By _ChurchGirl_

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Three kinds of folks with a lot of differences but one enemy in common, the gods or perhaps I should say a go... More



25 7 0
By _ChurchGirl_

I woke up not surprisingly late with a mild cramp at the side of my neck that made me rub on it lazily. The day before was indeed a stressful one, I had gone into the forest to train by my own rules while hoping to find Damian or run into him by accident.

I didn't find him but he found me. When it was late evening, I decided it was time to come back home but then I saw someone from a distant who was bare chested, covered in blood, and seemed to had needed urgent treatment.

I was contemplating whether or not to go further before I recognized him as Damian. Before I could reach him he collapsed. When I got to him, I realized that if losing Damian would have been a huge loss to me. He meant a lot..... "Nah!, Morgan snap out of it" I said to myself.

Well as least Asgard showed up right on time to save the day even though he gave me the credits. There was something off about Asgard, not once had I met a stranger that nice to me especially when he had just met me.

Still I didn't feel he was pretending because it came naturally but it feels crazy for a stranger to know you more than you know about yourself. He also made Damian to tell me the complete truth about what he truly was.

At first I was horrified when he told me he was a vampire but then if he had wanted to hurt me, he would have done that a long time ago . I felt sorry for him when he told us how his own brother had betrayed him.

Perhaps Asgard knew a lot about everything and not just me. Damian was surprised when Asgard told him he knew about their plans from the beginning and how they were still planning to overthrow him. Even with his brother's betrayal, Damian still pleaded with Asgard on behalf of his brother's life.

Fortunately, Asgard was not interested in bloodshed or being a ruler for quite too long. He said his time among men was limited ( whatever that means) and that he'll probably leave before Damian's brother and his allies carried out their plan to overthrow him.

I rubbed the side of my neck once more 'hmm... a crazy day that was. I wonder what today had in store for me' I said mentally. I crawled out of bed and went to brush my teeth before packing my hair in a high ponytail and leaving my bedroom.

Marge and Margaret had just finish having their breakfast and were talking in a hush tone but paused after they heard me close my bedroom door.

"Morning Morgan! " Margaret greeted with a smile and her eyes closed like one of those smilies animation.

"Morning Margaret. Am I in trouble for waking up late?" I asked as I entered the dinning room.

"Oh, don't be silly! You aren't, how about you just sit and have your breakfast already!" Marge said with a light chuckle.

On a normal day I'll be the one to serve my own breakfast but today it was already served and to top it all it was one of my favourite meals in the world. Spicy chicken and sticky rice garnished with enough chilli and Cumin, it was like a dream come true.

After pulling my chair to sit, I knew something was off, it felt like I was about to be bribe into doing something I wouldn't want to but I pretended to be ignorant. "Thanks Marge!" I said to her with a smile. She was the one in charge of cooking especially when it involved spicy meals.

Fork and knife were so not my thing, spoons were my partners when it came to issues like this . I picked up my spoon ...

"Uhmm....uhmm" Marge cleared her throat gaining my attention.
" Morgan, you will be going to train with Ash later today, uh?"

'Aha, I knew it was a bribe' I said within my self. " Nope " I said and continued with my delicious meal.

"But you have to go" Margaret was the one who spoke this time.

"Why on earth do I have to go when I can train with Merlin or Goliath or even with the both of you?" I pretended not to see as Margaret hit Marge lightly to say whatever it was they hadn't told me yet.

"Well uhmm..... You know Merlin won't let us go there except we tell him we are doing it to supervise you and besides we really need to see Rosa. So please....... Morgan!" She said and I was about to reply with 'No' until I saw a pleading look in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll do it but only because this food is yummy. Okay I will like to enjoy my meal in privacy, you know how nervous I feel when people stare at me especially when I eat."

She smiled with delight I'm her eyes and they both went to the kitchen to continue their discussion in a hush tone. I smiled after they left and I picked up my chicken with my left hand to devour it.
It's been nearly an hour since we arrived at the Mockingjays family home and I was grateful that Ash hadn't come out from his room, I wasn't mad with him but still a little space will do. Marge and Margaret were with Rosa in her room talking about stuffs that didn't interest me and Meggy on the other hand was asleep.

