The Marauders Unite (III)

By NicholasLucot

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The Marauders once again return to Hogwarts, this time for their fifth and most adventurous year. James, Siri... More

Narcissa's Wedding
The New Minister
Severus and Lily
The Outcast
Skipping Stones
Your Fight Is My Fight
Quality Quidditch Supplies
A Toast
The Gryffindor Prefects
This Is The World We Live In
Sirius and Marlene
Railroad Bound
The Prefects' Compartment
Emma's Request
The Feast
When We Were Young
The Slytherin Tradition
A Political Party
Midnight With Minerva
Fifth Year Begins
An Unlikely Trio
Transfiguring Trouble
The Minister at Hogwarts
The Slug Club V
Animagi Arising
Malfoys at the Ministry
The Captain's Office
Gryffindor Vs. Slytherin
Emma Defeated
The Gryffindor Party
The Dark Arts
The Prince's Textbook
The Three Broomsticks
The Owlery
The Prefects' Bathroom
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Christmas at Malfoy Manor
A Gryffindor Christmas
Snowy Slopes
Bellatrix and Narcissa
The Quiet Castle
Rookwood's Inductance
Snape Sabotaged
Dark Magic Rising
Minerva's Office
We're On Different Paths
Emma and Evan
War Is Not The Answer
The Slug Club VI
The Calm Before The Storm
Albus and Minerva
Called To Action
Mayhem at the Ministry
Snape's Worst Memory
The Sisters Reunited
You've Chosen Your Way
The Only One He Ever Feared
The Astronomy Tower
The Minister's Decree
The Beech Tree
Slytherins at Sunset
James and Lily
Express to 9 ¾
Narcissa and Lucius
Loved Ones and Leaving
Andromeda's Mission
Epilogue: 33 Years Later


74 7 0
By NicholasLucot

April 1, 1976

In the Hogwarts library, REMUS, MARLENE, and MARY are studying quietly at a window by the table, with books stacked all around them. LILY and JAMES enter, quietly bickering.

LILY: I told you that I don't care what you do in your free time-

JAMES: But it's a brand new Quidditch move! It's this huge formation where the whole team-

LILY: Potter, I don't care if you win twenty consecutive World Quidditch Cups. It doesn't change the fact that you're a rude and insensitive arse.

JAMES: Oh, come on! I save your friend Snape's life and this is how you treat me?

LILY: You didn't save his life! You were down there to help Remus with his transformation and he showed up-

JAMES: -he followed us-

LILY: -and you were trying to play some prank on him, but backed out at the last minute to save your own skin! How very courageous of you. Besides, it's not like he would've gotten killed.

JAMES: I'm sorry, what exactly do you think a werewolf is?

MADAME PINCE: (standing from her desk) Shhhhh!

LILY: (apologetically) Sorry!

LILY quickly takes JAMES'S arm and walks back to where their friends are sitting.

LILY: Hey.

MARLENE: Hey. It's nice seeing you two together.

LILY: We weren't. Potter just nearly got us detention with Pince.

JAMES: Oh, relax. What are you up to, mate?

REMUS: Just studying for O.W.L.s.

JAMES: Fascinating. What are you averaging, like, twelve hours a day?

MARY: (sarcastically) Pretty darn close.

REMUS: (laughing) I wish I had enough time for that. What about you?

JAMES: I've skimmed over my notes.

LILY: (skeptically) And you think you're well prepared for O.W.L.s, do you?

JAMES: I've thoroughly skimmed over my notes. Anyway, I'm not even looking to pass Divination or History of Magic. And everything else will be doable.

LILY: Can't wait when you get solid "T"s on your report.

MARLENE: What's a "T"? I thought the lowest grade was a "D", for dreadful?

LILY: No, "T"'s the lowest.

MARY: What's it stand for?

LILY: Troll.

The friends laugh together, unnerving MADAME PINCE enough to approach them.

MADAME PINCE: This is a library! Not a rumpus room! Quiet yourselves or leave this place immediately!

The Gryffindors share a smirking glance before opening their textbooks and studying silently. 

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