
By CK_Jessie

44.6K 2.3K 216

After the death of his parents, young Lord Asher finds himself isolated on his family estate a few miles nort... More

Part I: Beginnings
I: Asher
II: Winston
III: Robin
Part II: The Three Days Harvest Ball
I: Winston
II: Asher
III: Robin
IV: Asher
V: Winston
VI: Robin
VII: Asher
VIII: Winston
IX: Robin
X: Asher
XI: Robin
XII: Winston
Part III: The Beginnings of Matehood
I: Asher
III: Winston
IV: Asher
V: Robin
VI: Winston
VII: Asher
VIII: Robin
IX: Winston
X: Asher
XI: Robin
XII: Asher
XIII: Winston
XIV: Robin
XV: Asher
XVI: Winston
XVII: Robin
XVIII: Asher
XIX: Winston

II: Robin

1.1K 69 8
By CK_Jessie

I am currently stooped down in the garden, attending to one of our brewing plants with my mother as my two mates are gods know where in the castle. I must say I'd prefer to be having lunch with them then attending to the garden, but Winston's family whisked him away for some pack bonding, as they'd brought his beta, gamma, and head omega with them and last time I'd seen Phoenix he was headed for his brother's room.

This all spurred my mother into demanding she spend more time with me before I am "too busy to even say hello".

"So, your father and I, as well as Winston's parents, have been dying to know when we will formally meet this other mate of yours. I've already spoken to his mother and your father claims to have spoken to his brother already. He seems to be alluding us."

"Of course not, mama. He just doesn't want to intrude. We've tried to convince him to make the out reach but he insists on waiting to be called for. The way he puts it, a lord in a king's castle cannot march around as if he is the master of the household. He doesn't want to over step and be rude."

"Oh, I can tell he's already a sweetheart. I'm afraid your father has meetings lined up for the next few days and won't be able to eat with us and I know you'd like to get to know your mate a bit better. I'll call for a dinner at the end of the fortnight so everyone is free."

"That sounds lovely."

"Speaking of your mates, Winston requested a private dinner for the three of you tonight."


"He didn't say."

I was still curious but decided not to push her for information she clearly didn't have.

"Where's Alexander?" I ask her.

A smile breaks out across her face.

"When I last saw him he was getting a basket ready to have a date with Francis."

"Might I go and find Phoenix then? I want to see him before our date tonight."


She shoos me off, muttering about how ungrateful I am to have a mother to bond with and neglect her and I make a mental note to make it up to her later. I couldn't also help but feel that was a jab towards Phoenix, but I didn't comment on that.

Luckily, the hybrid wasn't very difficult to find as I spotted him in wolf form, trotting along a trail, probably just finishing a run.

I wave him down and try not to die from cuteness when his wolf's tongue sticks out as he pants. I knelt down and pet his head, Cinder clearly basking in the attention. I planted a kiss on his snout before rising up and asking him to accompany me to the archery grounds after he shifts back. The big loaf's head nods in agreement and then he's off again.

I shake my head at his antics and wait patiently at archery range, smiling when I see his familiar curly locks as he approaches. He wraps his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"So, what are we doing?"

"I'm testing your skills with the bow and arrow."

"I must warn you. I'm a bit out of practice." Phoenix says, feeling out a few bows before deciding on one. I watch as he notches an arrow, steadying it against his cheek as he took aim at the target and let go.

If I'm being honest, I expected the arrow to miss the target entirely so imagine my surprise when he narrowly missed the bullseye. He showed great skill, which is nice, as I needed a hunting partner who was more refined than to default to using their claws to catch prey.

"I have yet to see any similarities between you and Winston other than your ability to shift into beasts and compare bravado." I remark, smirking as he glares at me.

"To be fair, he caught my eye first and has been whisked away most of the time since our meeting. You just sweet talk your way out of meetings, he doesn't."

"Are you implying I'm lazier than Winston?"

"Of course not, hun. I'm just pointing out that he works more than you do, that's all."

I glared at him and he just laughed. Jerk.

"Tell me something about yourself."

"What would you like to know?"

"How many partners have you had?" He looked at me warily as if the question was a trap. "I had ten before Winston. He was so innocent when he came here. Come on, tell me!"

"I'm not sure—"

"Oh come on! I'm sure there must have been someone. Perhaps one of your charges."

"There've been a few. I don't really mix my business with my pleasure, it'd be a weird reputation, but there have been two or three here and there as my alter ego. Most have been in my more charming real form."

"What was your type before mating?" I ask, genuinely curious. Before meeting Winston I only ever dated bigger warlocks, who may not have been as physically imposing but could take charge in certain settings. I never considered shifters.

"Uhm, well, I'd say it was very reflective of you and Winston, mostly Winston. The few casters I'd dated behaved as he did, humble and calculated, always needing to have a plan and be in the know. They only unwinded down if you made them by reassuring them that things would be okay. They only liked me because I was able to help them relax because they knew I'd watch out for them. Mostly it was people with your wit and Winston's build though."

"So you more so liked being taken charge of?" I ask, wiggling my brows.

"Olympians, no." Phoenix made a disgusted face. "All of them thought they were these big and tough alpha hot shots but loved being put in their place. Those relationships were fun, but in the end they all were a bit much for me. It's tiring knowing someone to act as one way but them acting entirely different around their friends and family to uphold appearances. They were all so caught up in people making fun of them for not being the more dominant one and I pray for each and everyone one of their mates, cause I wasn't able to put up with that."

To say I was shocked by this confession would be an understatement. I was suddenly eager to find out exactly how Winston and Phoenix saw that they stood with one another because if this was anything to go by, their images are not the same.

"Why did you want to know my history so badly? It's not very common to ask that."

"Oh, I was just curious is all. Don't worry I won't go all possessive on you, that's Winston's job."

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