The Fire Within

By fantastic_pudding

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"When you have the courage to conquer your fears, you have the ability to conquer the world." Robert Harper... More

The Fire Within
Chapter 1 - Harper Inc.
Chapter 2 - The Interview
Chapter 3 - Into the Hole
Chapter 4 - The Unspeakables
Chapter 5 - Unexposed
Chapter 6 - Burger and Frie(nd)s
Chapter 7 - Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 8 - A Night to Remember
Chapter 9 - Sleepless in Seattle
Chapter 10 - A Dark Place
Chapter 12 - A Step Up and a Step Down
Chapter 13 - Unspoken Conceptions
Chapter 14 - Busted?
Chapter 15 - Baffled Minds
Chapter 16 - Doubts and Wounds
Chapter 17 - The Other CEO
Chapter 18 - Fury
Chapter 19 - High
Chapter 20 - Threateningly Close
Chapter 21 - Friend or Foe?
Chapter 22 - After Effects
Chapter 23 - Broken
Chapter 24 - Harper-Adams Inc.

Chapter 11 - The Invader

77 14 1
By fantastic_pudding

The people who worked on the thirtieth floor of Harper Inc. had had a sleepless night. Just after the incident of the previous night, Kevin had called his uncle to deliver the news. Robert had then immediately arranged for a meeting of the Unspeakables and everybody had turned up at the office within the next hour. They first examined the damage in the record room and yawned through the meeting which went on for about three hours.

Sarah reached the building of her office carrying with her tremendous anxiety and fear. She had to muster enough strength to appear calm and confident before stepping out of the elevator onto the thirtieth floor. The scene that greeted her could be described in one word – chaos.

People were bustling about in the lobby carrying papers and files in their hand. Two men were seated on the couch, in deep conversation with each other. Cole was on the reception desk, talking on the phone. Jessica was nowhere to be seen. Sarah started to walk, keeping her head down in order to avoid any eye contact. Thankfully everyone was too absorbed in their work to notice that she'd gone straight to her office.

Sarah quickly closed the door and sat down in her chair. She just had a few moments to gather herself before the door burst open, revealing a breathless Jessica standing at the door, holding a file in her hand.

"I only have a moment before I have to get this to Kevin", Jessica said, waving the file in front of Sarah. "So did you hear what happened?" she asked, her voice shrill. Her eyes held a mixture of surprise, excitement and Sarah thought she even saw a little bit of fear in them.

"No. I just arrived."

"You didn't get my text?"

"I – My phone was dead." Sarah averted her gaze.

"Anyway, the most scandalous thing happened yesterday... "

Jessica rambled on for full fifteen minutes, detailing the incident to Sarah, who felt even worse hearing it. The only relief she felt was when she gathered from Jessica's speech that nobody in the office had any clue as to who might be the intruder. Their conversation was cut off by the ringing of telephone on the desk. While Sarah picked up the receiver, Jessica realized she'd been away for too long and dashed to Kevin's office.

Thirty seconds later, Sarah was in Robert's office, handling him the delivery report that she'd finished the night before. There were three more people seated across Robert's desk, patiently waiting for him. Sarah carefully watched him to detect if his behavior towards her was any different. However, Robert looked very tired and stressed and barely glanced her way. When he dismissed her rather abruptly, she couldn't tell if it was because of her or the tremendous stress he'd been put under because of the incident.

Sarah didn't know how the day had passed so quickly, as she was either busy with the work Robert gave her or immersed in her thoughts. It was almost three in the afternoon when she found herself sitting along with Jessica and Cole in the cafeteria and a plate of untouched food before her. They'd just told her that the door of the record room was now sealed and additional security measures were being added to it at the moment. Sarah had no intention of ever stepping foot through that corridor. There was absolutely no way that Sarah could go near the door again even if she wanted to, what with the security being doubled and everybody on high alert.

To top it all, Jessica and Cole seemed to be sucked into the endless loop of theories and rumors revolving around the incident. They fed on all different versions of the story like hungry vampires.

"I don't get it", said Jessica shaking her head. "I mean, what could they be looking for? There are no secrets in there; just a bunch of old company files. Unless you're really into history and stuff", she snorted. "But that's ridiculous too. You could get it on Wikipedia."

