The Struggles of Loveing Her...

By hiigtt

6.7K 149 50

For those who wanted more butterfly soup, your prayers have been answered. Sequel to "I'm In Love With Her"... More

Diya [stop pretending?]
Min [Got all c's]
Akarsha [ just be us]
Noelle [her mom found out]
Diya [ The Future ]
Min [growing up]
Noelle [being better]

Akarsha [Join the Fun]

662 13 3
By hiigtt

"Min!" I called to my short violent friend.

"Shhh." She hushed me.

"What are you doing?" I asked as we walked through the crowd of people.

"Just trust me." She replied and continued walking. It's the last day of high school, And surprisingly enough min passed. I have no clue what she's going to do, but I wanna find out. We walked into the gym and went under the bleachers.

"I've got the best idea ever." She whispered. I just stood there waiting for her to continue.

"All of our parents are here." She continued. Still unaware of her plans.

"We are going to prank them." She added slowly. I smirked. That's...A really good idea.

"I taught you well young one," I said smiling.

"Shut your fuck up." She said turning around.

" are we gonna prank them?" I asked. She turned back to me and smiled.

"With these." She said pointing to a basket of balloons.

"How is this a prank?" I asked unimpressed.

"You'll see." She said grabbing the basket and taking it out from under the bleachers. I looked at the other set of bleachers and saw Noelle sitting next to Diya. Is this a good idea? is. They all deserve whatever Min has planned.

"Come on help me through these." She said picking one up.

"Why not?" I said picking one up. I get it now. They are water balloons. They will get soaked. Yeah, Min! Min threw a balloon into the group of adults. So many people freaked out. How did I not think of this?

"Keep it coming," Min called as she threw more. We continued to through more balloons. Min stopped and looked over.

"You didn't include us?" Noelle asked. Shut shes cute when she tries to act mad.

"I have another bucket on the other side," Min said. Noelle smiled and grabbed my wrist.

"Come on." She said pulling me away. We reached the other side and as promised there it was. Noelle grabbed a gallon and tased it to the crowd.

"That's for being a bitch." She said as it hit her mom. I'm a bad influence on her...I love it. I threw another balloon and saw it hit Min's mother. Score! We continued to untell Min and Diya rushed up to us.

"Run!" Min yelled and continued running. I looked back and saw a severity guard.

"Shit!" I called and grabbed Noelle's hand and pulled her away. We ran outside the front door and continued running. We caught up to the other two who were catching their breaths...meaning Min was laying on her back on the ground and Diya was trying to get her to get up.

"" I greeted out of breath.

"Hello, You two," Diya said smiling. Dam she has a lot of stamina.

"I much fun," Min called from the ground.

"I have to say...that was really... fun." Noelle agreed.

"Just fun? That was amazing...we finally got to get back at our... parents." I said happily.

"Great idea...Min." I congratulated still catching my breath.

"Where are we?" Noelle asked.

"A park," Diya said finally pulling Min to her feet.

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