Innocence (Completed)

By Bee90s

1.8M 73.4K 48.6K

WARNING: If you're too sensitive and overly precise, please do not read. *For drama and street life. *Needs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 pt. 1
Chapter 7 pt.2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Pt.1
Chapter 11 pt.2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Part 1
Chapter 25 - part 2
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Finale (Going to miss you)❤️

Chapter 52

11.5K 512 165
By Bee90s

2 years later...


"Queen, stop." I whined in the middle of the club.

"Come on Bri, have some fun. You've been cooped up long enough." She said twerking as the DJ mixed and the crowd cheered her on.

"You're so embarrassing." I laughed, joining her.

It's been two years and I must admit, I'm not the girl I was two years ago. I've finally loosened up and came out of my shell.

"Girl, I'm thirsty." Queen said to me as the music stopped and the circle that had formed, finally opened up.

"Same, let's get a drink." I said as we walked over to the bar.

"What will be beautiful ladies?" The bartender flirted.

"I've have a cosmo and she'll have a sex on the beach." Queen told her as they looked at each other, seductively.

"It'll be ready in just a minute." The bartender spoke and Queen bit her bottom lip.

"Ok, thanks babe." She winked at her as she went to make the drinks.

"Girl, you better stop, your in a happy relationship with a 1 year old daughter." I reminded her making her smack her lips.

"It's girl night, I can do as I please." She said laughing and I shook my head.

"What did Scrapp say when you told him we were having a girl night?" I asked her.

"He tried to argue me down about how I don't spend time with him and Empress and all this other mess. Girl please, we laid up 24/7." She went on, making me laugh.

"Y'all are a mess." I shook my head.

"Thank you." We spoke in unison as the bartender gave us our drinks.

"You're welcome." She winked before helping the people next to us.

"Sas was there." Queen went on to say as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay and?" I said sipping my drink.

"So, y'all still aren't talking?" She asked and I nodded.

Sas and I had a rough two years after everything went down. The proposal never happened again as I expected, we argued almost everyday, he started sleeping on the couch and then before I knew it we were broken up and I moved into KK's with Brooklyn and he still lives in the old house alone. We've been broken up for almost a year, 10 months and counting.

"Do you think y'all will ever get back together?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I doubt it. I'm pretty sure he's out here not keeping it in his pants as always." I said

"You don't know that Bri." She spoke sympathetically and I looked at her as if she was stupid.

"We're talking about Sas here." I said and she nodded.

"I doubt it though, I was talking to him earlier because he had Brooklyn over there with Empy." She said and I listened but I didn't really want to.

"I asked him if you told him about us having a girl's night out tonight and he said no, all you did was tell him to come get his daughter from KK house and you wasn't even there when he got there." She said.

"Yeah, first of all, it's none of his business what I'm doing on my spare time and I don't want to see him. What do I have to be there for, for him to come pick up his daughter?" I went on.

"Then he was like, she knew better than to tell me that because she already know I wasn't having that girls night out shit." She said mocking him and I laughed.

"Then he asked where were we going but I didn't tell him." She said and I nodded.

"Good." I said already knowing how Sas was.

"Oh yeah, then he asked me were you seeing anybody." She said and I took a sip of my drink.

"Oh my god, what did you say Queen?" I asked her.

"I didn't tell him anything, I said he had to ask you to find out and he made a big deal about it and he said he'll see you when he see you." She said laughing, sipping her drink as I hit her.

"Now, I have to deal with him. He probably texted me.." I trailed off, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"He did." I rolled my eyes, looking at the messages on my screen as she laughed.

Sas: So, you out here fucking niggas?

Sas: Aight, I see how you want to play, I'll see you.

"Now, I'm having sex with people." I laughed, smacking my lips.

"I didn't say anything like that." She laughed.

"Come on, let's dance or something. I don't feel like worrying about him." I said putting my phone back into my pocket and downing my drink.

"Okay." Queen did the same as we made our way to the dance floor again.

Tory Lanez x Controlla played as I wined my hips and Queen did the same.

There were two guys on the dance floor as well, one came up behind me and one came up behind Queen as well.

"Sorry, I have a man." Queen said moving away from him.

"I'm sorry." He said , moving away from her, respectfully.

I continued to wine my hips on the guy as he grabbed my waist.

"Yes best friend." Queen cheered me on as the crowd began to form a circle once again.

I don't like attention but tonight was a girl's night and we were having fun, so why not?


After the club, Queen and I left with the guy that I was dancing on in the club. I learned that his name was Xavier and that he didn't live too far from me.

"When are we going to do this again?" He asked as we walked in the parking lot.

"Whenever you want, shes free." Queen said, drunkly.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. She's crazy." I giggled as he did the same.

"How about you give me your number and I'll let you know." I said to him and he nodded.

"Alright." He said as I went to the phone app and handed him my phone to type in his number.

"Here." He said, giving it back to me.

"Cool." I smiled.

"Don't forget to call or text and let me know." He said walking the opposite way.

"Okay." I smiled, saving his number.

"Sas is going to beat your ass." Queen laughed as I smacked my lips.

"Let's go." I laughed, getting her into my car.

It didn't take us long to get home, when we got to our block, I called Scrapp and told him to come outside and get Queen because she was pretty messed up. I didn't drink too much because I knew I had to drive.

"Y'all crazy man." Scrapp said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he picked her up.

"Thanks Bri." He said.

"Oh yeah, Brooklyn over here too." He told me and I nodded.

"I don't know where Sas went." He said and I nodded.

I was about to make my way down the street to KK's before I realized I needed my charger from Sas and I's old house because I packed it in Brooklyn's bag by accident one day when I took her over there.

I pulled my car into the parking lot quickly, I sat there for a minute because I didn't want to go inside. There were so many memories in this one house and I honestly didn't know what I would feel walking back into this house 10 months later.

Finally building up the strength, I got out of my car and made my way to the front door. I knocked first because I didn't want to just barge in. When I didn't receive any answer, I just used my spare key.

I walked inside and the only light that was on was the kitchen light, I moved quickly through the house, turning on other lights because I'm still not too fond of the dark.

I grabbed my charger that was plugged into the wall and rolled it up in my hand. I took a few seconds to take in the house and look at everything. He still had the vase with our names engraved into it.

"Surprising." I scoffed to myself.

I turned on my heels to leave before I heard something upstairs.

"Sas?" I called but I didn't receive an answer.

His car wasn't parked here so I knew he wasn't home.

I heard more noises and I walked slowly up the stairs as the noises became louder.

"Shit!" I heard someone say.

"The hell?" I said to myself.

"Sas." I heard a girl's voice.

I stopped in my tracks before moving quickly up the stairs and busting into the room.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled as I realized what was going on.

Sas was having sex with another girl.

"On our bed though? In our house?" I went on, looking at him as he licked his lips before smirking.

I nodded slowly, realizing he didn't give a fuck. I closed the door behind me before I walked down the stairs. I thought he would chase after me but he didn't.

I heard the girl's moans once again which means they began having sex again.

I wanted to cry but I didn't let myself, it's been 10 months and I didn't have any right to get in the middle of what he had going on. I know this was because of what Queen told him but I never expected him to do me like this. Regardless, I still loved him and I would never disrespect him the way he just did me.



How y'all feeling?

I started over, Yes this book will continue.

I'm not doing a sequel, all updates will be here.

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