Best friends

By snowball347

695 85 1

Angie and Melody are best friends. Angie doesn't want to see Melody get hurt. Melody doesn't want to see Angi... More

First Day of 10th grade
Last Period of the Day
Gang Princess?
Something naughty
I'm Coming
Its time to wake up


18 3 0
By snowball347

Melody's POV
I run and embrace her hug.
"You're dumb, out of all the people in the school you told Germandy. You know he can't keep a secret."
"I know, he told me he told you right now before I walked into my classroom. I saw you walking up here with them and nice try on trying to keep up the act."
"You could've told me. I would have done something sooner. I'm tired of this. Us trying to play a role that we can barely take on. We are going to need to unite the gangs today."
"I'll talk to my dad and you talk to yours after school."
"Done." I say giving her a big ass hug again.

"I'm confused, so you do love me." Alex says pulling me out of my hug with Angie and into his body. Yes I love your dumb self.
"No, I just have deep regards for you." I say putting my arms around his neck. He smirks and leans down.
"Come on, you guys stop it. When we leave this roof no one can see us together." Paco says.
"Okay, how about we talk to our parents right now instead of waiting then." I say to Angie.
"Alright then."

I walk into the building first. I have to get Denilson and Ariel before they call my dad saying they couldn't find me. I start running down the stairs. I'm almost to their classroom when I run into someone.
"Sorry." I say as I try to continue my speed walk to their class when the person I bumped into grabs my arm and pulls me back forcefully.
"What the hell!" I say trying to get my arm off of his grip. "Let me go."
"Your the person to cause so much commotion. I wonder what would happen if you disappear." I know his name Edwin. And he's a monster.
"I'm not going to tell you again."
"There's no one on your side. Everyone wants you gone. Why did you come back? Are you dumb or are you just attracted to the dark?" He says pushing me into the wall. He's so close, too close.
"Stop." I say still trying to get out of his grip. "Your making a dangerous move." I say to him.
He smirks, "aww, sounds like something I like."
"Do you like breathing? Because if you touch me you won't be doing that."
"Huh, you make that sound like a promise then a threat." He lets go of my arm.

Exactly pendijo, I knew you were scared. He starts to walk away then he turns back around.
"You think you're the only one who could make promises." He pushes me into the wall and holds me up at his level. I can't reach the floor and my arms are glowing red by how hard to grabbing me. I feel like I'm a foot away from the ground. I shake my head at him when I see Denilson walking in the hallway.
"Pendijo." Is the only thing I can say before Denilson hits him behind the head. Edwin falls and lands on my leg in the process.
"Ouch." Denilson says. "Sorry I came late. I was looking for you all over and when I couldn't find you I was started going back to class and I was going to call your dad when I saw you...Melody don't do that again." He says pushing an unconscious Edwin off of me.

Denilson gently picks me up by my waist. And is holding me up. I look up and see him really concern about my well being. I don't know why, but I just want to look and appreciate him. He catches me looking.
"What?" He says with a smile growing across his face.
"Nothing." I say removing his hands from my waist.
"What are we going to do with him? We can't just leave him here in the hallway."
"Let's put him in the janitors closet."
"Denilson I can't carry him. His ass is huge compared to me."
"You right, umm let me text Ariel to get his ass out here." I nod my head and look at Edwin.

I bend down and notice a faint scar at the bottom of his ear. I actually notice a few scars. I look at Denilson who is watching for teachers. I turn back and look at Edwin who's eyes are barely open.
"Claire?" He reaches up and places his hand gently on my face. I feel bad for him. I want to know who's Claire is. I want to help him.
"Denilson, he's waking up."
"Alright, come on." He says picking me up.
"Wait, what if he has a concussion? We can't just leave him here."
"Melody we have to leave right now. Others are coming." Denilson says pointing to the stairwell.

I can definitely here people coming down but that doesn't mean they're coming all the way down here. I nod my head.
"Help!" I yell and start running out the school with Denilson and Ariel.

"So, we are skipping class now and knocking out people we don't like?" Ariel says opening the door for me.
"No, there's just business I need to take care of today so can we just get going." I say sitting in the backseat of the car.
"Melody, i don't understand. What's going on?" Denilson says pulling off.
"Yeah. I feel like you're going to leave us again." Ariel says.
"I'm not going to leave no one. I just need to talk to my dad. That's all."


When we get to the warehouse there are a bunch of cars parked outside. I see my tio standing outside.
"What's going on?"
"Your dad called a meeting."
"Why aren't you in there?"
"I already know what it's about."
"Oh, well I need to talk to my dad and I would love it if you got him for me." I say giving him a smile.
"I can't to that."
"He's in a meeting."
"If you got a call saying I was dying you, would you tell him even if he was in a meeting?"
"Of course. That's urgent news."
"Well tell him it's urgent news." I say staring at him hoping he says okay.
"Fine." He says walking into the building with me behind him.

I see a whole bunch of people I've never seen before. I walk past everyone and into the kitchen. Where I find my cousin and three other two other guys I've never seen before. One has crystal blue eyes and is handsome. The other has dark brown eyes and he's alright. I mean he cute and all but I would never talk to him like that.

"Hey Geo, umm I just walked in here to get something to drink." I say giving him a hug.
"Alright, are you hungry cuz there's food in the fridge."
"No, I'm good."
"You're more than good." The guy with crystal eyes says looking me up and down.
"I wouldn't say things like that to her." Denilson says walking into the kitchen. I'm a little ticked at the comment. I don't even know this guy and technically speaking that's verbal harassment.
"He didn't mean nothing by it he's just like that." Geo says handing me a glass filled with water.
"Sure, have you seen Heaven?"
"I've seen you, so does that count?" Crystal eyes says.

