You Trap Me

By aireyshiraey

28.5K 1.1K 220

The story of friendship between Wayo and Mingkwan and love story between Mmingkwan and Kitkat.. It told us ho... More

Chapter 1 : Weirdo is My Friend
Chapter 2 : Dark Memories
Chapter 3 : Promises @ My Hometown
Chapter 4: End Up Party
Chapter 5 : Upside Down
Chapter 6 : Stranger A.K.A Mingkwan
Chapter 7 : Tsundere Kit
Chapter 8 : Ming's tears
Chapter 9 : Who Are You?
Chapter 10 : A Rich Kiddo?
Not an update : SCC 15 SUPERLIFE
Chapter 11 : Jealousy?
Chapter 12 : Is it a Date? Yes x No?
Chapter 13 : This Is A Warning!
Chapter 14 : Thank You Psychology Book!
Chapter 15 : Can I Sleep with You P?
Chapter 17 : A Song 4 U
Chapter 18 : Dark Confession
Chapter 19 : Reap What You Sow
Chapter 20 : It's not like.. It's LOVE
Chapter 21 : You Trap Me
Chapter 22 : It's not an invitation.. It's A COMMAND
Chapter 23 : You Are The PRESENT
Chapter 24 : Ming's Promises
Chapter 25 : Me & Brother In Law
Chapter 26 : Families From HELL
Chapter 27 : Obstacles
Chapter 28 : A Longing Happiness
Chapter 29 : You are OFFICIALLY MINE!!!
Chapter 30 : Superheroes
MingYo Special

Chapter 16 : Mingkwan Healing Time

728 30 1
By aireyshiraey


Oh my god Kit, it just your junior Mingkwan not your crush or your lover so just wear whatever you want because you guys will just go out watching horror movie together not going out for a date. Later when I noticed, my clothes are spread out on my bed and suddenly my phone ringing and it appear Minkwan name on it makes me hot for no reason. "Hello P'Kit? I've arrived front of your building.." said Mingkwan on the phone and I'm groaning "Why so early.. we have 30 minutes left than the time we promised to meet.. wait there.. I'll go down.." I said and cut off the line. Kit!!! Just wear a t-shirt right now!!! Yeah!!! That's it!!! 

I'm walking down saw a handsome kiddo is grinning at me happily "Sawadee Khrub P'Kitkat.." greet him and as usual being a gentleman trying to open the door for me but I'm as usual would stop it. I smacked his hand "Hands off,, I can open it myself.." he just chuckled for my action and went to the driver seat. We queue up to buy the movie ticket and once we were seated, I felt a person grip my hand firm later I realized it was Ming " Ming...? " I asked him. I saw he smile at me weakly " I know you hate me holding your hand.. but please forgive me this time P.." he beg me.

Ming POV

Once we were seated in the movie hall, I'm feeling restless, the memories come to me one by one and I just can hold P'Kit hand. I know he will mad at me when he called me but I just can't let his hand go. What if it happened again? My mind is on a mess so I just give him a small smile " I know you hate me holding your hand.. but please forgive me this time P.." I'm begging him and I thought he will find a reason to make me release my grip but I'm wrong instead he hold my hand firm, "Hey.. are you okay?" he asked me with concern around his face. I nodded "I'm okay P.. for now.." I replied and he nodded meanwhile I'm focusing my mind on him. ' This is crazy.. you just hold my hand P.. and that's alone makes me happy.. makes my heart fluttering..'. My inner monologue speak up when I saw we were holding hand and I smile. 

I flinched later when I face the movie again and I saw a bloody scene makes me reminisced it again. 'You are a killer Mingkwan!' that words is the trigger for me and later I realized that I'm sobbing hard. I felt P'Kit hold my hand tighter "Hey Ming.. what's wrong? I'm here.." said P'Kit and I just hug P'Kit "P'Kit.. I'm not a killer P.. I swear.. I didn't do anything.. when I woke up.. he's already dead.. trust me P.." I said begging him to trust me. The only one who trust me in this world is Wayo only but he have a date with P'Pha. What should I do? P'Kit return my hug " I know.. I know Ming.. shuhh.. don't cry.. you didn't do anything wrong.. I trust you.." said P'Kit and rub my back until I calm down again " you really trust me P?" I asked him. 

