My Lionheart (Cullen Rutherfo...

By victoriaGeg

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Eleanor never thought she will become a leader of the Inquisition, even fall in love with a Templar. The one... More

Chapter 1 "Kirkwall"
Chapter 2 "Lost Love"
Chapter 3 "Herald of Andraste"
Chapter 4 "Showing off"
Chapter 5 "Hard Decisions"
Chapter 6 "My Lionheart"
Chapter 7 "Inquisitor"
Chapter 8 "Bad Dream"
Chapter 9 "Sweet Apology"
Chapter 11 "The Assassin to Catch" part 2
Chapter 12 "Simple as breathing air"
Chapter 13 "To Love the Enemy"
Chapter 14 "To Love the Enemy" part 2
Chapter 15 "Love or Hate"
Chapter 16 "Where beauty goes to die"
Chapter 17 "Goodbye My Lover"
Chapter 18 "Found You"
Chapter 19 "Take me Home"
Chapter 20 "Reunited Once More"
Chapter 21 "True Love Never Dies?"
Chapter 22 "Like day Like night"
Chapter 23 "Come back with me"
Chapter 24 "Eluvian"
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 "From an Enemy to a Friend"
Chapter 27 "Temple of Mythal"
Chapter 28 "Well of Sorrows"
Chapter 29 "Memories to behold"

Chapter 10 "The Assassin to Catch"

672 21 5
By victoriaGeg

"Your fingers entwined slowly with mine, and suddenly, life made sense."

-Well well, who could've thought that black is not the only colour that suits you." Dorian grinned looking Eleanor over. She mimicked a graceful bow.

-But I think we can all agree that black describes my soul perfectly." She said pursing her lips.

-True words never been spoken." Dorian murmured as Cassandra walked to stand with them, with an obvious displeased expression on her face. "Now now seeker what's with the grumpy face? The night is still young but your face looks ten times older with this kind of expression."

-Must I wear this stupid mask Inquisitor? "Cassandra whined trying to adjust her mask to a correct place. Eli smiled.

-I'm afraid Inquisitor I will have to interrupt your little chat. This is when we make an entrance." Gaspard said offering his arm for her, which she gladly accepted. "Your advisors are already waiting, milady. I must admit, you look dashing, Inquisitor."

-And now presenting, Grand Duke Gaspard De Chalons. And accompanying him Lady Eleanor Myra Trevelyan of house Trevelyan in Ostwick." A man spoke as Eleanor and Gaspard made their way down the stairs into the ballroom. They stopped only for a moment bowing for the Empress. "Vanquisher of the rebel mages of Ferelden." He continued. "Crusher of the vile apostates of the mage underground. Champion of the blessed Andraste herself!"

-I must admit this man writes better fiction than Varric does." Eli smiled letting Gaspard lead her towards the Empress.

-Accompanying the Inquisitor, Ser Cullen Stanton Rutherford of Honnleath. Commander of the forces of the Inquisition. Former Knight-Commander of Kirkwall." She felt Cullen's eyes on her but resisted looking towards him.

-If I may ask Lady Inquisitor." Gaspard whispered into her ear. "May I have the first dance afterwards?" She nodded smiling towards him, flush crept up her face.

-Cousin, my dear sister." Gaspard greeted the two women in front of them.

-Grand duke. We are always honoured when your presence graces our court." Empress smiled.

-Don't waste my time with pleasantries, Celene. We have business to conclude." His forehead furrowed. Empress nodded the corners of her lips dropping a little as her eyes narrowed.

-We will meet for the negotiations after we have seen to our other guests." He bowed his head before turning back to the Inquisitor.

-My lady, I will come back for the dance you promised." She nodded.

-Lady Inquisitor, we welcome you to the Winter Palace." Empress spread her arms wide. "Allow us to present our cousin, the Grand Duchess of Lydes, without whom this gathering would never have been possible." She gestured towards a blond woman next to her.

-What an unexpected pleasure. I was not aware the inquisition would be part of our festivities. We will certainly speak later, inquisitor." The duchess walked away as Eleanor smoothed her skirts.

-Your arrival at the court is like a cool wind on a summer's day." Eleanor cringed at Empress words. She has forgotten how one speaks at gatherings like this. Her aunt used to plan balls. But none were as exciting as this.

-I'm delighted to be here, your Majesty." She tilted her head.

-We have heard much of your exploits, Inquisitor. They have made grand tales for long evenings." The Empress smiled. "Feel free to enjoy the pleasures of the ballroom, inquisitor. We look forward to watching you dance." Eleanor bowed and took her to leave.

Once everyone was greeted, Eleanor made her way to stand next to Dorian who was enjoying the expensive wine. Commander stood on the other side of the room, throwing glances towards her whenever he had a chance. However, it didn't go unnoticed by brunette mage next to the inquisitor.

