A Woman Of Ice

By satansapostle6

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The Soundtrack
LIV- At Home
LV- The Curse Of Killer Frost
LVI- Great Minds....
LVII- Persuasive Tactics
LVIII- Conquer
LIX- Fortify
LX- This Is War
LXII- Winter Is Coming
LXI- Alone Together: Pt. 1
LXII- Alone Together: Pt 2
LXIII- Never Enough
LXVIII- Sacrifice!
LXIV- Hidden
LXVI- Happy As The Kennedys
LXIX- Counter Strike
LXX- Only You
LXXI- Reality Check
LXXII- When The Ice Begins To Crack...
LXXIII- Confident and Ready
LXXIV- Just An Intern
LXXV- Corporate Spy
LXXV- Dear Mr. Greyhill
LXXVIII- That Night
LXXIX- The Sub, The Superstar
LXXX- The New Development
LXXXI- Black Magic and Miracles
LXXXII- The Real Father
LXXXIII- When The Fat Lady Screams
LXXXIV- Put Your Head On My Shoulder
LXXXV- Foul(Play)
LXXXVI- The Shrieking Shack
LXXXVII- The Godfather
LXXXVIII- The Wolf's Bane
LXXXIX- Feeling Epic, Then Feeling Whitney
XC- Psycho Without You
XCI- Delicious
XCII- Thought I Was Dead
XCIII- An Unsettling Scar
XCIV- Going Nowhere
XCV- The Cause
XCVI- A Cry For Help
XCVII- A Girl's Best Friend
XCIX- Let The Games Begin
C- Eternal Glory
CI- The Five Champions
CII- Slanderous Gossip
CIII- The Fist Fight
CIV- The Yule Ball Date
CV- Someone Who Could
CVI- Reckless And Alone
CVII- Best They Not Know
CVIII- Tremors
Anyone reading this series please read this.

LXXVII- A Blast From The Past

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By satansapostle6

Two Days Later

Diana Black was dressed up nicely and professionally, after having showed up to the Ministry, her former workplace, for the signing of all of her paperwork, which was unfortunately required to be done in person. Diana had wanted to stop by and say one final goodbye to Cal Greyhill before she headed back to Hogwarts for a visit with her family and friends, but she deemed it a bad idea, with the letter and all. She felt much stress and pain after this complicated mess, but she knew that it wouldn't be the end. Diana Black knew that the end hadn't come yet, not until she had arrived back at Calvin Greyhill's flat and saw Luke Castellan standing on the steps, with a hopeful smile on his face. It was bittersweet. Diana felt both like everything wrong had been somehow corrected, but it also felt like the end of the world. The pain and guilt that she felt was just more than could be understood. In that moment, it didn't even seem real; it felt like she was in a movie. She felt that one feeling, where everything that she saw took her far back in time, to one of the most horrific moments in her life, one that she almost didn't remember; the day that she had witnessed the death of Lily and James Potter. The memories were overwhelming, but unclear. It was just flashes, like in a movie. The sound that went off in her mind and seemed to move through the air, sounded like some spell or a grenade going off; just a horrible and shrill, deafening and terrible sound. Diana almost couldn't believe what it was that she was seeing.
"Luke?! What are you doing here?" she gasped, jumping out of her car.
"I came back for you, Diana. I always told you that I would," he said quietly.
Diana teared quietly. "Luke.... what happened to you? Your clothes are practically torn to shreds, and, Jesus, there is blood all over you," she realized.
"Don't worry," Luke Castellan stepped toward her. "It's okay. Most of it isn't even mine. I'm all better now," Luke smiled as he stroked her face.
"What?!" Diana said, not understanding at all. "Oh my God," she murmured. "Oh my God.... Kronos finally asked you to bathe in the River Styx!" she said excitedly. "Oh my God!"
"Yeah," he confirmed with a nod. "I did it, blessing and all. We did it, Diana. We could have every single thing that we ever spoke and dreamed of. You just have to come with me, Diana. All that you have to do is say 'yes'," he breathed. "We could have it all."
Diana chuckled quietly. "Yeah. And I want that, I do. I just have to go home for a little bit, I haven't really spoken to my family and friends since I left. Six months ago," Diana explained. "Sh*t. I haven't spoken to you in over six months."
Luke nodded. "I'm sorry about that, but I- I had to. The other demigods, the ones at Camp, they're on high alert. They've got spies and sh*t everywhere. They even had eyes on you. I couldn't risk it. I mean, I couldn't risk you."
Diana sighed. "You don't have to worry about me, you know that I got it all under control."
"Well, I figured that you might say that. But then again, you also might've been upset with me for not letting you know that I put you at risk, so I don't know, I didn't f**king want to risk it," he shrugged.
"Ah. Fair enough," Diana nodded, wiping away tears.
"You're coming with me," Diana decided finally.
Luke stared in disbelief. "Really? You want to bring me back with you? Can you even do that?" he asked.
"I could if I wanted. I'm Diana Black, damn it. I've got Dumbledore on my side. Now, come on, let's just grab my sh*t and we'll get going."
"Don't you need to write some letters or something?" he asked, confused.
Diana laughed. "No. I think I'll stick with a surprise visit."


Diana and Luke boarded the Hogwarts Express train at Kings Cross Station. Diana had been able to get him some new clothes, clothes that weren't ripped or dirty. As they rode the train, not much was said; they only glanced out the window. Diana had gotten Luke out of the flat quickly, not wanting him to have any interaction with Cal. It would just be too much to handle; even if it was a lie of omission.
"Look at them all, staring at me," Diana said quietly as everyone who passed her compartment stared. "I don't belong here with the rest of them anymore."
Luke nodded, understanding what she was experiencing."Because you're not like them anymore? Like you've just.... grown apart from them?"
Diana looked up at him from beside him on the seat with a nod. "Yeah."
"I definitely know what you're talking about, Diana. But think about it. You are so lucky. You didn't do anything that your friends, your family, won't or can't forgive. In their eyes, you're still a good person, and that's really all that matters, right?" he reasoned.
Diana nodded. "I'm sorry, it's not fair of me to be upset, I guess."
Luke shook his head dismissively. "Don't apologize for what you think or what you feel; there's not really any point in doing that."
"Yeah, true," Diana nodded in agreement. "I.... I still can't believe I'm seeing you again, and it hasn't been as long as I was afraid of."
"Yeah. Diana, I honestly didn't even really know if I was going to make it until the next day, or what condition I was going to be in, or if I would still be a free man," he sighed. "But, f**k it, that's all over now. I'm with you now, and that's all I really care about at this point, besides taking over the world so that we could rule it," he smiled happily. "What a crazy thought."
"Yeah. Us, ruling the world. It sounds so unreal, you know what I mean?"
Luke Castellan nodded with a light smile. "Well, who knows? Maybe soon we'll be living some sort of fantasy life. I know ruling the world with you by my side definitely sounds like some goddamn fairy tale."
Diana smiled in agreement. "Yeah. But no matter what, I will always be real; and will always be by your side. I'm down to ride with you, until the end.... no matter how this sh*t all plays out in the end. Got it?"
Luke Castellan nodded, reassured. "Yeah. Trust me, babe. As long as I got you, it feels like I've got everything else."
  "But you really want to do this? This whole.... 'ruling the world' thing?" Diana asked. "You're ready?"
  Luke Castellan nodded bravely. "Yes. This is our future, Diana. We'll be Bonnie and Clyde forever; we'll rule the world, side by side."

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