The Girl that never cried

By Moend02

431 82 9

*** #156 in Abusive content He looked up at me with his cold blue eyes. „ Yeah you're right. Why should I car... More

#1 Chapter|| Her promise
#2 Chapter|| Busted
#3 Chapter|| Scars
#4 Chapter|| Date me.
#5 Chapter|| We would be good friends
#6 Chapter || Why dont you end it already?
#7 Chapter || Shit.
#8 Chapter || Queen bee
#9 Chapter || New home?
#11 Chapter || Dangerous Grocery Shopping
#12 Chapter || Did you miss me?
#13 Chapter || Who are you?
#14 Chapter || In the End

#10 Chapter || He's a weirdo and I love it

15 4 0
By Moend02

" Who did this? And what did that person do to you?"

I just managed to stare at him like a fool. What he just asked wasn't something I would've had expected to hear from him, actually anyone.

" W- What?"

He studied my face and the fact that we were a little too close to each other wasn't helping at all.

" You heard me. But if you refuse to tell me... just take your time okay? And one thing, I'm not going to hurt you, ever. I Promise."

He brought two fingers to his Lips and kissed them, only to gently place them on my forehead.

That was cuteee.

He slowly stood up, leaving me gawking behind in the kitchen.


The Week went by and I settled down in the new home very well. After the encounter with Mr. Evans... or should I say Brian I didn't saw him properly.

After finishing my homeworks I decided to make a comfy evening with Ana.

She really grew on me real quick and makes my life so much more tolerable thats one of the reasons I phoned her over and she came immediately.

We were sitting on the big comfy couch, watching movies when Brian suddenly came home.

„ Oh, Hi Mr. Evans" Ana waved at him while I tried to act as natural as I could even though a blush was already spreading on my cheeks.

His gaze however was always on me. Intense as if he wanted to capture me and never let me go.

„ Layla" Was all he said before he disappeared in the hallway.

„ We have a weirdo as a boss... and I absolutely love it!" Ana squealed beside me and jumped up and down singing „ My boss is a weiirdooooooo.... but I loveeeee iiiit"

Yep. Thats my friend guys.


But I love her tooo.. even her crazyness.
We watched movies until we were out that night. I didn't even remember what movie we were watching when we passt out.

But what I remember is the warmth spreading in my heart when someone gently placed a blanket over me.

Someone with caring, ice blue eyes.


„ Stop"

„ never"

„ Please Tylor... we have new customers so stop"

Tyler was currently trying to annoy the shit out of me by pinching me everywhere he could while we had a shift together at the ice cream parlour.

Never in my life I met a douchebag like him.

„ I'll never stop. Not for you."

„ I have my break right now.. so good luck with the queue there" I said motioning to the large line that was waiting.

„ If you do that... cmon you can't do that to me"

„ Oh yess.. watch me"

I went to the break room and took a large bit of an apple when my phone buzzed.

I rarely got any messages, so the unfamiliar sound surprised me each time.

But this time I wished I hadn't seen it.

Dear fucking Layla,

I see you are messing around with boys.
I should be the only man in your life.. watch out with whom you interact....

.... You'll never have a happy ending my dear,


Well... let's just say I freaked out after I read the message because I couldn't stop throwing things around.

That was my way to deal with stuff I didn't knew how to deal with.. I got angry, frustrated and violent I guess but never sad.

I guess I had a panic attack because the next thing I know is that the door to the break room was thrown open by Mr. Evans.

I dropped the thing in my hand that I was about to throw against the wall and sit down, my unlocked phone still in my hands.

„ What the hell? Who do you think you are? Just throwing things!"

Yep, he was beyond angry I however wasn't in any state to respond him. All I managed to do is staring at my phone screen, reading the text all over again and again.

But why did I care? It could be a stupid prank of someone and I was here risking my job because of some silly text.

But the reality was, it scared the hell out of me. My whole life I didn't had a certain security around me. I lived with fear and that messages didn't do anything better about it. They've made it even worse to be exact.

„ Layla I asked you something!" He was practically screaming at this point.

I could hear his footsteps nearing behind me since I wasn't facing him.

Some time later, yes I didn't bother to look back, I heard him gasp.

And the next thing I knew, my phone was being  snatched away, right into the hands of the blue eyed monster.



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