The Hunt For money

By Aduwaaaa

479 52 27

Will she ever move on? Does she have the ability to be strong? To be emotionless and fearless. Cracked from t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6

chapter 4

64 8 3
By Aduwaaaa

Inspirational quote of the day


No, no, no, no no no!!!

The COPS! The shitty cops are on their way HERE! They're coming to ARREST us! They're coming to ARREST me!!

Dammit! How did this even happen. This place was remotely secured and void of any human life or activity....or else, Someone else had called the cops

Someone that had seen what had happened....Called the cops...

But who...?

But, that theory is impossible no one I remember, had seen what happened,well except for me, and my savi-


I angrily turned around and glared at him while shouting

" why. you. called the. fu*king cops. you, asshole from the underworld!!" With every word I said, I angrily pocked his chest with my index finger, not entirely gently.

He didn't even move, or flinch or say anything for that matter of fact! But The only thing he did, and kept doing, was to stare at me, pretty intensely if I must say...

Suddenly, every where became quiet...No more sirens, no More extra background noise.

I slowly turned turned back, in the process dropping my index finger from his chest.

Realizing that the cops were already here, because One, they  were no more sirens, two, my Savior stopped looking at me, because his eyes, where too preoccupied with what was behind me...which I'm guessing were the officers of the law.

And this, This was not good! Not good at all...

I automatically started panicking, but I didn't let it show either..

"Okay silver, Whatever you do, Do not panic. It's just the cops, the people that are most likely to arrest you and throw you in jail, making your entire life existence meaningless. Yeah, Its gonna be okay... It's gonna be alright just, try and calm down, and relax. Deep breaths silver. You got this" I said to myself...more like mumbled it to myself"

But, deep down, I knew this wasn't going to end up well

How was I supposed to take care of her if i was in jail. I, the adult, was in jail. What was she gonna think about me, more importantly how was she gonna survive without me.

I couldn't get caught...I don't know how but I couldn't get get caught ... and I didn't plan on getting caught, not now, nor ever.

Meanwhile, as I was panicking my life away and trying to recollect myself at the same time, my savior reached his hand into his back pocket of his trousers, and gently brought out his...  iPhone? Then proceeded to dial a number. To say I was shocked was a big understatement.

IPhone?? Really?? Where the crabs-butt, did he get an iPhone from? Isn't he supposed to be like, I don't know... poor?

Well anyone who would live in such a neighborhood, should be poor, seeing as they choose to live around here.

Who is this guy? I haven't even seen him around here before, and I know everybody around here

'Maybe he's new...?' my subconscious suggested...Now that I think about..he looks...really...fancy...

I asked myself all these questions. But Seeing as I couldn't find any proper answers, I took the liberty of assuming either, someone gave it to him, or...he most likely borrowed it..

'Or he stole it ,my subconscious mind suggested... again. i
I chose to ignore it... I prefer seeing him as my hero and not a thief.

Although I am a thief too, so what happened to us doesn't exactly fit into that 'knight in shining armor' seneiro, but I'll take what I can get.

He just simply went back to relaxing on the wall, again... and put the phone to his ear

"Allo David" he said.

Huh? What is 'Allo David' ? Wat's wrong with this dude... what's he saying..?

"Oui, Vien me chercher maintenant, j'ai pas de temp, les policiers sont Ici... oui, daccor"

he said other couple of things on the phone before hanging up"

Honestly, I don't understand shit of what he was saying... so I just assumed he was calling his friends and family or girlfriend  his last goodbyes. But that didn't sound like any last goodbyes i know..

The fact that he looked pretty relaxed was a big shocker and at the same time it angered me.

The police are were already here, taking their sweet time getting out of their cop mobile, and he wasn't even worried  that there's a possible lifeless guy on the ground, covered in blood, and we could get arrested for that!

I turned to him, and just snapped at him.

"You asshole from hell!!How can you just stand there and do nothing!! Now is not the time to call your families or girlfriend! The police are right in front of us!"

I knew I shouldn't be getting mad at him right now, he just saved my life and I didn't even ask him to. But I was panicking, and it is a lot easier letting someone take the fall for my actions.

But, He didn't even flinch or looked phased. His face was void of any emotions...At all.

He just stood there looking at me, with his legs and arms crossed, relaxing on the wall.

But  after like five seconds of staring at me,  he decided open up the hole in his face, and spoke up.

"Do not talk to me that way." He said in a very stern and commanding voice. But I just rolled my eyes at him.

If he thinks that he could scare me with his deep-monster-like-god voice... he's got to think again.

After all the things that came out of my mouth, that's the only thing he understood...

I just signed, and adjusted my hair, tying it into a proper ponytail


quickly glared at him.