" I do.. I trust you.. sleep Mingkwan.. I will wake you up when the movie is finished.. okay?" he said and I nodded but what if something happen while I'm asleep?. "I can't P.. what if I fall asleep again.. and it happened again.. what if they told me a killer again.. what if.." I can't finished my words when P'Kit cupped my mouth with his hand "No what if.. cause it's not gonna happened.. as long I'm here.. nobody can hurt you.. you hear me Ming?? Nothing will happened to you.. now sleep.. here.. let me hug you.." said P'kit and he put his left hand on my shoulder pull me closer. I nodded as I put my head on his shoulder and snuggle closer to him " Thank you P.." I said before I drifted to a dreamland.


I pull him closer to me and checked on him in a while to see his condition. He looks like he has a bad dream about his memories and I can only tapped his body softly or rub his back to sooth him while saying " It's okay Ming.. I'm here for you.." I whispered to his ear and watching his frown disappeared, I guess it's work out. The movie finally reach his end and in my opinion, it's not that scary than I expected, it's have more suspense and shocking elements in it. I shake Ming's body softly " Mingkwan.. wake up.. it's finished already.. hey.. wake up.." I tried to wake him up again. I know he is in a deep sleep but it can't help right? Since this is a cinema. 

He groaned "P?" he asked while his eyes still close "Yes Ming.. wake up.. let's go.." I attempt to make him up but I failed. He shook his head "I'm afraid P.." he said in a closing eyes and I can just sighed "Ming.. nothing happened.. no one was killed.. now open your eyes and let's get out from here.." I said to him. Ming slowly open his eyes and looks his surrounding later he gave me a smile or should I say a very stunning smile? He looks like a happy kid in that smile "P!!! I did it!!! You are true!!! Nothing happened.. Yeayy!!" said him in cheerful tone. I shakes my head at his behaviour " told you so.. now let's go.. we are the only one left.." I said and take his hand, dragged him out with me.

Ming POV

I did it!! I make it!! Finally!!! I've passed the first stage. I still can't believe this because I thought I would never free myself from this memories and this happened thanks to P'Kit. " Thank you P'Kit.. because of you.. I can stand still in the hall just now.. but I'm sorry too.. because of me you can't enjoy the movie.." I thanked and apologize to him because it's true that I disturbed his time to enjoy the movie. P'Kit shrugged his shoulder " It's okay.. I don't mind.. the story is kind of boring for's not that scary than I thought it would be.." said P'Kit and I just nodded since I didn't watch it.

 We are now seated in the restaurant for our late dinner before we went back and while we were eating, p'Kit asked me "Mingkwan..are you okay now?" and I just nodded " I think so..". P'Kit nodded and after we finished stuffing our stomach, we walked to our car heading back to our dorm.We arrived at Kit's dorm and watching him get out from my car but then "err MIngkwan.." he called me "Yes P?" I answered him. "Do you still have that bad dream with you every night?" he asked me an unexpected questions and I just give him a smile before I nodded " I do..". He nodded " drive safely.." he said before he close the door and walked to his room. 

After I reached at my room,the bad memories come again and here I'm sitting at the edge of my bed crying alone. Later my phone is ringing and I pick up immediately thinking that it is my bestfriend "Yo!! Help me!! It comes again.." I'm crying for his help but later I heard P'Kit voices "Mingkwan.. hey.. what's wrong? What comes again?"he asked me. "P'Kitkat.. I'm scared.." I admit and I don't care more about my cool image. "Hey.. don't be scared.. nobody will harm you.. you are me.." he said on the line "Mingkwan.. listen to me.. take a deep breath..close your eyes slowly.. are you feeling better now?" he asked and I did as he told me and I feel calm somehow " I am P.." I answered. 

"good.. now go clean yourself and go to sleep.." he said and here I'm trying my luck "Can I sleep with you P?" and he yelled at me "in your dream Mingkwan!!" and cut off the line. I just chuckled then went take a nice shower before go to bed and guess what? I don't have a nightmare that nigh    

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