Best of Both worlds (Merthur)

By MJPaAnda

7.7K 215 132

What would happen if Arthur survived but Kilgharrah didn't and the two boys started to think about family whi... More

Best of Both worlds (Merthur) Prologue
Chapter 1: "The Beginning"
Chapter 2: "24 Hours in Heaven"
Chapter 4: "King and Lionheart"
Chapter 5: "Unconditionally"

Chapter 3: "Parting is such sweet sorrow"

806 32 21
By MJPaAnda

This chapter is a lot shorter than the others :P

Also, the spacing is really wrong, does anyone know how to fix this? I can't find the button for deleting double spacing... Sorry again.


I do not own MerlinxArthur(though I would like to *-*)

Merlin and Arthur belong to their rightful owners (Merlin- Hunith and Balinor, Arthur- Uther and Igraine) they belong to each-other and the human history.

The idea of the story belongs to me, but the used names are the idea from BBC and once again human history. The places used belong to Mother Nature.

Song from the title is the soundtrack: "Parting is such sweet sorrow" from Romeo and Juliet (1968)
ps: I couldn't find it on Soundcloud, so you can listen to another beautiful one

In the quiet morning, a few weeks after Merlin and Arthur's day together and a lot of questing from Gaius, a certain raven haired boy was running around the castle of Camelot.

Merlin:"Arthur, where the Hell are you!?!"

Just as he was about to give up and start using magic to help himself, he crashed into a man's sculpted chest. He was about to fall to the floor, but the man caught him and firmly held him by his shoulders.

When he focused his eyesight he recognized the blonde haired man in front of him.

Arthur: "Merlin?"

Merlin: "Where the heck were you?!!" he snapped at the king.

Arthur: "Excuse me? I am the king. I don't have to answer to YOU!" he shouted not angrily, but quite lovingly.

Merlin: "You're excused, SIRE. Please?" he pleaded.

Arthur motioned for Merlin to follow him.

Arthur: "Accompany me."

Merlin: "Sire-" the manservant said thorough gritted teeth and followed his master down the hallway that was leading to the main entrance of the castle and to the Citadel.

Arthur: "I am going on a..." he said, but unable to lie very good, his words drifted away. Gladly there was a certain warlock that was always there to help him.

Merlin: "A hunt?" he guessed.

Arthur: "Yes. A HUNT! That's it!" he said, but not really being able to outwit his probable soul-mate.

Merlin was of course, as always, not ready to stop digging deeper into Arthur (no pun intended).

Merlin: "And WHY am I not with you?" he asked and then crossed his hands on his chest.

Arthur: "Oh, Merlin. Don't start with this again! You are not a GIRL. Stop acting like one!" he said, now really out of it, not even trying to be nice any more.

Merlin angrily shook his head.

Merlin: "NO! Stop thinking so little of me! I am more than just some peasant servant! I have FEELINGS too!!!" he shouted, getting into Arthur's face.

Arthur: "You might be a sorcerer or a warlock or whatever, but I am the King and you shall show me respect!" he insisted, not baching away.

Merlin: "STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING!!" he shouted even louder.

Arthur: "If you don't lower your voice this instant I'm going to hit you!!" he said, closing the distance bteween the two, now pure anger in both of their eyes, neither knowing when the anger took the best of them.

Merlin: "I don't care any more! HIT ME! Come on! Hit me tough guy!!" he provoked the man that was clearly stronger than him.

Arthur suddenly pulled him into an empty room, pushed him to the wall and pressed their lips together. Feeling Merlin's wet lips on his, he smiled, but broke their touch by tasting the salt mixing with their saliva. He brushed the other man's cheek with the intention of getting rid of the tear making his way down, but he couldn't stop all of the ones that followed. He gently put his hands around the younger male and hugged him as tight as he could.

Arthur:"You are not allowed to cry for a man. I already explained that to you," he whispered, one hand's fingers entangled in Merlin's hair.

Merlin: "Even if that man is you?" he asked, arms hugging just as tightly around the other.

Arthur: "No one. Remember this," he said, lifting the raven's face up to meet his, placing a peck on the other's forehead.

Arthur made a few steps away from Merlin, but kept his eyes focused on his best friend.

Arthur: "Don't worry, I'll be back at sunrise," he said reassuringly.

Merlin: "You better be, Dollophead," he let out with a glimpse of sadness in his voice and a fake smile, that he dropped as soon as his voice cracked mid sentence.

Arthur: "I will. And if I'm not, remember that you will always have a special place in my heart."

With those words being his last, Arthur walked away. Just as he was to escape Merlin's view, Merlin gathered enough strength to cry after him, with an almost pleading voice.

Merlin: "Arthur, I'm scared!" he yelled out, stopping Arthur in his tracks. The King fripped his fists and turned back to look at him.

Arthur: "Don't be," he said softly with a warm smile.

Arthur then hurrird to his horse and got on it

Merlin: "Arthur, I-" he started as he ran down the stairs leading to the ground of Citadel, but was cut down by Arthur's strong and convincing voice.

Arthur: "I'll see you at sunset."

With that, he an his knights rode off, leaving Merlin alone and broken on his knees, regretting he ever feel in love.

Merlin: "You were never meant to be the one saying goodbye."

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