-Our commander has quite a number of fans." He motioned towards Cullen. She glanced towards the commander only to meet his gaze that was sat on her, her face turned red and she forced her eyes back to Dorian.

-So it seems." The slow music started to play and nearly everyone made their way to the dance floor. Eleanor was about to ask Dorian to dance with her when Gaspard made his way towards them.

-May I have this dance, my lady?" he asked offering his hand. She faked a smiled and placed her hand in his as he led her to the dancefloor. The gesture didn't go unnoticed my Cullen as he caught a glimpse of his inquisitor now dancing with the duke that he admired no more. "May I express the honour I feel having you dancing with me, Inquisitor?" he asked looking down at her.

-The honour is all mine." She said as Gaspard spun her around the floor. She looked at Dorian who was grinning at her then at the direction where commander stood before. However, he was no longer there.

-How was your night so far, Inquisitor?"

-Nearly as dangerous as fighting demons back in Ferelden." She joked, and he chuckled.

-May I have a dance with the lady." She turned to see Cullen towering Gaspard. He nodded handing her hand to Cullen. One big and capable but gentle against her hand slid down her side, fingers brushing along the ribs of the corset. His other folded her close as he stepped forward, leading Eli into the dance again. Her body in tune with his, her steps flowing from each stride he took. Eli raised her head up, seeing her own delighted surprise echoed in his face, and that warmed her the way nothing had before.

-We appear to be quite good together," She said looking up at him. "The last time we danced I had some hard time controlling your movements. But now we are floating around the dance floor." She remembered their dancing back in Kirkwall when she barely knew him but now he was the one she wanted to be with every day. 

-So it seems, I had a good teacher." His thumb brushed up along the curve of her waist. They flew together, her ocean blue skirts swirling about their legs, her dark curls lifting from her back with each turn. Their bodies locked close, she could feel his heat through layers of cloth. Eli brushed her own fingers over the deep black of his tunic, eyes searching his. "How is your evening Ella?" His hips brushed hers as he moved her back, guiding her with his body. His lips were parted. They were close enough to almost be indecent, but no one seemed to care. For now.

-Dangerous. But now that I have commander next to me, pleasant." As the song ended and melted into another, they paused only long enough to pick up the new rhythm. Then again. She was flying, laughing as they glided past the other couples like a needle threading cloth. She was surprised by commander's skills. That last time they danced he was pretty horrible.

-As long as I'm close by, you needn't worry." There was something about this man that made it feel natural to let down her guard and just...enjoy the moment. Something similar she used to feel with Samson, just not quite as exciting and natural as this. Natural as breathing air. She thought.

-Is that so, commander? You should be careful with your words, or I might not allow you to leave my side for the rest of the evening." She smiled at him while trying to keep up with his moves. Makers breath, was he ever enjoying the moment. Felt so safe and normal again. Nearly forgot that he was in the Winter Palace.

-I would like that, but I'm afraid we are on a mission here, Ella" Her heart was hammering much faster than the pace of their dancing should inspire. "Maker, but you are beautiful" Cullen suddenly blurted. His voice deeper than ever.

-I... Thank you." She smiled at him not letting her gaze off his. His lips quirked smiling a little. He dropped his other hand to her waist and gripped her tightly, lifting her into an elaborate turn. The world spun as her feet left the ground, her handsome commander holding her aloft as if she weighed nothing at all. "You seem to have a quite number of admirers today" she spoke nervously. Eli gasped, grabbing for his biceps as they made a full circle and then he set her lightly on her feet.

-Why, were you stalking me, Inquisitor?" He asked looking down at her. A smirk on his face.

-I can't help it, it is hard not to when your commander is wearing a fancy grown instead of armour. Charming" She said letting her gaze down at his chest. He caught her about the hips one final time, lifting her with breathless ease. When the song ended, she was high above the crowd—hands braced on his shoulders, dark hair tumbling down to brush against his cheeks. Slowly he lowered her, letting her body drag against his in a long, hard, maddening slide. They were both panting, colour high, it was all she could do to keep her hips from moving restlessly against his. He dipped his head closer as if he meant to kiss her.

-You are driving me crazy, Ella" She quickly looked around blushing a little. Meeting gaze of not so happy Josephine striding towards them.

-That is enough you two! People might get the wrong idea." She hissed as Cullen and Eli laughed at Josephine's anger. All three of them walked towards the doors when Leliana stepped in front of them.

-Inquisitor, there is someone you should talk with."


Author's Note:

So the chapter I wrote was longer than 2000 words. I decided to split it into the half. I will soon post the part 2 of "The Assassin to Catch". 

Don't forget to vote and comment your votes makes me smile like crazy😁❤

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