"So what do you suppose we do then, Mr I'm to cool to talk  properly??! Huh?? What do we do??" I said, looking at him accusingly from head to toe.

He just shrugged his shoulders... again and continued looking at me. Intensely if I may add.

I just sighed and started gathering my things, and myself in preparation to run.

"Running will only make our situation worse." my savior said. But right now I didn't just care, I had to get out of here.

"News flash, I don't care. If your not willing to do anything i am.."

But he still didn't say anything.

I just sighed and adjusted my hair, and prepared to start running before the cops came.

But just as I was about to run... The police officers came out of the car...

Eating a doughnut...?

Classic cops.

Realizing what had happened, I angrily turned to the the man on the wall

"You asshole! This is all your fault!" I said... well, more like shouted

"I told you not to call me that."
I ignored him.

"If it weren't for you, I would have been long gone by now!"

"I just saved your life. A thank you, would be nice."

"I didn't ask for your help"

"Yes, You did."

I didn't even bother to reply.

Coming towards me, were two police officers. One with a gun aimed directly at my head, while  struggling to get the last bit of  doughnut into his mouth, on the other hand, the other cop, aimed his gun at my saviour.

I was already  fully prepared to run, I just needed to divide the cop's attention, and then I'm outta here.

The cops shifted their attention from us, to the pull of blood on the ground, and the man lying in the pool of blood

Now. Now was my chance to escape..

But just as I was about to run.

the one who had the gun aimed at my saviour, sighted me trying to escape, he quickly shouted' freeze'... and pointed the gun to the back of my head..

"Put your hands in the air" the second officer shouted, while taking out a handcuff and heading over to my savior.

But before he could even reach him, he quickly brushed passed him, and entered the little cop mobile, leaving two mouthes gaping like fishes, due to shock.

Surprisingly, I wasn't shocked, seeing as he's cocky and arrogant, I expected him to do something like that. So I was somewhat amused, when he actually did it.

The officers quickly got over it, and recollected themselves.

So the first officer, removed a handcuff from his... well, wherever they keep them, and came after me.

With my hands still in the air, he quickly turned me around, pressing me against the and quickly handcuffed me.

"You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say shall and will be use-" he tried to say, while dragging me into the cop mobile.

I've heard this speech before, and frankly I don't wanna hear it. So I cut him off, before he could get any further

"You know, you also have the right to remain silent. Everything and anything you say, shall be purposely ignored" I said while being pushed into the cop mobile .

I like this cops. They didn't even bother to ask questions. They just came, saw and arrested. If more cops were like them, the world would be a better place.

Cop one then proceeded to enter shotgun, while the other one, drove the cop mobile.

My savior just sat there...

Looking bored. Like he was actually...used to it, and could be less bothered.

I wonder who he is... Why does he behave the way he does... What's his deal...

Feeling somewhat confident at the moment, I turned my attention towards him, and looked at him...

At that moment it was like my eyes had just re-opened, my eyes of understanding had opened too and every thing became suddenly Cristal clear again.

My eyes widened at the sudden revelation..

The man sitting beside me was handsomely hot!!

I didn't notice this back then when, probably because I was too worried...but now, my biggest fear had come to bite me in my rear, I had nothing to worry about. And I'm feeling somewhat calmer and less panicky.

I don't really fanclub about guys, meaning I don't when I say, someone is handsome... he's handsome.

He kinda caught me starting and cleared his throat, looking slightly  more irritated than usual.

"Uhh..umm...I-i'm s-sorry for that" I said, trying to cover up this awkwardness  that just rapidly grew, with a fake cough

But all he did was roll his eyes and mumble something that sounded like 'might as well, take a picture, it'll last longer'

Cocky much?

So doing the most risenable thing my brain could think of...

I bought out my phone and aimed it directly at his face.

"What the heck are y-"

His voice was interrupted with a "click" from my phone.

I quickly turned towards him and shoved the phone in his face

"Look! I took the picture you asked me to, You looked... okay in it. should I send it to you, the picture?" I said way to enthusiastically, purposely shoving the phone deeper into his face.

He just rolled his eyes at me.. again. And continued doing what he was doing... Which is starring outside the window of the vehicle...

Then the awkward silence returned in the cop Mobile.

Well at least for me, it did.


AuThor's note

You guys wouldn't believe how hard it was for me to write this chapter!! It took me three days and lots and lots of food.. but I'm glad I finally wrote it.

So did you guys like this chapter? I decided to give you guys a peek of what saviour is like...ur welcome😁

If you wanna find out who saviour is and Wat's his deal...well that'll be in chapter five.

But hang on and let the drama unfold.

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