Cute. That comment was cute but still no.
"Brady shut up." Geo says.
"Why? She should know she smoking."
I take a deep breath and turn around, "hi I'm Melody and you are?" I say holding out my hand.
"Brady." Crystal eyes says shaking my hand.
"And you?"
"Isaiah." Dark brown eyes says.
"Well Brady and Isaiah, I'm Melody and I'm actually the daughter of your boss. So I would take this information and not say things like that especially in this warehouse." I say to them. Brady is now wearing a nervous expression and Isaiah looks like he wants to laugh.

I turn back towards Geo who is holding in a laugh.
"Where's Heaven?"
"In her room."
"Thanks, I'll see ya."
"Yeah, I wouldn't want to be ya." I laugh and start walking to the room with Ariel and Denilson following.

"You guys know you don't have to come up here."
"We know." Ariel says.
"Yeah and not everything is about you, Melody. We got something for Heaven and we want to give it to her." Denilson says holding up two bags. I don't know what's inside but I'll find out.
"Oh okay." I walk to my room to find I one in there. Which is weird. I keep walking to what was supposed to be Heaven's room and sure enough she is laying on her bed sleeping. The guys walk in and put their presents on her dresser. We all walk back downstairs and wait for my tio and dad.

30 minutes later my dad and tio walks out of his office. My dad walks across the warehouse and everyone goes silent. I don't move. I'm waiting for him to acknowledge my presence. He walks to the other rooms across the warehouse.
"Melody, what are you waiting for? Get over here." I look at Ariel and Denilson who are sitting next to me. I get up and they do as well. As we walk across the warehouse everyone is looking at us. No one is talking. Brady joking and chill face expression is replaced with a serious one.

"In my office," he holds up his hand, "just my daughter." He says to Ariel and Denilson who wait outside.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."
"As do I, my pricessa."
"Okay, can I go first though?"
"I want to unite the F gang with us." I say looking at him in the eyes.
"Good, I'm glad you feel that way because we are already planning on uniting the gangs. That's what I need to talk to you about. Sit down pricessa. I have to explain this to you."
I take my seat, I'm hesitating because this might be a trap.

"You are the only person who can make this decision okay. It's tradition to unite the gangs with marriage. The seeds of the heads will be married."
Wait. I can't marry Angie. I mean, yeah I love that bitch but damn how I'm I supposed to get pleasure?!
"I can't marry Angie. That's my bestfriend. I love her I'm there for her. But marry her.... to unite the gangs? Done." I have to do it. No matter what I want me and Angie to be me and Angie again. And if marring her will make that possible, fine. I'll do it. Plus, we lived with each other already how hard can this be?

My dad starts to laugh. Whats so funny?
"You not going to marry Angie. You'll be marring..."

Angie POV

"Dad, I want to unite the gangs." I say walking into the office. Earlier I found Edwin waking up from a hit to the head. Alex and Paco picked him up dragged his ass to the car. On our way to the car Ricardo saw us and sort of came with us. Once we got here we took Edwin to the nurse we have here. She said he's going to be fine. So now I'm talking to my dad.
"You can't do that." Ricardo says to me. He's in the office too. For some reason my dad has called him in.

"Well, mija. Ricardo. Take a seat. Angie I need to tell you something." My dad takes a long breath. I'm looking at Ricardo who is staring at me.
"Well, I'm listening." I say getting impatient.
"Look, Ricardo isn't... he isn't her cousin mija. He's your half brother."
"What?" I say sarcastically.
I have eyes pendijo. I can tell Ricardo looks a lot like my dad. I'm not dumb.
"Well you don't sound at all surprised." My dad says to me.
"Because I'm not dumb. I have eyes thank you. And I don't see how telling me that is relevant to what I want to do."

"Well you see in order to unite the gangs. The seed of the kings have to marry."
"Oh, so I got to marry Melody. Huh, I always that we would be together but not like that. I mean, ig. Just don't be asking us why we are cheating on each other. Because the answer will be we aren't gay. We're just married."
My dad starts laughing as does Ricardo. I don't see what's funny I'm being for real.

"You're not marrying Melody, Angie. Ricardo is."
My mouth drops I can't say shit. The point of uniting the gangs is so that Alex and Melody won't have to hide because of there forbidden love. And me and her wouldn't have to hide our forbidden friendship.
"What? You don't think I'm good enough for her sis."
"It's not that. It's just remember the first time you met her you beat her while she was already down. And left her scars. Do you remember that?"
"Yeah, and that was a test for both you and I, sis. Come on, you know I'm not a bad guy."
"Your not a bad guy, you're just bad for her."
"Hey, I was following orders. You understand don't you?"
"No and neither would Melody because both of us are used to giving orders not taking them." I say walking out the office.

"Hey, Angie you walk back into my office right now!" My dad shouts slamming his fist on the desk he has in front of him.
No. No, why should I walk back? You didn't walk back to get me. So hell no. My legs are betraying me. I don't want to go back but I do want to know what's going to happen.
"We are going to be meeting up with them and who they are allied with. We need allies since ours started to break." My dad says.
"What? Does that mean-"
"Yes, our gang will die if we don't start allying with someone."

What do I do? Melody is not going to be play with this. She's either going to be forced to marry Ricardo. Or forced to never talk to me again. But if the F gang no more that means that we are not really obligated to be at "war". Huh, I have two choices right now. The way I see it is convince Melody to end my dad's rein or convince Melody to break her heart. I don't have to think much about it. My dad ruled long enough.

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