I sat alone in the living room playing with my magic. I formed different shape and animals in the air but soon grew bored and decided to take a nap. Just as I closed my eyes Ash showed up as if on cue.

"It's nice to see you relaxing even though you have to face one of the most powerful goddess very soon."

"Go away Ash, you are not going to make me scared to death about that" I turned to face the interior of the mighty sofa I was lying on. "Geez! Do I need to give up sleep because a lonely goddess that is running nuts?" I said with my eyes still closed.

He muttered something under his breathe that I couldn't care less about . "Who ever said anything about being scared to death?" he asked.

I opened one of my eyes and turned to look at him with a knowing smile.

"Okay, okay, fine. I admit I was expecting you to be scared but now that you aren't scared of her, it still doesn't mean we should forfeit training. How about we just do this training for the fun of it and we only use Hecate as an excuse? "

I faked a cough while sitting upright "I'm sorry do you still call it training? I could break all your bones before you even call my name."

He chuckled and then he bowed "Okay Morgan, I accept your Challenge. "

I was throwing flames at him without giving him space to breathe but he somersaulted backwards and took different bends dodging all of them. I focus my energy on a ball of my flame on my hand and made it bigger, I raised my face up to look at him and he stared back with a daring smirk on his face.

I threw it at him and he threw himself up and twisted in the air to dodge, hmm... show off. As he was landing I reached him with full speed and sent him endless punches which he deflected with with his palms but the last one got him and he staggered backwards, before he could stabilize himself , swept him off his feet and he plummeted to the ground.

I was about to punch him again , when he threw a mighty wind at me. I tried to withstand it but it threw me backwards and I landed with my back hitting a tree. "Ahhh....."

"I'm sorry lady, did I hurt you? "he said with a smile.

"You just pushed me to the wall Ash and you are going down!"

He chuckled, obviously taking my threat lightly. I stood up and dusted myself, this was not the time to lick my sores and feel miserable for myself. Even if I had no intentions of hurting Ash, I still wanted to do something to make him not only acknowledge me but also to fear.

'Today, you shall see what I truly am' I shut my eyes, suddenly it became very windy but it was what I wanted, everything taking my current mood.

I felt my feet leave the ground slowly. I levitated like I own the wind, defiling all forms of gravity. I heard the rumbling of thunder of thunders and knew I was in the sky, it didn't scare me because everything was bent to my will and they couldn't harm me unless I wanted.

With my eyes still shut, I breathed enjoying the moment. If felt like I was drunk on power but there was something, a tiny disturbance but I still wanted to get rid of it. I felt someone trying to reach my mind, I closed my mind.

Even with my mind closed, it was trying to reach it, it was like being tapped in my brain and was equally annoying. "Get out of here" I yelled sending my powers along to scare off whoever it was.

A sense of relief washed over me and it was followed by an agonizing scream that didn't come from me. I opened my eyes and saw Meggy wailing and my heart sinked. I had hit her with flames .

I came down slowly and ran to her, Rosa was trying to calm her down. Marge and Margaret were giving me the how could you have done this look. I was feeling so bad that o didn't even know how to approach Meggy.

"Meggy, please I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... " I was trying to reach Meggy but Rosa stopped.

"Morgan please I think you've done enough. I'll appreciate if you stay away from from my baby" she said before carrying Meggy back into the house and slamming the door shut behind her.

I knew following her in was a bad idea and so I stood rooted in my spot like a statue. Meggy, Marge and Ash were all trying to convince me that it wasn't my fault but I wasn't paying any attention to them.

My vision blurred from the tears that were about to pour. I turned around and what I saw made me felt even worse, I had destroyed the garden and the sight was a sore to the eye. Some of the flowers were burnt and others were rooted off from their usual spot. 'Had I really done all this in my brief moment of bliss in power?'

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