Persues jackson And The Soul...

By HydraMinos

15.9K 530 170

Written in: 2018 (this book is placed after the defeat of Geae) Percy was claimed dead. Met by the fate of b... More

1. Wake of the dead
2. Now you see me,Now you dont!
3. Monsters that cant take defeat
5. Camp!?
6. The truth hurts some
7. wwwhhaaa?
8. Why do you hold me back?
9. The Van. The ring. And Deaths grip.
Authors note
10. Truth be told...i don't believe you
14: ...IM OUTA HERE!
13: The Action Begins
14: I Need Answers....FRANK!
17: ....Thats where im headin to!!
19: Gods!
20: mwhahah!
21: Betrayal
22: Sacrifices made
23: Skully
24: Fire.
25: William....
26; Capture the drowned
27: Finally free.

15: On The Run

348 15 3
By HydraMinos

{:Previously, on The Soul Dragged From heaven:}

Percy let out a small cheer of relief before he continued to back away- this time watching where he was stepping- and was by the time he was out of sight and earshot he quickly leapt into a sprint.


Percy let out a small cheer of relief before he continued to back away- this time watching where he was stepping- and was by the time he was out of sight and earshot he quickly leapt into a sprint.Percy let out a small cheer of relief before he continued to back away- this time watching where he was stepping- and was by the time he was out of sight and earshot he quickly leapt into a sprint.

Frank stired awake and grumbles to himself, he rolled over from his once comfortable position and takes in a deep breath with his eyes still closed. That's when he realized.
Franks eyes snap open immediately as he jumps up and snaps his head around looking for the clone Percy. Just as his suspicions were the clone had disappeared.

"Crap!" Frank cursed and stretched out his wings before taking flight high into the now brighter sky and he saw the sunset far in the distance. However he had no time to admire the view and scanned his surroundings for any sign of life, anything to give him a lead. Frank sniffs the air and groaned
"Urgh! The guys are gonna kill me!"

Frank shifted to a large eagle as he came closer to a busy highway and flew around for a while trying to find his target, after about 5 minutes rain clouds invaded the sky and rain began to pour down upon the cars, trees, highway and Frank, Frank was just about to give up hope and turn back to camp before something caught his eyes.
More like someone.
Peering through the water droplets that plummeted against his beak and feathers he saw a far away figure walking down beside the highway with their thumb stuck out for a ride. Frank hovered for a moment and inspected the area before flying down into the trees and shifting to human. He put a hand over his forehead and shields his eyes from the plummeting rain and walks through the soaked grass down the highway and gained speed on the figure.
They seemed oblivious to Franks presence and walked steadily past the guard rails with ease and seemed to greet the rain with such confidence. Frank caught up immediately and lays a heavy hand onto the boys shoulder



The figure spun around and punches Frank directly into the jaw causing Frank to stumble back. The world seemed to grow large and blurred as Frank rubbed his jaw and glances up to his attacker.
The first thing that came to his mind was.


The black haired figure let out a large chuckle and pulled out a large scythe.

"The names William, nice to meet ya." The boy snickered. Frank growled not liking how this monster wanted nothing but to appear cunning

"And I should care why?" Frank snaps

"Meh. I just wanted you to know the name of your killer," William smirks before slashing his scythe around the back of Franks necks and knees him directly into the chin before swinging around and knocking Frank over the guard rail and onto the highway.
Cars raced by and some beeped horns and swerved out of the path of the fallen man, rain poured down and battled against the monsters loud bellowing laugh as William stood up onto the guard rail with upmost ballance and glares down at Frank with his scythe raised into the air
"You hurt Percy. I hurt you."

William plunged down his weapon with a large battle cry, Frank flinches and clutched his eyes shut quickly and awaited impact...
By it never came and he cautiously peeks through his eyelashes.

Percy swooped down and flew directly into William and scooped him from the guard rails and threw the monster into oncoming traffic, however William spun around and grabbed Percy before dragging him into the cars paths along with him. Cars screeched and skidded across the wet tarmac and light flashes so brightly they almost blind Percy.
Percy hovered in the air and William attempts to take a hit at Percy but was unable to

"You insolent fool! Let me go!" The warrior screams and head butted Percy in the forehead casuing Percy's vision to blur and go dizzy. Bright lights shone into his eyes and the yelps and squirms of the warrior was heard.
"What are you doing!? Idiot move!!" Percy heard William yell.

Suddenly, Percy flashes back to reality only to come face to face with a large waggon and William clawing at Percy's arms to get out and flee from the incoming vehicle. Percy yelps and quickly swerved out the way as fast as possible but was unable to move fast enough and the truck collided with Percy's right wing. Percy screamed in pain as the bones within his wings cracked and became useless and caused both boys to go crashing into the grass beyond the guard rail besides Frank who had managed to climb over aswell.

Meanwhile on the highway the large waggon had swerved right and had tipped onto its side and skidded to a halt not to far away, two men climbed out the front of the waggon and fled quickly away from the truck and Percy glances to William who had gotten up, turned around quickly and fled towards the forest.

"Run, run, run, run..." Percy heard the warrior mumble and tilted his head whilst clutching his right injured wing

"What!?" Percy yelled over and saw William spin around and yell back


Percy tilted his head confused towards Frank who held the same concerned face, Percy then glares over at the truck and peered through the rain before noticing exactly why they had to run.

Percy shot up and quickly grabbed hold of Frank, he let out a hand towards the other cars and made a large water wall push all the surrounding citizens away from the truck on both sides whilst he hobbles towards the trees, ignoring the throbbing pain in his right wing

"Woah, why the rush?" Frank muttered until


The large truck blew up into flames and a large shock wave flew through the area and caused both Frank and Percy to lunge forward and fall into the grass. Percy's head skimmed directly into a large but smooth rock and made Percy jolt and groan loudly, pain thumped through his body and his vision blacked out almost immediately as Frank got up, picked Percy up gently and fled after William into the woods.

Boom! Another chapter done........yay!

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