"Why? I mean I was seriously so stupid and rude the other day, why forgive me?" He asked holding me in his arms

"Well because..."

"because why?" He asked curious as he kissed the tip of my nose

" because you looked like you really tried hard to get me back and for a guy to do this just to get a girl takes a lot of effort"

"Well you're not just any girl" he stated

I blushed "You're such a loser"

"I'm your loser then" he winked , when he realized what he said he started blushing

When things started to cool down we sat on the blanket, drinking the apple cider and eating some of the snacks he laid out. We just sat there holding hands gazing at the stars.


"The perfect date" I told Kathy on the phone. I was explaining to her the events that were happening last night, I couldn't help but blushing profusly everytime I thought about it. Blake and I were a couple

flaskback: "so...are we dating?" he asked while he was laying his head on my lap with our fingers intertwined.

That caught me off guard "www-hhat??" I asked, obviously disoriented by his question

He sat up and cupped my hands " I know I fucked up and by no means am I perfect, but I really do want to give us a try. I've never met a girl like you before, everything about you is different from anyone I've dated before... theres something about you that keeps me interested. So that saying , Olivia Johnson.. will you be my girlfriend?"

"yes..." was all I said before being bombarded with kisses....yet again.

"Liv, I don't know about Blake as a person but as long as you're happy I'll support you. OMG I just can't believe you have a boyfriend, I happy for you Liv.. I really am."

"Thanks Kat... Anyways I gotta go, Blakes gonna take me to school Okay?"

"okay! tell Blake to use protection always!"


'What a crazy lovable friend' I thought to myself. Monday came and I had to be ready to face the wrath of girls that thought of Blake as their 'God'. Blake was going to pick me up today so why not wear something cute? 

I got out a pink button up top and had a blue cardigan over it with a gray scarf. I thought I looked pretty cute today but I have no idea what Blake would think about me wearing it. 


Blakes here!

I went down to go greet him 

"Hey!" I said and leaned in for a hug

"Hey yourself beautiful" he said kissing me on the cheek

"WOAH SISSY'S KISSING!!" Kris practically shouted out 

Blake ruffled Kris's hair a little then picked him up and came inside to greet my parents 

"Hello Mr and Mrs Johnson" he said putting kris down.  The day after Blake and I had our make up date we decided to tell my parents. They were pretty happy to see us together, they even called us a cute couple!

"Hey Blake" mom and dad said

" Would you like some breakfast Blake?" mom asked

"No ma'am. I already had some this morning.. but thank you." He turned to me "Babe, you ready to go to school?"

"Yup" I said popping the 'p' 

we both said our 'goodbyes' and left for his car. I was seriously super nervous. The thought of going into school hand and hand with the 'King' of the school scared the shit out of me. 

' What if his friends don't like me? What if I get bullied?! WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA DO?!!!!!' apparently saw my little panic attack so reached over to myside of the car and took one of his hands and held mine in his while his other hand was on the steering wheel. 

His eyes still on the road, " Babe don't worry about it okay? My friends are gonna love you, so you have nothing to stress over" Even though he was saying those words,

I couldn't help but say

"aweee" and hold his hand tighter to mine " That was seriously sweet Blake" I said as i leaned over to kiss his cheek.

We got to the parking lot of the school, damn was the way to school always so fast?! He took both of his hands and held it in mine. 

"Its fine sweetie" He reassured me

We walked out together hand in hand to the steps of the school. The reaction of the students as we walked by was a mixture of confusion and displeasure but their were a few a very few that nodded their heads in acception of our relationship.

"You okay?" Blake asked

"huh? yyyeah i--im fine" 

"Its Okay babe calm down. we're at my table where my friends are at"


The table Blake was talking about was the type of table only the 'Popular' kids sat at. The Popular table consists of.. Cole, the second in command of the Football team. Dustin, in the football team and also the basketball team, Andy, track star and also the football team. Those three were always with Blake, The table also had several of the male football players but none of them were more important than  Stacy, the head cheerleader 'ahemmm queen bitch' and her little minnions also cheerleading 'aheemmm bitches'.

There were two faces that I recognized out of the group "Liam, Kathy!" I said and quickly pulled away from Blake. Kathy and Liam would be with the cool kids if they weren't always with me. But then again Kathy and Liam weren't the average jock and bitch, They're actually really good people and even better bestfriends.

"Hey guys " I said practically running to them. I was nearly tripped by someone if Blake didn't save me from a very terribly embarrasing fall.

"Watch where you're going Babe" He said chuckling at my nearly face plant . The bitches that almost tripped me were snickering and saying "damn...  the cow was about to tip over" while other bitches were saying things like " soo close!"

I chose to ignore them and continue to walk over to Kathy and Liam, while Blake left to go over to his friends. I couldn't help but be hurt  by the way Blake took things. He clearly saw me get tripped by Stacy and heard the rude remarks but didn't say anything to her and her minnions about it but instead he helped me. After he saw I was okay he left..

'Maybe I'm just being stubborn and overreacting ' I thought to myself. 



'Holy crap, I just kissed her!' I wanted to be disgusted by that but instead I took pleasure in it. I was even more thankful when she kissed me again. Tingles erupted throughout my body, I've never been kissed like that before, amazing would just be an understatement to what I felt. 

I even thought about going further with her but I knew that it would never happen because Sweetcakes was too much of an innocent virgin to do that.

I actually had a really good time with her on our 'make up date'. We sat on the blanket I laid out and gazed at the stars holding hands. 

The next day we decided to go tell her family. I was invited over for dinner and when we told them we were a couple, they were happy. I was pretty shocked that they didn't have any suspicion of my intentions like most parents would if they found out their not so thin daughter was dating a player.

Then comes today . The day the whole school finds out that the Blake Williams 'King of the school' is dating a not so popular loser 

I got to her house and said 'hello' to both of her parents and brother. When we got in the car I could tell she was nervous about meeting my friends and I didn't need a nervous girl meeting my friends today. I already knew she was going to be made fun of at our table. I just can't predict how bad its gonna actually be. 

When we got to my table I already saw her about to faint. She tooked terrifed but when she saw Kathy and Liam her face started to brighten up. She let go of my hand and went to go walk to them, she was nearly tripped by Stacy but I caught her. 

I thought it was pretty funny the way she made 'the im gonna kill you bitches face' at Stacy when she  and her minnions were snickering at her. When I saw that she made her way safely to Kathy and Liam, I went over to Cole, Dustin, and Andy.

I had already told them about what happened on our 'make up date' except our make out session. I didn't want them to think I actually enjoyed the kiss which I acutally did.

" so did you get to second base yet?" Andy asked 

"No bro, I she doesn't seem like that kind of girl to go too fast." I told him hoping she would actually go all the way.

"what happened? you couldn't use your charms on her?" Cole taunted with a raised eyebrow while Dustin and Andy chuckled

Right when I was about to answer I heard Stacy behind me "Hey there sexy" She purred 



I know that this chapter might be a little boring towards the end but I can't help the writers block. I m gonna be spending a week on a cruise that has no internet in 2days.. so i'll probably come up with a better chapter. I hope you guys like the story so far! 



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