Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction)...

By Nick_Christiansen04

3K 150 37

This is a sequel to the Jyrus story I did. It takes place a year after Jonah leaves. I hope you enjoy! More

Not an update!
Not an update!
Not an update!


190 6 1
By Nick_Christiansen04

Cyrus's P.O.V
After seeing Jonah yesterday, I've been staying strong. He seems to have friends already as people are just warming up to me.

That person that Jonah was with seemed to really care about him. Eh... I'm not too worried about it.

Hehe. At least I got to see Jonah again! Well... TJ hasn't been too great since Jonah arrived for like 4 minutes. He's been all weird and over protective.

I don't like him like this. I'm sorry TJ like I love you and all but still. Chill.

"Hey." TJ said.
"Hello." I replied. "Can I ask you something?
"Sure." He answered.
"Why are you so over protective now?" I asked him.
"Well, after Jonah came back I just didn't wanna lose you." TJ answered.
"He was only here to see if I was ok." I replied in a snappy attitude.
"TJ chill." Lucas' voice said. "Calm down. Don't get protective because of Jonah. He's got someone..."

I stopped what I was doing. Nothing else ran through my head besides Jonah's got someone. I feel like I've been kicked in the gut! Jonah moved on that quick? I guess he didn't love me enough.

Wait what am I saying? If didn't love me that much, then why'd he come all the way here to see if I was ok? What's happening to me?

Besides that, how does Lucas know this?

"Lucas, how did you know Jonah has someone?" I asked.
"I saw." He answered.
"What do you mean you saw?" Asked TJ
"The Shawn guy... The guy who was here with Jonah.... Those two are a thing now." Lucas answered.

I looked at the ground confused. Why was that hitting me hard? It's not that important to me. My heart started to beat harder. My head hurt and everything around me was blurry.

"Cy? Are you ok?" TJ asked worried
"N-No." I answered.
"Cyrus...." I heard Jonah's voice say.
"Jonah?" I asked confused.
"Cyrus, Jonah's not here." TJ told me.
"I just heard his voice." I replied.

I looked everywhere. The nausea faded and I saw everything normal. I looked around and saw Jonah's faded face smile. I couldn't see his face anymore.

I want him back.... I want Jonah back. He's the only thing that I cared about, other than my parents.

Voices filled my head. Too many bad memories came back. Me trying to commit suicide, the Noah incident, lots of other crap to go along with it.

My eyes filled with tears.

"Cyrus?" TJ asked. "What's going on?"
"I can't do it...." I said out of the blue. "Noah shouldn't be here..."
"No- He's not here. Noah hasn't been here for a while." TJ replied.
"He shouldn't be here!" I screamed. "I'm dead... I can't be brought back!"
TJ's P.O.V
What is Cyrus talking about? Why would Noah have anything to do with this? Wait.... Didn't he say he's dead and can't be brought back? WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!

"Cyrus, What do you mean you're dead?" I asked.
"Very much am I dead." He said speaking weirdly. "Are dead you TJ...."
"What?" I asked confused.
"All we dead now!" Cyrus screamed.
"Lucas, what's going on?" I asked.
"I don't know." He answered honestly.

Cyrus is really starting to scare me. He's speaking almost gibberish and his sentences are backwards...

It's like Barry coming out of the speed force from season 4! Wait.... If this is the case, does that mean Cyrus is saying "This house is bitchin'?" Can I just go think about what's happening?

"Cyrus, rephrase the sentences." I said.
"Helping not are you!" Cyrus said.
"I'm not helping what?" I asked.
"Hanoj" He said.
"Jonah?" I asked.
"He's coming back..." Cyrus said.
"Who's coming back?!"

Cyrus caught back his own body.

"What just happened?" He asked.
"You started speaking backwards and you kept saying weird things." I answered still shaking.
"What was I saying?" He asked.
"You kept saying shit about Noah and People being dead." I answered.

Cyrus' eyes widened. Something was going on in there. What is happening with Cyrus? I'm getting really confused now.

He's never acted up like this before. If anything, Cyrus would've told me how to stop it. I can't seem to figure out what is happening.

Still confused on what happened. My head started throbbing. I can't wrap my head around this.

Sorry for this short and weird chapter! This is coming out really early in the morning because I forgot that I needed to update this! Anyways hope y'all have a good weekend! BYE!

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