"I have a more plausible explanation", Cole said and then lowered his voice to a whisper. "What if Adams Corporation has got something to do with this? Maybe they're trying to steal our secret ingredient. The one that made our drinks a huge hit."

Jessica snorted again. "We don't have a secret ingredient Cole." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Yeah, but they don't know that. They probably think we've invented this one magical ingredient."

They laughed lightly.

"None of it adds up though. You're forgetting that Kevin's dating Natalie, Fred Adams' daughter."

Cole shuddered. "I couldn't forget her in my dreams even if I wanted to. I bet Kevin's been trying to do the same."

They fell silent, immersed in thoughts. There were very few people in the cafeteria now. Sarah could only hear the soft murmuring of the conversation taking place between a group of people sitting a few tables away from them. What were they saying? She thought she heard a name being mentioned. Who were they talking about? She tried to listen to what they were saying when Jessica spoke, distracting her thoughts.

"What about surveillance cameras?", she asked.

"There are no cameras in that room. I guess they didn't think they'd need one", Cole answered.

Jessica sighed and then looked at Sarah. "Who do you think it is, Sarah? You've been quiet all day."

Sarah forced her head up and directed her eyes towards Jessica. For a moment, she just stared at her. And then she shrugged nonchalantly, like it didn't matter. "I have no idea Jess. I've barely been here a month."

Jessica seemed to buy it. A look of understanding came upon her face. Sarah felt some kind of relief, but she knew it was temporary. She knew there were bigger problems out there, waiting like a hungry predator ready to pounce on her when the moment arrived. It was never easy to lie, especially to people you live with every day. Even though she'd mastered the art of deception, her heart beat picked up its pace ever so slightly each time she falsified her words.

"But why aren't the police here yet? Surely someone has called them by now?", Cole asked. Sarah noticed that his eyebrows were so close that they almost touched when he frowned. A second went by before she realized what he'd said.

Police? No. No! Please no. They couldn't be here. Everything will be ruined.

Jessica shook her head. "They aren't calling the police."

"Are you serious? Why the hell not?"

"I'm not sure. But I overhead Kevin talking to Robert. He was pretty insistent on calling the police. Wanted the place thoroughly checked. But Robert wouldn't have any of it. He didn't want the media to get hang of this incident and draw any more attention to the company. He was worried it would tarnish the company's reputation. Whoever it was didn't bother to take anything anyway."

Sarah let out a breath, instantly relieved. She didn't even want to imagine what would happen if the police turned up and started questioning her.

Cole nodded his head, but the frown on his face remained. "In his defense, the company's reputation would definitely be a priority considering all the effort that he's put into building it. He's seen too much, the old man."

They ate their food in silence for the next two minutes. They were the only ones in the cafeteria now and the air around them carried only the sounds of their spoons clattering on plates. Sarah preferred the silence over talking and wished it would remain like that at least until they'd finished eating.

But then you cannot expect such a thing with Jessica sitting next to you.

"So there's going to be a meeting again. In an hour. It's the Unspeakables so we have time to kill. I mean YOU guys have time to kill", she sulked.

Her words triggered an unspoken question in Sarah's mind.

"What do you mean?", she asked Jessica. The spoon in her hand clattered onto the now empty plate.

"Well, Kevin's not allowed in the meeting." Jessica said simply. "So he's going to sit in his office during the entire meeting and brood over his uncle's decisions. Which means I'm not going to have a pleasant evening."

"You mean he's not a part of the Unspeakables?" Sarah asked her, surprised. "But why? He's the head of the Department, isn't he? He's supposed to be there."

"Yes, I know. I think he badly wants to be there too. He's always grumpy and complaining when a meeting's going on. But he's being kept out of it."

"Kept out of it?", Sarah half-laughed in incredulity. "By who?"

"Robert. And the other heads. I mean, who else?"

"But why?"

"I don't know, Sarah. I've wondered about it several times. I mean, he's next in the line of succession after his uncle. Beats me why he isn't being allowed."

To say Sarah was bewildered would be an understatement. She'd no doubt that Kevin was in the committee. But now, she didn't know what to expect any more. Every step so far had been carefully weighed, but there were still miscalculations along the path. All of this was too much to take in. Too much for a day. She needed rest. And peace. And more importantly, she needed time to heal. And to get back stronger.

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